public GridUI( PreferencesExt pstore, RootPaneContainer root, FileManager fileChooser, int defaultHeight) { // this.topUI = topUI; = pstore; this.fileChooser = fileChooser; try { choosers = new ArrayList(); fieldChooser = new SuperComboBox(root, "field", true, null); choosers.add(new Chooser("field", fieldChooser, true)); levelChooser = new SuperComboBox(root, "level", false, null); choosers.add(new Chooser("level", levelChooser, false)); timeChooser = new SuperComboBox(root, "time", false, null); choosers.add(new Chooser("time", timeChooser, false)); ensembleChooser = new SuperComboBox(root, "ensemble", false, null); choosers.add(new Chooser("ensemble", ensembleChooser, false)); runtimeChooser = new SuperComboBox(root, "runtime", false, null); choosers.add(new Chooser("runtime", runtimeChooser, false)); makeActionsDataset(); makeActionsToolbars(); gridTable = new GridTable("field"); gtWindow = new IndependentWindow( "Grid Table Information", BAMutil.getImage("GDVs"), gridTable.getPanel()); PreferencesExt dsNode = (PreferencesExt) pstore.node("DatasetTable"); dsTable = new GeoGridTable(dsNode, true); dsDialog = dsTable.makeDialog(root, "NetcdfDataset Info", false); // dsDialog.setIconImage( BAMutil.getImage( "GDVs")); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle) dsNode.getBean("DialogBounds", new Rectangle(50, 50, 800, 450)); dsDialog.setBounds(bounds); controller = new GridController(this, store); makeUI(defaultHeight); controller.finishInit(); // other components geotiffFileChooser = new FileManager(parent); geotiffFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(store.get(GEOTIFF_FILECHOOSER_DEFAULTDIR, ".")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("UI creation failed"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * initiate a new TDS radar dataset collection object * * @param desc description * @param dsc_location location of dataset * @param elem dataset root element * @param ns dataset namespace * @param errlog error log * @throws IOException _more_ */ private TDSRadarDatasetCollection( String desc, String dsc_location, Element elem, Namespace ns, StringBuffer errlog) throws IOException { super(); Element serviceElem = readElements(elem, "service"); Element dsElem = readElements(elem, "dataset"); Element metaElem = readElements(dsElem, "metadata"); // HashMap stationHMap = readSelectStations(metaElem, ns); String sts = dsc_location.replaceFirst("dataset.xml", "stations.xml"); HashMap<String, Station> stationHMap = readRadarStations(sts); LatLonRect radarRegion = readSelectRegion(metaElem, ns); List<String> radarTimeSpan = readSelectTime(metaElem, ns); List<Product> productList = readSelectVariable(metaElem, ns); String summary = readSelectDocument(metaElem, ns); // gotta have these if (stationHMap == null) { errlog.append("TDSRadarDatasetCollection must have station selected"); return; } if (radarRegion == null) { errlog.append("TDSRadarDatasetCollection must have region selected"); return; } if (radarTimeSpan == null) { errlog.append("TDSRadarDatasetCollection must have time span selected"); return; } this.desc = desc; this.dsc_location = dsc_location; this.radarProducts = productList; this.summary = summary; this.stationHMap = stationHMap; this.radarRegion = radarRegion; this.radarTimeSpan = radarTimeSpan; this.startDate = DateUnit.getStandardOrISO((String) radarTimeSpan.get(0)); this.endDate = DateUnit.getStandardOrISO((String) radarTimeSpan.get(1)); try { timeUnit = new DateUnit("hours since 1991-01-01T00:00"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * _more_ * * @param desc _more_ * @param dqc _more_ * @param selService _more_ * @param service _more_ * @param selStation _more_ * @param selRegion _more_ * @param selTime _more_ */ private DqcRadarDatasetCollection( String desc, QueryCapability dqc, SelectService selService, SelectService.ServiceChoice service, SelectStation selStation, SelectGeoRegion selRegion, SelectList selTime) { super(); // this.ds = ds; this.desc = desc; this.dqc = dqc; this.selService = selService; this.selStation = selStation; this.selRegion = selRegion; this.selTime = selTime; this.service = service; ArrayList stationList = selStation.getStations(); stations = new HashMap(stationList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < stationList.size(); i++) { thredds.catalog.query.Station station = (thredds.catalog.query.Station) stationList.get(i); // DqcRadarStation dd = new DqcRadarStation(station); stations.put(station.getValue(), station); } ArrayList timeList = selTime.getChoices(); relTimesList = new HashMap(timeList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++) { thredds.catalog.query.Choice tt = (thredds.catalog.query.Choice) timeList.get(i); relTimesList.put(tt.getValue(), tt); } String ql = dqc.getQuery().getUriResolved().toString(); startDate = new Date(); endDate = new Date(); try { timeUnit = new DateUnit("hours since 1991-01-01T00:00"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public DatasetEditor() { JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane(); metadataPP = new PrefPanel("Edit Catalog Dataset", null, null); tabs.add("metadata", metadataPP); int row = 0; metadataPP.addHeading("Basic", row++); // row 0 metadataPP.addTextField(NAME, "Name", "", 0, row++, "8,1"); // row 1 metadataPP.addTextField(ID, "ID", "", 0, row, null); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextField(AUTHORITY, "Authority", "", 2, row, null)); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextField(SERVICE_NAME, "Service", "", 4, row, null)); row++; // row 2 addPopups( metadataPP.addEnumComboField( FORMAT_TYPE, "Data format", DataFormatType.getAllTypes(), true, 0, row, null)); addPopups( metadataPP.addEnumComboField( DATA_TYPE, "Data type", Arrays.asList(FeatureType.values()), true, 2, row, null)); metadataPP.addEnumComboField( COLLECTION_TYPE, "Collection type", CollectionType.getAllTypes(), true, 4, row++, null); //////////// metadataPP.addHeading("GeoSpatial Coverage", row++); // addCheckBoxField("", "Global", false, 0, row); gc_type = metadataPP.addEnumComboField(GC_TYPE, "type", inherit_types, false, 0, row, null); gc_type.