private boolean executeTestAndCollectRuntimeValues( Object result, TestCase currentTest, ClassLoader unitTestClassLoader, SpecificationTestCasesListener<T> listener) { LoggingInstrumenter.setValue(result); Result testResult = TestSuiteExecution.runTestCase(currentTest, unitTestClassLoader, listener); if (testResult.getFailureCount() == 0) { return true; } return false; }
@Override public Collection<Specification<T>> buildFor( final URL[] classpath, final String[] testClasses, final Collection<TestCase> failures) { final LoggingInstrumenter<T> logging = createLoggingInstrumenter(); SpoonedClass fork = cleanSpoon.forked(sourceLocation.getContainingClassName()); final ClassLoader unitTestClassLoader = fork.processedAndDumpedToClassLoader(logging); final SpecificationTestCasesListener<T> listener = run(classpath, failures, unitTestClassLoader); if (this.find) { logging.disable(); TestSuiteExecution.runCasesIn(testClasses, unitTestClassLoader, listener); } return listener.specifications(); }
private SpecificationTestCasesListener<T> run( final URL[] classpath, final Collection<TestCase> failures, ClassLoader unitTestClassLoader) { final SpecificationTestCasesListener<T> listener = new SpecificationTestCasesListener<>(runtimeValues); // create the classpath for JPF String stringClassPath = createClassPath(classpath); String mainClass = ""; // TestExecutorProcessor.createMainTestClass(spoon, mainClass); List<TestCase> passedTest = new ArrayList<>(failures.size()); Iterator<TestCase> iterator = failures.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TestCase testCase =; logger.debug("SYMBOLIC EXECUTION on " + sourceLocation + " Test " + testCase); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = testCase.className() + "." + testCase.testName(); Config conf = JPFUtil.createConfig( args, mainClass, stringClassPath, outputSourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); final JPF jpf = new JPF(conf); // executes JPF JPFListener jpfListener = new JPFListener(); jpf.addSearchListener(jpfListener); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); Future<?> future = executor.submit( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); executor.shutdown(); try { future.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } catch (TimeoutException e) { future.cancel(true); continue; } // get the JPF result Object result = jpfListener.getResult(); if (result == null) { continue; } logger.debug( "SYMBOLIC VALUE on " + sourceLocation + " for Test " + testCase + " Value: " + result); // collect runtime boolean passed = executeTestAndCollectRuntimeValues(result, testCase, unitTestClassLoader, listener); if (passed) { this.find = true; TestSuiteExecution.runTestCases(failures, unitTestClassLoader, listener); if (!passedTest.contains(testCase)) { passedTest.add(testCase); } if (passedTest.size() == failures.size()) { break; } } } return listener; }
private Collection<TestCase> failingTests(String[] testClasses) { TestCasesListener listener = new TestCasesListener(); TestSuiteExecution.runCasesIn(testClasses, spooner.dumpedToClassLoader(), listener); return listener.failedTests(); }