/** * Saves the market configurations : deploy enterprise, username and password * * @param mkt */ public static void saveMKTConfiguration(@Valid final MKT_Configuration mkt) { if (Validation.hasErrors()) { flash.error("Please fill in required fields"); params.flash(); Validation.keep(); enable(mkt.getEnterprise_id(), mkt.getEnterprise_name()); } Logger.info("------------------------- INSIDE SAVEMKT()-----------------"); Logger.info( "Enterprise id : " + mkt.getEnterprise_id() + " Enterprise Name : " + mkt.getEnterprise_name() + " Deploy username : "******" Deploy username : "******" Deploy Enterprise : " + mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id()); MKT_Configuration market = new MKT_Configuration(); market.setEnterprise_id(mkt.getEnterprise_id()); market.setEnterprise_name(mkt.getEnterprise_name()); // market.setMkt_deploy_enterprise(mkt.getMkt_deploy_enterprise()); market.setMkt_deploy_pw(mkt.getMkt_deploy_pw()); market.setMkt_deploy_user(mkt.getMkt_deploy_user()); market.setDeploy_enterprise_id(mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id()); market.save(); marketEnable(); Logger.info("------------------------- EXITING SAVEMKT()-----------------"); }
public static void deletePost(Long post_ID) throws SQLException { Post post = null; String deletePostStr = String.format("DELETE from %s where postid = ?", Post.dquote(POST), post_ID); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement deleteP = null; if (post_ID != null) { try { conn = DB.getConnection(); deleteP = conn.prepareStatement(deletePostStr); ResultSet rs = deleteP.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { Logger.debug("Failed to delete the Post."); } deleteP.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.debug("Failed while trying to delete the post."); } } else { Logger.debug("Post id is null."); } }
/** * Creates a new {@link MovieImage} * * @param movieId * @param size * @param type */ public static void createMovieImage( final Long movieId, final EImageSize size, final EImageType type, final EImageStoreType storeType) { final Movie movie = Movie.finder.byId(movieId); if (movie == null) { if (Logger.isErrorEnabled() == true) { Logger.error( "Could not fing movie with id: " + movieId + " for creating a: " + MovieImage.class.getName()); } return; } final MovieImage image = new MovieImage(); image.movie = movie; image.size = size; image.type = type; image.storeType = storeType; image.save(); }
/* * mongo.local.hostname=localhost * mongo.local.port=27017 * mongo.remote.hostname= * mongo.remote.port=25189 * mongo.remote.username= * mongo.remote.password= */ private static DB getDb() { String userName = play.Configuration.root().getString("mongo.remote.username"); String password = play.Configuration.root().getString("mongo.remote.password"); boolean local = true; String localHostName = play.Configuration.root().getString("mongo.local.hostname"); Integer localPort = play.Configuration.root().getInt("mongo.local.port"); String remoteHostName = play.Configuration.root().getString("mongo.remote.hostname"); Integer remotePort = play.Configuration.root().getInt("mongo.remote.port"); Mongo m; DB db = null; if (local) { String hostname = localHostName; int port = localPort; try { m = new Mongo(hostname, port); db = m.getDB("db"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Exception while intiating Local MongoDB", e); } } else { String hostname = remoteHostName; int port = remotePort; try { m = new Mongo(hostname, port); db = m.getDB("db"); boolean auth = db.authenticate(userName, password.toCharArray()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Exception while intiating Local MongoDB", e); } } return db; }
public static Result updateGift(String giftId) { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } if (!Utils.checkJsonInput(request())) { Logger.info("Bad request data for Invite Code " + request().body()); return generateBadRequest("Bad input json" + request().body()); } Logger.info("Updating Gift Card. GiftId" + giftId); Gift gift; String giftStatus = ""; try { gift = GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(giftId); JsonNode jsonReq = request().body().asJson(); giftStatus = jsonReq.get("giftStatus").asText(); gift.setGiftStatus(Gift.GiftStatus.valueOf(giftStatus)); GiftDAO.getInstance().updateGift(gift); Logger.info("Gift Card Updated. GiftId" + giftId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info("Gift Card Update Failed. GiftId" + giftId); return generateBadRequest("Invalid Gift Status. Details:" + e); } // send email to merchant who has challenge with this gift card. try { if (giftStatus.equals("FUNDED")) { EmailService.sendMail(giftId); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Failed to send Email. GiftId" + giftId); } return ok(gift.toJson()); }
