Exemple #1
 public static int getComplementar(int original) {
   float R = Prototype.stage.red(original);
   float G = Prototype.stage.green(original);
   float B = Prototype.stage.blue(original);
   float minRGB = PApplet.min(R, PApplet.min(G, B));
   float maxRGB = PApplet.max(R, PApplet.max(G, B));
   float minPlusMax = minRGB + maxRGB;
   return Prototype.stage.color(minPlusMax - R, minPlusMax - G, minPlusMax - B);
  public void computeBounds() {
    PVector topLeft = points.get(0);
    PVector bottomRight = points.get(0);

    for (PVector v : points) {
      topLeft = new PVector(PApplet.min(topLeft.x, v.x), PApplet.min(topLeft.y, v.y));
      bottomRight = new PVector(PApplet.max(bottomRight.x, v.x), PApplet.max(bottomRight.y, v.y));

    // bounds = new Rect(topLeft, bottomRight);
  public void calcCellPositions() {
    float deltaA = bag.tileSizeX + bag.tileGap;
    float deltaD = bag.tileSizeZ + bag.tileGap;
    float deltaH = 1.01f * bag.tileSizeY;
    float minA = -(nbrAcross - 1) * 0.5f * deltaA;
    float minD = -(nbrDown - 1) * 0.5f * deltaD;
    float minH = -0.5f * deltaH;

    for (int a = 0; a < 2 * nbrAcross; a++)
      for (int d = 0; d < 2 * nbrDown; d++)
        for (int h = 0; h < nbrHigh; h++) {
          cell[a][d][h].x = minA + a * 0.5f * deltaA;
          cell[a][d][h].z = minD + d * 0.5f * deltaD;
          cell[a][d][h].y = minH - h * deltaH;
    // Calculate table size
    float tSize = 1.08f * PApplet.max(nbrAcross * deltaA, nbrDown * deltaD);
    float tHeight = 1.0f;
    table = new Box(app, tSize, tHeight, tSize);
    table.moveBy(0, 0.51f * tHeight, 0);
    // Now get camera nearest approach distance to avoid
    // P3D clipping problems
    nearestApproach = tSize / 1.1f;
  public float applyFunction(float x, boolean clamp) {
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gompertz_curve
    float min_param_a = 0.0f + PConstants.EPSILON;
    a = PApplet.max(a, min_param_a);

    float b = -8.0f;
    float c = 0 - a * 16.0f;
    float y = PApplet.exp(b * PApplet.exp(c * x));

    float maxVal = PApplet.exp((b * PApplet.exp(c)));
    float minVal = PApplet.exp(b);
    y = PApplet.map(y, minVal, maxVal, 0, 1);

    return clamp(y, clamp);
  public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {
    float maxSide = parent.max(parent.width, parent.height);

    float mx = e.getX() / maxSide - 1.0f;
    float my = 1.0f - e.getY() / maxSide;

    if (e.getAction() == MouseEvent.PRESS) {
      Mode mode = Mode.NONE;

      if (e.getButton() == PApplet.LEFT) mode = Mode.ROTATE;
      else if (e.getButton() == PApplet.RIGHT) mode = Mode.ZOOM;
      else if (e.getButton() == PApplet.CENTER) mode = Mode.PAN;

      begin(mode, mx, my);
    } else if (e.getAction() == MouseEvent.DRAG) {
      move(mx, my);
    } else if (e.getAction() == MouseEvent.RELEASE) end();
Exemple #6
  protected void updateTexelsImpl(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    int x2 = x + w;
    int y2 = y + h;

    if (!modified) {
      mx1 = PApplet.max(0, x);
      mx2 = PApplet.min(width - 1, x2);
      my1 = PApplet.max(0, y);
      my2 = PApplet.min(height - 1, y2);
      modified = true;

