public void initDB(String[] args) { final String servers = Args.valueOf(args, "-servers", "localhost"); String propFile = Args.valueOf(args, "-props", "swiftsocial-test.props"); Properties properties = Props.parseFile("swiftsocial", propFile); configBloatedCounters(properties); SafeLog.configure(properties); System.err.println("Populating db with users..."); int numUsers = Props.intValue(properties, "swiftsocial.numUsers", 1000); final int NumUsers = Args.valueOf(args, "-users", numUsers); Workload.generateUsers(NumUsers); int threads = Args.valueOf(args, "-threads", 6); final int PARTITION_SIZE = 1000; int partitions = numUsers / PARTITION_SIZE + (numUsers % PARTITION_SIZE > 0 ? 1 : 0); ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { int lo = i * PARTITION_SIZE, hi = (i + 1) * PARTITION_SIZE; final List<String> partition = Workload.getUserData().subList(lo, Math.min(hi, numUsers)); pool.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { SwiftOptions options = new SwiftOptions(servers, DCConstants.SURROGATE_PORT); options.setCacheUpdateProtocol(CacheUpdateProtocol.NO_CACHE_OR_UNCOORDINATED); SwiftSocialBenchmark.super.initUsers(options, partition, counter, NumUsers); } }); } Threading.awaitTermination(pool, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Threading.sleep(5000); System.err.println("\nFinished populating db with users."); }
public static Herd getHerd(String dc, String herd, int minimumAge, boolean stop) { String.format( IP.localHostname() + " Waiting up to %s seconds for <%s, %s> membership to settle...\n", minimumAge, dc, herd)); synchronized (herds) { while (age() / 1000 < minimumAge) { Threading.synchronizedWaitOn(herds, 100); } stopProbing = stop; return getHerd(dc, herd); } }
public void doBenchmark(String[] args) { super.init(args); // IO.redirect("stdout.txt", "stderr.txt"); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println(IP.localHostname() + "/ starting..."); int concurrentSessions = Args.valueOf(args, "-threads", 1); String partitions = Args.valueOf(args, "-partition", "0/1"); int site = Integer.valueOf(partitions.split("/")[0]); int numberOfSites = Integer.valueOf(partitions.split("/")[1]); // ASSUMPTION: concurrentSessions is the same at all sites int numberOfVirtualSites = numberOfSites * concurrentSessions; List<String> candidates = Args.subList(args, "-servers"); server = ClosestDomain.closest2Domain(candidates, site); shepard = Args.valueOf(args, "-shepard", ""); System.err.println(IP.localHostAddress() + " connecting to: " + server); super.populateWorkloadFromConfig(); SafeLog.printlnComment(""); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\targs=%s", Arrays.asList(args))); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tsite=%s", site)); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tnumberOfSites=%s", numberOfSites)); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tthreads=%s", concurrentSessions)); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tnumberOfVirtualSites=%s", numberOfVirtualSites)); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tSurrogate=%s", server)); SafeLog.printlnComment(String.format("\tShepard=%s", shepard)); if (!shepard.isEmpty()) Shepard.sheepJoinHerd(shepard); // Kick off all sessions, throughput is limited by // concurrentSessions. final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(concurrentSessions, Threading.factory("App")); final double sessionOpsPerMs = ((double) targetOpsPerSec / (double) concurrentSessions) / 1000.0; System.err.println("Spawning session threads."); for (int i = 0; i < concurrentSessions; i++) { final int sessionId = site * concurrentSessions + i; final Workload commands = getWorkloadFromConfig(sessionId, numberOfVirtualSites); threadPool.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { // Randomize startup to avoid clients running all at the // same time; causes problems akin to DDOS symptoms. Threading.sleep(Sys.rg.nextInt(10000)); SwiftSocialBenchmark.super.runClientSession( Integer.toString(sessionId), commands, false, sessionOpsPerMs); } }); } // report client progress every 10 seconds... final int PERIOD = 10; new PeriodicTask(0.0, 0.0 + PERIOD) { private int lastDone; public void run() { final int recentDone = commandsDone.get(); final int throughput = (recentDone - lastDone) / PERIOD; lastDone = recentDone; System.err.printf( "Done: %s, throughput %d op/s\n", Progress.percentage(recentDone, totalCommands.get()), throughput); } }; // Wait for all sessions. threadPool.shutdown(); Threading.awaitTermination(threadPool, Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.err.println("Session threads completed."); System.err.println( "Throughput: " + totalCommands.get() * 1000 / (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " txns/s"); System.exit(0); }
public static void main(String[] args) { sys.Sys.init(); SwiftSocialBenchmark instance = new SwiftSocialBenchmark(); if (args.length == 0) { // DCSequencerServer.main(new String[] { "-name", "X", "-integrated" // }); DCServer.main(new String[] {"-servers", "localhost", "-integrated"}); args = new String[] { "-servers", "localhost", "-threads", "2", "-props", "swiftsocial-test.props" }; SafeLog.configure(EnumSet.of(ReportType.APP_OP)); instance.initDB(args); instance.doBenchmark(args); exit(0); } if (args[0].equals("-prepareDB")) { if (args.length != 3) { System.err.println(Arrays.asList(args)); System.err.println("usage: -prepareDB dbName numUsers"); System.exit(0); } // uses berkeleydb in sync mode to create a DB snapshot. // In folder db, default and default_seq need // to be renamed manually to 25k and 25k_seq DCSequencerServer.main(new String[] {"-sync", "-db", args[1], "-name", "X"}); DCServer.main(new String[] {"-sync", "-db", args[1], "-servers", "localhost"}); args = new String[] {"-servers", "localhost", "-users", args[2]}; instance.initDB(args); Threading.sleep(60000); exit(0); } if (args[0].equals("-reloadDB")) { if (args.length != 3) { System.err.println(Arrays.asList(args)); System.err.println("usage: -reloadDB dbName propfile"); System.exit(0); } // assumes there is db/25k and db/25k_seq folders with the prepared // db snapshot, eg., for args[1] == 25k System.err.println(Arrays.asList(args)); DCSequencerServer.main(new String[] {"-rdb", args[1], "-db", "-name", "X"}); DCServer.main(new String[] {"-rdb", args[1], "-servers", "localhost"}); args = new String[] {"-servers", "localhost", "-props", args[2]}; instance.doBenchmark(args); exit(0); } if (args[0].equals("init")) { instance.initDB(args); exit(0); } if (args[0].equals("run")) { instance.doBenchmark(args); exit(0); } }