public void completeRegistration(TransportSession session) { final IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(session.getRegistrationPacket()); if (!session.getFailureStatus().equals(ConnectionFailureReason.NO_ISSUE)) { // Ooh there was a connection issue, we're going to report that back! if (session .getFailureStatus() .equals(ConnectionFailureReason.USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT)) { result.setError(Condition.not_authorized); } else if (session.getFailureStatus().equals(ConnectionFailureReason.CAN_NOT_CONNECT)) { result.setError(Condition.service_unavailable); } else if (session.getFailureStatus().equals(ConnectionFailureReason.LOCKED_OUT)) { result.setError(Condition.forbidden); } else { result.setError(Condition.undefined_condition); } result.setType(IQ.Type.error); } parent.sendPacket(result); session.setRegistrationPacket(null); // Lets ask them what their presence is, maybe log them in immediately. final Presence p = new Presence(Presence.Type.probe); p.setTo(session.getJID()); p.setFrom(parent.getJID()); parent.sendPacket(p); }
/** * Processes an IQ-register request that is expressing the wish to deregister from a gateway. * * @param packet the IQ-register stanza. */ private void handleDeregister(final IQ packet) { final IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); if (packet.getChildElement().elements().size() != 1) { Log.debug( "Cannot process this stanza - exactly one" + " childelement of <remove> expected:" + packet.toXML()); final IQ error = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); error.setError(Condition.bad_request); parent.sendPacket(error); return; } final JID from = packet.getFrom(); final JID to = packet.getTo(); // Tell the end user the transport went byebye. final Presence unavailable = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); unavailable.setTo(from); unavailable.setFrom(to); this.parent.sendPacket(unavailable); try { deleteRegistration(from); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { Log.debug("Error cleaning up contact list of: " + from); result.setError(Condition.registration_required); } parent.sendPacket(result); }
/** * 退出群 * * @param iq * @return */ private IQ quitGroup(IQ iq) { String member_jid = iq.getFrom().toBareJID(); JID group = iq.getTo(); IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(iq); long group_id = -1; LocalGroup localGroup = null; try { group_id = Long.parseLong(group.getNode()); localGroup = service.getGroup(group_id); } catch (Exception e) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return reply; } // 删除群成员 try { Map<String, LocalGroupRole> members = localGroup.getGroupMembers(); if (members != null && !members.isEmpty()) { int delete = groupDbManager.deleteGroupMember(group_id, member_jid); // 有记录被删除,通知群成员 if (delete > 0) { // 如果群主退出,删除群 if (localGroup.isOwner(member_jid)) groupDbManager.deleteGroupById(group_id); // 发送消息 sendPacket(members.keySet(), packetUtil.createQuitPresence(member_jid, group_id)); } } localGroup.removeMember(member_jid); } catch (SQLException e) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); return reply; } return null; }
/** * 审批入群申请 * * @param iq * @return */ private IQ processGroupApply(IQ iq) { IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(iq); // 发送者 String creator = iq.getFrom().toBareJID(); Element query = iq.getChildElement(); // 申请人 String applier = query.elementText("applier"); // 审批结果 String result = query.elementText("result"); if (result == null || applier == null || (!GroupApply.STATUS_ACCEPT.equals(result) && !GroupApply.STATUS_DENIED.equals(result))) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return reply; } long group_id = -1; LocalGroup localGroup = null; try { group_id = Long.parseLong(iq.getTo().getNode()); localGroup = service.getGroup(group_id); } catch (Exception e) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return reply; } try { // 检查是否已经处理过这条请求 GroupApply apply = groupDbManager.getGroupApplyByUserGroupId(group_id, applier); if (apply == null && !localGroup.isOwner(creator)) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return reply; } // 处理请求 apply.setStatus(result); groupDbManager.processGroupApply(apply); // 如果申请人在线,发送消息通知 Message applier_msg = packetUtil.createGroupApplyResponseMessage(apply, localGroup.getGroup()); boolean sent = sendPacketIfOnline(applier_msg, apply.getApply_user()); // 未发送,保存到数据库 if (!sent) { GroupSysMessage sysMessage = new GroupSysMessage(apply.getApply_user(), applier_msg.toXML()); groupDbManager.insertGroupSysMessage(sysMessage); } // 如果是同意,发送presence给群成员 if (GroupApply.STATUS_ACCEPT.equals(apply.getStatus())) { // 发送消息 sendPacket( localGroup.getGroupMembers().keySet(), packetUtil.createNewMemberPresence(apply)); } // 处理完成 } catch (SQLException e) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); } return reply; }
