private void checkValid() { if (g == null) { Citadel.getInstance() .getLogger() .log( Level.WARNING, "CheckValid was called but the underlying group " + gid + " is gone for " + this.getLocation() + "!"); return; } if (!g.isValid()) { // incase it was recently merged/ deleted. g = NameAPI.getGroupManager().getGroup(g.getGroupId()); if (g == null) { Citadel.getInstance() .getLogger() .log( Level.INFO, "Group " + g.getGroupId() + " was deleted or merged but not marked invalid!"); } isDirty = true; } }
/** * Saves the Reinforcement to the Database. Should only be called from SaveManager. * * @param The Reinforcement to save. */ public void saveReinforcement(Reinforcement rein) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); int dur = rein.getDurability(); boolean insecure = false; String groupName = null; int mature = rein.getMaturationTime(); Location loc = rein.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(), y = loc.getBlockY(), z = loc.getBlockZ(); String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); if (rein instanceof PlayerReinforcement) { PlayerReinforcement pRein = (PlayerReinforcement) rein; insecure = pRein.isInsecure(); groupName = pRein.getGroup().getName(); } try { PreparedStatement updateRein = db.prepareStatement(this.updateRein); updateRein.setInt(1, dur); updateRein.setBoolean(2, insecure); updateRein.setString(3, groupName); updateRein.setInt(4, mature); updateRein.setInt(5, x); updateRein.setInt(6, y); updateRein.setInt(7, z); updateRein.setString(8, world); updateRein.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Citadel.Log( String.format( "The Null Group Exception that is being followed has to deal with the group name: %s," + " at location: %d, %d, %d, at world: %s", groupName, x, y, z, world)); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void initializeReinforcementTypes() { List<String> types = CitadelConfigManager.getReinforcementTypes(); for (String type : types) { Material mat = CitadelConfigManager.getMaterial(type); int amount = CitadelConfigManager.getRequireMents(type); int percentReturn = CitadelConfigManager.getPercentReturn(type); int returnValue = CitadelConfigManager.getReturns(type); int hitpoints = CitadelConfigManager.getHitPoints(type); int maturation = CitadelConfigManager.getMaturationTime(type); int acid = CitadelConfigManager.getAcidTime(type); int maturation_scale = CitadelConfigManager.getMaturationScale(type); List<String> lore = CitadelConfigManager.getLoreValues(type); ReinforcementEffect effect = CitadelConfigManager.getReinforcementEffect(type); List<String> reinforceableMatString = CitadelConfigManager.getReinforceableMaterials(type); Set<Material> reinforceableMats = CitadelConfigManager.parseMaterialList(reinforceableMatString); List<String> unreinforceableMatString = CitadelConfigManager.getNonReinforceableMaterials(type); Set<Material> nonReinforceableMats = CitadelConfigManager.parseMaterialList(unreinforceableMatString); new ReinforcementType( mat, amount, percentReturn, returnValue, hitpoints, maturation, acid, maturation_scale, lore, effect, reinforceableMats, nonReinforceableMats); if (CitadelConfigManager.shouldLogInternal()) { Citadel.getInstance() .getLogger() .log( Level.INFO, "Adding Reinforcement {0} with:\n material {1} \n amount {2} " + "\n return rate {3} \n return? {4} \n health {5} \n maturation {6} " + "\n acid {7} \n scaling {8} \n lore: {9} \n effect: \n {10}", new Object[] { type, mat.toString(), amount, percentReturn, returnValue, hitpoints, maturation, acid, maturation_scale, (lore != null ? String.join(" ", lore) : ""), (effect != null ? effect : "") }); } } }
public int getDamageMultiplier() { if (g == null) { return 1; } Timestamp ts = NameAPI.getGroupManager().getTimestamp(g.getName()); long shiftMultiplier = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - ts.getTime()) / (long) 86400000) / (long) Citadel.getReinforcementManager().getDayMultiplier(); if (shiftMultiplier > 0) { return 1 << shiftMultiplier; } return 1; }
