Exemple #1
  public void afterPropertiesSet() {

    // ToDo Instead of stdout, use servletContext.log( "...") [NOTE: it writes to localhost.*.log
    // rather than catalina.out].
    if (servletContext == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServletContext must not be null.");

    // ToDo LOOK - Are we still using this.

    // Set the webapp name.
    this.webappName = servletContext.getServletContextName();

    // Set the context path.
    // Servlet 2.5 allows the following.
    // contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath();
    String tmpContextPath =
            "ContextPath"); // cannot be overridden in the ThreddsConfig file
    if (tmpContextPath == null) tmpContextPath = "thredds";
    contextPath = "/" + tmpContextPath;
    // ToDo LOOK - Get rid of need for setting contextPath in ServletUtil.

    // Set the root directory and source.
    String rootPath = servletContext.getRealPath("/");
    if (rootPath == null) {
      String msg =
          "Webapp ["
              + this.webappName
              + "] must run with exploded deployment directory (not from .war).";
      System.out.println("ERROR - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
      // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + msg );
      throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    this.rootDirectory = new File(rootPath);
    this.rootDirSource = new BasicDescendantFileSource(this.rootDirectory);
    this.rootDirectory = this.rootDirSource.getRootDirectory();
    // ToDo LOOK - Get rid of need for setting rootPath in ServletUtil.

    // Set the startup (initial install) content directory and source.
    this.startupContentDirectory = new File(this.rootDirectory, this.startupContentPath);
    this.startupContentDirSource = new BasicDescendantFileSource(this.startupContentDirectory);
    this.startupContentDirectory = this.startupContentDirSource.getRootDirectory();

    this.webinfPath = this.rootDirectory + "/WEB-INF";

    // set the tomcat logging directory
    try {
      String base = System.getProperty("catalina.base");
      if (base != null) {
        this.tomcatLogDir = new File(base, "logs").getCanonicalFile();
        if (!this.tomcatLogDir.exists()) {
          String msg = "'catalina.base' directory not found";
          System.out.println("WARN - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
          // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + msg );
      } else {
        String msg = "'catalina.base' property not found - probably not a tomcat server";
        System.out.println("WARN - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        // logServerStartup.warn( "TdsContext.init(): " + msg );

    } catch (IOException e) {
      String msg = "tomcatLogDir could not be created";
      System.out.println("WARN - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
      // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + msg );

    // Set the content directory and source.
    File contentRootDir = new File(this.contentRootPath);
    if (!contentRootDir.isAbsolute())
      this.contentDirectory =
          new File(new File(this.rootDirectory, this.contentRootPath), this.contentPath);
    else {
      if (contentRootDir.isDirectory())
        this.contentDirectory = new File(contentRootDir, this.contentPath);
      else {
        String msg = "Content root directory [" + this.contentRootPath + "] not a directory.";
        System.out.println("ERROR - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + msg );
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    // If the content directory doesn't exist, try to copy startup content directory.
    if (!this.contentDirectory.exists()) {
      try {
        IO.copyDirTree(this.startupContentDirectory.getPath(), this.contentDirectory.getPath());
      } catch (IOException e) {
        String tmpMsg = "Content directory does not exist and could not be created";
            "ERROR - TdsContext.init(): "
                + tmpMsg
                + " ["
                + this.contentDirectory.getAbsolutePath()
                + "].");
        // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + tmpMsg + " [" +
        // this.contentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "]" );
        throw new IllegalStateException(tmpMsg);

    // If content directory exists, make sure it is a directory.
    if (this.contentDirectory.isDirectory()) {
      this.contentDirSource =
          new BasicDescendantFileSource(
      this.contentDirectory = this.contentDirSource.getRootDirectory();
    } else {
      String tmpMsg = "Content directory not a directory";
          "ERROR - TdsContext.init(): "
              + tmpMsg
              + " ["
              + this.contentDirectory.getAbsolutePath()
              + "].");
      // logServerStartup.error( "TdsContext.init(): " + tmpMsg + " [" +
      // this.contentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "]" );
      throw new IllegalStateException(tmpMsg);

    File logDir = new File(this.contentDirectory, "logs");
    if (!logDir.exists()) {
      if (!logDir.mkdirs()) {
        String msg = "Couldn't create TDS log directory [" + logDir.getPath() + "].";
        // System.out.println( "ERROR - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        logServerStartup.error("TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    String loggingDirectory = StringUtil2.substitute(logDir.getPath(), "\\", "/");
    System.setProperty("tds.log.dir", loggingDirectory); // variable substitution

    // LOOK Remove log4j init JC 6/13/2012
    // which is used in log4j.xml file loaded here.
    logServerStartup.info("TdsConfigContextListener.contextInitialized() start[2]: ");
    logServerStartup.info("TdsContext.init()  intializating logging...");

    // read in persistent user-defined params from threddsConfig.xml
    File tdsConfigFile = this.contentDirSource.getFile(this.getTdsConfigFileName());
    String tdsConfigFilename = tdsConfigFile != null ? tdsConfigFile.getPath() : "";

    this.publicContentDirectory = new File(this.contentDirectory, "public");
    if (!publicContentDirectory.exists()) {
      if (!publicContentDirectory.mkdirs()) {
        String msg =
            "Couldn't create TDS public directory [" + publicContentDirectory.getPath() + "].";
        // System.out.println( "ERROR - TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        logServerStartup.error("TdsContext.init(): " + msg);
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    this.publicContentDirSource = new BasicDescendantFileSource(this.publicContentDirectory);

    this.iddContentDirectory = new File(this.rootDirectory, this.iddContentPath);
    this.iddContentPublicDirSource = new BasicDescendantFileSource(this.iddContentDirectory);

    this.motherlodeContentDirectory = new File(this.rootDirectory, this.motherlodeContentPath);
    this.motherlodeContentPublicDirSource =
        new BasicDescendantFileSource(this.motherlodeContentDirectory);

    List<DescendantFileSource> chain = new ArrayList<DescendantFileSource>();
    DescendantFileSource contentMinusPublicSource =
        new BasicWithExclusionsDescendantFileSource(
            this.contentDirectory, Collections.singletonList("public"));
    for (String curContentRoot : ThreddsConfig.getContentRootList()) {
      if (curContentRoot.equalsIgnoreCase("idd")) chain.add(this.iddContentPublicDirSource);
      else if (curContentRoot.equalsIgnoreCase("motherlode"))
      else {
        try {
          chain.add(new BasicDescendantFileSource(StringUtils.cleanPath(curContentRoot)));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          String msg = "Couldn't add content root [" + curContentRoot + "]: " + e.getMessage();
          // System.out.println( "WARN - TdsContext.init(): " + msg );
          logServerStartup.warn("TdsContext.init(): " + msg, e);
    this.configSource = new ChainedFileSource(chain);
    this.publicDocSource = this.publicContentDirSource;

    // ToDo LOOK Find a better way once thredds.catalog2 is used.
    // GridServlet.setContextPath( contextPath ); // Won't need when switch GridServlet to use Swing
    // MVC and TdsContext

    jspRequestDispatcher = servletContext.getNamedDispatcher("jsp");
    defaultRequestDispatcher = servletContext.getNamedDispatcher("default");

    TdsConfigMapper tdsConfigMapper = new TdsConfigMapper();