Esempio n. 1
   * Add <tt>element</tt> to the tree.
   * @param parent parent of <tt>node</tt>
   * @param node root of subtree to which element is to be added
   * @param element the element to be added to the tree
   * @throws SearchTreeException if node is found in the tree
  protected BSTNode<E> add(BSTNode<E> parent, BSTNode<E> node, E element) {
    if (node == null) { // base case
      node = new AVLNode(element);
      node.parent = parent;
    } else { // recursive case
      int compareResult = element.compareTo(node.getElement());
      if (compareResult < 0) {
        node.leftChild = add(node, node.leftChild, element);
      } else if (compareResult > 0) {
        node.rightChild = add(node, node.rightChild, element);
      } else {
        throw new SearchTreeException("Duplicate element: " + element.toString());

      // now do height/balance updates and possible
      //  subtree fixes
      node = fixSubtreeRootedAt((AVLNode<E>) node);
    return node;
Esempio n. 2
   * Remove element from this tree.
   * @param nodethe root of the subtree from which to remove element.
   * @param element the element to remove.
  protected BSTNode<E> remove(BSTNode<E> node, E target) {
    if (node == null) { // element isn't in the tree
      return null;

    int compareResult = target.compareTo(node.getElement());
    if (compareResult < 0) {
      node.leftChild = remove(node.leftChild, target);
      node = fixSubtreeRootedAt((AVLNode<E>) node);
    } else if (compareResult > 0) {
      node.rightChild = remove(node.rightChild, target);
      node = fixSubtreeRootedAt((AVLNode<E>) node);
    } else { // found the target!

      // handle the case of two children first
      if ((node.leftChild != null) && (node.rightChild != null)) {
        BSTNode<E> replacement = successor(node);

        // now deal with removing the replacement
        BSTNode<E> newChild =
            replacement.leftChild == null ? replacement.rightChild : replacement.leftChild;
        if (replacement == replacement.parent.leftChild) {
          replacement.parent.leftChild = newChild;
        } else {
          replacement.parent.rightChild = newChild;

        // now fix the height/balance from the replacement's
        //   parent to node
        // if, along the way, we find a subtree unbalanced,
        //   rebalance it
        node = updatePath((AVLNode<E>) node, replacement.parent.getElement());
      } else { // Collapse the cases of no children and 1 child
        node = (node.leftChild == null) ? node.rightChild : node.leftChild;

    return node;