/** Creates the required mysql tables and updates the db if needed. */ private void createTables() { int ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); long begin_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ver == 0) { db.execute( String.format( "update db_version set plugin_name = '%s' " + "where plugin_name is null", plugin.getName())); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); if (ver == 0) { Citadel.Log("Creating tables from scratch, this is a new " + "instance of citadel."); } else { Citadel.Log( "Detected previous version of Citadel, " + "updating to new db.\n" + "You should have backed up your data, " + "if you havent already you have ten seconds to" + " shut down the server and perform a backup."); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement drop security_level, drop version, add group_id int not null;"); /* Citadel.Log("Remapping from material id to material name " + "in process."); db.execute("create table if not exists material_mapping(" + "" + "material varchar(40) not null," + "material_id int not null);"); db.execute("create index x on material_mapping (material_id);"); for (Material mat: Material.values()){ PreparedStatement insert = db.prepareStatement ("insert into material_mapping(" + "material, material_id) values(?,?);"); try { insert.setString(1,; insert.setInt(2, mat.getId()); insert.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } db.execute("alter table reinforcement add " + "material varchar(10)"); db.execute("update reinforcement r " + "inner join material_mapping m on m.material_id = r.material_id " + "set r.material = m.material;"); db.execute("alter table reinforcement drop material_id;"); db.execute("drop table material_mapping;"); */ db.execute( "insert into faction_id (group_name) values (null);"); // For natural reinforcements db.execute("delete from reinforcement where `name` is null;"); db.execute( "update ignore reinforcement r inner join faction_id f on f.group_name = r.`name` " + "set r.group_id = f.group_id;"); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement drop `name`, add rein_type_id int not null default 1, " + "add lore varchar(255);"); db.execute("drop table citadel_account_id_map;"); Citadel.Log( "The update to new format took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } } if (ver == 5 || ver == 0) { long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Citadel.Log("Updating to Citadel Version 6."); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement(" + "x int not null," + "y int not null," + "z int not null," + "world varchar(10) not null," + "material_id int not null," + "durability varchar(10) not null," + "chunk_id varchar(255) not null," + "insecure tinyint(1) not null," + "group_id int not null," + "maturation_time int not null," + "rein_type_id int not null," + "lore varchar(255)," + "primary key (x,y,z,world));"); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement_type(" + "rein_type_id int not null auto_increment," + "rein_type varchar(30) not null," + "primary key rein_type_key (rein_type_id));"); String[] types = {"PlayerReinforcement", "NaturalReinforcement", "MultiBlockReinforcement"}; for (String x : types) db.execute(String.format("insert into reinforcement_type(rein_type)" + "values('%s');", x)); NameLayerPlugin.insertVersionNum(5, plugin.getName()); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); Citadel.Log( "The update to Version 6 took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } if (ver == 6) { long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Citadel.Log("Updating to version 7. No fun message for you :("); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement_id(" + "rein_id int not null auto_increment," + "x int not null," + "y int not null," + "z int not null," + "chunk_id varchar(255)," + "world varchar (255) not null," + "primary key rein_id_key (rein_id)," + "unique key x_y_z_world(x,y,z,world));-- Your mother is a w***e and sleeps with banjos"); // I like turtles mother f****r. Never program because then you get turtles. db.execute( "insert into reinforcement_id (x, y, z, chunk_id, world) select x, y, z, chunk_id, world from reinforcement;"); // populate that bitch. db.execute("alter table reinforcement add rein_id int not null, drop chunk_id;"); db.execute( "update reinforcement r inner join reinforcement_id ri on " + "ri.x = r.x and ri.y = r.y and ri.z = r.z and = " + "set r.rein_id = ri.rein_id"); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement DROP PRIMARY KEY, " + "add primary key rein_id_key(rein_id), " + "drop x," + "drop y," + "drop z," + "drop world;"); db.execute("alter table reinforcement_id add index `chunk_id_index` (chunk_id);"); NameLayerPlugin.insertVersionNum(ver, plugin.getName()); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); Citadel.Log( "The update to Version 7 took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() / first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } Citadel.Log( "The total time it took Citadel to update was " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); }