private void processIQ(Element doc) { log.debug("processIQ()..."); IQ packet; try { packet = getIQ(doc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.debug("Rejecting packet. JID malformed", e); IQ reply = new IQ(); if (!doc.elements().isEmpty()) { reply.setChildElement(((Element) doc.elements().get(0)).createCopy()); } reply.setID(doc.attributeValue("id")); reply.setTo(session.getAddress()); String to = doc.attributeValue("to"); if (to != null) { reply.getElement().addAttribute("from", to); } reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed); session.process(reply); return; } // if (packet.getID() == null) { // // IQ packets MUST have an 'id' attribute // StreamError error = new StreamError( // StreamError.Condition.invalid_xml); // session.deliverRawText(error.toXML()); // session.close(); // return; // } packet.setFrom(session.getAddress()); router.route(packet); session.incrementClientPacketCount(); }
private void fail(IQ request, Condition condition, org.xmpp.packet.PacketError.Type type) throws InterruptedException { IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(request); reply.setType(Type.error); PacketError pe = new PacketError(condition, type); reply.setError(pe); outQueue.put(reply); }
protected IQ error(Packet packet, PacketError.Condition condition) { IQ reply; reply = new IQ(IQ.Type.error, packet.getID()); reply.setFrom(packet.getTo()); reply.setTo(packet.getFrom()); reply.setError(condition); return reply; }
public void executeSet(IQ packet, Workgroup workgroup) { IQ reply = null; Element iq = packet.getChildElement(); try { JID from = packet.getFrom(); String bareJID = from.toBareJID(); if (!isOwner(bareJID, workgroup)) { reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); reply.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.forbidden)); workgroup.send(reply); return; } // Verify that an agent is requesting this information. WorkgroupManager workgroupManager = WorkgroupManager.getInstance(); if (iq.element("makeOwner") != null) { String sessionID = iq.element("makeOwner").attributeValue("sessionID"); final String serviceName = workgroupManager.getMUCServiceName(); final String roomName = sessionID + "@" + serviceName; // final String roomJID = roomName + "/" + workgroup.getJID().getNode(); IQ iqPacket = new IQ(IQ.Type.set); iqPacket.setTo(roomName); iqPacket.setFrom(workgroup.getFullJID()); Element query = iqPacket.setChildElement("query", ""); Element item = query.addElement("item"); item.addAttribute("affiliation", "owner"); item.addAttribute("jid", packet.getFrom().toBareJID()); workgroup.send(iqPacket); } reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); } catch (Exception e) { reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); reply.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found)); } workgroup.send(reply); }
/** * Handles the IQ packet sent by an owner of the room. Possible actions are: * * <ul> * <li>Return the list of owners * <li>Return the list of admins * <li>Change user's affiliation to owner * <li>Change user's affiliation to admin * <li>Change user's affiliation to member * <li>Change user's affiliation to none * <li>Destroy the room * <li>Return the room configuration within a dataform * <li>Update the room configuration based on the sent dataform * </ul> * * @param packet the IQ packet sent by an owner of the room. * @param role the role of the user that sent the packet. * @throws ForbiddenException if the user does not have enough permissions (ie. is not an owner). * @throws ConflictException If the room was going to lose all of its owners. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleIQ(IQ packet, MUCRole role) throws ForbiddenException, ConflictException, CannotBeInvitedException { // Only owners can send packets with the namespace "" if (MUCRole.Affiliation.owner != role.getAffiliation()) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); Element element = packet.getChildElement(); // Analyze the action to perform based on the included element Element formElement = element.element(QName.get("x", "jabber:x:data")); if (formElement != null) { handleDataFormElement(role, formElement); } else { Element destroyElement = element.element("destroy"); if (destroyElement != null) { if (((MultiUserChatServiceImpl) room.getMUCService()).getMUCDelegate() != null) { if (!((MultiUserChatServiceImpl) room.getMUCService()) .getMUCDelegate() .destroyingRoom(room.getName(), role.getUserAddress())) { // Delegate said no, reject destroy request. throw new ForbiddenException(); } } JID alternateJID = null; final String jid = destroyElement.attributeValue("jid"); if (jid != null) { alternateJID = new JID(jid); } room.destroyRoom(alternateJID, destroyElement.elementTextTrim("reason")); } else { // If no element was included in the query element then answer the // configuration form if (!element.elementIterator().hasNext()) { refreshConfigurationFormValues(); reply.setChildElement(probeResult.createCopy()); } // An unknown and possibly incorrect element was included in the query // element so answer a BAD_REQUEST error else { reply.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); } } } if (reply.getTo() != null) { // Send a reply only if the sender of the original packet was from a real JID. (i.e. not // a packet generated locally) router.route(reply); } }
