/** * Evaluates the title expression in the null context and returns the result. * * @return Returns an empty string or the title expression. */ private String getTitle() { IModelObject element = xidget.getConfig(); IExpression titleExpr = Xlate.childGet(element, "title", Xlate.get(element, "title", (IExpression) null)); if (titleExpr != null) return titleExpr.evaluateString(); return ""; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xidget.feature.IWidgetCreationFeature#createWidget() */ public void createWidgets() { jPanel = new Canvas(xidget, new AnchorLayoutManager(xidget)); jPanel.addMouseListener(mouseListener); jPanel.addMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); // create titled border if necessary (but not for tab entries) IXidget parent = xidget.getParent(); if (parent != null && hasTitle()) { if (!parent.getConfig().isType("tabs")) jPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(getTitle())); } component = jPanel; // create scrollpane if requested if (Xlate.get(xidget.getConfig(), "scroll", false)) { component = new JScrollPane(jPanel); } // add panel to parent container IXidget xidgetParent = xidget.getParent(); if (xidgetParent != null) { IWidgetContainerFeature containerFeature = xidget.getParent().getFeature(IWidgetContainerFeature.class); if (containerFeature != null) { int index = xidgetParent.getChildren().indexOf(xidget); containerFeature.addWidget(index, xidget); } } }
public void notifyValue( IExpression expression, IContext[] contexts, IModelObject object, Object newValue, Object oldValue) { if (object == node) { ISliderWidgetFeature feature = xidget.getFeature(ISliderWidgetFeature.class); feature.setPrecision(Xlate.get(object, 1)); } }
public void notifyRemove(IExpression expression, IContext context, List<IModelObject> nodes) { node = expression.queryFirst(context); ISliderWidgetFeature feature = xidget.getFeature(ISliderWidgetFeature.class); feature.setPrecision(Xlate.get(node, 1)); }
public void notifyAdd(IExpression expression, IContext context, List<IModelObject> nodes) { node = nodes.get(0); ISliderWidgetFeature feature = xidget.getFeature(ISliderWidgetFeature.class); feature.setPrecision(Xlate.get(node, 1)); }
/** * Returns true if the widget has a title. * * @return Returns true if the widget has a title. */ private boolean hasTitle() { IModelObject element = xidget.getConfig(); IExpression titleExpr = Xlate.childGet(element, "title", Xlate.get(element, "title", (IExpression) null)); return titleExpr != null; }