public static void save(long id, String content) { try { Policy policy = Policy.getInstance( Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath() + "/conf/antisamy-myspace-1.3.xml"); AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy(); CleanResults cr = as.scan(content, policy); InsConfidential c = InsConfidential.findById(id); c.content = cr.getCleanHTML(); c.save(); PersonEvaluation.changeMessage(c); renderJSON("{\"result\":\"ok\"}"); } catch (ScanException ex) { Logger.error(InsConfidentials.class.getName() + " : " + ex); renderJSON("{\"result\":\"ko\"}"); } catch (PolicyException ex) { Logger.error(InsConfidentials.class.getName() + " : " + ex); renderJSON("{\"result\":\"ko\"}"); } }
public static String dumpConfigurationAsJson() { ImmutableCollection<String> keys = CONFIGURATION_SECTIONS.keySet(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory jfactory = mapper.getJsonFactory(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { JsonGenerator gen = jfactory.createJsonGenerator(sw); gen.writeStartArray(); for (String v : keys) { String st = dumpConfigurationAsJson(v); ObjectMapper op = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode p = op.readTree(st); Logger.debug("OBJECT:" + p.toString()); Logger.debug("STRING:" + st); // JsonParser jp = jfactory.createJsonParser(st); gen.writeTree(p); } gen.writeEndArray(); gen.close(); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Cannot generate a json for the configuration", e); } return "[]"; } // dumpConfigurationAsJson()
public static synchronized Stack<Evolution> listApplicationEvolutions() { Stack<Evolution> evolutions = new Stack<Evolution>(); evolutions.add(new Evolution(0, "", "", true)); if (evolutionsDirectory.exists()) { for (File evolution : evolutionsDirectory.listFiles()) { if (evolution.getName().matches("^[0-9]+[.]sql$")) { if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("Loading evolution %s", evolution); } int version = Integer.parseInt(evolution.getName().substring(0, evolution.getName().indexOf("."))); String sql = IO.readContentAsString(evolution); StringBuffer sql_up = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sql_down = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer(); for (String line : sql.split("\r?\n")) { if (line.trim().matches("^#.*[!]Ups")) { current = sql_up; } else if (line.trim().matches("^#.*[!]Downs")) { current = sql_down; } else if (line.trim().startsWith("#")) { // skip } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(line.trim())) { current.append(line).append("\n"); } } evolutions.add(new Evolution(version, sql_up.toString(), sql_down.toString(), true)); } } Collections.sort(evolutions); } return evolutions; }
/** * * Creates an entry into the ODocument-Collection and create a new Class named "collectionName" * * @param collectionName * @return * @throws Throwable */ public ODocument create(String collectionName) throws Throwable { Logger.trace("Method Start"); try { if (existsCollection(collectionName)) throw new InvalidCollectionException("Collection " + collectionName + " already exists"); } catch (SqlInjectionException e) { throw new InvalidCollectionException(e); } ODocument doc = super.create(); doc.field("name", collectionName); save(doc); // create new class OClass documentClass = db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(CLASS_NODE_NAME); db.getMetadata().getSchema().createClass(collectionName, documentClass); // grants to the new class ORole registeredRole = RoleDao.getRole(DefaultRoles.REGISTERED_USER.toString()); ORole anonymousRole = RoleDao.getRole(DefaultRoles.ANONYMOUS_USER.toString()); registeredRole.addRule( ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLASS + "." + collectionName, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); registeredRole.addRule( ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + "." + collectionName, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); anonymousRole.addRule( ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLASS + "." + collectionName, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); anonymousRole.addRule( ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + "." + collectionName, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); PermissionsHelper.grantRead(doc, registeredRole); PermissionsHelper.grantRead(doc, anonymousRole); Logger.trace("Method End"); return doc; } // getNewModelInstance(String collectionName)
