public Object clone() { FigForkState figClone = (FigForkState) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigRect) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigRect) v.elementAt(1); return figClone; }
public Object clone() { FigShallowHistoryState figClone = (FigShallowHistoryState) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); return figClone; }
public Object clone() { FigUseCase figClone = (FigUseCase) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._cover = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); return figClone; }
public void setNode(Vector figures) { int size = figures.size(); if (figures != null && (size > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object o = figures.elementAt(i); if (o instanceof FigComponentInstance) { FigComponentInstance figcomp = (FigComponentInstance) o; figcomp.setEnclosingFig(this); } } } }
public Vector rowObjectsFor(Object t) { if (!(t instanceof UMLDeploymentDiagram)) return new Vector(); UMLDeploymentDiagram d = (UMLDeploymentDiagram) t; Vector edges = d.getEdges(); Vector res = new Vector(); int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object edge = edges.elementAt(i); if (edge instanceof MDependencyImpl) res.addElement(edge); } return res; }
public java.util.Enumeration gen(Object o) { MClass c = (MClass) o; Vector specs = new Vector(c.getSpecializations()); if (specs == null) { return EnumerationEmpty.theInstance(); } // TODO: it would be nice to have a EnumerationXform // and a Functor object in uci.util Vector specClasses = new Vector(specs.size()); java.util.Enumeration enum = specs.elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { MGeneralization g = (MGeneralization) enum.nextElement(); MGeneralizableElement ge = g.getChild(); // assert: ge != null if (ge != null) specClasses.addElement(ge); } return specClasses.elements(); }
public Enumeration gen(Object o) { Vector res = new Vector(); if (!(o instanceof MClassifier)) return res.elements(); MClassifier cls = (MClassifier) o; Vector ends = new Vector(cls.getAssociationEnds()); if (ends == null) return res.elements(); Iterator enum = ends.iterator(); while (enum.hasNext()) { MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd); if (MAggregationKind.COMPOSITE.equals(ae.getAggregation())) { MAssociation asc = ae.getAssociation(); List conn = asc.getConnections(); if (conn == null || conn.size() != 2) continue; Object otherEnd = (ae == conn.get(0)) ? conn.get(1) : conn.get(0); MClassifier componentClass = ((MAssociationEnd)otherEnd).getType(); res.add(componentClass); } } return res.elements(); }
public Object clone() { FigActor figClone = (FigActor) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(0); figClone._head = (FigCircle) v.elementAt(1); figClone._body = (FigLine) v.elementAt(2); figClone._arms = (FigLine) v.elementAt(3); figClone._leftLeg = (FigLine) v.elementAt(4); figClone._rightLeg = (FigLine) v.elementAt(5); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(6); return figClone; }
public Object clone() { FigComponentInstance figClone = (FigComponentInstance) super.clone(); Vector v = figClone.getFigs(); figClone._bigPort = (FigRect) v.elementAt(0); figClone._cover = (FigRect) v.elementAt(1); figClone._stereo = (FigText) v.elementAt(2); figClone._name = (FigText) v.elementAt(3); figClone._upperRect = (FigRect) v.elementAt(4); figClone._lowerRect = (FigRect) v.elementAt(5); return figClone; }
public Vector getChildren(Object parent) { if (!(parent instanceof MClass)) return null; Vector res = new Vector(); Vector ends = new Vector(((MClass)parent).getAssociationEnds()); if (ends == null) return null; java.util.Enumeration enum = ends.elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd) enum.nextElement(); MAssociation asc = ae.getAssociation(); Vector allEnds = new Vector( asc.getConnections()); MAssociationEnd otherEnd = null; if (ae == allEnds.elementAt(0)) otherEnd = (MAssociationEnd) allEnds.elementAt(1); if (ae == allEnds.elementAt(1)) otherEnd = (MAssociationEnd) allEnds.elementAt(0); if (otherEnd == null) continue; if (!otherEnd.isNavigable()) continue; if (res.contains(otherEnd.getType())) continue; res.addElement(otherEnd.getType()); // needs-more-work: handle n-way Associations } return res; }
public Vector getPrereqs() { Vector pros = new Vector(); pros.addElement(MClassifier.class); return pros; }
public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) { Vector children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null && children.contains(child)) return children.indexOf(child); return -1; }
public int getChildCount(Object parent) { Vector children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) return children.size(); return 0; }
public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) { Vector children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) return children.elementAt(index); System.out.println("getChild should never be get here GoClassToNavigableClass"); return null; }
public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) { if (encloser != null && encloser.getOwner() instanceof MNodeInstance && getOwner() != null) { MNodeInstance node = (MNodeInstance) encloser.getOwner(); MComponentInstance comp = (MComponentInstance) getOwner(); if (comp.getNodeInstance() != node) { comp.setNodeInstance(node); } super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); Vector figures = getEnclosedFigs(); if (getLayer() != null) { // elementOrdering(figures); Vector contents = getLayer().getContents(); int contentsSize = contents.size(); for (int j = 0; j < contentsSize; j++) { Object o = contents.elementAt(j); if (o instanceof FigEdgeModelElement) { FigEdgeModelElement figedge = (FigEdgeModelElement) o; figedge.getLayer().bringToFront(figedge); } } } } else if (encloser == null && getEnclosingFig() != null) { if (getEnclosingFig() instanceof FigNodeModelElement) ((FigNodeModelElement) getEnclosingFig()).getEnclosedFigs().removeElement(this); _encloser = null; } /* super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); Vector figures = getEnclosedFigs(); if (getLayer() != null) { // elementOrdering(figures); Vector contents = getLayer().getContents(); int contentsSize = contents.size(); for (int j=0; j<contentsSize; j++) { Object o = contents.elementAt(j); if (o instanceof FigEdgeModelElement) { FigEdgeModelElement figedge = (FigEdgeModelElement) o; figedge.getLayer().bringToFront(figedge); } } } if (!(getOwner() instanceof MModelElement)) return; if (getOwner() instanceof MComponentInstance) { MComponentInstance me = (MComponentInstance) getOwner(); MNodeInstance mnode = null; if (encloser != null && (encloser.getOwner() instanceof MNodeInstance)) { mnode = (MNodeInstance) encloser.getOwner(); } if (encloser != null && (encloser.getOwner() instanceof MComponentInstance)) { MComponentInstance comp = (MComponentInstance) encloser.getOwner(); mnode = (MNodeInstance) comp.getNodeInstance(); } try { if(mnode != null) { me.setNodeInstance(mnode); } else { if (me.getNodeInstance() != null) { me.setNodeInstance(null); } } setNode(figures); } catch (Exception e) { cat.error("could not set package", e); } } */ }