   * The method: 1) obtains a connection, 2) starts a transaction, 3) performs
   * the database work, 4) commits or rolls back the connection, 5) releases
   * the connection
  public static void depositToAccount(int accountId, double amt)
      throws AccountDbFailure, SQLException {

    try (Connection dbConn = BankingAppDataSource.getConnection()) {
      // Turn off auto-commit so we can use transactions

       * We are now operating under a transaction, rollback on an
       * exception or commit on successful completion
      try {
        depositToAccountWithConn(accountId, amt, dbConn);
        dbConn.commit(); /*
				 * End of transaction. Since it was successful,
				 * commit it.
      } catch (AccountDbFailure ex) {
        throw ex; /*
                   * rethrow the exception so the caller function can
                   * recover from this failure
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         * This is a catch-all -- rollback transaction and throw a more
         * useful exception
        throw new AccountDbFailure(AccountDbFailure.STMT_FAILED, ex.getMessage());
  public static void doTransferRetry(int fromAcctId, double amt, int toAcctId)
      throws AccountDbFailure, SQLException {
    double curBal;
    double newBalance = 0.0;
    int rowsAffected;
    Connection dbConn;

    String updateCurBalSql = "UPDATE account SET balance = ?  where id = ?  ;";

    dbConn = BankingAppDataSource.getConnection();

    curBal = getAcctBalanceWithConn(fromAcctId, dbConn);
    newBalance = curBal - amt;

    try (PreparedStatement updateCurBalStmt = dbConn.prepareStatement(updateCurBalSql)) {

      updateCurBalStmt.setDouble(1, newBalance);
      updateCurBalStmt.setInt(2, fromAcctId);
      rowsAffected = updateCurBalStmt.executeUpdate();
      if (rowsAffected != 1) {
        throw new AccountDbFailure(AccountDbFailure.STMT_FAILED);

      depositToAccountWithConn(toAcctId, amt, dbConn);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new AccountDbFailure(AccountDbFailure.STMT_FAILED);

   * Call this method if we are not currently using a connection (so we need
   * to obtain a connection)
  public static double getAcctBalance(int accountId) throws AccountDbFailure, SQLException {
    double curBal = 0.0;

    try (Connection dbConn = BankingAppDataSource.getConnection()) {
      curBal = getAcctBalanceWithConn(accountId, dbConn);

    return curBal;