  public static Result upload() {
    User user = getCurrentUser();
    if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
    Http.MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData();
    Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart contactfile = body.getFile("contactfile");
    if (contactfile != null) {
      String fileName = contactfile.getFilename();
      File file = contactfile.getFile();

      try {
        File f = new File("public/upload/" + fileName);
        if (f.isFile()) f.delete();
        FileUtils.moveFile(file, new File("public/upload", fileName));
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        System.out.println("Problem operating on filesystem");

      flash("success", "Datei: " + fileName + " hochgeladen und Kontakte importiert");
      return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
    } else {
      flash("error", "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuchen sie es erneut");
      return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
  public static Result newUser() {
    User user = getCurrentUser();
    if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
    Form<User> filledForm = userForm.bindFromRequest();

    if (!filledForm.field("password").valueOr("").isEmpty()) {
      if (!filledForm
          .equals(filledForm.field("repeatPassword").value())) {
        filledForm.reject("repeatPassword", "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein");

    if (!filledForm.hasErrors()) {
      if (userAlreadyExists(filledForm.get().email)) {
        filledForm.reject("email", "Diese Emailadresse ist bereits vergeben");

    if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
      flash("error", "Bitte korrigieren sie ihre Eingaben!");
      return badRequest(views.html.addUser.render(filledForm, getCurrentUser(), User.find.all()));
    } else {
      flash("success", "Benutzer " + filledForm.get().email + " erstellt.");
      return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
  public static Result upload() {
    MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData();
    FilePart input = body.getFile("inputFile");

    if (input != null) {
      String fileName = input.getFilename();
      String contentType = input.getContentType();
      File file = input.getFile();
      SeqFile seq = new SeqFile(file);
      return redirect(routes.Application.results(true));
    } else {
      flash("error", "Missing file");
      return redirect(routes.Application.results(false));
 /** Lists all the contacts of the specifed group */
 public static Result filteredContactsBy(String groupname) {
   User user = getCurrentUser();
   if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   String btn = groupname;
   return ok(views.html.index.render(Contact.findByGroupname(groupname), contactForm, user, btn));
Exemple #5
   * 사용자 가입 화면 이동
   * @return
  public static Result signupForm() {
    if (!UserApp.currentUser().isAnonymous()) {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());

    return ok(signup.render("title.signup", form(User.class)));
Exemple #6
   * 로그인 처리 시스템 설정에서 가입승인 기능이 활성화 되어 있고 사용자 상태가 잠금상태(미승인?)라면 계정이 잠겼다는 메시지를 노출하고 로그인 폼으로 돌아감 시스템 설정에서
   * 가입승인 기능이 활성화 되어 있지 않다면, 사용자 상태가 잠금상태라도 로그인이 가능하다 (스펙확인 필요) 요청의 정보로 사용자 인증에 성공하면 로그인쿠키를 생성하고
   * 로그인유지하기가 선택되었다면, 로그인유지를 위한 쿠키를 별도로 생성한다 인증에 실패하면 관련된 메시지를 노출하고 로그인 폼으로 돌아간다
   * @return
  public static Result login() {
    Form<User> userForm = form(User.class).bindFromRequest();
    if (userForm.hasErrors()) {
      return badRequest(login.render("title.login", userForm));
    User sourceUser = form(User.class).bindFromRequest().get();

    if (isUseSignUpConfirm()) {
      if (User.findByLoginId(sourceUser.loginId).state == UserState.LOCKED) {
        flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.locked");
        return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm());

    if (User.findByLoginId(sourceUser.loginId).state == UserState.DELETED) {
      flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.deleted");
      return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm());

