public static synchronized void printPS(Origin o, String printerAlias, int copyCount) throws Exception { String command = Properties.get(Names.PS_PRINT_APP); Printer printer = find(printerAlias); File printTemp = new File( Properties.get(Names.TEMP_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "print-queue", "print-" + getNextCount()); if (printTemp.exists()) FileUtil.delete(printTemp); printTemp.mkdirs(); InputStream in =; File print = new File(printTemp, o.getName()); if (print.exists()) print.delete();, print, true); File work = new File( Properties.get(Names.WORKING_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "print", "work-" + getNextCount()); if (!work.exists()) work.mkdirs(); int i; for (i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) { ExecShell shell = new ExecShell(); shell.setExecutable(command); shell.setWorkingDirectory(work); shell.addCommandLineArgument("/D:" + printer.getPath(), false); shell.addCommandLineArgument(print.getAbsolutePath(), true); { } // Logwriter.printOnConsole("sleeping for 2.."); Thread.sleep(2000); { } // Logwriter.printOnConsole("waking up"); shell.execute(); } }
protected String getConnectorPath() { return Properties.get(Names.ENV_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "bin" + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "connector"; }
private File getWorkingDirectory(File f) { try { File workingDir = new File( Properties.get(Names.WORKING_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + getOpType() + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "work" + getNewCount()); if (!workingDir.exists()) workingDir.mkdirs(); FileUtil.deleteContents(workingDir); return workingDir; } catch (Exception ignore) { // ++ notify of error - maybe out of disk space ignore.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public abstract class FileSystemOpBase extends ListOpBase { protected String getOpType() { String type = getClass().getName(); type = type.substring(type.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); return "disk-" + type; } protected String getConnectorPath() { return Properties.get(Names.ENV_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "bin" + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "connector"; } protected String getEXEPath() { return getConnectorPath() + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + getEXEName(); } protected abstract String getEXEName(); protected void initExecution() throws Exception {} protected void finishExecution() throws Exception {} protected void createInstructionFile(String filename) {} public FileSystemResultHandler getXMLResultHandler() { return null; } public void execute() throws Exception { getNewCount(); File executable = new File(getEXEPath()); if (!executable.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("executable file does not exist! " + executable); workingDir = getWorkingDirectory(executable); initExecution(); instruction = getInstructionFileName(workingDir); output = getOutputFileName(workingDir); createInstructionFile(instruction); // Profiler pofiler = new Profiler(); // profiler.start("exec-ilink-search " + xmlFileName, "exec-ilink-search " + xmlFileName); ExecShell shell = new ExecShell(); shell.setExecutable(executable.getAbsolutePath()); shell.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); setArguments(shell); shell.addCommandLineArgument(executable.getParent()); shell.execute(); // profiler.start("exec-ilink-search " + xmlFileName, "shell-wait-for"); exitCode = shell.timeout(timeout); // profiler.stop("exec-ilink-search " + xmlFileName, "shell-wait-for"); // instructionFile.delete(); handleResponse(output); finishExecution(); if (zws.Server.debugMode()) return; // cleanup File[] contents = workingDir.listFiles(); for (int idx = 0; idx < contents.length; contents[idx++].delete()) ; workingDir.delete(); } protected void setArguments(ExecShell shell) { shell.addCommandLineArgument(instruction); shell.addCommandLineArgument(output); } private File getWorkingDirectory(File f) { try { File workingDir = new File( Properties.get(Names.WORKING_DIR) + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + getOpType() + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "work" + getNewCount()); if (!workingDir.exists()) workingDir.mkdirs(); FileUtil.deleteContents(workingDir); return workingDir; } catch (Exception ignore) { // ++ notify of error - maybe out of disk space ignore.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private static int count = 0; private static synchronized int getNewCount() { return ++count; } protected String getInstructionFileName(File f) { return f.getAbsolutePath() + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "instruction.xml"; } protected String getOutputFileName(File f) { return f.getAbsolutePath() + Names.PATH_SEPARATOR + "response.xml"; } public int getExitCode() { return exitCode; } public FileSystemSource getDatasource() { return datasource; } public void setDatasource(FileSystemSource s) { datasource = s; } public void setAuthentication(Authentication a) { authentication = a; } public Authentication getAuthentication() { return authentication; } public String getUsername() { if (null != authentication) return authentication.getUsername(); return datasource.getDefaultUsername(); } public String getPassword() { if (null != authentication) return authentication.getPassword(); return datasource.getDefaultPassword(); } public void setDeleteOutput(boolean b) { deleteOutput = b; } public boolean getDeleteOutput() { return deleteOutput; } public void setStorable(Storable s) { storable = s; } protected void handleResponse(String outputFilename) throws Exception { FileSystemResultHandler handler = getXMLResultHandler(); // if (null==handler) throw new Exception("XML Result Handler not specified for " + // getClass().getName()); if (null == handler) { { } // Logwriter.printOnConsole("+++todo - XML Result Handler not specified for " + // getClass().getName()); return; } /* UTF8Tidy tidy = new UTF8Tidy(); tidy.setFilename(outputFilename); tidy.execute(); */ XMLReader xr = getParser(false).getXMLReader(); if (null == storable) storable = this; storable.throwOnFailure(false); handler.setStorable(storable); handler.setDatasource(getDatasource()); xr.setContentHandler(handler); xr.setErrorHandler(handler); File xml = new File(outputFilename); FileReader r = new FileReader(xml); xr.parse(new InputSource(r)); resetStorage(); initializeStorage(handler.getResults()); } protected static SAXParser getParser(boolean validate) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(validate); return factory.newSAXParser(); } private Storable storable = null; private Authentication authentication = null; private FileSystemSource datasource; private int exitCode = -999; private boolean deleteOutput = !Boolean.valueOf(Properties.get(Names.DEBUG_MODE)).booleanValue(); private String instruction = null; private String output = null; private long timeout = 600000; // 10 minutes protected File workingDir = null; }