Exemple #1
   * Parse a signature from a byte stream
   * @param in input bytes to parse
   * @return the decoded signature data
   * @throws CtxException
  static ScalaSig parse(byte[] in) throws CtxException {
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(in);

    // Pull version info & check OK
    int major = Nat.read(bis);
    int minor = Nat.read(bis);
    if (major != 5 || minor != 0) {
      throw new CtxException("Unexpected signature version found: " + major + "." + minor);

    // Pull table
    int tblEntries = Nat.read(bis);
    Table table = new Table();
    for (int e = 0; e < tblEntries; e++) {
      int type = Nat.read(bis);
      int size = Nat.read(bis);
      byte[] raw = new byte[size];
      if (bis.read(raw, 0, size) != size) {
        throw new CtxException("Unexpected EOF in signature data");
      table.addEntry(type, raw);

    // The input stream should be consumed at this point but a 'feature' of the encoding is
    // that there may be a trailer 0 byte, just check all look good
    int trail = bis.read();
    if (trail == 0) trail = bis.read();
    if (trail != -1) throw new CtxException("Unexpected additional byte found at end of signature");

    // All good so create signature
    return new ScalaSig(major, minor, table);
Exemple #2
   * Decode from raw bytes
   * @param raw the bytes
  ExtModClassRefEntry(byte[] raw) {
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(raw);
    _nameRef = Nat.read(in);

    // Symbol is optional in the encoding
    _symbolRef = -1;
    if (in.available() > 0) {
      _symbolRef = Nat.read(in);
Exemple #3
  * Get a byte array containing the encoded signature
  * @return the byte array
 byte[] asBytes() {
   try {
     ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
     Nat.write(_majorVersion, out);
     Nat.write(_minorVersion, out);
     return out.toByteArray();
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new CtxException("Unexpected error converting signature to byte array", e);
Exemple #4
  * Write entry back to a stream
  * @param bos stream to write to
  * @throws IOException
 public void write(ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws IOException {
   Nat.write(TblTypeID.EXT_MOD_CLASS_REF_ID, bos);
   if (_symbolRef != -1) {
     Nat.write(Nat.size(_nameRef) + Nat.size(_symbolRef), bos);
     Nat.write(_nameRef, bos);
     Nat.write(_symbolRef, bos);
   } else {
     Nat.write(Nat.size(_nameRef), bos);
     Nat.write(_nameRef, bos);
Exemple #5
  * Write the table as a byte stream
  * @param out the stream to write to
  * @throws IOException
 void write(ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException {
   Nat.write(entries.size(), out);
   for (TableEntry e : entries) {
Exemple #6
  * Write entry back to a stream
  * @param bos stream to write to
  * @throws IOException
 public void write(ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws IOException {
   Nat.write(TblTypeID.TERM_NAME_ID, bos);
   byte[] bytes = _name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
   Nat.write(bytes.length, bos);
Exemple #7
  * Write entry back to a stream
  * @param bos stream to write to
  * @throws IOException
 public void write(ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws IOException {
   Nat.write(type, bos);
   Nat.write(raw.length, bos);