public static void serve404( NotFound e, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Request request, HttpRequest nettyRequest) { Logger.trace("serve404: begin"); HttpResponse nettyResponse = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND); nettyResponse.setHeader(SERVER, signature); nettyResponse.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); Map<String, Object> binding = getBindingForErrors(e, false); String format = Request.current().format; if (format == null) { format = "txt"; } nettyResponse.setHeader( CONTENT_TYPE, (MimeTypes.getContentType("404." + format, "text/plain"))); String errorHtml = TemplateLoader.load("errors/404." + format).render(binding); try { ChannelBuffer buf = ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer(errorHtml.getBytes("utf-8")); nettyResponse.setContent(buf); ChannelFuture writeFuture = ctx.getChannel().write(nettyResponse); writeFuture.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException fex) { Logger.error(fex, "(utf-8 ?)"); } Logger.trace("serve404: end"); }
public static void authenticate(String username, String password) { Logger.info("Attempting to authenticate with " + username + ":" + password); Admin admin = Admin.findByUsername(username); if ((admin != null) && (admin.checkPassword(password) == true)) { Logger.info("Successfull authentication of " + admin.username); /** * wanted to put an extra value in session - logged_in_adminid to distinguish an admin, as a * user could be logged in and type the route for admin URLs and get into the restricted * access areas. By putting a new value in session, it can only be set if an admin is logged * in. */ session.put("logged_in_adminid", admin.id); /** * if login successful, communicate back to AJAX call in adminlogin.js and that will handle * the next screen */ JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String value = "correct"; obj.put("inputdata", value); renderJSON(obj); } else { /** * if login unsuccessful, communicate back to AJAX call in adminlogin.js and that will * redisplay login.html with error */ Logger.info("Authentication failed"); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String value = "Error: Incorrect Email/Password entered."; obj.put("inputdata", value); renderJSON(obj); } }
protected static void writeResponse( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Response response, HttpResponse nettyResponse, HttpRequest nettyRequest) { Logger.trace("writeResponse: begin"); byte[] content = null; final boolean keepAlive = isKeepAlive(nettyRequest); if (nettyRequest.getMethod().equals(HttpMethod.HEAD)) { content = new byte[0]; } else { content = response.out.toByteArray(); } ChannelBuffer buf = ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer(content); nettyResponse.setContent(buf); if (keepAlive) { // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection. Logger.trace("writeResponse: content length [" + response.out.size() + "]"); setContentLength(nettyResponse, response.out.size()); } ChannelFuture f = ctx.getChannel().write(nettyResponse); // Decide whether to close the connection or not. if (!keepAlive) { // Close the connection when the whole content is written out. f.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } Logger.trace("writeResponse: end"); }
@Override public boolean init() { Logger.trace("init: begin"); Request.current.set(request); Response.current.set(response); try { super.init(); if (Play.mode == Play.Mode.PROD && staticPathsCache.containsKey(request.path)) { RenderStatic rs = null; synchronized (staticPathsCache) { rs = staticPathsCache.get(request.path); } serveStatic(rs, ctx, request, response, nettyRequest, event); Logger.trace("init: end false"); return false; } Router.routeOnlyStatic(request); } catch (NotFound nf) { serve404(nf, ctx, request, nettyRequest); Logger.trace("init: end false"); return false; } catch (RenderStatic rs) { if (Play.mode == Play.Mode.PROD) { synchronized (staticPathsCache) { staticPathsCache.put(request.path, rs); } } serveStatic(rs, ctx, request, response, nettyRequest, this.event); Logger.trace("init: end false"); return false; } Logger.trace("init: end true"); return true; }