public class CitadelReinforcementData { private Database db; private Citadel plugin = Citadel.getInstance(); public CitadelReinforcementData(Database db) { this.db = db; if (db.connect()) { createTables(); initalizePreparedStatements(); intitializeProcedures(); } } private void intitializeProcedures() { // :( empty } /** Creates the required mysql tables and updates the db if needed. */ private void createTables() { int ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); long begin_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ver == 0) { db.execute( String.format( "update db_version set plugin_name = '%s' " + "where plugin_name is null", plugin.getName())); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); if (ver == 0) { Citadel.Log("Creating tables from scratch, this is a new " + "instance of citadel."); } else { Citadel.Log( "Detected previous version of Citadel, " + "updating to new db.\n" + "You should have backed up your data, " + "if you havent already you have ten seconds to" + " shut down the server and perform a backup."); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement drop security_level, drop version, add group_id int not null;"); /* Citadel.Log("Remapping from material id to material name " + "in process."); db.execute("create table if not exists material_mapping(" + "" + "material varchar(40) not null," + "material_id int not null);"); db.execute("create index x on material_mapping (material_id);"); for (Material mat: Material.values()){ PreparedStatement insert = db.prepareStatement ("insert into material_mapping(" + "material, material_id) values(?,?);"); try { insert.setString(1,; insert.setInt(2, mat.getId()); insert.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } db.execute("alter table reinforcement add " + "material varchar(10)"); db.execute("update reinforcement r " + "inner join material_mapping m on m.material_id = r.material_id " + "set r.material = m.material;"); db.execute("alter table reinforcement drop material_id;"); db.execute("drop table material_mapping;"); */ db.execute( "insert into faction_id (group_name) values (null);"); // For natural reinforcements db.execute("delete from reinforcement where `name` is null;"); db.execute( "update ignore reinforcement r inner join faction_id f on f.group_name = r.`name` " + "set r.group_id = f.group_id;"); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement drop `name`, add rein_type_id int not null default 1, " + "add lore varchar(255);"); db.execute("drop table citadel_account_id_map;"); Citadel.Log( "The update to new format took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } } if (ver == 5 || ver == 0) { long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Citadel.Log("Updating to Citadel Version 6."); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement(" + "x int not null," + "y int not null," + "z int not null," + "world varchar(10) not null," + "material_id int not null," + "durability varchar(10) not null," + "chunk_id varchar(255) not null," + "insecure tinyint(1) not null," + "group_id int not null," + "maturation_time int not null," + "rein_type_id int not null," + "lore varchar(255)," + "primary key (x,y,z,world));"); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement_type(" + "rein_type_id int not null auto_increment," + "rein_type varchar(30) not null," + "primary key rein_type_key (rein_type_id));"); String[] types = {"PlayerReinforcement", "NaturalReinforcement", "MultiBlockReinforcement"}; for (String x : types) db.execute(String.format("insert into reinforcement_type(rein_type)" + "values('%s');", x)); NameLayerPlugin.insertVersionNum(5, plugin.getName()); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); Citadel.Log( "The update to Version 6 took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } if (ver == 6) { long first_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Citadel.Log("Updating to version 7. No fun message for you :("); db.execute( "create table if not exists reinforcement_id(" + "rein_id int not null auto_increment," + "x int not null," + "y int not null," + "z int not null," + "chunk_id varchar(255)," + "world varchar (255) not null," + "primary key rein_id_key (rein_id)," + "unique key x_y_z_world(x,y,z,world));-- Your mother is a w***e and sleeps with banjos"); // I like turtles mother f****r. Never program because then you get turtles. db.execute( "insert into reinforcement_id (x, y, z, chunk_id, world) select x, y, z, chunk_id, world from reinforcement;"); // populate that