Exemple #1
    // Main worker thread
    protected void compute2() {

      KMeansModel model = null;
      try {
        // Do lock even before checking the errors, since this block is finalized by unlock
        // (not the best solution, but the code is more readable)
        _parms.read_lock_frames(KMeans.this); // Fetch & read-lock input frames
        // Something goes wrong
        if (error_count() > 0)
          throw H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException.makeFromBuilder(KMeans.this);
        // The model to be built
        model = new KMeansModel(dest(), _parms, new KMeansModel.KMeansOutput(KMeans.this));

        final Vec vecs[] = _train.vecs();
        // mults & means for standardization
        final double[] means = _train.means(); // means are used to impute NAs
        final double[] mults = _parms._standardize ? _train.mults() : null;
        final int[] impute_cat = new int[vecs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++)
          impute_cat[i] = vecs[i].isNumeric() ? -1 : DataInfo.imputeCat(vecs[i]);
        model._output._normSub = means;
        model._output._normMul = mults;
        // Initialize cluster centers and standardize if requested
        double[][] centers = initial_centers(model, vecs, means, mults, impute_cat);
        if (centers == null) return; // Stopped/cancelled during center-finding
        double[][] oldCenters = null;

        // ---
        // Run the main KMeans Clustering loop
        // Stop after enough iterations or average_change < TOLERANCE
        model._output._iterations =
            0; // Loop ends only when iterations > max_iterations with strict inequality
        while (!isDone(model, centers, oldCenters)) {
          Lloyds task =
              new Lloyds(centers, means, mults, impute_cat, _isCats, _parms._k, hasWeightCol())
          // Pick the max categorical level for cluster center
          max_cats(task._cMeans, task._cats, _isCats);

          // Handle the case where some centers go dry.  Rescue only 1 cluster
          // per iteration ('cause we only tracked the 1 worst row)
          if (cleanupBadClusters(task, vecs, centers, means, mults, impute_cat)) continue;

          // Compute model stats; update standardized cluster centers
          oldCenters = centers;
          centers = computeStatsFillModel(task, model, vecs, means, mults, impute_cat);

          model.update(_key); // Update model in K/V store
          update(1); // One unit of work
          if (model._parms._score_each_iteration) Log.info(model._output._model_summary);

        //        Log.info(model._output._scoring_history);
        // Log.info(((ModelMetricsClustering)model._output._training_metrics).createCentroidStatsTable().toString());

        // At the end: validation scoring (no need to gather scoring history)
        if (_valid != null) {
          model.score(_parms.valid()).delete(); // this appends a ModelMetrics on the validation set
          model._output._validation_metrics = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, _parms.valid());
          model.update(_key); // Update model in K/V store
        done(); // Job done!

      } catch (Throwable t) {
        Job thisJob = DKV.getGet(_key);
        if (thisJob._state == JobState.CANCELLED) {
          Log.info("Job cancelled by user.");
        } else {
          throw t;
      } finally {
        if (model != null) model.unlock(_key);