static { InputStream resource = Boot._init.getResource2("/page.html"); try { _htmlTemplate = new String(ByteStreams.toByteArray(resource)).replace("%cloud_name", H2O.NAME); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Log.err(e); Log.die("page.html not found in resources."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.err(e); Log.die(e.getMessage()); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(resource); } }
static { Configuration conf = null; if (H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_config != null) { conf = new Configuration(); File p = new File(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_config); if (!p.exists()) Log.die("Unable to open hdfs configuration file " + p.getAbsolutePath()); conf.addResource(new Path(p.getAbsolutePath())); Log.debug(Sys.HDFS_, "resource ", p.getAbsolutePath(), " added to the hadoop configuration"); } else { conf = new Configuration(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs)) { // setup default remote Filesystem - for version 0.21 and higher conf.set("fs.defaultFS", H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs); // To provide compatibility with version 0.20.0 it is necessary to setup the property // which was in newer version renamed to 'fs.defaultFS' conf.set("", H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs); } } CONF = conf; }