/** * Handles all roster queries. There are two major types of queries: * * <ul> * <li>Roster remove - A forced removal of items from a roster. Roster removals are the only * roster queries allowed to directly affect the roster from another user. * <li>Roster management - A local user looking up or updating their roster. * </ul> * * @param packet The update packet * @return The reply or null if no reply */ public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException, PacketException { try { IQ returnPacket = null; org.xmpp.packet.Roster roster = (org.xmpp.packet.Roster) packet; JID recipientJID = packet.getTo(); // The packet is bound for the server and must be roster management if (recipientJID == null || recipientJID.getNode() == null || !UserManager.getInstance().isRegisteredUser(recipientJID.getNode())) { returnPacket = manageRoster(roster); } // The packet must be a roster removal from a foreign domain user. else { removeRosterItem(roster); } return returnPacket; } catch (SharedGroupException e) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_acceptable); return result; } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IDNAException) { Log.warn(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed); return result; } else { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); return result; } } }
public void process(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException, PacketException { // sanitize the input if (packet == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'packet' cannot be null."); } final String xmlns; final Element child = (packet).getChildElement(); if (child != null) { xmlns = child.getNamespaceURI(); } else { xmlns = null; } if (xmlns == null) { // No namespace defined. Log.debug("Cannot process this stanza, as it has no namespace:" + packet.toXML()); final IQ error = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); error.setError(Condition.bad_request); parent.sendPacket(error); return; } // done sanitizing, start processing. final Element remove = packet.getChildElement().element("remove"); if (remove != null) { // User wants to unregister. =( // this.convinceNotToLeave() ... kidding. handleDeregister(packet); } else { // handle the request switch (packet.getType()) { case get: // client requests registration form getRegistrationForm(packet); break; case set: // client is providing (filled out) registration form setRegistrationForm(packet); break; default: // ignore result and error stanzas. break; } } }
/** * Creates an error response for a given IQ request. * * @param request * @param message * @param condition * @param type * @return */ public static IQ createErrorResponse( final IQ request, final String message, Condition condition, Type type) { final IQ result = request.createCopy(); result.setID(request.getID()); result.setFrom(request.getTo()); result.setTo(request.getFrom()); PacketError e = new PacketError(condition, type); if (message != null) { e.setText(message); } result.setError(e); return result; }
public void process(Packet packet) throws ComponentException { logger.debug("Packet payload " + packet.toXML() + " going to federation."); String to = packet.getTo().toString(); String uniqueId = generateUniqueId(packet); idMap.put(uniqueId, packet.getID()); packet.setID(uniqueId); sentRemotePackets.put(uniqueId, packet.getFrom()); try { extractNodeDetails(packet); // Do we have a map already? if (discoveredServers.containsKey(to)) { packet.setTo(new JID(discoveredServers.get(to))); sendPacket(packet.createCopy()); return; } // Are we already discovering a remote server? if (!remoteChannelDiscoveryStatus.containsKey(to)) { discoverRemoteChannelServer(to, packet.getID()); } else if (remoteChannelDiscoveryStatus.get(to).equals(NO_CHANNEL_SERVER)) { logger.error("No remote channel server for " + to); IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ((IQ) packet); reply.setError( new PacketError( PacketError.Condition.remote_server_not_found, PacketError.Type.cancel)); component.sendPacket(reply); return; } // Add packet to list if (!waitingStanzas.containsKey(to)) { waitingStanzas.put(to, new ArrayList<Packet>()); } waitingStanzas.get(to).add(packet); logger.debug( "Adding packet to waiting stanza list for " + to + " (size " + waitingStanzas.get(to).size() + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); } }
