public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InvalidLinkedUSDLModelException { LinkedUSDLModel jmodel; jmodel = LinkedUSDLModelFactory.createEmptyModel(); CloudSigmaRecurrentSubsOffering(jmodel); jmodel.setBaseURI(""); Model instance = jmodel.WriteToModel(); // transform the java models to a semantic representation File outputFile = new File("./DebuggingFiles/CloudsigmaRS.ttl"); if (!outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); instance.write(out, "Turtle"); out.close(); }
public static void CloudSigmaRecurrentSubsOffering(LinkedUSDLModel jmodel) throws IOException { // first, create the services Service s1 = new Service(); s1.setName("6MRecurrentSubscription"); ArrayList<QuantitativeValue> s1QuantFeat = new ArrayList<QuantitativeValue>(); // container for the Quantitative Features ArrayList<QualitativeValue> s1QualFeat = new ArrayList<QualitativeValue>(); // container for the Qualitative Features // architecture type QualitativeValue Arch = new QualitativeValue(); Arch.addType(CLOUDEnum.BIT64.getConceptURI()); Arch.setHasLabel("32Bits"); s1QualFeat.add(Arch); // availability QuantitativeValue Availability = new QuantitativeValue(); Availability.addType(CLOUDEnum.AVAILABILITY.getConceptURI()); Availability.setValue(100); Availability.setUnitOfMeasurement("P1"); s1QuantFeat.add(Availability); // support QualitativeValue LiveChat = new QualitativeValue(); LiveChat.addType(CLOUDEnum.LIVECHAT.getConceptURI()); LiveChat.setHasLabel("Live Chat"); s1QualFeat.add(LiveChat); QualitativeValue sup_24_7 = new QualitativeValue(); sup_24_7.addType(CLOUDEnum.SUPPORT_24_7.getConceptURI()); sup_24_7.setHasLabel("Support 24/7 available."); s1QualFeat.add(sup_24_7); QualitativeValue other_support = new QualitativeValue(); other_support.addType(CLOUDEnum.OTHER_SUPPORT.getConceptURI()); other_support.setHasLabel("Email"); s1QualFeat.add(other_support); QualitativeValue forum = new QualitativeValue(); forum.addType(CLOUDEnum.FORUM.getConceptURI()); forum.setHasLabel("Forum"); s1QualFeat.add(forum); QualitativeValue manual = new QualitativeValue(); manual.addType(CLOUDEnum.MANUAL.getConceptURI()); manual.setHasLabel("Online manuals."); s1QualFeat.add(manual); // Management QualitativeValue API, GUI; API = new QualitativeValue(); API.addType(CLOUDEnum.API.getConceptURI()); API.setHasLabel("Rest"); s1QualFeat.add(API); GUI = new QualitativeValue(); GUI.addType(CLOUDEnum.GUI.getConceptURI()); GUI.setHasLabel("Browser based"); s1QualFeat.add(manual); s1QualFeat.add(GUI); // Encryption QualitativeValue Encryption = new QualitativeValue(); Encryption.addType(CLOUDEnum.ENCRYPTION.getConceptURI()); Encryption.setHasLabel("256bit AES�XTS "); s1QualFeat.add(Encryption); // Location QualitativeValue Location = new QualitativeValue(); Location.addType(CLOUDEnum.LOCATION.getConceptURI()); Location.setHasLabel("Zurich"); s1QualFeat.add(Location); // Elastic IP (static ip), billable feature, needs to be taken into account when creating the // price plan for this service QualitativeValue staticIP = new QualitativeValue(); staticIP.addType(CLOUDEnum.ELASTICIP.getConceptURI()); staticIP.setHasLabel("Yes"); s1QualFeat.add(staticIP); // latency QuantitativeValue Latency = new QuantitativeValue(); Latency.addType(CLOUDEnum.NETWORKLATENCY.getConceptURI()); Latency.setValue(1); Latency.setUnitOfMeasurement("C26"); // milliseconds s1QuantFeat.add(Latency); // Disk,RAM,CPUCores and CPUSpeed QuantitativeValue DiskSize = new QuantitativeValue(); DiskSize.addType(CLOUDEnum.DISKSIZE.getConceptURI()); DiskSize.setMinValue(1); DiskSize.setMaxValue(128 * 1024); // 128TB=128*1024 DiskSize.setUnitOfMeasurement("E34"); s1QuantFeat.add(DiskSize); QuantitativeValue MemorySize = new QuantitativeValue(); MemorySize.addType(CLOUDEnum.MEMORYSIZE.getConceptURI()); MemorySize.setMinValue(0.25); MemorySize.setMaxValue(128); MemorySize.setUnitOfMeasurement("E34"); s1QuantFeat.add(MemorySize); QuantitativeValue CPUCores = new QuantitativeValue(); CPUCores.addType(CLOUDEnum.CPUCORES.getConceptURI()); CPUCores.setMinValue(1); CPUCores.setMaxValue(40); s1QuantFeat.add(CPUCores); QuantitativeValue CPUSpeed = new