Exemple #1
  * this function update the number of extra input file accorrdingly with the current number of
  * files it deletes or adds extra input files
 private void _updateUploadFileNumber(int numFiles) throws IllegalActionException {
   int currentNumberOfFile = 0;
   try {
     currentNumberOfFile = _getUploadFileNumber();
   } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
     throw new IllegalActionException(this, "Unable to load opal paraters:" + e.getMessage());
   int diff = numFiles - currentNumberOfFile;
   if (diff > 0) {
     // we have to add diff number of input files
     for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
       try {
         (new FilePortParameter(this, "inputFile" + (currentNumberOfFile + 1 + i) + "Dynamic"))
       } catch (NameDuplicationException e) {
         throw new IllegalActionException(this, "There is a name duplication: " + e.getMessage());
       } // catch
     } // for
   } else if (diff < 0) {
     // we have to delete number of files
     for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(diff); i++) {
       String fileName = "inputFile" + (currentNumberOfFile - i) + "Dynamic";
       try {
         FilePortParameter fileToBeDeleted =
             (FilePortParameter) this.getAttribute(fileName, FilePortParameter.class);
       } catch (NameDuplicationException e) {
         throw new IllegalActionException(
             this, "Unable to delete the input file " + fileName + ": " + e.getMessage());
       } // catch
     } // for
   } // if
   // diff == 0 don't do anything
 } // _updateUploadFileNumber
Exemple #2
   * this function instantiate all the parameter necessary to display an advanced submission form
   * for the current selected opal service
  private void _createSubmission(AppMetadata app) throws IllegalActionException {
    log.info("Creating complex submission form. For service URL: " + app.getURL());
    try {
      Group[] group = app.getGroups();
      ArrayList tempParam = new ArrayList();
      if (group != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
          // first the parameters
          ArgParam[] argParams = group[i].getArgParams();
          if (argParams != null) {
            for (int paramCount = 0; paramCount < argParams.length; paramCount++) {
              if (argParams[paramCount].getType().equals("FILE")
                  && argParams[paramCount].getIoType().equals("INPUT")) {
                // This is an input file box
                FilePortParameter param =
                    new FilePortParameter(this, argParams[paramCount].getId());
                if (argParams[paramCount].getSelectedValue() != null)
                  // setting the default value
              } else if (argParams[paramCount].getValues() != null) {
                String[] choices = argParams[paramCount].getValues();
                // this is a multiple choices
                StringParameter param = new StringParameter(this, argParams[paramCount].getId());
                for (int z = 0; z < choices.length; z++) param.addChoice(choices[z]);
                if (argParams[paramCount].getSelectedValue() != null)
                  // setting the default value
              } else {
                // this is a string
                StringParameter param = new StringParameter(this, argParams[paramCount].getId());
                if (argParams[paramCount].getSelectedValue() != null)
                  // setting the default value
              } // else
            } // for argParam
          } // argParams
          // and then the flags
          ArgFlag[] argFlags = group[i].getArgFlags();
          if (argFlags != null) {
            for (int paramCount = 0; paramCount < argFlags.length; paramCount++) {
              Parameter check = null;
              if (argFlags[paramCount].isSelected())
                check = new Parameter(this, argFlags[paramCount].getId(), BooleanToken.TRUE);
              else check = new Parameter(this, argFlags[paramCount].getId(), BooleanToken.FALSE);
          } // argFlags
      } // group
      // set the numberFiles to 0
      StringParameter param = (StringParameter) this.getAttribute("numberFiles");
      if (param != null) param.setToken(new StringToken("0"));

      // not needed anymore delete the tempParam
      // _interfaceParameters = (Parameter []) tempParam.toArray(new
      // Parameter[tempParam.size()]);
    } catch (NameDuplicationException e) {
      log.error("The parameter could not be instantiated. Error message: " + e.getMessage());
      throw new IllegalActionException(
          this, "The complex submission form could not be initialized: " + e.getMessage());