   * Parses a given list of options.
   * <p>
   * <!-- options-start -->
   * Valid options are:
   * <p>
   * <pre> -D
   *  Enables debug output.
   *  (default: off)</pre>
   * <pre> -F
   *  Stores the filename in an additional attribute.
   *  (default: off)</pre>
   * <pre> -dir &lt;directory&gt;
   *  The directory to work on.
   *  (default: current directory)</pre>
   * <pre> -charset &lt;charset name&gt;
   *  The character set to use, e.g UTF-8.
   *  (default: use the default character set)</pre>
   * <pre> -R
   *  Retain all string attribute values when reading incrementally.</pre>
   * <!-- options-end -->
   * @param options the options
   * @throws Exception if options cannot be set
  public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
    setDebug(Utils.getFlag("D", options));

    setOutputFilename(Utils.getFlag("F", options));

    setDirectory(new File(Utils.getOption("dir", options)));

    String charSet = Utils.getOption("charset", options);
    m_charSet = "";
    if (charSet.length() > 0) {
      m_charSet = charSet;

    setRetainStringValues(Utils.getFlag('R', options));