/** * Publish offers per enterprise. * * @param enterprise_id * @param enterprise_name */ public static void publishMarket(final Integer enterprise_id, final String enterprise_name) { Logger.info("------------------------- INSIDE publishMarket()-----------------"); Logger.info("Enterprise_id " + enterprise_id + "Enterprise_name " + enterprise_name); String user = session.get("username"); if (user != null) { List<MKT_Configuration> resultSet1 = MarketDAO.getMKTConfiguration(enterprise_id); /* * check if market is enabled. Publish offers only if market is * enabled */ if (resultSet1.size() > 0) { List<OfferPurchased> resultSet = ProducerDAO.getSubscribedOffersGroupByServiceLevels(); Logger.info("ResultSet " + resultSet.size()); Logger.info("------------------------- EXITING publishMarket()-----------------"); render(enterprise_id, enterprise_name, resultSet, user); } else { flash.error(" To continue configure the Market "); enable(enterprise_id, enterprise_name); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } }
private static void processPages(PdfFile file, int dpi, int start, int end) { try { Document document = new Document(); String staticpath = Play.configuration.getProperty("staticpath", ""); Logger.debug("process %s", staticpath + file.originalFile); document.setFile(staticpath + file.originalFile); int numberOfPages = document.getNumberOfPages(); boolean thumbnail = false; if (start < 0 && end < 0) { file.numPages = numberOfPages; file.save(); thumbnail = true; } if (end < 0) { end = numberOfPages; } if (start < 0) { start = 0; } Logger.debug("process %s which has pages %s", file.title, numberOfPages); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { processPage(file, document, i, dpi, thumbnail); } } catch (PDFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PDFSecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void run() { Logger.info("----Tag.scheduler(): check for new images"); tagWatchDog(instagram); localWatchDog(); Logger.info("-----------------------------------------"); } // run
private static void crawl() { String url = url_tpl + (page++); Logger.info("正在抓取:%s", url); if (StringUtils.isBlank(url)) return; sleep(); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(WS.url(url).get().body, url); Elements elements = doc.select(".video-item"); if (elements.isEmpty()) return; for (Element element : elements) { try { Element link = element.select(">a").first(); String cover = link.select("img").first().absUrl("src"); String coverTitle = link.select(".v-update").first().html(); String detailUrl = link.absUrl("href"); String name = element.select(".v-desc .v-title a").first().html(); Logger.info("正在抓取名称:%s", name); Movie movie = Movie.find("byName", name).first(); if (movie == null) { movie = new Movie(); movie.id = DBCounter.generateUniqueCounter(Movie.class) + ""; } movie.name = name; movie.cover = cover; movie.cover_title = coverTitle; movie.details = getDetails( movie, "http://video.baidu.com/v?word=" + URLEncoder.encode("美剧 " + name, "GBK")); movie.save(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } crawl(); }
public static void sendHotImagesToClient(WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> out, String clientId) { Logger.info("----Send hot images to client: " + clientId); if (hotImages != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sendImage(hotImages.get(i), out, "hotImage"); } // for } // if // List<MImages> images = new ArrayList<MImages>(); // images = MImages.all(); // // //find 4 images with the most likes // Collections.sort(images, new Comparator<MImages>() { // public int compare(MImages im1, MImages im2) { // Long nLikes1 = im1.numberOfLikesIns+im1.numberOfLikesLocall; // Long nLikes2 = im2.numberOfLikesIns+im2.numberOfLikesLocall; // return nLikes1.compareTo(nLikes2); // } // }); // // for(int i=images.size()-1; i>images.size()-5; i--){ // sendImage(images.get(i), out, "hotImage"); // }//for // for(MImages image : images) { // Logger.info(" image id: "+image.id+" idIns: "+image.idInstagram+" author: // "+image.authorName+" nlikes: "+(image.numberOfLikesIns+image.numberOfLikesLocall)); // }//for Logger.info("-----------------------------"); } // sendHotImagesToClient