bitch. db.execute("alter table reinforcement add rein_id int not null, drop chunk_id;"); db.execute( "update reinforcement r inner join reinforcement_id ri on " + "ri.x = r.x and ri.y = r.y and ri.z = r.z and = " + "set r.rein_id = ri.rein_id"); db.execute( "alter table reinforcement DROP PRIMARY KEY, " + "add primary key rein_id_key(rein_id), " + "drop x," + "drop y," + "drop z," + "drop world;"); db.execute("alter table reinforcement_id add index `chunk_id_index` (chunk_id);"); NameLayerPlugin.insertVersionNum(ver, plugin.getName()); ver = NameLayerPlugin.getVersionNum(plugin.getName()); Citadel.Log( "The update to Version 7 took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() / first_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } Citadel.Log( "The total time it took Citadel to update was " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin_time) / 1000 + " seconds."); } /** Reconnects and reinitializes the mysql connection and preparedstatements. */ private void reconnectAndReinitialize() { if (db.isConnected()) return; db.connect(); initalizePreparedStatements(); } private String getRein, getReins, addRein, removeRein, updateRein, getGroupFromRein; // private PreparedStatement deleteGroup, insertDeleteGroup, removeDeleteGroup, getDeleteGroup; private String insertReinID, getLastReinID, getCordsbyReinID, selectReinCountForGroup, selectReinCount; /** Initializes the PreparedStatements. Gets called on db connect or reconnect. */ private void initalizePreparedStatements() { getRein = "select r.material_id, r.durability, " + "r.insecure, f.group_name, r.maturation_time, rt.rein_type, " + "r.lore, r.group_id, r.rein_id from reinforcement r " + "inner join faction_id f on f.group_id = r.group_id " + "inner join reinforcement_id ri on r.rein_id = ri.rein_id " + "inner join reinforcement_type rt on rt.rein_type_id = r.rein_type_id " + "where ri.x = ? and ri.y = ? and ri.z = ? and ri.chunk_id = ? and = ?"; getReins = "select ri.x, ri.y, ri.z,, r.material_id, r.durability, " + "r.insecure, f.group_name, r.maturation_time, rt.rein_type, " + "r.lore, r.group_id, r.rein_id from reinforcement r " + "inner join faction_id f on f.group_id = r.group_id " + "inner join reinforcement_id ri on r.rein_id = ri.rein_id " + "inner join reinforcement_type rt on rt.rein_type_id = r.rein_type_id " + "where ri.chunk_id = ?"; addRein = "insert into reinforcement (" + "material_id, durability, " + "insecure, group_id, maturation_time, rein_type_id," + "lore, rein_id) select ?, ?, ?, f.group_id, ?, rt.rein_type_id, ?, ? from faction_id f " + "inner join reinforcement_type rt on rt.rein_type = ? " + "where f.group_name = ? limit 1"; removeRein = "delete r.*, ri.* from reinforcement r " + "left join reinforcement_id ri on r.rein_id = ri.rein_id " + "where ri.x = ? and ri.y = ? and ri.z = ? and = ?"; updateRein = "update reinforcement r " + "inner join reinforcement_id ri on ri.rein_id = r.rein_id " + "set r.durability = ?, r.insecure = ?, r.group_id = " + "(select f.group_id from faction_id f where f.group_name = ? limit 1), " + "maturation_time = ? " + "where ri.x = ? and ri.y = ? and ri.z = ? and =?"; getGroupFromRein = "select fi.group_name from faction_id fi " + "inner join reinforcement r on fi.group_id = r.group_id " + "inner join reinforcement_id ri on r.rein_id = ri.rein_id " + "where ri.x = ? and ri.y = ? and ri.z = ? and = ? and ri.chunk_id = ?"; /* deleteGroup = db.prepareStatement("call deleteGroup(?)"); insertDeleteGroup = db.prepareStatement("insert into toDeleteReinforecments(group_id) select g.group_id from faction_id g " + "where g.group_name = ?"); removeDeleteGroup = db.prepareStatement("delete from toDeleteReinforecments where group_id = (select f.group_id from " + "faction_id f where f.group_name = ?)"); getDeleteGroup = db.prepareStatement("select f.group_name from faction_id f " + "inner join toDeleteReinforecments d on f.group_id = d.group_id"); */ insertReinID = "insert ignore into reinforcement_id(x, y, z, chunk_id, world) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; getLastReinID = "select LAST_INSERT_ID() as id"; getCordsbyReinID = "select x, y, z, world from reinforcement_id where rein_id = ?"; selectReinCountForGroup = "select count(*) as count from reinforcement r " + "inner join faction_id f on f.group_id = r.group_id " + "where f.group_name = ?"; selectReinCount = "select count(*) as count from reinforcement r"; } /** * Is used to grab the reinforcement from the mysql db. If there isn't a reinforcement at the * location it returns null. * * @param The