public void setData(TileEntity te, boolean force, NBTTagCompound NBT) { if (dispatch) { if (DragonOptions.LOGSYNCCME.getState()) { DragonAPICore.log("The sync packet for " + te + " would have just CME'd, as the"); DragonAPICore.log( "Server-Thread data-writing code has overlapped with the Network-Thread byte[] dispatch."); DragonAPICore.log("Seeing this message frequently could indicate a serious issue.\n"); } return; } field_148863_a = te.xCoord; field_148861_b = te.yCoord; field_148862_c = te.zCoord; changes.clear(); Collection c = NBT.func_150296_c(); Iterator<String> it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name =; if (name == null) { DragonAPICore.logError( "An NBT tag with a null key is being sent to the sync packet from " + te); } else { NBTBase tag = NBT.getTag(name); this.addData(name, tag, force); } } }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void readForSync(TileEntity te, NBTTagCompound NBT) { if (dispatch) { if (DragonOptions.LOGSYNCCME.getState()) { DragonAPICore.log("The sync packet for " + te + " would have just CME'd, as the"); DragonAPICore.log( "Client-Thread data-reading code has overlapped with the Network-Thread byte[] reading."); DragonAPICore.log("Seeing this message frequently could indicate a serious issue.\n"); } return; } for (String key : data.keySet()) { NBT.setTag(key, data.get(key)); } }