Esempio n. 1
 public BigInteger count(int n) {
   BigInteger[] prev = new BigInteger[k];
   Arrays.fill(prev, BigInteger.ZERO);
   prev[s] = BigInteger.ONE;
   while (n-- > 0) {
     BigInteger[] next = new BigInteger[k];
     Arrays.fill(next, BigInteger.ZERO);
     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
       if (prev[i].signum() <= 0) {
       for (int j = 0; j < z; ++j) {
         if (e[j][i] < 0) {
         next[e[j][i]] = next[e[j][i]].add(prev[i]);
     prev = next;
   BigInteger ans = BigInteger.ZERO;
   for (int term : t) {
     ans = ans.add(prev[term]);
   return ans;
 public static BigInteger largeSum(ArrayList<BigInteger> nums) {
   BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
   for (BigInteger i : nums) {
     sum = sum.add(i);
   return sum;
Esempio n. 3
  public static List range(BigInteger start, BigInteger end) {
    List l = new List();

    long st = start.longValue();
    long en = start.longValue();
    if (BigInteger.valueOf(st).equals(start) && BigInteger.valueOf(en).equals(end)) {
      int dir = st < en ? 1 : -1;
      while (st != en) {
        st = st + dir;
    } else {
      BigInteger dir;
      if (start.compareTo(end) < 0) {
        dir = BigInteger.ONE;
      } else {
        dir = BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
      while (!start.equals(end)) {
        start = start.add(dir);

    return l;
Esempio n. 4
 public static void main(String[] z) {
   BigInteger b = BigInteger.ONE;
   int i = 2, n = new java.util.Scanner(;
   for (; i < 1501; i++) b = b.multiply(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(i)));
   System.out.println(b.add(new BigInteger("2")));
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out.println(i + 2);
Esempio n. 5
  public String toString(byte[] bytes) {
    BigInteger mantissa = ZERO;
    for (int blockoffset = 8; blockoffset >= 0; blockoffset -= 4) {
      for (int byteidx = 0; byteidx < 4; byteidx++) {
        mantissa = mantissa.multiply(BYTESHIFT_FACTOR);
        int idx = blockoffset + byteidx;
        mantissa = mantissa.add(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(bytes[idx] & 0xff), 10));

    // The exponent is stored negative by .NET so we change it back here !!!
    int exponent = -bytes[13] & 0x1f;

    boolean negative = bytes[12] != 0;

    BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(mantissa);

    if (exponent < 0) {
      for (int i = exponent; i < 0; i++) {
        result = result.divide(TEN, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i++) {
        result = result.multiply(TEN);

    if (negative) {
      result = result.negate();
    return result.toString();
  public static void countPairs(Integer[] arr) {

    HashMap<Integer, Integer> seenElements = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    // ArrayList<Integer> countList = new ArrayList<Integer

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

      if (!seenElements.containsKey(arr[i])) {
        seenElements.put(arr[i], 1);
      } else {

        seenElements.put(arr[i], seenElements.get(arr[i]) + 1);

    BigInteger count = null;
    for (int element : seenElements.keySet()) {
      if (seenElements.get(element) > 1) {
        System.out.println("count is :" + seenElements.get(element));
            factorial(seenElements.get(element)).divide(factorial(seenElements.get(element) - 2)));

    if (count == null) {
Esempio n. 7
  /** @param args */
  public static void main(String[] args) { // array: 99*99 = 9801;
    BigInteger[] array = new BigInteger[9801];
    int cont = 0;

    for (int i = 2; i < 101; i++) {
      BigInteger dos = new BigInteger("2");
      BigInteger uno = new BigInteger("1");

      for (int j = 2; j < 101; j++) {
        array[cont] = dos.pow(i);
        dos = dos.add(uno);

    for (int x = 0; x < array.length; x++) {
      for (int j = 1; j + x < array.length; j++) {
        int res = array[x].compareTo(array[x + j]);
        if (res == 0) {