Location of the wanted Reinforcement. * @return Returns the Reinforcement of the location. * @return Returns null if there is no reinforcement. */ public Reinforcement getReinforcement(Location loc) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); PreparedStatement getRein = db.prepareStatement(this.getRein); try { int x = loc.getBlockX(); int y = loc.getBlockY(); int z = loc.getBlockZ(); getRein.setInt(1, x); getRein.setInt(2, y); getRein.setInt(3, z); String formatChunk = formatChunk(loc); getRein.setString(4, formatChunk); getRein.setString(5, loc.getWorld().getName()); ResultSet set = getRein.executeQuery(); if (! { set.close(); return null; } Material mat = Material.getMaterial(set.getInt(1)); int durability = set.getInt(2); boolean inSecure = set.getBoolean(3); String group = set.getString(4); int mature = set.getInt(5); String rein_type = set.getString(6); String lore = set.getString(7); int group_id = set.getInt(8); // Check for what type of reinforcement and return the one // needed. if (rein_type.equals("PlayerReinforcement")) { ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(mat); if (lore != null) { ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta(); List<String> array = Arrays.asList(lore.split("\n")); meta.setLore(array); stack.setItemMeta(meta); } PlayerReinforcement rein = new PlayerReinforcement( loc, durability, mature, GroupManager.getGroup(group), stack, group_id); rein.setInsecure(inSecure); set.close(); return rein; } else if (rein_type.equals("NaturalReinforcement")) { NaturalReinforcement rein = new NaturalReinforcement(loc.getBlock(), durability); set.close(); return rein; } else if (rein_type.equals("MultiBlockReinforcement")) { int id = set.getInt(9); set.close(); MultiBlockReinforcement rein = MultiBlockReinforcement.getMultiRein(id); if (rein != null) return rein; PreparedStatement getCordsbyReinID = db.prepareStatement(this.getCordsbyReinID); getCordsbyReinID.setInt(1, id); set = getCordsbyReinID.executeQuery(); List<Location> locs = new ArrayList<Location>(); while ( { int xx = set.getInt(1), yy = set.getInt(2), zz = set.getInt(3); String world = set.getString(4); locs.add(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(world), xx, yy, zz)); } set.close(); rein = new MultiBlockReinforcement(locs, GroupManager.getGroup(group), durability, mature, id); return rein; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Returns a list of reinforcements in a given chunk. * * @param The chunk you want the reinforcements about. * @return A list of reinforcements in a chunk */ public List<Reinforcement> getReinforcements(Chunk chunk) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); PreparedStatement getReins = db.prepareStatement(this.getReins); String formatChunk = formatChunk(chunk); List<Reinforcement> reins = new ArrayList<Reinforcement>(); try { getReins.setString(1, formatChunk); ResultSet set = getReins.executeQuery(); while ( { int x = set.getInt(1), y = set.getInt(2), z = set.getInt(3); String world = set.getString(4); Material mat = Material.getMaterial(set.getInt(5)); int durability = set.getInt(6); boolean inSecure = set.getBoolean(7); Group g = GroupManager.getGroup(set.getString(8)); int mature = set.getInt(9); String rein_type = set.getString(10); String lore = set.getString(11); int group_id = set.getInt(12); Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(world), x, y, z); if (rein_type.equals("PlayerReinforcement")) { ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(mat); if (lore != null) { ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta(); List<String> array = Arrays.asList(lore.split("\n")); meta.setLore(array); stack.setItemMeta(meta); } PlayerReinforcement rein = new PlayerReinforcement(loc, durability, mature, g, stack, group_id); rein.setInsecure(inSecure); reins.add(rein); } else if (rein_type.equals("NaturalReinforcement")) { NaturalReinforcement rein = new NaturalReinforcement(loc.getBlock(), durability); reins.add(rein); } else if (rein_type.equals("MultiBlockReinforcement")) { int id = set.getInt(13); MultiBlockReinforcement rein = MultiBlockReinforcement.getMultiRein(id); if (rein != null) reins.add(rein); PreparedStatement getCordsbyReinID = db.prepareStatement(this.getCordsbyReinID); getCordsbyReinID.setInt(1, id); ResultSet multi = getCordsbyReinID.executeQuery(); List<Location> locs = new ArrayList<Location>(); while ( { int xx = multi.getInt(1), yy = multi.getInt(2), zz = multi.getInt(3); String w = multi.getString(4); locs.add(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(w), xx, yy, zz)); } multi.close(); rein = new MultiBlockReinforcement(locs, g, durability, mature, id); reins.add(rein); } } set.