    } else {
      if (x < mx1) mx1 = PApplet.max(0, x);
      if (x > mx2) mx2 = PApplet.min(width - 1, x);
      if (y < my1) my1 = PApplet.max(0, y);
      if (y > my2) my2 = y;

      if (x2 < mx1) mx1 = PApplet.max(0, x2);
      if (x2 > mx2) mx2 = PApplet.min(width - 1, x2);
      if (y2 < my1) my1 = PApplet.max(0, y2);
      if (y2 > my2) my2 = PApplet.min(height - 1, y2);
Exemple #7
  public Level(String filename, PixelPie pie) {
    XML file = pie.app.loadXML(filename);

    // Get level properties, if any.
    if (file.getChild("properties") != null) {
      properties = new StringDict();
      for (XML child : file.getChild("properties").getChildren("property")) {
        properties.set(child.getString("name"), child.getString("value"));

    // Get tile dimensions.
    tileWidth = file.getInt("tilewidth");
    tileHeight = file.getInt("tileheight");

    // Get Row and Column count.
    levelColumns = file.getInt("width");
    levelRows = file.getInt("height");

    // Get level dimensions.
    levelWidth = levelColumns * tileWidth;
    levelHeight = levelRows * tileHeight;

    // Get tileSets.
    tileSets = file.getChildren("tileset");

    // Get objects.
    objects = file.getChildren("objectgroup");

    // Get scripts.
    scripts = new HashMap<String, Script>();
    for (XML objectType : objects) {
      String objectName = objectType.getString("name");

      // Check type of object.
      if (objectName.substring(0, 1).equals("(")) {

        // Break up name into parts.
        String[] nameParts = PApplet.split(objectName, " ");

        // If script.
        if (nameParts[0].equals("(script)")) {

          // Grab script name.
          String name = nameParts[1];

          // Initialize coordinates array (if any).
          IntDict scriptCoords = new IntDict();

          // Check for objects in script layer. Get coordinates from these objects.
          if (objectType.getChild("object") != null) {
            for (XML coordObj : objectType.getChildren("object")) {

              // Check if object has a name, if not, skip it.
              if (coordObj.getString("name") == null) {
                pie.log.printlg("Script coordinate container does not have a name. Ignoring.");

              // Figure out object type.
              int coordType = 0;
              if (coordObj.hasChildren()) {
                coordType = (coordObj.getChild("polyline") != null) ? 2 : 1;

              // Process coordinates depending on object type.
              switch (coordType) {

                  // If rectangle, take top-left corner.
                case 0:
                      PixelPie.coordToArray(coordObj.getInt("x"), coordObj.getInt("y"), this));

                  // If ellipse, take center.
                case 1:
                          coordObj.getInt("x") + coordObj.getInt("width") / 2,
                          coordObj.getInt("y") + coordObj.getInt("height") / 2,

                  // If poly line, record each point.
                case 2:
                  String[] coordsArray =
                      PApplet.split(coordObj.getChild("polyline").getString("points"), " ");
                  int startX = Integer.parseInt(objectType.getChild("object").getString("x"));
                  int startY = Integer.parseInt(objectType.getChild("object").getString("y"));
                  for (int i = 0; i < coordsArray.length; i++) {
                        coordObj.getString("name") + "_" + PApplet.nf(i, 2),
                            startX + Integer.parseInt(PApplet.split(coordsArray[i], ",")[0]),
                            startY + Integer.parseInt(PApplet.split(coordsArray[i], ",")[1]),
          } else {
            scriptCoords = null;

          // Get the total amount of frames.
          int endFrame = 0;
          for (XML obj : objectType.getChild("properties").getChildren("property")) {
            endFrame = PApplet.max(endFrame, PixelPie.getScriptFrame(obj.getString("name")));

          // Create the scriptAction container "children".
          HashMap<String, ScriptAction[]> children = new HashMap<String, ScriptAction[]>();

          // Create the script object.
          Script Script = new Script(endFrame, scriptCoords, children, pie);
          scripts.put(name, Script);

