/** Executes step method for each car and adds them to their new position */ private void moveCars() { this.carsToRemove.clear(); this.positionsToCheck.clear(); // Cars compute their new position for (Car car : travelingCars) car.move(); // Move cars in the map for (Car car : travelingCars) { int x = car.getX(); int y = car.getY(); // Move car if (!this.isPositionOutOfBounds(x, y)) { map.moveTo(car, x, y); this.addPositionToCheck(car.getPosition().getGridPoint()); } // Car moved out of the map. Add for removal else { this.addCarToRemove(car); } } // Remove cars out of bounds for (Car car : this.carsToRemove) { remove(car); } // Manage collisions for (String posId : this.positionsToCheck.keySet()) { GridPoint pos = this.positionsToCheck.get(posId); int x = pos.getX(); int y = pos.getY(); if (this.getNumElements(x, y) > 1) { Collision col = new Collision(x, y, map); Iterable<TrafficElement> elements = map.getObjectsAt(x, y); remove(elements); context.add(col); map.moveTo(col, x, y); this.collisions.add(col); } } }
public void moveTowards(GridPoint pt) { // only move if we are not already in this grid location if (!pt.equals(grid.getLocation(this))) { NdPoint myPoint = space.getLocation(this); NdPoint otherPoint = new NdPoint(pt.getX(), pt.getY()); double angle = SpatialMath.calcAngleFor2DMovement(space, myPoint, otherPoint); space.moveByVector(this, 1, angle, 0); myPoint = space.getLocation(this); grid.moveTo(this, (int) myPoint.getX(), (int) myPoint.getY()); moved = true; } }
public void infect() { GridPoint pt = grid.getLocation(this); List<Object> humans = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object obj : grid.getObjectsAt(pt.getX(), pt.getY())) { if (obj instanceof Human) { humans.add(obj); } } if (humans.size() > 0) { int index = RandomHelper.nextIntFromTo(0, humans.size() - 1); Object obj = humans.get(index); NdPoint spacePt = space.getLocation(obj); Context<Object> context = ContextUtils.getContext(obj); context.remove(obj); Zombie zombie = new Zombie(space, grid); context.add(zombie); space.moveTo(zombie, spacePt.getX(), spacePt.getY()); grid.moveTo(zombie, pt.getX(), pt.getY()); Network<Object> net = (Network<Object>) context.getProjection("infection network"); net.addEdge(this, zombie); } }
/** * Rain clouds appear with a certain chance, influenced by the weather For every rain cloud in the * grid the velocity of every rain object is updated Rain clouds are removed if they have passed a * certain time */ @ScheduledMethod(start = 1, interval = 1, priority = 0) public void rain() { // Let new raingroups appear with a certain chance double chance = SimulationParameters.rainProb; // The probability of rain appearing decreases if there is already rain in the grid if (noRainGroups == 1) chance = (chance / (noRainGroups)) * 0.5; if (noRainGroups == 2) chance = (chance / (noRainGroups)) * 0.1; if (noRainGroups > 2) chance = (chance / (noRainGroups)) * 0.01; double f = urng.nextDouble(); if (f < chance) { // Let rain appear int x = rand.nextInt((SimulationParameters.gridSize - 0) + 1); int y = rand.nextInt((SimulationParameters.gridSize - 0) + 1); int[] newLoc = {x, y}; // Let new raingroup appear in random location RainGroup rg = new RainGroup(ContextUtils.getContext(this), grid, newLoc); noRainGroups++; rainGroups.add(rg); } ArrayList<RainGroup> toRemove = new ArrayList<RainGroup>(); for (RainGroup rg : rainGroups) { // Get velocity vector of the rain float x = Wind.getWindVelocity().x; float y = Wind.getWindVelocity().y; Vector2 velRain = new Vector2(x, y); velRain.setLength( Wind.getWindVelocity().len() * 0.9f); // Rain speed is a bit lower than that of the wind List<Rain> toRemove1 = new ArrayList<Rain>(); // Let rain be carried by the wind if (urng.nextDouble() < velRain.len()) { for (Rain rain : rg.getRainObjects()) { Directions dir = Directions.fromVectorToDir(velRain); GridPoint pt = grid.getLocation(rain); int cX = pt.getX() + dir.xDiff; int cY = pt.getY() + dir.yDiff; // If new rain-location is out of borders, delete this rain object // In this way the cloud "travels" out of the grid if (cX < 0 || cX >= SimulationParameters.gridSize || cY < 0 || cY >= SimulationParameters.gridSize) { toRemove1.add(rain); } else grid.moveTo(rain, cX, cY); } } for (Rain r : toRemove1) { rg.removeRain(r); TreeBuilder.performance.decreaseRainCount(); } } // Remove the raingroups from our list which were removed from the context for (RainGroup rg : toRemove) { rainGroups.remove(rg); noRainGroups--; } }
/** * Adds a car to the simulation * * @param car */ private void add(Car car) { travelingCars.add(car); context.add(car); map.moveTo(car, car.getX(), car.getY()); }