public String[] getNontransmitted() { String control[] = new String[getChildrenNum()]; TreeMap<String, Integer> controlMap = NewIt.newTreeMap(); // how to deal with missing data??? if (childrenGenoMap.size() == 1) { // situation 1 // System.out.println("Table1 s1"); String[] genopool = new String[1]; genopool[0] = childrenGenoMap.firstKey(); double[] freq = new double[1]; freq[0] = 1.0; Produce(control, controlMap, genopool, freq); } else if (childrenGenoMap.size() == 2) { // situation 2, 3 // System.out.println("Table1 s2,3"); String[] genopool = new String[2]; genopool[0] = childrenGenoMap.firstKey(); genopool[1] = childrenGenoMap.lastKey(); double[] freq = new double[2]; freq[0] = 0.5; freq[1] = 1.0; do { controlMap.clear(); Produce(control, controlMap, genopool, freq); } while (!(controlMap.size() > 1)); } else { System.err.println("Wrecked in Rabinowitz table 1"); } return control; }
protected void RevvingUp() { ChenBase.LineUpGenotypePhenotype lineup = new ChenBase.LineUpGenotypePhenotype(); Hashtable<String, BFamilyStruct> Fam = PedData.getFamilyStruct(); PersonTable.ensureCapacity(qualified_Unrelated + qualified_Sib); if (PhenoData != null) CovariateTable.ensureCapacity(qualified_Unrelated + qualified_Sib); status = new double[qualified_Unrelated + qualified_Sib]; ArrayList<PersonIndex> u_P = NewIt.newArrayList(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> u_C = NewIt.newArrayList(); ArrayList<PersonIndex> s_P = NewIt.newArrayList(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> s_C = NewIt.newArrayList(); ArrayList<Integer> SibIdx = NewIt.newArrayList(); int c = 0; int s = 0; int un = 0; for (String fi : PedData.getFamListSorted()) { if ((lineup.num_qualified[c][0] + lineup.num_qualified[c][1]) == 0) { c++; continue; } BFamilyStruct fs = Fam.get(fi); FamilyUnit FamUnit = PhenoData == null ? null : PhenoData.getFamilyUnit(fi); String[] pi = fs.getPersonListSorted(); int si = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++) { if (!lineup.filter[c][i]) continue; BPerson per = fs.getPerson(pi[i]); Subject sub = PhenoData == null ? null : FamUnit.getSubject(pi[i]); if (fs.hasAncestor(per.getPersonID())) { s_P.add(new PersonIndex(fs.getFamilyStructName(), pi[i], per, false, false)); status[s + qualified_Unrelated] = Double.parseDouble(per.getAffectedStatus()); if (PhenoData != null) s_C.add(sub.getTraits()); si++; s++; } else { u_P.add(new PersonIndex(fs.getFamilyStructName(), pi[i], per, false, true)); status[un] = Double.parseDouble(per.getAffectedStatus()); if (PhenoData != null) u_C.add(sub.getTraits()); un++; } } if (si != 0) SibIdx.add(new Integer(si)); c++; } PersonTable.addAll(u_P); PersonTable.addAll(s_P); if (PhenoData != null) { CovariateTable.addAll(u_C); CovariateTable.addAll(s_C); } numSib = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(SibIdx.toArray(new Integer[0])); System.err.println(un + " unrelated individuals."); Test.LOG.append(un + " unrelated individuals." + "\n"); System.err.println(s + " siblings from " + numSib.length + " families.\n"); Test.LOG.append(s + " siblings from " + numSib.length + " families." + "\n"); }
/** @author Guo-Bo Chen, [email protected] */ public final class SimulationPower { private static String model = "0,3"; private HashMap<String, MDRStatistic> result; private double[] threshold; private double p_001 = 0.01; private double t_001; private int p_001_idx = 0; private double p_005 = 0.05; private double t_005; private int p_005_idx = 0; public static int typeI_005; public static int typeI_001; public static int power_005; public static int power_001; private ArrayList<SimulationStatistic> result_005 = NewIt.newArrayList(); private ArrayList<SimulationStatistic> result_001 = NewIt.newArrayList(); public class SimulationStatistic { protected String model; private double TestingBalancedAccuracy; private double TrainingBalancedAccuracy; private double p_value; public SimulationStatistic(String m, double tra, double ta, double p) { model = m; TestingBalancedAccuracy = tra; TrainingBalancedAccuracy = ta; p_value = p; } public String toString() { NumberFormat number = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( model + " " + number.format(TestingBalancedAccuracy) + " " + number.format(TrainingBalancedAccuracy) + " " + number.format(p_value) + System.getProperty("line.separator")); return sb.toString(); } } public SimulationPower(HashMap<String, MDRStatistic> r, double[] t) { result = r; threshold = t; Arrays.sort(threshold); p_005_idx = (int) (threshold.length * (1 - p_005)); p_001_idx = (int) (threshold.length * (1 - p_001)); t_005 = threshold[p_005_idx]; t_001 = threshold[p_001_idx]; } public void calculatePower() { for (Entry<String, MDRStatistic> entry : result.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); MDRStatistic v = entry.getValue(); double ta = v.getTestingBalancedAccuracy(); if (ta > t_005) { result_005.add( new SimulationStatistic( k, v.getTestingBalancedAccuracy(), v.getTrainingBalancedAccuracy(), getP(p_005_idx, ta))); } if (ta > t_001) { result_001.add( new SimulationStatistic( k, v.getTestingBalancedAccuracy(), v.getTrainingBalancedAccuracy(), getP(p_001_idx, ta))); } } if (result_005.size() > 0) { typeI_005++; for (SimulationStatistic s : result_005) { if (s.model.compareTo(model) == 0) { power_005++; } } } if (result_001.size() > 0) { typeI_001++; for (SimulationStatistic s : result_001) { if (s.model.compareTo(model) == 0) { power_001++; } } } } private double getP(int idx, double t) { double p = idx; for (int i = idx, len = threshold.length; i < len; i++) { if (t > threshold[i]) p++; } return 1 - p / threshold.length; } public String toString() { DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#.###E0"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(threshold.length + " rounds of permutation:"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); sb.append("significance level at alpha = 0.05, BTA threshold=" + fmt.format(t_005)); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); if (result_005.size() > 0) { for (SimulationStatistic sr : result_005) { sb.append(sr); } } else { sb.append("null"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } sb.append("significance level at alpha = 0.01, BTA threshold=" + fmt.format(t_001)); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); if (result_001.size() > 0) { for (SimulationStatistic sr : result_001) { sb.append(sr); } } else { sb.append("null"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } return sb.toString(); } }