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return reins; } /** * Inserts a reinforcement into the Database. Should only be called from SaveManager. * * @param The Reinforcement to save. */ public void insertReinforcement(Reinforcement rein) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); if (rein instanceof PlayerReinforcement) { Location loc = rein.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(), y = loc.getBlockY(), z = loc.getBlockZ(); String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); Material mat = rein.getMaterial(); int dur = rein.getDurability(); int maturationTime = rein.getMaturationTime(); boolean insecure = false; String group = null; String reinType = ""; String lore = ""; PlayerReinforcement pRein = (PlayerReinforcement) rein; insecure = pRein.isInsecure(); ItemMeta meta = pRein.getStackRepresentation().getItemMeta(); if (meta.hasLore()) for (String xx : meta.getLore()) lore += xx + "\n"; else lore = null; group = pRein.getGroup().getName(); reinType = "PlayerReinforcement"; try { PreparedStatement insertReinID = db.prepareStatement(this.insertReinID); insertReinID.setInt(1, x); insertReinID.setInt(2, y); insertReinID.setInt(3, z); String formatChunk = formatChunk(loc); insertReinID.setString(4, formatChunk); insertReinID.setString(5, world); insertReinID.execute(); int id = getLastReinId(); PreparedStatement addRein = db.prepareStatement(this.addRein); addRein.setInt(1, mat.getId()); addRein.setInt(2, dur); addRein.setBoolean(3, insecure); addRein.setInt(4, maturationTime); addRein.setString(5, lore); addRein.setInt(6, id); addRein.setString(7, reinType); addRein.setString(8, group); addRein.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (rein instanceof NaturalReinforcement) { Location loc = rein.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(), y = loc.getBlockY(), z = loc.getBlockZ(); String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); Material mat = rein.getMaterial(); int dur = rein.getDurability(); String chunk_id = loc.getChunk().toString(); int maturationTime = rein.getMaturationTime(); boolean insecure = false; String group = NameLayerPlugin.getSpecialAdminGroup(); String reinType = "NaturalReinforcement"; String lore = ""; lore = null; try { PreparedStatement insertReinID = db.prepareStatement(this.insertReinID); insertReinID.setInt(1, x); insertReinID.setInt(2, y); insertReinID.setInt(3, z); String formatChunk = formatChunk(loc); insertReinID.setString(4, formatChunk); insertReinID.setString(5, world); insertReinID.execute(); int id = getLastReinId(); PreparedStatement addRein = db.prepareStatement(this.addRein); addRein.setInt(1, mat.getId()); addRein.setInt(2, dur); addRein.setBoolean(3, insecure); addRein.setInt(4, maturationTime); addRein.setString(5, lore); addRein.setInt(6, id); addRein.setString(7, reinType); addRein.setString(8, group); addRein.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (rein instanceof MultiBlockReinforcement) { MultiBlockReinforcement mbRein = (MultiBlockReinforcement) rein; Location loc = mbRein.getLocation(); try { PreparedStatement insertReinID = db.prepareStatement(this.insertReinID); // add all the locations into the db. for (Location lo : mbRein.getLocations()) { insertReinID.setInt(1, lo.getBlockX()); insertReinID.setInt(2, lo.getBlockY()); insertReinID.setInt(3, lo.getBlockZ()); String formatChunk = formatChunk(lo); insertReinID.setString(4, formatChunk); insertReinID.setString(5, lo.getWorld().getName()); insertReinID.addBatch(); } insertReinID.executeBatch(); int id = getLastReinId(); PreparedStatement addRein = db.prepareStatement(this.addRein); addRein.setInt(1, -1); addRein.setInt(2, mbRein.getDurability()); addRein.setBoolean(3, false); addRein.setInt(4, mbRein.getMaturationTime()); addRein.setString(5, null); addRein.setInt(6, id); addRein.setString(7, "MultiBlockReinforcement"); addRein.setString(8, mbRein.getGroup().getName()); addRein.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Deletes a Reinforcement from the database. Should only be called within SaveManager * * @param The Reinforcement to delete. */ public void deleteReinforcement(Reinforcement rein) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); Location loc = rein.