    User authenticate = authenticateWithPlainPassword(sourceUser.loginId, sourceUser.password);

    if (authenticate != null) {
      if (sourceUser.rememberMe) {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());

    flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.login.failed");
    return redirect(routes.UserApp.loginForm());
Exemple #7
 public static Result addUser() {
   User user = User.finder.where().eq("name", "admin").findUnique();
   if (user == null) {
     User.create("admin", "password123");
   return redirect(routes.Application.login());
Exemple #8
  public static Result pesquisarAnuncio() {
    DynamicForm pesquisarForm = Form.form().bindFromRequest();
    List<Anuncio> result = null;
    if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("1")) {
      result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "nome", pesquisarForm.get("pesquisa"));
    } else if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("2")) {
      result = dao.findByAttributeInstumento(pesquisarForm.get("pesquisa"));
    } else if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("3")) {
      result = dao.findByAttributeEstilo(pesquisarForm.get("pesquisa"));
    } else if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("4")) {
      if (pesquisarForm.get("objetivo").equals("Tocar Ocasionalmente")) {
        result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "objetivo", "Tocar Ocasionalmente");
      } else if (pesquisarForm.get("objetivo").equals("Procuro Banda")) {
        result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "objetivo", "Procuro Banda");
      } else if (pesquisarForm.get("objetivo").equals("Procuro musico")) {
        result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "objetivo", "Procuro musico");
    } else if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("5")) {
      result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "objetivo", "Procuro Banda");
    } else if (pesquisarForm.get("optradio").equals("6")) {
      result = dao.findByAttributeName("Anuncio", "objetivo", "Procuro musico");
    if (result == null) {
      return redirect(routes.Application.anuncios());

    return ok(views.html.pesquisar.render(result));
Exemple #9
  public Result doMerge() {
    // this is the currently logged in user
    final AuthUser aUser = PlayAuthenticate.getUser(session());

    // this is the user that was selected for a login
    final AuthUser bUser = PlayAuthenticate.getMergeUser(session());
    if (bUser == null) {
      // user to merge with could not be found, silently redirect to login
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());

    final Form<Accept> filledForm = ACCEPT_FORM.bindFromRequest();
    if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
      // User did not select whether to merge or not merge
      return badRequest((Content) ask_merge.render("Merge Form"));
    } else {
      // User made a choice :)
      final boolean merge = filledForm.get().accept;
      if (merge) {
            Application.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.accounts.merge.success"));
      return PlayAuthenticate.merge(ctx(), merge);
  * Verify.
  * @param token the token
  * @return the result
 public static Result verify(final String token) {
   Logger.debug("Account verify");
   final TokenAction ta = tokenIsValid(token, Type.EMAIL_VERIFICATION);
   if (ta == null) {
     return badRequest(no_token_or_invalid.render());
   final String email = ta.targetUser.email;
   //		final User verifiedUser = ta.targetUser;
   // if(session().containsKey("acctType") && StringUtils.equals("event",
   // session().get("acctType"))) {
   // verifiedUser.addRoles(SecurityRole.EVENT_ADMIN);
   // } else {
   // verifiedUser.addRoles(SecurityRole.PFP_ADMIN);
   // }
       Messages.get("playauthenticate.verify_email.success", email));
   if (ControllerUtil.getLocalUser(session()) != null) {
     return redirect(routes.Application.index());
   } else {
     return redirect(routes.Signup.login());
   * Action usada para a denúncia de uma Dica considerada como imprópria pelo usuário.
   * @param idDica O id da {@code Dica} denunciada.
   * @return O Result do POST, redirecionando para a página do {@code Tema} caso o POST tenha sido
   *     concluído com sucesso.
  public static Result denunciarDica(Long idDica) {
    Dica dica = dao.findByEntityId(Dica.class, idDica);

    String login = session("login");
    if (!dica.wasFlaggedByUser(login)) {

      if (dica.getFlag() == MAX_DENUNCIAS) {
        dao.removeById(Dica.class, idDica);

        for (MetaDica metadica : dica.getMetaDicas()) {
      } else {
    } else {
      flash("fail", "Usuário já denunciou a dica.");


    return redirect(routes.Application.tema(dica.getTema().getId()));
  // TODO change to use Contact.create() method
  public static Result newContact() {

