@Override public void opDerivedException_async( AMD_Initial_opDerivedException cb, Ice.IntOptional a, Ice.Optional<String> b, Ice.Optional<OneOptional> o, Ice.Current current) throws OptionalException { DerivedException ex = new DerivedException(); if (a.isSet()) { ex.setA(a.get()); } else { ex.clearA(); // The member "a" has a default value. } if (b.isSet()) { ex.setB(b.get()); ex.setSs(b.get()); } else { ex.clearSs(); // The member "ss" has a default value. } if (o.isSet()) { ex.setO(o.get()); ex.setO2(o.get()); } cb.ice_exception(ex); }
@Override public void opIntReq_async(AMD_Initial_opIntReq cb, Ice.IntOptional p1, Ice.Current current) { cb.ice_response(p1.get(), p1.get()); }