{ for (VmNicVO nic : self.getVmNics()) { l3NicMacMap.put(nic.getL3NetworkUuid(), nic.getMac()); } SimpleQuery<ApplianceVmFirewallRuleVO> q = dbf.createQuery(ApplianceVmFirewallRuleVO.class); q.add(ApplianceVmFirewallRuleVO_.applianceVmUuid, Op.EQ, self.getUuid()); total = q.count(); }
private String steppingAllocate(long s, long e, int total, String rangeUuid) { int step = 254; int failureCount = 0; int failureCheckPoint = 5; while (s < e) { // if failing failureCheckPoint times, the range is probably full, // we check the range. // why don't we check before steppingAllocate()? because in that case we // have to count the used IP every time allocating a IP, and count operation // is a full scan in DB, which is very costly if (failureCheckPoint == failureCount++) { SimpleQuery<UsedIpVO> q = dbf.createQuery(UsedIpVO.class); q.add(UsedIpVO_.ipRangeUuid, Op.EQ, rangeUuid); long count = q.count(); if (count == total) { logger.debug( String.format("ip range[uuid:%s] has no ip available, try next one", rangeUuid)); return null; } else { failureCount = 0; } } long te = s + step; te = te > e ? e : te; SimpleQuery<UsedIpVO> q = dbf.createQuery(UsedIpVO.class); q.select(UsedIpVO_.ipInLong); q.add(UsedIpVO_.ipInLong, Op.GTE, s); q.add(UsedIpVO_.ipInLong, Op.LTE, te); q.add(UsedIpVO_.ipRangeUuid, Op.EQ, rangeUuid); List<Long> used = q.listValue(); if (te - s + 1 == used.size()) { s += step; continue; } Collections.sort(used); return NetworkUtils.randomAllocateIpv4Address(s, te, used); } return null; }
@Override public void preAttachVolume(VmInstanceInventory vm, final VolumeInventory volume) { SimpleQuery<LocalStorageResourceRefVO> q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.add( LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.IN, list(vm.getRootVolumeUuid(), volume.getUuid())); q.groupBy(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); long count = q.count(); if (count < 2) { return; } q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.select(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); q.add(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.EQ, vm.getRootVolumeUuid()); String rootHost = q.findValue(); q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.select(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); q.add(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.EQ, volume.getUuid()); String dataHost = q.findValue(); if (!rootHost.equals(dataHost)) { throw new OperationFailureException( errf.stringToOperationError( String.format( "cannot attach the data volume[uuid:%s] to the vm[uuid:%s]. Both vm's root volume and the data volume are" + " on local primary storage, but they are on different hosts. The root volume[uuid:%s] is on the host[uuid:%s] but the data volume[uuid: %s]" + " is on the host[uuid: %s]", volume.getUuid(), vm.getUuid(), vm.getRootVolumeUuid(), rootHost, volume.getUuid(), dataHost))); } }