@Override public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException { IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); Element offlineRequest = packet.getChildElement(); JID from = packet.getFrom(); if (offlineRequest.element("purge") != null) { // User requested to delete all offline messages messageStore.deleteMessages(from.getNode()); } else if (offlineRequest.element("fetch") != null) { // Mark that offline messages shouldn't be sent when the user becomes available stopOfflineFlooding(from); // User requested to receive all offline messages for (OfflineMessage offlineMessage : messageStore.getMessages(from.getNode(), false)) { sendOfflineMessage(from, offlineMessage); } } else { for (Iterator it = offlineRequest.elementIterator("item"); it.hasNext(); ) { Element item = (Element); Date creationDate = null; try { creationDate = xmppDateTime.parseString(item.attributeValue("node")); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.error("Error parsing date", e); } if ("view".equals(item.attributeValue("action"))) { // User requested to receive specific message OfflineMessage offlineMsg = messageStore.getMessage(from.getNode(), creationDate); if (offlineMsg != null) { sendOfflineMessage(from, offlineMsg); } } else if ("remove".equals(item.attributeValue("action"))) { // User requested to delete specific message if (messageStore.getMessage(from.getNode(), creationDate) != null) { messageStore.deleteMessage(from.getNode(), creationDate); } else { // If the requester is authorized but the node does not exist, the server MUST return a // <item-not-found/> error. reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found); } } } } return reply; }
public void process(Packet packet) { // Check that the requested packet can be processed if (canProcess(packet)) { // Perform the actual processing of the packet. This usually implies sending // the packet to the entity try { // Invoke the interceptors before we send the packet InterceptorManager.getInstance().invokeInterceptors(packet, this, false, false); deliver(packet); // Invoke the interceptors after we have sent the packet InterceptorManager.getInstance().invokeInterceptors(packet, this, false, true); } catch (PacketRejectedException e) { // An interceptor rejected the packet so do nothing } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); } } else { // if (packet instanceof Message) { // For message stanzas, the server SHOULD return an error, which SHOULD be // <service-unavailable/>. Message message = (Message) packet; Message result = message.createCopy(); result.setTo(message.getFrom()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable); XMPPServer.getInstance().getRoutingTable().routePacket(message.getFrom(), result, true); } else if (packet instanceof IQ) { // For IQ stanzas of type "get" or "set", the server MUST return an error, which SHOULD be // <service-unavailable/>. // IQ stanzas of other types MUST be silently dropped by the server. IQ iq = (IQ) packet; if (iq.getType() == IQ.Type.get || iq.getType() == IQ.Type.set) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(iq); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable); XMPPServer.getInstance().getRoutingTable().routePacket(iq.getFrom(), result, true); } } } }
@Override public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); String username = packet.getFrom().getNode(); if (!serverName.equals(packet.getFrom().getDomain()) || username == null) { // Users of remote servers are not allowed to get their "shared groups". Users of // remote servers cannot have shared groups in this server. // Besides, anonymous users do not belong to shared groups so answer an error result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_allowed); return result; } Collection<Group> groups = rosterManager.getSharedGroups(username); Element sharedGroups = result.setChildElement("sharedgroup", ""); for (Group sharedGroup : groups) { String displayName = sharedGroup.getProperties().get("sharedRoster.displayName"); if (displayName != null) { sharedGroups.addElement("group").setText(displayName); } } return result; }
protected void setErrorCondition(Type type, Condition condition) { if (null == response) response = IQ.createResultIQ(request); response.setType(IQ.Type.error); PacketError error = new PacketError(condition, type); response.setError(error); }
/** * Handles the received IQ packet. * * @param packet the packet * @return the response to send back * @throws UnauthorizedException if the user is not authorized */ public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException { IQ reply = null; ClientSession session = sessionManager.getSession(packet.getFrom()); if (session == null) { log.error("Session not found for key " + packet.getFrom()); reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); reply.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); return reply; } try { Element iq = packet.getElement(); Element query = iq.element("query"); Element queryResponse = probeResponse.createCopy(); if (IQ.Type.get == packet.getType()) { // get query String username = query.elementText("username"); if (username != null) { queryResponse.element("username").setText(username); } reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); reply.setChildElement(queryResponse); if (session.getStatus() != Session.