QuantitativeValue(); CPUSpeed.addType(CLOUDEnum.CPUSPEED.getConceptURI()); CPUSpeed.setUnitOfMeasurement("A86"); // Ghz CPUSpeed.setMinValue(0.25); CPUSpeed.setMaxValue(80); s1QuantFeat.add(CPUSpeed); // OS QualitativeValue OS = new QualitativeValue(); OS.addType(CLOUDEnum.WINDOWS.getConceptURI()); OS.setComment("Operating System"); OS.setHasLabel("Windows"); s1QualFeat.add(OS); // storage type, has a different price per GB than the regular HDD QualitativeValue StorageType = new QualitativeValue(); StorageType.addType(CLOUDEnum.STORAGETYPE.getConceptURI()); StorageType.setHasLabel("SSD"); s1QualFeat.add(StorageType); // data transferrals, there's no limit value for the data transferrals, inwards are free, // outwards are charged by GB QuantitativeValue DATAINEXTERNAL = new QuantitativeValue(); QuantitativeValue DATAININTERNAL = new QuantitativeValue(); QuantitativeValue DATAOUTEXTERNAL = new QuantitativeValue(); QuantitativeValue DATAOUTINTERNAL = new QuantitativeValue(); DATAINEXTERNAL.addType(CLOUDEnum.DATAINEXTERNAL.getConceptURI()); DATAINEXTERNAL.setMaxValue(Double.MAX_VALUE); // unlimited s1QuantFeat.add(DATAINEXTERNAL); DATAININTERNAL.addType(CLOUDEnum.DATAININTERNAL.getConceptURI()); DATAININTERNAL.setMaxValue(Double.MAX_VALUE); // unlimited s1QuantFeat.add(DATAININTERNAL); DATAOUTEXTERNAL.addType(CLOUDEnum.DATAOUTEXTERNAL.getConceptURI()); DATAOUTEXTERNAL.setMaxValue(Double.MAX_VALUE); // unlimited s1QuantFeat.add(DATAOUTEXTERNAL); DATAOUTINTERNAL.addType(CLOUDEnum.DATAOUTINTERNAL.getConceptURI()); DATAOUTINTERNAL.setMaxValue(Double.MAX_VALUE); // unlimited s1QuantFeat.add(DATAOUTINTERNAL); // finished modeling the service features, now we need to create its Offering and PricePlan Offering of = new Offering(); of.setName("S16MSubscription-Offering"); of.addService(s1); PricePlan pp = new PricePlan(); // There'll be a total of 5 which represent the billable attributes of the // service. Each of the components implements its own discount since the // discount to be applied depends on local information from each of this // components. of.setPricePlan(pp); pp.setName("S16mSubs-O-PP"); pp.setComment("PricePlan for CloudSigma's s1 6msubscription plan"); PriceComponent pc1 = new PriceComponent(); // PriceComponent responsible for calculating the Cost of the DiskSize // (SSD) pp.addPriceComponent(pc1); pc1.setName("pc1-ssdcost"); pc1.setComment("Responsible for calculating the cost of the SSD hardware."); PriceFunction pf1 = new PriceFunction(); pc1.setPriceFunction(pf1); pf1.setName("ssd-pf"); Usage ssdGB = new Usage(); pf1.addUsageVariable(ssdGB); ssdGB.setName("gbdisk" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); ssdGB.setComment("Number of GB that you need for the instance disk."); Provider ssdcost = new Provider(); pf1.addProviderVariable(ssdcost); ssdcost.setName("ssdcost" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); QuantitativeValue val = new QuantitativeValue(); val.setValue(0.22); val.setUnitOfMeasurement("USD"); ssdcost.setValue(val); pf1.setStringFunction( "IF " + ssdGB.getName() + "<15360 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ssdGB.getName() + ">= 15360 && " + ssdGB.getName() + "< 25600 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.075) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ssdGB.getName() + ">= 25600 && " + ssdGB.getName() + "< 51200 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.125) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ssdGB.getName() + ">= 51200 && " + ssdGB.getName() + "< 256000 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.2) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ssdGB.getName() + ">= 256000 && " + ssdGB.getName() + "< 1024000 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.3) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ssdGB.getName() + ">= 1024000 ;" + "(" + ssdcost.getName() + " * " + ssdGB.getName() + ") * 6 * (1-0.425) * (1- 0.1) "); // this price function takes into account the volume discount provided by cloudsigma /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PriceComponent pc2 = new PriceComponent(); // PriceComponent responsible