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String mode = (String) gc_type.getValue(); setGCmode(getMode(mode)); } }); extractGCButton = makeButton("Extract Geospatial"); extractGCButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { extractGeospatial(); } }); metadataPP.addComponent(extractGCButton, 2, row, "left, center"); metadataPP.addCheckBoxField(ZPOSITIVE_UP, "Z positive up", false, 4, row); row++; /* JPanel geoPanel = new JPanel(); Field.CheckBox global = new Field.CheckBox( "", "Global", false, persBean); geoPanel.add( new JLabel("Global: ")); geoPanel.add( global.getEditComponent()); geoPanel.add( new JButton("Read Dataset")); pp.addComponent(geoPanel, 0, row++, "left, center"); */ // 4 columns in 3 rows metadataPP.addDoubleField(LAT_START, "Starting Latitude", 0.0, 5, 0, row, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(LAT_EXTENT, "Size", 0.0, 5, 2, row, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(LAT_RESOLUTION, "Resolution", 0.0, 5, 4, row, null); metadataPP.addTextField(LAT_UNITS, "Units", "", 6, row, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(LON_START, "Starting Longitude", 0.0, 5, 0, row + 1, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(LON_EXTENT, "Size", 0.0, 5, 2, row + 1, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(LON_RESOLUTION, "Resolution", 0.0, 5, 4, row + 1, null); metadataPP.addTextField(LON_UNITS, "Units", "", 6, row + 1, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(HEIGHT_START, "Starting Height", 0.0, 5, 0, row + 2, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(HEIGHT_EXTENT, "Size", 0.0, 5, 2, row + 2, null); metadataPP.addDoubleField(HEIGHT_RESOLUTION, "Resolution", 0.0, 5, 4, row + 2, null); metadataPP.addTextField(HEIGHT_UNITS, "Units", "", 6, row + 2, null); // addTextField("localMetadata.geospatialCoverage.ZPositive", "Z is Positive", "up", 6, row+3, // null); row += 3; ////// metadataPP.addHeading("Temporal Coverage", row++); tc_type = metadataPP.addEnumComboField(TC_TYPE, "type", inherit_types, false, 0, row++, null); tc_type.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String mode = (String) tc_type.getValue(); setTCmode(getMode(mode)); } }); DateRange range = null; try { range = new DateRange(); } catch (Exception e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } dateRangeSelector = new RangeDateSelector("", range, false, false, null, false, false); DateField minDateField = dateRangeSelector.getMinDateField(); DateField maxDateField = dateRangeSelector.getMaxDateField(); DurationField durationField = dateRangeSelector.getDurationField(); DurationField resolutionField = dateRangeSelector.getResolutionField(); metadataPP.addField(minDateField, 0, row, null); metadataPP.addField(maxDateField, 2, row, null); metadataPP.addField(durationField, 4, row, null); metadataPP.addField(resolutionField, 6, row++, null); //// metadataPP.addHeading("Digital Library Info", row++); metadataPP.addCheckBoxField(HARVEST, "Harvest", false, 0, row++); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextAreaField(SUMMARY, "Summary", null, 7, 0, row, "3,1")); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextAreaField(RIGHTS, "Rights", null, 2, 0, row + 1, "3,1")); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextAreaField(HISTORY, "History", null, 7, 4, row, "3,1")); addPopups(metadataPP.addTextAreaField(PROCESSING, "Process", null, 2, 4, row + 1, "3,1")); row += 2; metadataPP.addEmptyRow(row++, 10); JTabbedPane tabPane = new JTabbedPane(); metadataPP.addComponent(tabPane, 0, row, "8,1"); ArrayList<Field.BeanTableField> tables = new ArrayList<>(); tabPane.addTab("Variables", makeVariablesPanel()); tables.add(variablesFld); creatorsFld = new Field.BeanTableField( CREATORS, "Creators", null, ThreddsMetadata.Source.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Creators", creatorsFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(creatorsFld); publishersFld = new Field.BeanTableField( PUBLISHERS, "Publishers", null, ThreddsMetadata.Source.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Publishers", publishersFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(publishersFld); projectsFld = new Field.BeanTableField( PROJECTS, "Projects", null, ThreddsMetadata.Vocab.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Projects", projectsFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(projectsFld); keywordsFld = new Field.BeanTableField( KEYWORDS, "Keywords", null, ThreddsMetadata.Vocab.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Keywords", keywordsFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(keywordsFld); datesFld = new Field.BeanTableField(DATES, "Dates", null, DateType.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Dates", datesFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(datesFld); contributorsFld = new Field.BeanTableField( CONTRIBUTORS, "Contributors", null, ThreddsMetadata.Contributor.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Contributors", contributorsFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(contributorsFld); docsFld = new Field.BeanTableField( DOCUMENTATION, "Documentation", null, InvDocumentation.class, null, null); tabPane.addTab("Documentation", docsFld.getEditComponent()); tables.add(docsFld); for (Field.BeanTableField table : tables) addPopups(table); metadataPP.finish(false); makeDscanPanel(); tabs.add("datasetScan", dscanPP); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(tabs, BorderLayout.CENTER); }