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) { reply.setTo((JID) null); } } else { // set query String resource = query.elementText("resource"); String username = query.elementText("username"); String password = query.elementText("password"); String digest = null; if (query.element("digest") != null) { digest = query.elementText("digest").toLowerCase(); } // Verify the resource if (resource != null) { try { resource = JID.resourceprep(resource); } catch (StringprepException e) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid resource: " + resource, e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid resource (empty or null)."); } // Verify the username if (username == null || username.trim().length() == 0) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid username (empty or null)."); } try { Stringprep.nodeprep(username); } catch (StringprepException e) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid username: " + username, e); } username = username.toLowerCase(); // Verify that username and password are correct AuthToken token = null; if (password != null && AuthManager.isPlainSupported()) { token = AuthManager.authenticate(username, password); } else if (digest != null && AuthManager.isDigestSupported()) { token = AuthManager.authenticate(username, session.getStreamID().toString(), digest); } if (token == null) { throw new UnauthenticatedException(); } // Set the session authenticated successfully session.setAuthToken(token, resource); packet.setFrom(session.getAddress()); reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); reply.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); if (ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_acceptable); } else if (ex instanceof UnauthorizedException) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_authorized); } else if (ex instanceof UnauthenticatedException) { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_authorized); } else { reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); } } // Send the response directly to the session if (reply != null) { session.process(reply); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException { final JID sender = packet.getFrom(); final JID recipient = packet.getTo(); // Process the request inside a try/catch so that unhandled exceptions // (oufofbounds etc...) can trigger a server error and we can send a // error result packet try { // A valid request is an IQ of type set, if (!packet.getType().equals(IQ.Type.set)) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return result; } // If a recipient is specified, it must be equal to the sender // bareJID if (recipient != null && !recipient.toString().equals(sender.toBareJID())) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_authorized); return result; } // Only a local user can publish its profile if (!userManager.isRegisteredUser(sender.getNode())) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.not_authorized); return result; } // A valid submit requets must contain a vcard4 entry Element request = packet.getChildElement(); Element e_profile = request.element(QName.get(VCard4.VCARD_ELEMENT, VCard4.NAMESPACE)); if (e_profile == null) { IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); return result; } // Parse the profile VCard4DomReader reader = new PersistentVCard4DomReader(); Profile profile = reader.readProfile(new ElementAdapter(e_profile)); // Commit the profile (this will also trigger the messages) try { ProfileManager.getInstance().publishProfile(sender.toBareJID(), profile); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { // We know this cannot happen } // Send a success result // TODO should this contain more, like the ID of the new activities ? IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setChildElement(packet.getChildElement().createCopy()); result.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); return result; } }
/** * Handles a IQ-register 'set' request, which is to be interpreted as a request to create a new * registration. * * @param packet the IQ-register 'set' stanza. * @throws UnauthorizedException if the user isn't allowed to register. */ private void setRegistrationForm(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException { final JID from = packet.getFrom(); final boolean registered; Collection<Registration> registrations = RegistrationManager.getInstance().getRegistrations(from, parent.transportType); if (registrations.iterator().hasNext()) { registered = true; } else { registered = false; } if (!registered && !parent.permissionManager.hasAccess(from)) { // User does not have permission to register with transport. // We