public static void create(long personID, String content) { try { User user = User.loadFromSession(); Person person = Person.findById(personID); Policy policy = Policy.getInstance( Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath() + "/conf/antisamy-myspace-1.3.xml"); AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy(); CleanResults cr = as.scan(content, policy); InsConfidential c = new InsConfidential(); c.content = cr.getCleanHTML(); c.createAt = new GregorianCalendar(); c.employe = user.person; c.person = person; c.save(); flash.success("messageAdded"); InsConfidentials.show(personID); } catch (ScanException ex) { Logger.error(InsConfidentials.class.getName() + " : " + ex); } catch (PolicyException ex) { Logger.error(InsConfidentials.class.getName() + " : " + ex); } }
public static void initHotImages() { Logger.info("----Init hot images"); List<MImages> images = new ArrayList<MImages>(); images = MImages.all(); // initialize global list that holds 4 top hot images hotImages = new ArrayList<MImages>(); // find 4 images with the most likes Collections.sort( images, new Comparator<MImages>() { public int compare(MImages im1, MImages im2) { Long nLikes1 = im1.numberOfLikesIns + im1.numberOfLikesLocall; Long nLikes2 = im2.numberOfLikesIns + im2.numberOfLikesLocall; return nLikes1.compareTo(nLikes2); } }); for (int i = images.size() - 1; i > images.size() - 5; i--) { hotImages.add(images.get(i)); Logger.info( " image id: " + images.get(i).id + " idIns: " + images.get(i).idInstagram + " author: " + images.get(i).authorName + " nlikes: " + (images.get(i).numberOfLikesIns + images.get(i).numberOfLikesLocall)); } // for Logger.info("-----------------------------"); } // initHotImages
public static void showPicasaGallery(Long id, String name) { notFoundIfNull(id); PicasaGallery gallery = PicasaGallery.findById(id); notFoundIfNull(gallery); PicasawebService service = new PicasawebService("portfolio"); List<PhotoEntry> photoEntries = Collections.emptyList(); try { java.net.URL feedUrl = new java.net.URL(gallery.getFeedUrl()); AlbumFeed feed = service.getFeed(feedUrl, AlbumFeed.class); photoEntries = feed.getPhotoEntries(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.error("Service URL for Picasa is not well formed"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Error I/O while communicating with Picasa Service"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { Logger.error("Picasa service error"); e.printStackTrace(); } List<ImageView> images = new ArrayList<ImageView>(); for (PhotoEntry entry : photoEntries) { ImageView image = new ImageView(); // We take the largest image.thumbnail = entry.getMediaThumbnails().get(entry.getMediaThumbnails().size() - 1).getUrl(); image.url = entry.getMediaContents().get(0).getUrl(); images.add(image); } render("Application/gallery.html", images, gallery); }
public static Route getRoute( String method, String path, String action, String params, String headers, String sourceFile, int line) { Route route = new Route(); route.method = method; route.path = path.replace("//", "/"); route.action = action; route.routesFile = sourceFile; route.routesFileLine = line; route.addFormat(headers); route.addParams(params); route.compute(); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace( "Adding [" + route.toString() + "] with params [" + params + "] and headers [" + headers + "]"); } return route; }