for calculating the Cost of the RAM pp.addPriceComponent(pc2); pc2.setName("pc2-ramcost"); pc2.setComment("Responsible for calculating the cost of the ram."); PriceFunction pf2 = new PriceFunction(); pc2.setPriceFunction(pf2); pf2.setName("ram-pf"); Usage ramGB = new Usage(); pf2.addUsageVariable(ramGB); ramGB.setName("gbram" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); ramGB.setComment("Number of GB of RAM you need."); Provider ramcost = new Provider(); pf2.addProviderVariable(ramcost); ramcost.setName("ramcost" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); QuantitativeValue valb = new QuantitativeValue(); valb.setValue(0.0229); valb.setUnitOfMeasurement("USD"); ramcost.setValue(valb); pf2.setStringFunction( "IF " + ramGB.getName() + "<50 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ramGB.getName() + ">= 50 && " + ramGB.getName() + "< 100 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.075) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ramGB.getName() + ">= 100 && " + ramGB.getName() + "< 500 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.125) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ramGB.getName() + ">= 500 && " + ramGB.getName() + "< 4000 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.2) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ramGB.getName() + ">= 4000 && " + ramGB.getName() + "< 10000 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.3) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + ramGB.getName() + ">= 10000 ;" + "(" + ramcost.getName() + " * " + ramGB.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.425) * (1- 0.1) "); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PriceComponent pc3 = new PriceComponent(); // PriceComponent responsible for calculating the Cost of the CPU // Speed pp.addPriceComponent(pc3); pc3.setName("pc3-cpuspeedcost"); pc3.setComment("Responsible for calculating the cost of the CPUSpeed."); PriceFunction pf3 = new PriceFunction(); pc3.setPriceFunction(pf3); pf3.setName("cpuspeed-pf"); Usage cpuSpeed = new Usage(); pf3.addUsageVariable(cpuSpeed); cpuSpeed.setName("cpuspeed" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); cpuSpeed.setComment("CPUSpeed you need."); Provider cpuspeedcost = new Provider(); pf3.addProviderVariable(cpuspeedcost); cpuspeedcost.setName("cpuspeedcost" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); QuantitativeValue valc = new QuantitativeValue(); valc.setValue(0.0187); valc.setUnitOfMeasurement("USD"); cpuspeedcost.setValue(valc); pf3.setStringFunction( "IF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + "<50 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ">= 50 && " + cpuSpeed.getName() + "< 100 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.075) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ">= 100 && " + cpuSpeed.getName() + "< 500 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.125) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ">= 500 && " + cpuSpeed.getName() + "< 4000 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.2) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ">= 4000 && " + cpuSpeed.getName() + "< 10000 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.3) * (1- 0.1) " + "~ " + "ELSEIF " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ">= 10000 ;" + "(" + cpuspeedcost.getName() + " * " + cpuSpeed.getName() + ") * 4320 * (1-0.425) * (1- 0.1) "); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PriceComponent pc4 = new PriceComponent(); // PriceComponent responsible for calculating the Cost of the StaticIP pp.addPriceComponent(pc4); pc4.setName("pc4-staticipcost"); pc4.setComment("Responsible for calculating the cost of the StaticIPs."); PriceFunction pf4 = new PriceFunction(); pc4.setPriceFunction(pf4); pf4.setName("staticip-pf"); Usage NStaticIP = new Usage(); pf4.addUsageVariable(NStaticIP); NStaticIP.setName("nstaticip" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); NStaticIP.setComment("Number of StaticIP you need."); Provider StaticIPCost = new Provider(); pf4.addProviderVariable(StaticIPCost); StaticIPCost.setName("staticipcost" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); QuantitativeValue