    Form<Contact> filledForm = contactForm.bindFromRequest();

    String name = filledForm.data().get("name");
    String firstName = filledForm.data().get("firstName");
    String title = filledForm.data().get("title");
    String email = filledForm.data().get("email");
    String street = filledForm.data().get("street");
    String appendix1 = filledForm.data().get("appendix1");
    String appendix2 = filledForm.data().get("appendix2");
    String zipcode = filledForm.data().get("zipcode");
    String country = filledForm.data().get("country");
    String city = filledForm.data().get("city");
    String phone = filledForm.data().get("phone");
    String yearbook = filledForm.data().get("yearbookSubscription");
    String memberCategory = filledForm.data().get("memberCategory");
    String membershipSince = filledForm.data().get("membershipSince");

    Contact newContact = new Contact();
    newContact.name = name;
    newContact.firstName = firstName;
    newContact.title = title;
    newContact.email = email;
    newContact.street = street;
    newContact.appendix1 = appendix1;
    newContact.appendix2 = appendix2;
    newContact.zipcode = zipcode;
    newContact.city = city;
    newContact.country = country;
    newContact.phone = phone;

    if (yearbook.equals("true")) newContact.yearbookSubscription = true;
    newContact.memberCategory = memberCategory;

    for (int j = 0; j < ContactGroup.options().size(); j++) {
      String item = "belongsTo[" + j + "]";
      if (filledForm.data().get(item) != null) {
        ContactGroup cg =
            ContactGroup.find.byId((long) Integer.parseInt(filledForm.data().get(item)));

    if (newContact.belongsTo.isEmpty())
      filledForm.reject("belongsTo[]", "Keine Sektion ausgewählt");

    // TODO Check fields for errors

    if (filledForm.hasErrors()) System.out.println(filledForm.errors().toString());

    newContact.membershipSince = membershipSince;
    newContact.createdAt = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
    newContact.lastEditedAt = newContact.createdAt;
    flash("success", "Kontakt " + newContact + " erstellt und gespeichert.");
    return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
 public static Result addContactGroup() {
   if (!getCurrentUser().isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   Form<ContactGroup> contactGroupForm = Form.form(ContactGroup.class);
   return ok(
           contactGroupForm, getCurrentUser(), ContactGroup.find.all()));
 public static Result newTask() {
   Form<Task> filledForm = taskForm.bindFromRequest();
   if (filledForm.hasErrors()) return badRequest(views.html.task.render(Task.all(), filledForm));
   else {
     return redirect(routes.Application.getTasks());
 /** Lists all the contacts with yearbook subscription */
 public static Result filteredContactsWithYearbookSubscription() {
   System.out.println("Method: filteredContactsWithYearbookSubscription()");
   User user = getCurrentUser();
   if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   String btn = "yearbook";
   return ok(views.html.index.render(Contact.withYearbookSubscription(), contactForm, user, btn));
Exemple #16
 public static Result registerNewUser() {
   Form<Register> regForm = Form.form(Register.class).bindFromRequest();
   if (regForm.hasErrors()) {
     return badRequest(register.render(regForm));
   } else {
     return redirect(routes.Application.login());
Exemple #17
 public static Result authenticate() {
   Form<Login> loginForm = form(Login.class).bindFromRequest();
   if (loginForm.hasErrors()) {
     return badRequest(login.render(loginForm));
   } else {
     session("email", loginForm.get().email);
     return redirect(routes.Application.index());
Exemple #18
 public static Result authenticate() {
   Form<User> loginForm = Form.form(User.class).bindFromRequest();
   if (loginForm.hasErrors()) {
     return badRequest(login.render(loginForm));
   } else {
     session("name", loginForm.get().name);
     return redirect(routes.Application.index());
   * Returns the view for editing the restaurant. Checks if restaurant with provided id exists, if
   * it does, returns view for editing.
   * @param restaurantId
   * @return
  public Result editRestaurant(Integer restaurantId) {
    Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant.findRestaurantById(restaurantId);