Esempio n. 8
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner in = new Scanner(;
   n = in.nextInt();
   l = new BigInteger(;
   k = in.nextInt();
   m = in.nextInt();
   BigInteger w = BigInteger.TEN.pow(m);
   for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) a[i] = new BigInteger(;
   for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(k, n + 1); ++i) {
     t = a[0];
     for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
       t = t.multiply(l);
       t = t.add(a[j]);
     t = t.mod(w);
     q[n][i] = t.mod(w);
     int ret = 0;
     c = t.toString().toCharArray();
     int ll = c.length;
     for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(m, ll); ++j) {
       ret += (c[ll - 1 - j] - '0') * (c[ll - 1 - j] - '0');
     l = l.add(BigInteger.ONE);
   if (k > n) {
     for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
       for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) q[i][j] = q[i + 1][j + 1].subtract(q[i + 1][j]).mod(w);
     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) q[0][i] = q[0][0];
     int po = 1;
     for (int i = n + 1; i < k; ++i) {
       for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
         q[j][(po + j) % (n + 1)] =
             q[j - 1][(po + j - 1) % (n + 1)].add(q[j][(po + j - 1) % (n + 1)]).mod(w);
       int ret = 0;
       c = q[n][(po + n) % (n + 1)].mod(w).toString().toCharArray();
       int ll = c.length;
       for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(m, ll); ++j) {
         ret += (c[ll - 1 - j] - '0') * (c[ll - 1 - j] - '0');
       l = l.add(BigInteger.ONE);
 public PaillierCryptoSystem(int a, int b) {
   p = a;
   q = b;
   n = BigInteger.valueOf(p).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(q));
   lambda = psi = lcm(p - 1, q - 1);
   g = n.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
   nu = psi.modInverse(n);
Esempio n. 10
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    BigInteger bigInteger1 = scan.nextBigInteger();
    BigInteger bigInteger2 = scan.nextBigInteger();

Esempio n. 11
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner s = new Scanner(;
   BigInteger a = new BigInteger(;
   BigInteger b = new BigInteger(;
   BigInteger ad = a.add(b);
   BigInteger mu = a.multiply(b);
Esempio n. 12
 private void constrain() {
   BigInteger offset = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(addressSize * (numUsableRows)));
   BigInteger endVal = startVal.add(offset);
   if (endVal.compareTo(scrollBar.getMaximumHP()) > 0) {
     startVal = scrollBar.getMaximumHP().subtract(offset);
     endVal = scrollBar.getMaximumHP();
 public PaillierCryptoSystem() {
   p = 100000 + (new Random().nextInt(4) + 1) * 10000 + 1;
   while (!isPrime(p)) p += 2;
   q = p + 2;
   while (!isPrime(q)) q += 2;
   n = BigInteger.valueOf(p).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(q));
   lambda = psi = lcm(p - 1, q - 1);
   g = n.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
   nu = psi.modInverse(n);
Esempio n. 14
 public static void process() {
   BigInteger sum = BigInteger.valueOf(0L);
   BigInteger temp;
   int iCount = 0;
   for (int i = bookHeight.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     sum = sum.add(BigInteger.valueOf((long) (bookHeight[i])));
     temp = sum.max(b);
     if (temp.equals(sum)) break;
Esempio n. 15
File: Progetto: kyokey/MIPT
 void work() {
   cin = new Scanner(;
   int n = cin.nextInt();
   BigInteger a = BigInteger.ONE;
   BigInteger b = BigInteger.ONE;
   n -= 1;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     BigInteger c = a.add(b);
     a = b;
     b = c;
Esempio n. 16
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
   int Case = 0;
   int t = cin.nextInt();
   while (t > 0) {
     if (Case != 0) System.out.println();
     BigInteger a = cin.nextBigInteger();
     BigInteger b = cin.nextBigInteger();
     System.out.println("Case " + (++Case) + ":");
     System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " = " + a.add(b));
Esempio n. 17
  public static void main(String args[]) {

    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    int T;
    BigInteger sum = new BigInteger("0");
    BigInteger aux = new BigInteger("0");

    T = in.nextInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
      aux = in.nextBigInteger();
      sum = sum.add(aux);
Esempio n. 18
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    BigInteger T = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger TB = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger NTB = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger S = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
    BigInteger MAX = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) MAX = MAX.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(10));
    for (; ; ) {
      int i, t, a, b;
      if (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) break;
      t = (int) in.nval;
      if (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) break;
      a = (int) in.nval;
      if (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) break;
      b = (int) in.nval;

