   * Starts an asynchronous call to save the passed file back to the server.
   * @param file The file to save.
   * @param asynch Pass <code>true</code> to save asynchronously, <code>false</code> otherwise.
  void fireFileSaving(File file, boolean asynch) {
    boolean fileIsExp = browser.isModelExperiment();
    int fileType = (fileIsExp ? FileSaver.EXPERIMENT : FileSaver.PROTOCOL);

    FileAnnotationData data = null;
    DataObject linkTo = parent;
    if (fileAnnotation != null) data = fileAnnotation;
    else data = new FileAnnotationData(file);
    if (data.getId() > 0) linkTo = null;
    String description = CPEsummaryExport.export(browser.getTreeModel());
    if (description != null) data.setDescription(description);

    if (asynch) {
      currentLoader = new FileSaver(component, ctx, file, data, fileType, linkTo);
      state = Editor.SAVING;
    } else {
      OmeroMetadataService svc = EditorAgent.getRegistry().getMetadataService();
      try {
        svc.archivedFile(ctx, fileAnnotation, file, fileType, linkTo);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LogMessage msg = new LogMessage();
        msg.print("State: " + state);
        msg.print("Cannot save file back to server");
        EditorAgent.getRegistry().getLogger().error(this, msg);