Esempio n. 1
   * Moves the paddle left by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding
   * the given ball
   * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within
   * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way
  public void moveLeft(JFrame pict, Ball ball) {
    this.x -= this.offset; // Move x left by the offset

    // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball
    if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height / 2) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius())
      this.x += this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball

    // Test to see if the boundary was in the way to the left
    if (this.x < 0) this.x = 0; // If so, set left of paddle to zero
 public boolean collidesWith(Ball ball) {
   boolean hasEnteredIf = false;
   if (ball.getX() - ball.getRadius() <= this.x1 || ball.getX() + ball.getRadius() >= this.x2) {
     hasEnteredIf = true;
   if (ball.getY() - ball.getRadius() <= this.y1 || ball.getY() + ball.getRadius() >= this.y2) {
     hasEnteredIf = true;
   return hasEnteredIf;
Esempio n. 3
   * Moves the paddle up by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding
   * the given ball
   * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within
   * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way
  public void moveUp(JFrame pict, Ball ball) {
    this.y -= this.offset; // Move y up by the offset

    // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball
    if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y) < ball.getRadius())
      this.y += this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball

    // Test to see if the boundary was in the way above
    if (this.y < 0) this.y = 0; // If so, set top of paddle to zero
Esempio n. 4
   * Moves the paddle right by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding
   * the given ball
   * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within
   * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way
  public void moveRight(JFrame pict, Ball ball) {
    this.x += this.offset; // Move x right by the offset

    // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball
    if (ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height / 2) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius())
      this.x -= this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball

    // Test to see if the boundary was in the way on the right
    if (this.x + this.width > pict.getWidth())
      this.x = pict.getWidth() - this.width; // If so, set right to right edge
Esempio n. 5
   * Moves the paddle down by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding
   * the given ball
   * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within
   * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way
  public void moveDown(JFrame pict, Ball ball) {
    this.y += this.offset; // Move y down by the offset

    // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball
    if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius()
        || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius())
      this.y -= this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball

    // Test to see if the boundary was in the way below
    if (this.y + this.height > pict.getHeight())
      this.y = pict.getHeight() - this.height; // If so, set bottom to picture bottom
Esempio n. 6
    /** Internal routine for generating the List of particles on collision. */
    public static ArrayList<Particle> generateParticles(Ball ball, Body body) {
      double centerX = ball.getCenter().x();
      double centerY = ball.getCenter().y();

      double speed =
          ball.getVelocity().magnitude() * ((body != null) ? (body.getRadius() / 100.0) : 1);

      if (speed < .50) speed = .50;
      if (speed > 2.50) speed = 2.50;
      if (body != null) {
        double max = Math.pow(body.getRadius() + ball.getRadius(), 2);
        while (body.getCenter().distanceSquared(new Point2d(centerX, centerY)) < max) {
          centerX -= ball.getVelocity().xComponent();
          centerY -= ball.getVelocity().yComponent();

      ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();
      int num = (int) (300 * speed);
      if (num < 150) num = 150;
      else if (num > 400) num = 400;

      for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        double angle = (Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI);
        double xSpeed = 0.75 * (Math.random() * speed * Math.cos(angle));
        double ySpeed = 0.75 * (Math.random() * speed * Math.sin(angle));

        Color c;
        double rand = Math.random();
        if (body == null) c = CalcHelp.getShiftedColor(ball.getColor(), 100);
        else if (rand < 0.3) c = CalcHelp.getShiftedColor(body.getColor(), 100);
        else if (rand < 0.40) c = CalcHelp.getShiftedColor(new Color(230, 130, 70), 100);
        else c = CalcHelp.getShiftedColor(ball.getColor(), 100);

        Particle newParticle = new Particle(centerX, centerY, xSpeed, ySpeed, c);

      return particles;
Esempio n. 7
   * Zeichenmethode zum Zeichnen der Bälle, etc.
  public void paint(Graphics g) {

     * FPS-Zäler (Ausgabe findet erst am Ende von <code>paint(Graphics g)</code>)
    if (frames == 1) {
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - time != 0) {
      fps = (int) ((1000 * frames) / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - time)));

    if (frames > 1000) {
      frames = 0;


     * Bild für Doublebuffering erstellen
    dbImage =
        createImage(phys.getSize().getX().intValue() + 2, phys.getSize().getY().intValue() + 2);
    dbGraphics = dbImage.getGraphics();

     * <code>phys.tick()</code> gehört nicht in die <code>paint(Graphics g)</code>-Methode
     * in Draw-Panel, es ist jedoch nicht sehr sinvoll diesen Abschnitt auszulagern,
     * da man sonst die Synchronisation der Threads (diese werden von Swing (GUI-Bibliothek)
     * automatisch erstellt) selbst schreiben müsste. Dies geschieht durch den Aufruf in
     * <code>paint(Graphics g)</code> automatisch.
    if (this.isPaused() == false) {

     * Bälle zeichnen
    Stack<Ball> baelle = phys.getBaelle();
    int anzBaelle = baelle.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < anzBaelle; i++) {
      int x =
              - baelle.elementAt(i).getRadius().intValue();
      int y =
              - baelle.elementAt(i).getRadius().intValue();
      int d = baelle.elementAt(i).getRadius().intValue() * 2;

      dbGraphics.drawOval(x, y, d, d);

