public void serveDescription(RestServiceRequest rsr) { rsr.startDoc(); if (rsr.getResponseContentType() == ResponseType.HTML) rsr.write("<h1>Operation: ").write(getRelativeUrl()).write("</h1>"); rsr.datawriter .object() .key("name") .value(getRelativeUrl()) .key("description") .value(description) .key("url") .value(RestServices.getAbsoluteUrl(getRelativeUrl())) .key("arguments") .value( hasArgument ? : null) .key("accepts_binary_data") .value(isFileSource) .key("result") .value( isFileTarget ? RestServices.CONTENTTYPE_OCTET + " stream" : .endObject(); rsr.endDoc(); }
private void writeOutputData(RestServiceRequest rsr, Object result) throws IOException, Exception { if (result == null) { // write nothing } else if (this.isFileTarget) { if (!Utils.hasDataAccess(Core.getMetaObject(argType), rsr.getContext())) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot serialize filedocument of type '" + argType + "', the object is not accessiable for users with role " + rsr.getContext().getSession().getUserRolesNames() + ". Please check the access rules"); String filename = ((IMendixObject) result) .getValue(rsr.getContext(), FileDocument.MemberNames.Name.toString()); if (filename != null && !filename.isEmpty()) rsr.response.setHeader( RestServices.HEADER_CONTENTDISPOSITION, "attachment;filename=\"" + Utils.urlEncode(filename) + "\""); InputStream stream = Core.getFileDocumentContent(rsr.getContext(), (IMendixObject) result); IOUtils.copy(stream, rsr.response.getOutputStream()); } else if (this.isReturnTypePrimitive) { rsr.write(result == null ? "" : String.valueOf(result)); } else if (result instanceof List<?>) { rsr.startDoc(); rsr.datawriter.array(); for (Object item : (List<?>) result) rsr.datawriter.value( JsonSerializer.writeMendixObjectToJson(rsr.getContext(), (IMendixObject) item, true)); rsr.datawriter.endArray(); rsr.endDoc(); } else if (result instanceof IMendixObject) { rsr.startDoc(); rsr.datawriter.value( JsonSerializer.writeMendixObjectToJson(rsr.getContext(), (IMendixObject) result, true)); rsr.endDoc(); } else throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected result from microflow " + microflowname + ": " + result.getClass().getName()); }
private IMendixObject parseInputData(RestServiceRequest rsr, Map<String, String> params) throws IOException, ServletException, Exception { if (!hasArgument) return null; if (!Utils.hasDataAccess(Core.getMetaObject(argType), rsr.getContext())) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot instantiate object of type '" + argType + "', the object is not accessiable for users with role " + rsr.getContext().getSession().getUserRolesNames() + ". Please check the access rules"); IMendixObject argObject = Core.instantiate(rsr.getContext(), argType); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); // multipart data if (rsr.getRequestContentType() == RequestContentType.MULTIPART) { parseMultipartData(rsr, argObject, data); } // json data else if (rsr.getRequestContentType() == RequestContentType.JSON || (rsr.getRequestContentType() == RequestContentType.OTHER && !isFileSource)) { String body = IOUtils.toString(rsr.request.getInputStream()); data = new JSONObject(StringUtils.isEmpty(body) ? "{}" : body); } // not multipart but expecting a file? else if (isFileSource) { Core.storeFileDocumentContent(rsr.getContext(), argObject, rsr.request.getInputStream()); } RestServiceHandler.paramMapToJsonObject(params, data); // serialize to Mendix Object JsonDeserializer.readJsonDataIntoMendixObject(rsr.getContext(), data, argObject, false); return argObject; }
public MicroflowService( String microflowname, String roleOrMicroflow, HttpMethod httpMethod, String pathTemplateString, String description) throws CoreException { checkNotNull(microflowname); checkNotNull(roleOrMicroflow); checkNotNull(httpMethod); this.microflowname = microflowname; this.roleOrMicroflow = roleOrMicroflow; this.description = description; this.httpMethod = httpMethod; if (pathTemplateString != null) this.relativeUrl = Utils.removeLeadingAndTrailingSlash(pathTemplateString); else this.relativeUrl = microflowname.split("\\.")[1].toLowerCase(); this.consistencyCheck(); register(); }
private void consistencyCheck() throws CoreException { String secError = ConsistencyChecker.checkAccessRole(this.roleOrMicroflow); if (secError != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ": " + secError); int argCount = Utils.getArgumentTypes(microflowname).size(); if (argCount > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", it should exist and have exactly zero or one argument"); hasArgument = argCount == 1; List<String> pathParams = new UriTemplate(relativeUrl).getTemplateVariables(); if (pathParams.size() > 0 && !hasArgument) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + " with path '" + relativeUrl + ", the microflow should have a single input argument object with at least attributes " + pathParams); } if (hasArgument) { IDataType argtype = Utils.getFirstArgumentType(microflowname); if (!argtype.isMendixObject()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", it should have a single object as input argument"); this.argType = argtype.getObjectType(); this.argName = Utils.getArgumentTypes(microflowname).keySet().iterator().next(); isFileSource = Core.isSubClassOf(FileDocument.entityName, argType); IMetaObject metaObject = Core.getMetaObject(argType); if (metaObject.isPersistable() && !isFileSource) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", it should have a transient object of filedocument as input argument"); Set<String> metaPrimitiveNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (IMetaPrimitive prim : metaObject.getMetaPrimitives()) { metaPrimitiveNames.add(prim.getName().toLowerCase()); } for (String pathParam : pathParams) { if (!metaPrimitiveNames.contains(pathParam.toLowerCase())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", its input argument should have an attribute with name '" + pathParam + "', as required by the template path"); } } if (httpMethod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", it has no HTTP method defined."); } IDataType returnTypeFromMF = Core.getReturnType(microflowname); if (returnTypeFromMF.isMendixObject() || returnTypeFromMF.isList()) { this.returnType = returnTypeFromMF.getObjectType(); isFileTarget = Core.isSubClassOf(FileDocument.entityName, this.returnType); if (Core.getMetaObject(this.returnType).isPersistable() && !isFileTarget) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot publish microflow " + microflowname + ", its return type should be a non-persistable object or a file document"); } else isReturnTypePrimitive = true; }