want to allow them to change settings if they are already // registered. throw new UnauthorizedException( LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyacls", "kraken")); } // Parse the input variables String username = null; String password = null; String nickname = null; try { if (packet.getChildElement().element("x") != null) { final DataForm form = new DataForm(packet.getChildElement().element("x")); final List<FormField> fields = form.getFields(); for (final FormField field : fields) { final String var = field.getVariable(); if (var.equals("username")) { username = field.getValues().get(0); } else if (var.equals("password")) { password = field.getValues().get(0); } else if (var.equals("nick")) { nickname = field.getValues().get(0); } } } } // TODO: This shouldn't be done by catching an Exception - check for the // existence of elements instead. If we insist doing this with an // exception handler, prevent catching a generic Exception (catch more // specific subclasses instead). catch (Exception ex) { // No with data form apparently"Most likely, no dataform was present " + "in the IQ-register request.", ex); } // input variables could also exist in the non-extended elements final Element userEl = packet.getChildElement().element("username"); final Element passEl = packet.getChildElement().element("password"); final Element nickEl = packet.getChildElement().element("nick"); if (userEl != null) { username = userEl.getTextTrim(); } if (passEl != null) { password = passEl.getTextTrim(); } if (nickEl != null) { nickname = nickEl.getTextTrim(); } username = (username == null || username.equals("")) ? null : username; password = (password == null || password.equals("")) ? null : password; nickname = (nickname == null || nickname.equals("")) ? null : nickname; // verify that we've got wat we need. if (username == null || (parent.isPasswordRequired() && password == null) || (parent.isNicknameRequired() && nickname == null)) { // Invalid information from stanza, lets yell. "Cannot process IQ register request, as it " + "fails to provide all data that's required: " + packet.toXML()); final IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); result.setError(Condition.bad_request); parent.sendPacket(result); return; } // Check if the client supports our proprietary 'rosterless' mode. final boolean rosterlessMode; final Element x = packet.getChildElement().element("x"); if (x != null && x.getNamespaceURI() != null && x.getNamespaceURI().equals(NameSpace.IQ_GATEWAY_REGISTER)) { rosterlessMode = true;"Registering " + packet.getFrom() + " as " + username + " in rosterless mode."); } else { rosterlessMode = false; "Registering " + packet.getFrom() + " as " + username + " (without making use of rosterless mode)."); } // Here's where the true magic lies: create the registration! try { addNewRegistration(from, username, password, nickname, rosterlessMode); registrations = RegistrationManager.getInstance().getRegistrations(from, parent.transportType); Registration registration = registrations.iterator().next(); TransportSession session = parent.registrationLoggedIn(registration, from, PresenceType.available, "", -1); session.setRegistrationPacket(packet); session.detachSession(); parent.getSessionManager().storeSession(from, session); // final IQ result = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); // I believe this shouldn't be included. Leaving it around just in // case. // Element response = // DocumentHelper.createElement(QName.get("query", IQ_REGISTER)); // result.setChildElement(response); // parent.sendPacket(result); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { Log.warn( "Someone attempted to register with the gateway " + "who is not registered with the server: " + from); final IQ eresult = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); eresult.setError(Condition.forbidden); parent.sendPacket(eresult); final Message em = new Message(); em.setType(Message.Type.error); em.setTo(packet.getFrom()); em.setFrom(packet.getTo()); em.setBody(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("gateway.base.registrationdeniednoacct", "kraken")); parent.sendPacket(em); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.warn( "Someone who is not a user of this server " + "tried to register with the transport: " + from); final IQ eresult = IQ.createResultIQ(packet); eresult.setError(Condition.forbidden); parent.sendPacket(eresult); final Message em = new Message(); em.setType(Message.Type.error); em.setTo(packet.getFrom()); em.setFrom(packet.getTo()); em.setBody(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("gateway.base.registrationdeniedbyhost", "kraken")); parent.sendPacket(em); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.warn( "Someone attempted to register with the " + "gateway with an invalid username: "******"gateway.base.registrationdeniedbadusername", "kraken")); parent.sendPacket(em); } }