    if (restaurant != null) {
      return ok(views.html.restaurant.updateRestaurant.render(restaurant));
    } else {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());
 public static Result authenticate() {
   Form<Login> loginForm = Form.form(Login.class).bindFromRequest();
   if (loginForm.hasErrors()) {
     return badRequest(views.html.login.render(loginForm, getCurrentUser()));
   } else {
     session("email", loginForm.get().email);
     flash("success", "Sie haben sich erfolgreich eingeloggt als: " + loginForm.get().email);
     return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
  * Ask link.
  * @return the result
 public static Result askLink() {
   Logger.debug("Account askLink");
   final AuthUser u = PlayAuthenticate.getLinkUser(session());
   if (u == null) {
     // account to link could not be found, silently redirect to login
     return redirect(routes.Application.index());
   return ok(ask_link.render(ACCEPT_FORM, u));
 public static Result download() {
   User user = getCurrentUser();
   if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   String filename = PoiExcelFileReader.writeFile(Contact.all());
   String headerName = "Content-disposition";
   String headerValue = "attachment; filename=" + filename;
   response().setHeader(headerName, headerValue);
   return ok(new File(filename));
   // return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   * Saves restaurant into the database. Collects all data from the form, checks if provided hotel
   * already contains a restaurant (according to project specifications, one hotel can contain only
   * one restaurant).
   * @param hotelId
   * @return
  public Result saveRestaurant(Integer hotelId) {

    // Checking if there is a restaurant with provided
    // hotel id in the database.
    if (!Restaurant.existsInDB(hotelId)) {
      Form<Restaurant> boundForm = restaurantForm.bindFromRequest();

      Restaurant restaurant = new Restaurant();
      Form<Restaurant> restaurantForm1 = restaurantForm.bindFromRequest();

      // Collecting data from the form
      String name = restaurantForm1.field("name").value();
      String restaurantType = restaurantForm1.field("restauranType").value();
      Integer capacity = Integer.parseInt(restaurantForm1.field("capacity").value());
      String description = restaurantForm1.field("description").value();
      String open = restaurantForm1.field("restOpen").value();
      String close = restaurantForm1.field("restClose").value();
      String workingHours = open + " - " + close;

      restaurant.name = name;
      restaurant.restauranType = restaurantType;
      restaurant.capacity = capacity;
      restaurant.workingHours = workingHours;
      restaurant.description = description;

      // Finding hotel with provided hotel id
      Hotel hotel = Hotel.findHotelById(hotelId);

      // Checking if hotel with provided id exists
      if (hotel != null) {
        restaurant.hotel = hotel;

      // Getting timestamp
      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      restaurant.timestamp = c.getTime();

      // Saving the restaurant into the database

    } else {
      flash("error", "There is already added restaurant for selected hotel.");
      return ok(createRestaurant.render(hotelId));

    if (session("userId") != null) {
      flash("create", "The restaurant was created!");
      return redirect(routes.Hotels.showSellerHotels());
    } else {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());
  public static Result updateContact(Long id) {

    Form<Contact> updatedForm = contactForm.bindFromRequest();

    String name = updatedForm.data().get("name");
    String firstName = updatedForm.data().get("firstName");
    String title = updatedForm.data().get("title");
    String email = updatedForm.data().get("email");
    String street = updatedForm.data().get("street");
    String appendix1 = updatedForm.data().get("appendix1");
    String appendix2 = updatedForm.data().get("appendix2");
    String zipcode = updatedForm.data().get("zipcode");
    String country = updatedForm.data().get("country");
    String city = updatedForm.data().get("city");
    String phone = updatedForm.data().get("phone");
    String memberCategory = updatedForm.data().get("memberCategory");
    String membershipSince = updatedForm.data().get("membershipSince");
    String yearbook = updatedForm.data().get("yearbookSubscription");