          // Create scriptAction temporary container. This one uses a HashMap so we can dynamically
          // add scriptActions to it.
          HashMap<String, ArrayList<ScriptAction>> scriptTemp =
              new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ScriptAction>>();

          // Add scriptActions to the temporary container.
          for (XML obj : objectType.getChild("properties").getChildren("property")) {
            String frame = PApplet.str(PixelPie.getScriptFrame(obj.getString("name")));

            // Create scriptAction object from parameters.
            String[] actionArray = PApplet.split(obj.getString("value"), "(");
            String params = actionArray[1].substring(0, actionArray[1].length() - 1);
            ScriptAction action = null;
            // try {action = (scriptAction) Class.forName(app.getClass().getName() + "$script_" +
            // actionArray[0]).getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance(new Object[]{app, params,
            // Script});}
            try {
              action =
                      Class.forName(pie.app.getClass().getName() + "$script_" + actionArray[0])
                          .newInstance(new Object[] {pie.app});
              action.setup(params, Script);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            // Check whether there is an entry in the scriptTemp array.
            if (scriptTemp.get(frame) != null) {
            } else {
              // Initiate Arraylist.
              scriptTemp.put(frame, new ArrayList<ScriptAction>());

          // Turn over contents of temporary container to "children" array.
          for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map.Entry entry : scriptTemp.entrySet()) {
            ScriptAction[] tempActions = new ScriptAction[scriptTemp.get(entry.getKey()).size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < scriptTemp.get(entry.getKey()).size(); i++) {
              tempActions[i] = scriptTemp.get(entry.getKey()).get(i);
            children.put(entry.getKey().toString(), tempActions);

    // Load level layers.
    XML[] layers = file.getChildren("layer");

    // Count number of background and level layers.
    for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
      if (layers[i].getString("name").substring(0, 4).equals("(bg)")) {
      } else {

    // Initiate arrays.
    background = new int[backgroundLayers][levelColumns * levelRows];
    levelMap = new int[levelLayers][levelColumns * levelRows];
    bgScroll = new float[backgroundLayers];

    // Process each layer.
    int currentLayer = 0;
    int bgCurrentLayer = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {

      // If it's a background layer...
      if (layers[i].getString("name").substring(0, 4).equals("(bg)")) {

        // Get properties.
        HashMap<String, String> prop = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (XML property : layers[i].getChild("properties").getChildren("property")) {
          prop.put(property.getString("name"), property.getString("value"));

        // Process the scroll rate.
        bgScroll[bgCurrentLayer] =
            PApplet.constrain(Float.parseFloat(PixelPie.getProp(prop, "scroll")), 0, 1);

        // Process each background tile.
        XML[] tiles = layers[i].getChild("data").getChildren("tile");
        for (int k = 0; k < tiles.length; k++) {
          background[bgCurrentLayer][k] = tiles[k].getInt("gid");

        // Increase background layer counter.

      // Else, load layer as normal.
      else {
        // Load each tile.
        XML[] tiles = layers[i].getChild("data").getChildren("tile");
        for (int k = 0; k < tiles.length; k++) {
          levelMap[currentLayer][k] = tiles[k].getInt("gid");
Exemple #8
  /** @param theWindow */
  void draw(ControlWindow theWindow) {
    // System.out.println(previousPosition+"\t"+currentPosition+"\t"+position);
    if (enabled) {

      if (mode >= Skatolo.WAIT) {

        currentPosition.set(theWindow.getPointerX(), theWindow.getPointerY(), 0);

        if (controller != null) {
          if (controller.getControlWindow().equals(theWindow)) {
            switch (mode) {
              case (Skatolo.WAIT):
                if (moved()) {
                  startTime = System.nanoTime();

