Exemple #1
   * Copies string/relational values contained in the instance copied to a new dataset. The Instance
   * must already be assigned to a dataset. This dataset and the destination dataset must have the
   * same structure.
   * @param instance the Instance containing the string/relational values to copy.
   * @param isInput if true the input format and input attribute locators are used otherwise the
   *     output format and output locators
  protected void copyValues(Instance instance, boolean isInput) {

        (isInput) ? m_InputFormat : m_OutputFormat,
        (isInput) ? m_InputRelAtts : m_OutputRelAtts);

        (isInput) ? m_InputFormat : m_OutputFormat,
        (isInput) ? m_InputStringAtts : m_OutputStringAtts);
Exemple #2
   * Takes string/relational values referenced by an Instance and copies them from a source dataset
   * to a destination dataset. The instance references are updated to be valid for the destination
   * dataset. The instance may have the structure (i.e. number and attribute position) of either
   * dataset (this affects where references are obtained from). Only works if the number of
   * string/relational attributes is the same in both indices (implicitly these string/relational
   * attributes should be semantically same but just with shifted positions).
   * @param instance the instance containing references to strings/ relational values in the source
   *     dataset that will have references updated to be valid for the destination dataset.
   * @param instSrcCompat true if the instance structure is the same as the source, or false if it
   *     is the same as the destination (i.e. which of the string/relational attribute indices
   *     contains the correct locations for this instance).
   * @param srcDataset the dataset for which the current instance string/relational value references
   *     are valid (after any position mapping if needed)
   * @param destDataset the dataset for which the current instance string/relational value
   *     references need to be inserted (after any position mapping if needed)
  protected void copyValues(
      Instance instance, boolean instSrcCompat, Instances srcDataset, Instances destDataset) {

        instance, instSrcCompat,
        srcDataset, m_InputRelAtts,
        destDataset, m_OutputRelAtts);