@Override public Object authenticate(final Context context, final Object payload) throws AuthException { final Request request = context.request(); final String uri = request.uri(); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug("Returned with URL: '" + uri + "'"); } final Configuration c = getConfiguration(); final ConsumerKey key = new ConsumerKey( c.getString(SettingKeys.CONSUMER_KEY), c.getString(SettingKeys.CONSUMER_SECRET)); final String requestTokenURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL); final String accessTokenURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL); final String authorizationURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.AUTHORIZATION_URL); final ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo(requestTokenURL, accessTokenURL, authorizationURL, key); final OAuth service = new OAuth(info, true); checkError(request); if (uri.contains(Constants.OAUTH_VERIFIER)) { final RequestToken rtoken = (RequestToken) PlayAuthenticate.removeFromCache(context.session(), CACHE_TOKEN); final String verifier = Authenticate.getQueryString(request, Constants.OAUTH_VERIFIER); final Either<OAuthException, RequestToken> retrieveAccessToken = service.retrieveAccessToken(rtoken, verifier); if (retrieveAccessToken.isLeft()) { throw new AuthException(retrieveAccessToken.left().get().getLocalizedMessage()); } else { final I i = buildInfo(retrieveAccessToken.right().get()); return transform(i); } } else { final String callbackURL = getRedirectUrl(request); final Either<OAuthException, RequestToken> reponse = service.retrieveRequestToken(callbackURL); if (reponse.isLeft()) { // Exception happened throw new AuthException(reponse.left().get().getLocalizedMessage()); } else { // All good, we have the request token final RequestToken rtoken = reponse.right().get(); final String token = rtoken.token(); final String redirectUrl = service.redirectUrl(token); PlayAuthenticate.storeInCache(context.session(), CACHE_TOKEN, rtoken); return redirectUrl; } } }
/** * Method that starts conversation with the caller * * @return {@link TwiMLResponse} sent over the call */ public static TwiMLResponse getCallStarter(Caller caller) { Logger.info("Preparing Greeting message and url."); TwiMLResponse twiml = new TwiMLResponse(); Say say = new Say(TwilioConstants.GREETING); say.setVoice(TwilioConstants.FEMALE_USER); Gather gather = new Gather(); gather.setAction( "/handle-key/" + caller.getDays() + "/" + caller.getHours() + "/" + caller.getMinutes() + "/" + caller.getSeconds() + "/"); gather.setMethod("GET"); gather.setFinishOnKey("#"); Say sayInGather = new Say("Please Press a Number."); try { gather.append(sayInGather); twiml.append(say); twiml.append(gather); } catch (TwiMLException e) { Logger.error("Error occured during the Fizz-Buzz generator call: " + e); } return twiml; }
@With({UserCredentialWrapFilter.class, ConnectToDBFilter.class}) @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result changePassword() { Logger.trace("Method Start"); Http.RequestBody body = request().body(); JsonNode bodyJson = body.asJson(); Logger.trace("changePassword bodyJson: " + bodyJson); if (bodyJson == null) return badRequest( "The body payload cannot be empty. Hint: put in the request header Content-Type: application/json"); // check and validate input if (!bodyJson.has("old")) return badRequest("The 'old' field is missing"); if (!bodyJson.has("new")) return badRequest("The 'new' field is missing"); String currentPassword = DbHelper.getCurrentHTTPPassword(); String oldPassword = (String) bodyJson.findValuesAsText("old").get(0); String newPassword = (String) bodyJson.findValuesAsText("new").get(0); if (!oldPassword.equals(currentPassword)) { return badRequest("The old password does not match with the current one"); } UserService.changePasswordCurrentUser(newPassword); Logger.trace("Method End"); return ok(); }
private static boolean callTo(DirectCaller caller) { String callFrom = caller.callFrom; String callTo = caller.callTo; try { // Get the account and call factory class Account acct = client.getAccount(); CallFactory callFactory = acct.getCallFactory(); // build map of post parameters Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); String url = "http://e4fa2e.ngrok.com/v1/twilio/directCall/" + caller.fizzBuzzInput; Logger.info("Calling API " + url); params.put("From", callFrom); params.put("To", callTo); params.put("Url", url); params.put("Method", "GET"); // Make a phone call ( This makes a POST request to the Calls // resource) callFactory.create(params); } catch (TwilioRestException e) { Logger.error(e.getErrorMessage()); return false; } Logger.info("Calling Directly.."); return true; }
