public void testFindFirstPivotAfter_WhenNoPivot() {
    Date date = new GregorianCalendar(2016, Calendar.APRIL, 22).getTime();
        "testFindFirstPivotAfter_WhenNoPivot: %s, which: %s",
        Util.SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.format(date), ss.pkez().getName());

    TTransaction fromPivot = ts.findLastPivotBefore(date, ss.pkez());
    log("Pivot found before: %s", fromPivot);

    TTransaction toPivot = ts.findFirstPivotAfter(date, ss.pkez());
    log("Pivot found after : %s [should be null]", toPivot);

    List<TTransaction> dirtyElements =
            fromPivot == null ? date : fromPivot.getDate(),
            toPivot == null ? null : toPivot.getDate(),

    log("The dirty list is as follows:");
    for (TTransaction t : dirtyElements) log("dirty: %s", t);
  private List<TTransaction> findDirtyElements(Date from, Date to, TChargeAccount ca) {
    TTransaction fromPivot = service.findLastPivotBefore(from, ca);
    TTransaction toPivot = service.findFirstPivotAfter(to, ca);

    info("from, to PIVOT elements [can be null as well]: ");
    info("%s", fromPivot);
    info("%s", toPivot);

        fromPivot == null
            || toPivot == null
            || fromPivot.getDate().getTime() <= toPivot.getDate().getTime());

    List<TTransaction> dirtyElements =
            fromPivot == null ? from : fromPivot.getDate(),
            toPivot == null ? null : toPivot.getDate(),

    info("the dirty list is as follows:");
    for (TTransaction t : dirtyElements) info("%s", t);

    return dirtyElements;
  private TransactionUpdater recalculate(List<TTransaction> list) {
    // the first one should not be updated at all (that is a pivot element)

    if (list.isEmpty()) {
          "[WARNING] pivot is null, list is empty. " + TransactionUpdater.class.getSimpleName());
      return this;

    // list.isEmpty() == FALSE

    int offset;
    for (offset = 0; offset < list.size() && !list.get(offset).isPivot(); ++offset) ;

    /* in case when no pivot found: nothing to be done */
    if (offset == list.size()) return this;

    int balance = list.get(offset).getBalance();
    TChargeAccount ca = list.get(offset).getCa();

    info("offset = %d, list.size = %d", offset, list.size());
    for (int i = offset + 1; i < list.size(); ++i) {
      TTransaction t = list.get(i);

      if (t.isPivot()) {
        t.setAmount(t.getBalance() - balance);
        info("IS PIVOT: %s", t);

        /* henceforth use the new balance */
        balance = t.getBalance();
      } else {
        if (t.getCatransfer().equals(ca)) {
           * Transfer transaction (beneficiary side, who gets), balance: don't modify, because this
           * balance is that of the other one (who gives)
          Assert.assertTrue(!t.getCa().equals(ca) && !t.getCa().equals(none));
          Assert.assertTrue(t.getCluster().equals(athelyezes) && athelyezes.getSgn() == -1);

          // t.setBalance(balance + t.getAmount());
          balance += t.getAmount();
        } else if (t.getCa().equals(ca)) {
           * Simple transaction, knowing the sign (direction: in/out) of the amount, which we are
           * talking about

          t.setBalance(balance + t.getCluster().getSgn() * t.getAmount());
          balance = t.getBalance();

    return this;
  public void execute() {
    TTransaction old = args.getOldtr();
    TTransaction tr = args.getActtr();


    Date fromDate, toDate;
    if (old == null) {
      fromDate = tr.getDate();
      toDate = tr.getDate();
    } else {
      info("Old = " + old);
      info("New = " + tr);

      if (tr.getDate().getTime() < old.getDate().getTime()) {
        fromDate = tr.getDate();
        toDate = old.getDate();
      } else {
        fromDate = old.getDate();
        toDate = tr.getDate();

      info("date from: " + Util.str(fromDate));
      info("date to: " + Util.str(toDate));

    Assert.assertTrue(fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime());

    /* update new from:ca */
    updateDirtyElements(fromDate, toDate, tr.getCa());

    /* update new to:ca */
    if (!tr.getCatransfer().equals(none)) {
      updateDirtyElements(fromDate, toDate, tr.getCatransfer());

    // to be sure, tr.getCa() [new from:ca] & tr.getCatransfer() [new to:ca]
    // are already validated

    if (old == null) return;


    /* update old from:ca */
    if (!old.getCa().equals(tr.getCa()) && !old.getCa().equals(tr.getCatransfer())) {
      updateDirtyElements(fromDate, toDate, old.getCa());

    /* update old to:ca */
    if (!old.getCatransfer().equals(none)
        && !old.getCatransfer().equals(tr.getCa())
        && !old.getCatransfer().equals(tr.getCatransfer())) {
      updateDirtyElements(fromDate, toDate, old.getCatransfer());