vald = new QuantitativeValue(); vald.setValue(4.5); vald.setUnitOfMeasurement("USD"); StaticIPCost.setValue(vald); pf4.setStringFunction(StaticIPCost.getName() + "*" + NStaticIP.getName() + "* 6 * (1-0.1)"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PriceComponent pc5 = new PriceComponent(); // PriceComponent responsible for calculating the Cost of the Outgoing // Data transfer pp.addPriceComponent(pc5); pc5.setName("pc5-DATAOUT"); pc5.setComment("Responsible for calculating the cost of the outgoing data transferral."); PriceFunction pf5 = new PriceFunction(); pc5.setPriceFunction(pf5); pf5.setName("dataout-pf"); Usage NGBOut = new Usage(); pf5.addUsageVariable(NGBOut); NGBOut.setName("ngbout" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); NGBOut.setComment("Number of GB you expect to send out per month."); Provider gboutcost = new Provider(); pf5.addProviderVariable(gboutcost); gboutcost.setName("gboutcost" + "TIME" + System.nanoTime()); QuantitativeValue vale = new QuantitativeValue(); vale.setValue(0.0715); vale.setUnitOfMeasurement("USD"); gboutcost.setValue(vale); pf5.setStringFunction(gboutcost.getName() + "*" + NGBOut.getName() + "* 6 * (1-0.1)"); // END ArrayList<Offering> offs = new ArrayList<Offering>(); offs.add(of); jmodel.setOfferings(offs); }
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedUSDLModel jmodel; try { jmodel = LinkedUSDLModelFactory.createFromModel( "./DebuggingFiles/MAzureSmallPrePaid6m.ttl"); // read a generic model // System.out.println(jmodel.toString()); // set variables values List<Offering> myOfferings = jmodel.getOfferings(); HashMap<String, Usage> definedVariables = new HashMap<String, Usage>(); for (Offering off : myOfferings) // for each offering { if (off.getPricePlan() != null) // if it has a price plan { PricePlan pp = off.getPricePlan(); for (PriceComponent pc : pp.getPriceComponents()) // for every component of the priceplan { if (pc.getPriceFunction() != null) // if it has a price function { PriceFunction pf = pc.getPriceFunction(); // System.out.println("Off: "+off.getName()); // System.out.println(pf.getSPARQLFunction()); List<Usage> usageVars = pf.getUsageVariables(); // fetch its usage variables Collections.sort( usageVars, new Comparator< Usage>() { // sort them alphabetically, this can be included in the API public int compare(Usage s1, Usage s2) { return s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName()); } }); for (Usage var : usageVars) // for each usage var, set a value. { if (!definedVariables.containsKey(var.getName().replaceAll("TIME\\d+.*", ""))) { QuantitativeValue val = new QuantitativeValue(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println( "Insert the value for the " + var.getName().replaceAll("TIME\\d+.*", "") + " variable.\nDetails: \n" + var.getComment()); double num = Double.parseDouble(scan.nextLine()); val.setValue(num); // 1month var.setValue(val); // add the new value to the usage variable definedVariables.put(var.getName().replaceAll("TIME\\d+.*", ""), var); } else { var.setValue( new QuantitativeValue( (QuantitativeValue) definedVariables .get(var.getName().replaceAll("TIME\\d+.*", "")) .getValue())); } } } } } else System.out.println("Offering with a null price plan"); } jmodel.setBaseURI(""); Model instance = jmodel .WriteToModel(); // after we've done our changes in the jmodels, we transform them // into a new Semantic model /*//write model to file File outputFile = new File("./ma.ttl"); if (!outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); instance.write(out, "Turtle"); out.close();*/ // after applying the changes to the jmodels and transforming them to a semantic web // representation, we can calculate the prices of every offerings. for (Offering off : myOfferings) System.out.println( "" + off.getName() + ", Price:" + off.getPricePlan().calculatePrice(instance)); // jmodel.writeModelToFile("./serviceExamples/test.ttl", "baseURI/de_teste", "TTL"); } catch (InvalidLinkedUSDLModelException | IOException | ReadModelException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }