public static Result upload() { try { Http.MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart picture = body.getFile("picture"); if (picture != null) { String fileName = picture.getFilename();"Uploading file name: {}", fileName); File pictureFile = picture.getFile(); pictureFile.getTotalSpace();"Total space: {}", pictureFile); File folder = pictureFile.getParentFile(); File renamedFile = new File(folder, fileName); File result = ExifImageUtils.rotateFromOrientationData(pictureFile, renamedFile); // final String absolutePath = pictureFile.getAbsolutePath(); // final String escapedPath = UrlEscapers.urlPathSegmentEscaper().escape(absolutePath); // return ok(views.html.main.render(escapedPath)); return ok(views.html.main.render(result.getAbsolutePath())); } return ok("asdf"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error uploading", e); return internalServerError(e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Create a new SysAdminUtilsImpl * * @param lifecycle the play application lifecycle listener * @param configuration the play application configuration * @param databaseDependencyService the service which secure the availability of the database * @param actorSystem the Akka actor system */ @Inject public SysAdminUtilsImpl( ApplicationLifecycle lifecycle, Configuration configuration, IDatabaseDependencyService databaseDependencyService, ActorSystem actorSystem) {"SERVICE>>> SysAdminUtilsImpl starting..."); this.actorSystem = actorSystem; this.configuration = configuration; initAutomatedSystemStatus(); lifecycle.addStopHook( () -> {"SERVICE>>> SysAdminUtilsImpl stopping..."); if (automaticSystemStatus != null) { try { getAutomaticSystemStatus().cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to stop the automatic system status", e); } }"SERVICE>>> SysAdminUtilsImpl stopped"); return Promise.pure(null); });"SERVICE>>> SysAdminUtilsImpl started"); }
public T create(final T t) { try {"About to persist the entity " + t); getEntityManager().persist(t); } catch (Throwable e) {"Exception creating entity " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return t; }
@Override public void dumpSystemStatus(String eventName, boolean logAsDebug) { if (logAsDebug) { log.debug(eventName + " " + ArrayUtils.toString(getSystemStatus())); } else { + " " + ArrayUtils.toString(getSystemStatus())); } }
/** Initialize the automated system status. */ private void initAutomatedSystemStatus() { if (this.getConfiguration().getBoolean("")) { int frequency = this.getConfiguration().getInt("maf.sysadmin.dump.vmstatus.frequency");">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Activate automated system status, frequency " + frequency); automaticSystemStatus = scheduleRecurring( true, "AUTOMATED STATUS", Duration.create(frequency, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Duration.create(frequency, TimeUnit.SECONDS), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { flushOldStates(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to flush the old states of recurring jobs", e); } } });">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Activate automated system status (end)"); } }
@Override protected String createNewPay(Integer payerId, String host, Object... all) { + "正在进行银联支付"); Integer count = (Integer) all[0]; Integer itemId = (Integer) all[1]; Payment payment = createPayment( payerId, Payment.TYPE_UNIONPAY_WAP,, false, new Normal(count, itemId)); prePayInfo = UnionPayHelper.genUnionOrderInfo(getSignData(,, host)); return host; }
@Override protected String infoNotify(Map<String, String> requestParams) { String respCode = requestParams.get("respCode"); if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(respCode) && respCode.equals("00")) { String outTradeNo = new String(requestParams.get("orderId").replaceFirst("^0*", "")); // 获取交易金额 txnAmt String totalFee = String.valueOf(Double.valueOf(requestParams.get("txnAmt")) / 100); // 获取付款时间 String payedMill = requestParams.get("txnTime"); // 获取流水号 String tradeNo = requestParams.get("queryId"); String tradeStatus = "SUCCESS"; Date payedAt = DateUtil.timeMillToDate(payedMill); Integer id = resultOfPayment(outTradeNo, tradeNo, tradeStatus, totalFee, payedAt); + "验证签名结果[成功]."); } else { logger.error("银联支付返回,失败" + "\n以下是回掉信息" + requestParams.toString()); } return notifySuccess(); }
public File exportNeolixFile(String start, String end) { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("sheet1"); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 6000); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 5000); ExcelGenerateHelper helper = ExcelGenerateHelper.getInstance(wb); // 获取行索引 int rowIndex = 0; int colIndex = 0; // 表头 String[] titles = {"订单编号", "运单号", "发货备注"}; // 生成表头 helper.setRowIndex(rowIndex++); helper.generateHeader(sheet, titles, 0, StringUtils.EMPTY, StringUtils.EMPTY); // 循环生成数据行 String sql = "call get_NeolixMail('" + start + "','" + end + "')"; // SQL语句 //调用存储过程; JdbcOperWithClose db = JdbcOperWithClose.getInstance(); // 创建DBHelper对象 try { db.getPrepareStateDao(sql); ResultSet rs = db.pst.executeQuery(); // 执行语句,得到结果集 while ( { String orderCode = rs.getString("orderCode"); String mailNum = rs.getString("mailnum"); String remark = rs.getString("remark"); colIndex = 0; Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++); helper.createStringCell(row, colIndex++, orderCode); // 订单号 helper.createStringCell(row, colIndex++, mailNum); // 运单号 helper.createStringCell(row, colIndex++, remark); // 备注 } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } // 在application.conf中配置的路径 String path = Configuration.root().getString("export.path"); File file = new File(path); file.mkdir(); // 判断文件夹是否存在,不存在就创建 FileOutputStream out = null; String fileName = path + "neolix" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".xls"; try { out = new FileOutputStream(fileName); wb.write(out); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return new File(fileName); }
@Override public void dumpSystemConfiguration() {"INITIAL CONFIGURATION " + ArrayUtils.toString(getMaxSystemParameters())); }
@Override public List<VirtualMachine> getVirtualMachines( Long applicationId, Long componentId, Long instanceId, Long cloudId) { List<VirtualMachine> vms; List<VirtualMachine> result = new ArrayList<VirtualMachine>(); vms = virtualMachineModelService.getAll(); for (VirtualMachine vm : vms) { boolean suitable = true; List<Instance> instances = null; List<ApplicationComponent> appComps = null; // Filter for application id if (applicationId != null) { instances = this.getInstances(vm.getId()); appComps = new ArrayList<>(); for (Instance instance : instances) { if (instance.getVirtualMachine().getId().equals(vm.getId())) {"Instance " + instance.getId() + " belongs to VM " + vm.getId()); appComps.add( getApplicationComponentForInstance(instance.getApplicationComponent().getId())); } } boolean oneInstanceFit = false; for (ApplicationComponent ac : appComps) { if (ac.getApplication().getId() == applicationId) { oneInstanceFit = true; } } suitable = oneInstanceFit; } // Filter for component id if (suitable && componentId != null) { if (instances == null) { instances = this.getInstances(vm.getId()); appComps = new ArrayList<ApplicationComponent>(); for (Instance instance : instances) { appComps.add( getApplicationComponentForInstance(instance.getApplicationComponent().getId())); } } boolean oneInstanceFit = false; for (ApplicationComponent ac : appComps) { if (ac.getComponent().getId() == componentId) { oneInstanceFit = true; } } suitable = oneInstanceFit; } // Filter for instance id if (suitable && instanceId != null) { if (instances == null) { instances = this.getInstances(vm.getId()); } boolean oneInstanceFit = false; for (Instance instance : instances) { if (instance.getId() == instanceId) { oneInstanceFit = true; } } suitable = oneInstanceFit; } // Filter for cloud id if (suitable && cloudId != null) { if ( != cloudId) { suitable = false; } } // Add to result if (suitable) { result.add(vm); } } return result; }