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(), y = loc.getBlockY(), z = loc.getBlockZ(); String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); try { PreparedStatement removeRein = db.prepareStatement(this.removeRein); removeRein.setInt(1, x); removeRein.setInt(2, y); removeRein.setInt(3, z); removeRein.setString(4, world); removeRein.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Saves the Reinforcement to the Database. Should only be called from SaveManager. * * @param The Reinforcement to save. */ public void saveReinforcement(Reinforcement rein) { reconnectAndReinitialize(); int dur = rein.getDurability(); boolean insecure = false; String groupName = null; int mature = rein.getMaturationTime(); Location loc = rein.getLocation(); int x = loc.getBlockX(), y = loc.getBlockY(), z = loc.getBlockZ(); String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); if (rein instanceof PlayerReinforcement) { PlayerReinforcement pRein = (PlayerReinforcement) rein; insecure = pRein.isInsecure(); groupName = pRein.getGroup().getName(); } try { PreparedStatement updateRein = db.prepareStatement(this.updateRein); updateRein.setInt(1, dur); updateRein.setBoolean(2, insecure); updateRein.setString(3, groupName); updateRein.setInt(4, mature); updateRein.setInt(5, x); updateRein.setInt(6, y); updateRein.setInt(7, z); updateRein.setString(8, world); updateRein.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Citadel.Log( String.format( "The Null Group Exception that is being followed has to deal with the group name: %s," + " at location: %d, %d, %d, at world: %s", groupName, x, y, z, world)); e.printStackTrace(); } } /* /** * Begins deleting the reinforcements at a group. Once this is executed * the specified group loses all reinforcements. They are removed from map, * no longer able to be bypassed or broken. * @param The Group name that is being removed. * @return Returns true if there are more records to remove, false otherwise. * public boolean deleteGroup(String group){ reconnectAndReinitialize(); try { deleteGroup.setString(1, group); ResultSet set = deleteGroup.executeQuery();; return set.getInt(1) > 0; } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public void insertDeleteGroup(String group){ reconnectAndReinitialize(); try { insertDeleteGroup.setString(1, group); insertDeleteGroup.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<Group> getDeleteGroups(){ reconnectAndReinitialize(); List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<Group>(); try { ResultSet set = getDeleteGroup.executeQuery(); while ( groups.add(GroupManager.getGroup(set.getString(1))); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return groups; } public void removeDeleteGroup(String group){ reconnectAndReinitialize(); try { removeDeleteGroup.setString(1, group); removeDeleteGroup.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } */ private int lastId = 0; public synchronized int getLastReinId() { reconnectAndReinitialize(); if (lastId != 0) { lastId++; return lastId; } try { PreparedStatement updateRein = db.prepareStatement(this.updateRein); ResultSet set = updateRein.executeQuery();; lastId = set.getInt(1); set.close(); return lastId; } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } private String formatChunk(Location loc) { String chunk = loc.getWorld().getName(); Chunk c = loc.getChunk(); chunk += ":" + c.getX() + ":" + c.getZ(); return chunk; } private String formatChunk(Chunk c) { String chunk = c.getWorld().getName(); chunk += ":" + c.getX() + ":" + c.getZ(); return chunk; } public int getReinCountForGroup(String group) { try { PreparedStatement selectReinCountForGroup = db.prepareStatement(this.selectReinCountForGroup); selectReinCountForGroup.setString(1, group); ResultSet set = selectReinCountForGroup.executeQuery();; set.close(); return set.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } public int getReinCountForAllGroups() { try { PreparedStatement selectReinCount = db.prepareStatement(this.selectReinCount); ResultSet set = selectReinCount.executeQuery();; set.close(); return set.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } public synchronized String getSavedGroupName(PlayerReinforcement rein) { Location loc = rein.getLocation(); try { PreparedStatement getGroupFromRein = db.prepareStatement(this.getGroupFromRein); getGroupFromRein.setInt(1, loc.getBlockX()); getGroupFromRein.setInt(2, loc.getBlockY()); getGroupFromRein.setInt(3, loc.getBlockZ()); getGroupFromRein.setString(4, loc.getWorld().getName()); getGroupFromRein.setString(5, formatChunk(loc)); ResultSet set = getGroupFromRein.executeQuery();; set.close(); return set.getString(1); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }