Exemple #1
   * This method is called repeatedly so that the game can update its state.
   * @param lastKey The most recent keystroke.
  public void gameUpdate(final int lastKey) throws GameOverException {

    // Erase the previous position.
    GameUtils.setGameboardState(this.collectorPos, BLANK_TILE, this.board);
    // Change collector position.
    this.collectorPos = getNextCollectorPos();

    if (isOutOfBounds(this.collectorPos)) {
      throw new GameOverException(this.score);
    // Draw collector at new position.
    GameUtils.setGameboardState(this.collectorPos, COLLECTOR_TILE, this.board);

    // Remove the coin at the new collector position (if any)
    if (this.coins.remove(this.collectorPos)) {

    // Check if all coins are found
    if (this.coins.isEmpty()) {
      throw new GameOverException(this.score + 5);

    // Remove one of the coins
    Position oldCoinPos = this.coins.get(0);
    GameUtils.setGameboardState(oldCoinPos, BLANK_TILE, this.board);

    // Add a new coin (simulating moving one coin)
Exemple #2
  /** Insert another coin into the gameboard. */
  private void addCoin() {
    Position newCoinPos;
    Dimension size = Constants.getGameSize();
    // Loop until a blank position is found and ...
    do {
      newCoinPos =
          new Position((int) (Math.random() * size.width), (int) (Math.random() * size.height));
    } while (!isPositionEmpty(newCoinPos));

    // ... add a new coin to the empty tile.
    GameUtils.setGameboardState(newCoinPos, COIN_TILE, board);
Exemple #3
  /** Create a new model for the gold game. */
  public GoldModel() {
    Dimension size = GameUtils.getGameboardSize();
    // create a new gameboard and fill it with BLANK_TILE
    board = new GameTile[size.width][size.height];
    GameUtils.fillBoard(board, BLANK_TILE);

    // Insert the collector in the middle of the gameboard.
    this.collectorPos = new Position(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
    GameUtils.setGameboardState(collectorPos, COLLECTOR_TILE, board);

    // Insert coins into the gameboard.
    for (int i = 0; i < COIN_START_AMOUNT; i++) {
    // TODO remove
    System.out.println("GoldModel in orig2011.v3");