public void processInsertion(String sqlText) {
    String parsedRows[] = new String[5];
    // String sqlText=resolver.getSqlText();
    String sqlW[] = parse.sqlWordExtractor(sqlText);
    String pschemaTb = sqlW[2];

    // System.out.println(pschemaTb);

    String sqlWo[] = pschemaTb.split("[.]");
    String pDB = sqlWo[0];
    String pTB = sqlWo[1];
    String cols = sqlText.substring(sqlText.indexOf("(") + 1, sqlText.indexOf(")"));
    cols = cols.replaceAll("\n", "");
    cols = cols.replaceAll("\r", "");
    cols = cols.replaceAll(" ", "");
    String colsArr[] = cols.split(",");
    // System.out.println(colsArr.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < colsArr.length; i++) {

      parsedRows[0] = "INSERT";
      parsedRows[1] = resolver.getSqlId() + "";
      parsedRows[2] = pDB;
      parsedRows[3] = pTB;
      parsedRows[4] = colsArr[i];

              + parsedRows[0]
              + "','"
              + parsedRows[1]
              + "','"
              + parsedRows[2]
              + "','"
              + parsedRows[3]
              + "','"
              + parsedRows[4]
              + "'");
    srcSelect(sqlText, colsArr);
  public void Selection(String string, String sqlText, String[] tgCols, String setTransform) {
    string = resolver.resolveAlias(string).trim();
    String tgtbl = "";
    String srcTbl = "";
    String srcCol = "";
    String srcSchema = "";
    String schema[] = new String[50];
    String tbl[] = new String[50];
    boolean subq = false;
    String colmn = string.substring(string.indexOf("SELECT") + 6, string.indexOf("FROM"));
    String sqlW[] = parse.sqlWordExtractor(string);

    // System.out.println(colmn);
    colmn = colmn.replaceAll("\n", " ");
    colmn = colmn.replaceAll("\r", "");
    String subquery = "";
    String sqlWo[] = colmn.split(",");
    String sd = "";
    int c = 0;
    String DBTB[] = new String[100];
    for (int i = 0; i < sqlW.length; i++) {
      if (sqlW[i].equals("FROM") || sqlW[i].equals("JOIN")) {
        DBTB[c] = sqlW[i + 1];
        if (sqlW[i].equals("JOIN") && setTransform.equals("NA")) sd = DBTB[c].split("[.]")[1];
    c = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < DBTB.length; i++) {
      String aliTB[] = new String[2];
      if ((DBTB[i] != null) && (DBTB[i].contains("."))) {
        aliTB = DBTB[i].split("[.]");
        schema[c] = aliTB[0];
        tbl[c] = aliTB[1];
      } else if ((DBTB[i] != null) && (!DBTB[i].contains("."))) {
        subquery = string.substring(string.indexOf("FROM") + 6);
        Selection(subquery + ";", sqlText, tgCols, setTransform);
        // System.out.println(subquery);
        subq = true;

    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 10; i1++) colmn = colmn.replaceAll("  ", " ");

    for (int j = 0; j < sqlWo.length; j++) {
      // String string2 : sqlWo
      if (sqlWo[j].contains(".")) {
        String colTB[] = sqlWo[j].split("[.]");
        srcTbl = colTB[0];
        srcCol = colTB[1];

        String fromWhere = string.substring(string.indexOf("FROM"), string.indexOf("WHERE"));
        String sqlFW[] = parse.sqlWordExtractor(fromWhere);

        if (fromWhere.contains("JOIN")) {
          String sub1 =
              fromWhere.substring(fromWhere.indexOf("FROM") + 4, fromWhere.indexOf("JOIN"));
          /** To find number of joins* */
          int k = 0;
          Pattern p = Pattern.compile("JOIN");
          Matcher m = p.matcher(fromWhere);
          while (m.find()) {
          /** ************************ */
          if (k > 1) {
            String sub11 =
                fromWhere.substring(fromWhere.indexOf("FROM") + 4, fromWhere.indexOf("JOIN"));

        for (int i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++) {
          if ((tbl[i] != null) && (srcTbl.trim().equals(tbl[i]))) {
            srcSchema = schema[i];
      if ((setTransform.equals("NA")) && (sd.equals(srcTbl.trim()))) setTransform = "JOIN";
      else if ((setTransform.equals("JOIN")) && (!sd.equals(srcTbl.trim()))) setTransform = "NA";
      else if ((setTransform.equals("JOIN")) && (sd.equals(srcTbl.trim()))) setTransform = "JOIN";
      if (subq) continue;
              + resolver.getSqlId()
              + "','"
              + tgCols[j]
              + "','"
              + srcSchema.trim()
              + "','"
              + srcTbl.trim()
              + "','"
              + srcCol.trim()
              + "','"
              + setTransform
              + "'");

      String whereStr;
      if (string.contains("GROUP"))
        whereStr = string.substring(string.indexOf("WHERE") + 6, string.indexOf("GROUP"));
      else if (string.contains("ORDER"))
        whereStr = string.substring(string.indexOf("WHERE") + 6, string.indexOf("ORDER"));
      else whereStr = string.substring(string.indexOf("WHERE") + 6);
      String sqlFW[] = parse.sqlWordExtractor(whereStr);

      tgtbl = sqlFW[0].split("[.]")[0];
      String tblTransform[] = whereStr.split("AND", 0);
      for (String string2 : tblTransform) {
        // System.out.println(string2);
      // System.out.println(whereStr);
      String trans[] = sqlFW[0].split("\n");

      for (String str : trans) {
        if (str != null)
              "Hackathon_whereTB", "'" + resolver.getSqlId() + "','" + tgtbl + "','" + str + "'");