/** Called whenever the block is added into the world. Args: world, x, y, z */
  public void onBlockAdded(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4) {
    super.onBlockAdded(par1World, par2, par3, par4);

    if (par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4) == this.blockID) {
      par1World.scheduleBlockUpdate(par2, par3, par4, this.blockID, this.tickRate(par1World));
  public void onNeighborBlockChange(World w, int x, int y, int z, int meta) {
    super.onNeighborBlockChange(w, x, y, z, meta);

    if (w.getBlockId(x, y, z) == this.blockID) {
      this.setNotStationary(w, x, y, z);