private void renderElementPage(CrystalElement e, int posX, int posY, int px, int c) { String s = ChromaDescriptions.getElementDescription(e); fontRendererObj.drawSplitString(String.format("%s", s), px, posY + descY, 242, c); IIcon ico = e.getGlowRune(); ReikaTextureHelper.bindTerrainTexture(); this.drawTexturedModelRectFromIcon(posX + 153, posY + 12, ico, 64, 64); }
public String getData() { if (this == PACKCHANGES) { return "These are changes made to the way the mod works by the creator of the pack. None of these are normal " + "behavior of the mod, and any negative effects of these changes should be discussed with the pack creator, not " + "the mod developer."; } return ChromaDescriptions.getData(this); }
public String getNotes(int subpage) { if (this == PACKCHANGES) { return PackModificationTracker.instance .getModifications(ChromatiCraft.instance) .get(subpage - 1) .toString(); } return ChromaDescriptions.getNotes(this); }
public static void addRecipes() { int i = -2; String ref = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.CLIENT ? ChromaDescriptions.getParentPage() + "thaum.xml" : ""; for (TieredOres t : items.keySet()) { WandType wt = items.get(t); AspectList al = new AspectList(); int n = t == TieredOres.FOCAL ? 2 : 1; al.add(Aspect.ORDER, 20 * n); Aspect a = wt.aspects.get(0); al.add(a, 50 * n); Object[] recipe = {"AAA", "A A", 'A', wt.raw}; ShapedArcaneRecipe ir = ThaumcraftApi.addArcaneCraftingRecipe("", wt.item, al, recipe); String id = "CAP_TIEREDCAP_" +; String desc = "Novel caps"; MathExpression cost = new MathExpression() { @Override public double evaluate(double arg) throws ArithmeticException { return arg / 5D; } @Override public double getBaseValue() { return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "/5"; } }; ReikaThaumHelper.addArcaneRecipeBookEntryViaXML( id, desc, "chromaticraft", ir, cost, 2, i, ChromatiCraft.class, ref); i++; } }