       * Pfad des Balls zeichnen, falls aktiviert
      if (history == true) {
        Stack<Coordinate> hist = baelle.elementAt(i).getHistory();
        int oldX = baelle.elementAt(i).getPosition().getX().intValue();
        int oldY = baelle.elementAt(i).getPosition().getY().intValue();
        for (int h = hist.size() - 1; h != 0; h--) {
          Color c =
              new Color(
                  (255 * h / hist.size()));

              oldX, oldY, hist.get(h).getX().intValue(), hist.get(h).getY().intValue());
          oldX = hist.get(h).getX().intValue();
          oldY = hist.get(h).getY().intValue();

       *  Richtungspfeil zeichnen, falls aktiviert
      if (directionArrow == true) {
            (Graphics2D) dbGraphics,
            baelle.elementAt(i).getPosition().getX() + (baelle.elementAt(i).getSpeed().getX() * 50),
                + (baelle.elementAt(i).getSpeed().getY() * 50));

     * Erfassen der Mausposition und Zeichnen der Vorlage für den nächsten
     * zu erzeugenden Ball
    int x = newBall.getPosition().getX().intValue() - newBall.getRadius().intValue();
    int y = newBall.getPosition().getY().intValue() - newBall.getRadius().intValue();
    int d = newBall.getRadius().intValue() * 2;

    if (mousePressed == false) {
    } else {

    dbGraphics.drawOval(x, y, d, d);

    if (mousePressed == true) {


    dbGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, phys.getSize().getX().intValue(), phys.getSize().getY().intValue());

    Point mousePos = getMousePosition();
    if (mousePos != null && mousePressed == false) {
      newBall.setPosition(new Coordinate(new Double(mousePos.x), new Double(mousePos.y)));
    if (mousePos != null && mousePressed == true) {
      secondMouseCoordinate = new Coordinate(new Double(mousePos.x), new Double(mousePos.y));

     * Ausgeben der FPS-Zahl
    dbGraphics.drawString("FPS: " + String.valueOf(fps), 10, 20);

    g.drawImage(dbImage, 0, 0, this);
Esempio n. 8
   * Determines if the given ball has collided with the paddle and returns true if it has and false
   * if it has not. If the ball has collided with the paddle the balls movement vectors are modified
   * so the ball will bounce back at the proper angle.
   * @param ball is the ball to examine to see if it has collided with the paddle
   * @return Returns true if ball collides with paddle and if so updates vectors
  public boolean collision(Ball ball) {
    // Temp variables for paddle corner coordinates;
    int pX1 = this.x;
    int pX2 = pX1 + this.width - 1;
    int pY1 = this.y;
    int pY2 = pY1 + this.height - 1;

    // Temp variables  for ball coordinates, movement vectors, and radius
    int bX = ball.getX();
    int bY = ball.getY();
    int vX = ball.getXVector();
    int vY = ball.getYVector();
    int bRad = ball.getRadius();

    // Testing for collisions with the paddle edges and the Ball
    if (bX < pX1 && bY >= pY1 && bY <= pY2 && vX > 0) // left edge
      if (bX + bRad > pX1) // will collide with edge
        ball.setX(pX1 - bRad);
        ball.setXVector(-Math.abs(vX)); // Change x direction
        return true;
    } else if (bX > pX2 && bY >= pY1 && bY <= pY2 && vX < 0) // right edge
      if (bX - bRad < pX2) // will collide with edge
        ball.setX(pX2 + bRad);
        ball.setXVector(Math.abs(vX)); // Change x direction
        return true;
    } else if (bY < pY1 && bX >= pX1 && bX <= pX2 && vY > 0) // top edge
      if (bY + bRad > pY1) // will collide with edge
        ball.setY(pY1 - bRad);
        ball.setYVector(-Math.abs(vY)); // Change y direction
        return true;
    } else if (bY > pY2 && bX >= pX1 && bX <= pX2 && vY < 0) // bottom edge
      if (bY - bRad < pY2) // will collide with edge
        ball.setY(pY2 + bRad);
        ball.setYVector(Math.abs(vY)); // Change y direction
        return true;
    } else // Otherwise test to see if the ball hits a corner of the paddle
      if (ball.distance(pX1, pY1) <= bRad
          && ball.distance(pX1, pY1) <= ball.distance(pX2, pY1)) { // top-left corner collision
        if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vX > 0) ball.setXVector(-vX);
        if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vY > 0) ball.setYVector(-vY);
        return true;
      } else if (ball.distance(pX2, pY1) <= bRad) { // top-right corner collision
        if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vX < 0) ball.setXVector(-vX);
        if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vY > 0) ball.setYVector(-vY);
        return true;
      } else if (ball.distance(pX2, pY2) <= bRad
          && ball.distance(pX2, pY2) <= ball.distance(pX1, pY2)) { // bottom-right corner collision
        if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vX < 0) ball.setXVector(-vX);
        if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vY < 0) ball.setYVector(-vY);
        return true;
      } else if (ball.distance(pX1, pY2) <= bRad) { // bottom-left corner collision
        if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vX > 0) ball.setXVector(-vX);
        if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vY < 0) ball.setYVector(-vY);
        return true;
    return false;