@Provides(type = Core.Type.SECURITY, with = Core.With.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE) public static Result handleAuthFailure(Node node, String withType, Map<String, Object> args) throws NodeLoadException, ModuleException { User user = SecurityEventGenerator.triggerCurrentUserInterceptor(); SecurityEventGenerator.triggerBeforeAuthorizationFailure(user); try { String unauthorizedPage = Settings.load().getValue(CoreSettingsHelper.Keys.UNAUTHORIZED_PAGE); try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(unauthorizedPage)) { Content content = CoreLoader.loadAndDecorateNode(unauthorizedPage, 0); if (user != null) { return Controller.forbidden(content); } else { return Controller.unauthorized(content); } } } catch (NodeNotFoundException | NodeLoadException | ModuleException e) { ExceptionUtil.assertExceptionHandling(e); return CoreLoader.redirectToPageLoadErrorPage(); } if (user != null) { Logger.warn("Using fallback forbidden handling, sending 403 with no content"); return Controller.forbidden(); } else { Logger.warn("Using fallback unauthorized handling, sending 401 with no content"); return Controller.unauthorized(); } } finally { SecurityEventGenerator.triggerAfterAuthorizationFailure(user); } }
/** * Saves user response. * * <p>This action builds a Response object from request by creating and parsing DynamicForm data. * Built Response object is then validated and returned back to client as a JSON object. * * <p>If response object is not valid - returns BAD_REQUEST status code to client as well as JSON * object with validation errors. * * <p>If response data is outdated - returns BAD_REQUEST status code to client as well as JSON * object with global errors. * * <p>This action requires CSRF token. * * @return 200-OK with saved response object as JSON 400-BAD_REQUEST with errors as JSON */ @RequireCSRFCheck @Transactional public Result createResponse() { DynamicForm form = form().bindFromRequest(); List<Field> activeFields = fieldService.getAllActiveFields(); Response response = new Response(form.data(), activeFields); Logger.info("User send response: {}.", response); List<ValidationError> errors = response.validate(); if (errors != null) { errors.forEach(form::reject); Logger.warn("User response contains validation errors: {}.", errors); return badRequest(form.errorsAsJson()); } Response result = responseService.saveResponse(response); if (result == null) { form.reject("global", "Some options are outdated!"); Logger.warn("Users response contains outdated data."); return badRequest(form.errorsAsJson()); } else { Logger.info("Response saved: {}.", response); return ok(toJson(response)); } }
/** * Uploads a license file. This is restricted to admin users. * * @param licenseFile the license file. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({"SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN"}), @Restrict({"RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN"}) }) public static void upload(@Required File licenseFile) { if (Validation.hasErrors()) { params.flash(); Validation.keep(); license(); } try { String license = FileUtils.readFileToString(licenseFile); if (StringUtils.isBlank(license)) { Logger.error("License file is empty"); Validation.addError("setup.licenseFile", MessagesUtils.get("license.uploadFailed")); params.flash(); Validation.keep(); license(); } LicenseUtils.updateLicenseText(license); index(); } catch (IOException e) { Validation.addError("setup.licenseFile", MessagesUtils.get("license.uploadFailed")); Logger.error(e, "Failed to read license file"); Validation.keep(); license(); } }
/** * Saves the market configurations : deploy enterprise, username and password * * @param mkt */ public static void enableMKTConfiguration( final Integer enterprise_id, final String enterprise_name) { if (Validation.hasErrors()) { flash.error("Please fill in required fields"); params.flash(); Validation.keep(); enable(enterprise_id, enterprise_name); } Logger.info("------------------------- INSIDE SAVEMKT()-----------------"); Logger.info("Enterprise id : " + enterprise_id + " Enterprise Name : " + enterprise_name); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); MKT_Configuration market = new MKT_Configuration(); market.setEnterprise_id(enterprise_id); market.setEnterprise_name(enterprise_name); // market.setMkt_deploy_enterprise(mkt.getMkt_deploy_enterprise()); market.setMkt_deploy_pw(password); market.setMkt_deploy_user(user); market.setDeploy_enterprise_id(enterprise_id); market.save(); marketEnable(); Logger.info("------------------------- EXITING SAVEMKT()-----------------"); }