                if (System.nanoTime() > startTime + (delayInMillis * 1000000)) {

                  alignH = Skatolo.RIGHT;
                  if (position.x
                      > (controller.getControlWindow().papplet().width - (getWidth() + 20))) {
                    position.sub(new PVector(getWidth(), 0, 0));
                    alignH = Skatolo.LEFT;
                  mode = Skatolo.FADEIN;
                  startTime = System.nanoTime();
                  currentAlpha = 0;
              case (Skatolo.FADEIN):
                float t1 = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
                currentAlpha = (int) PApplet.map(t1, 0, 200 * 1000000, 0, maxAlpha);
                if (currentAlpha >= 250) {
                  mode = Skatolo.IDLE;
                  currentAlpha = 255;
              case (Skatolo.IDLE):
              case (Skatolo.FADEOUT):
                float t2 = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
                currentAlpha = (int) PApplet.map(t2, 0, 200 * 1000000, maxAlpha, 0);
                if (currentAlpha <= 0) {
                  mode = Skatolo.DONE;
              case (Skatolo.DONE):
                controller = null;
                mode = Skatolo.INACTIVE;
                position.set(-1000, -1000, 0);

            currentAlpha = PApplet.max(0, PApplet.min(currentAlpha, maxAlpha));

            if (mode >= Skatolo.WAIT) {
              currentAlpha = (mode == Skatolo.WAIT) ? 0 : currentAlpha;
              theWindow.graphics().translate(position.x, position.y);
              theWindow.graphics().translate(offset.x, offset.y);
              controllerView.display(theWindow.graphics(), null); // TODO: Warning HERE !
            if (mode < Skatolo.FADEOUT) {
              if (moved()) {
Exemple #9
 /** scroll the scrollList remotely. values must range between 0 and 1. */
 public ListBox scroll(float theValue) {
   if ((items.size()) * _myItemHeight > _myBackgroundHeight) {
     _myScrollbar.setValue(PApplet.abs(1 - PApplet.min(PApplet.max(0, theValue), 1)));
   return this;
Exemple #10
  /** @param theWindow */
  void draw(ControlWindow theWindow) {
    if (enabled) {

      if (_myMode >= ControlP5.WAIT) {

        currentPosition.set(theWindow.mouseX, theWindow.mouseY, 0);

        if (_myController != null) {
          if (_myController.getControlWindow().equals(theWindow)) {
            switch (_myMode) {
              case (ControlP5.WAIT):
                if (moved()) {
                  startTime = System.nanoTime();

                if (System.nanoTime() > startTime + (_myDelayInMillis * 1000000)) {

                  _myAlignH = ControlP5.RIGHT;
                  if (position.x
                      > (_myController.getControlWindow().papplet().width - (getWidth() + 20))) {
                    position.sub(new PVector(getWidth(), 0, 0));
                    _myAlignH = ControlP5.LEFT;
                  _myMode = ControlP5.FADEIN;
                  startTime = System.nanoTime();
                  _myAlpha = 0;
              case (ControlP5.FADEIN):
                float t1 = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
                _myAlpha = (int) PApplet.map(t1, 0, 200 * 1000000, 0, _myMaxAlpha);
                if (_myAlpha >= 250) {
                  _myMode = ControlP5.IDLE;
                  _myAlpha = 255;
              case (ControlP5.IDLE):
              case (ControlP5.FADEOUT):
                float t2 = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
                _myAlpha = (int) PApplet.map(t2, 0, 200 * 1000000, _myMaxAlpha, 0);
                if (_myAlpha <= 0) {
                  _myMode = ControlP5.DONE;
              case (ControlP5.DONE):
                _myController = null;
                _myMode = ControlP5.INACTIVE;
                position.set(-1000, -1000, 0);

            _myAlpha = PApplet.max(0, PApplet.min(_myAlpha, _myMaxAlpha));

            if (_myMode >= ControlP5.WAIT) {
              _myAlpha = (_myMode == ControlP5.WAIT) ? 0 : _myAlpha;
              theWindow.papplet().translate(position.x, position.y);
              theWindow.papplet().translate(offset.x, offset.y);
              _myView.display(theWindow.papplet(), null);
            if (_myMode < ControlP5.FADEOUT) {
              if (moved()) {