      // System.out.print("(");
      // System.out.print(t);
      // System.out.print("^");
      // System.out.print(a);
      // System.out.print("-1)/(");
      // System.out.print(t);
      // System.out.print("^");
      // System.out.print(b);
      // System.out.print("-1) ");
      if (t == 1 || a % b != 0) {

      T = BigInteger.valueOf(t);
      TB = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
      for (i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        TB = TB.multiply(T);
        if (TB.compareTo(MAX) >= 0) break;
      NTB = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
      S = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
      for (i = 0; i < a; i += b) {
        S = S.add(NTB);
        if (S.compareTo(MAX) >= 0) break;
        NTB = NTB.multiply(TB);
      if (S.compareTo(MAX) >= 0) System.out.print("bad!");
      else System.out.print(S);
Esempio n. 19
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BigInteger pCorr = new BigInteger("2");
    BigInteger pInc = new BigInteger("1");
    BigInteger incorrects = new BigInteger("0");

    // loop calculates number of hads in each incorrect iteration
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
      // 6 + 2*pInc + pCorr
      pInc = pInc.pCorr = place;
      System.out.println(place + "");
      incorrects.add(new BigInteger(place + ""));

Esempio n. 20
 public static void abcd(String str) {
   BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
   StringBuffer n = new StringBuffer("");
   for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
     BigInteger ab = BigInteger.valueOf(((int) str.charAt(i)) - 96);
     sum = sum.add(div.pow(str.length() - i - 1).multiply(ab));
   String s = sum.toString();
   for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
     if (i % 3 == 0 && i != 0) n.insert(0, ",");
     n.insert(0, s.charAt(s.length() - i - 1));
   while (str.length() < 22) str = str + " ";
   System.out.println(str + "" + n);
Esempio n. 21
 /** Test probable primes in the sieve and return successful candidates. */
 BigInteger retrieve(BigInteger initValue, int certainty, java.util.Random random) {
   // Examine the sieve one long at a time to find possible primes
   int offset = 1;
   for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
     long nextLong = ~bits[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
       if ((nextLong & 1) == 1) {
         BigInteger candidate = initValue.add(BigInteger.valueOf(offset));
         if (candidate.primeToCertainty(certainty, random)) return candidate;
       nextLong >>>= 1;
       offset += 2;
   return null;
Esempio n. 22
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int n, c;
    BigInteger inc = new BigInteger("1");
    BigInteger fact = new BigInteger("1");

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    n = input.nextInt();

    for (c = 1; c <= n; c++) {
      fact = fact.multiply(inc);
      inc = inc.add(BigInteger.ONE);

    System.out.println(n + "! = " + fact);
Esempio n. 23
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new BufferedInputStream(;
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    int n = 1;
    while (scanner.hasNextInt()) {
      int a = scanner.nextInt();
      int b = scanner.nextInt();
      if (a == 0) break;
      BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
      BigInteger bb = BigInteger.valueOf(b);
      for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) sum = sum.add(scanner.nextBigInteger());

          "Bill #" + n + " costs " + sum + ": each friend should pay " + sum.divide(bb) + "\n");
Esempio n. 24
  /** @param args the command line arguments */
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Takes user input and converts into a character array
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    int n = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
    String input = sc.nextLine();
    String[] a = input.split(" ");

    BigInteger[] storage = new BigInteger[n];
    BigInteger sum = new BigInteger("0");

    // Converts and Stores Big Integers
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) storage[i] = new BigInteger(a[i]);

    // Sums the BigIntegers in storage
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) sum = sum.add(storage[j]);

    // Outputs the sum of values in storage as a string
Esempio n. 25
 public void DP() {
   for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j <= sz; j++) {
       dp[i][j] = BigInteger.ZERO;
   dp[0][0] = BigInteger.ONE;
   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++)
       if (dp[i][j].compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(0)) == 1) {
         for (int k = 0; k < CD; k++) {
           if (flag[ch[j][k]] > 0 || flag[j] > 0) continue;
           dp[i + 1][ch[j][k]] = dp[i + 1][ch[j][k]].add(dp[i][j]);
   ans = BigInteger.ZERO;
   for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) ans = ans.add(dp[m][i]);
Esempio n. 26
 public fraction negate() {
   return new fraction(num.negate(), den.add(BigInteger.ZERO));
Esempio n. 27
 public BigInteger combine(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) {
   return x.add(y);