    String contactGroup = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < ContactGroup.options().size(); j++) {
      String item = "belongsTo[" + j + "]";
      if (updatedForm.data().get(item) != null) {
        if (j > 0) contactGroup += "/";
        contactGroup += updatedForm.data().get(item);

    if (contactGroup.isEmpty()) updatedForm.reject("belongsTo[]", "Keine Sektion ausgewählt");

    flash("success", "Kontakt bearbeitet und gespeichert.");
    return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
Exemple #25
   * 로그인 폼으로 이동
   * @return
  public static Result loginForm() {
    if (!UserApp.currentUser().isAnonymous()) {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());

    String redirectUrl = request().getQueryString("redirectUrl");
    String loginFormUrl = routes.UserApp.loginForm().url();
    String referer = request().getHeader("Referer");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(redirectUrl) && !StringUtils.equals(loginFormUrl, referer)) {
      redirectUrl = request().getHeader("Referer");
    return ok(login.render("title.login", form(User.class), redirectUrl));
  public static Result enter() {
    Map<String, String[]> params;
    params = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded();

    String email = params.get("email")[0];
    User user = User.find.byId(email);
    if (user == null) {
      return redirect(routes.Application.login());
    } else {
      session("email", email);
      return redirect(routes.Chats.allChats());
 public static Result upVoteMetaDica(long idMetaDica) {
   MetaDica metaDica = dao.findByEntityId(MetaDica.class, idMetaDica);
   String login = session("login");
   if (!metaDica.wasVotedByUser(login)) {
   return redirect(routes.Application.disciplina(metaDica.getDisciplina().getId()));
  public static Result upVoteDica(long idDica) {
    Dica dica = dao.findByEntityId(Dica.class, idDica);
    String login = session("login");
    if (!dica.wasVotedByUser(login)) {

    return redirect(routes.Application.tema(dica.getTema().getId()));
  // TODO Automatic binding of owner is still missing at the moment
  public static Result newContactGroup() {
    User user = getCurrentUser();
    if (!user.isAdmin) return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());

    Form<ContactGroup> filledForm = contactGroupForm.bindFromRequest();

    if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
      flash("error", "Bitte korrigieren sie ihre Eingaben!");
      return badRequest(
          views.html.addContactGroup.render(filledForm, getCurrentUser(), ContactGroup.find.all()));
    } else {

      flash("success", "Kontaktgruppe " + filledForm.get().name + " erstellt.");
      if (User.findByEmail(request().username()).isAdmin) {
        // manual binding of owner
      return redirect(routes.Application.contacts());
   * Start the workflow run asynchronously.
   * @param name The name of the workflow
   * @return json response containing id
  public Result runWorkflow(String name) {
    FormDefinition form = formDefinitionForWorkflow(name);

    // Process file upload first if present in form data
    Http.MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData();

    for (Object obj : body.getFiles()) {
      Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart filePart = (Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart) obj;
      UserUpload userUpload = uploadFile(filePart);

      BasicField fileInputField = form.getField(filePart.getKey());

    //  Set the form definition field values from the request data
    Map<String, String[]> data = body.asFormUrlEncoded();
    for (String key : data.keySet()) {
      BasicField field = form.getField(key);

    // Transfer form field data to workflow settings map
    Map<String, Object> settings = new HashMap<>();

    for (BasicField field : form.fields) {
      settings.put(field.name, field.value());


    // Update the workflow model object and persist to the db
    Workflow workflow = Workflow.find.where().eq("name", form.name).findUnique();

    if (workflow == null) {
      workflow = new Workflow();

    workflow.name = form.name;
    workflow.title = form.title;
    workflow.yamlFile = form.yamlFile;


    // Run the workflow
    ObjectNode response = runYamlWorkflow(form.yamlFile, workflow, settings);

    return redirect(routes.Application.index());