Exemple #1
  public XmlDocument wrapBodyContent(XmlElement bodyContent) throws XsulException {
    if (bodyContent == null) {
      return null;
    if (bodyContent.getParent() != null) {
      XmlContainer top = bodyContent.getRoot();
      if (top instanceof XmlDocument) {
        return (XmlDocument) top;
    XmlDocument doc = builder.newDocument();

    final XmlNamespace soapNs = builder.newNamespace("S", NS_URI_SOAP11);
    XmlElement envelope = doc.addDocumentElement(soapNs, ELEM_ENVELOPE);
    // declare prefixes for some common namespaces

    XmlElement body = envelope.addElement(soapNs, "Body");

    return doc;
Exemple #2
 * Tests simple interaction with WS-MsgBox.
 * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
 * @author <a href="http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/~aslom/">Aleksander Slominski</a>
public class AddOneService extends SoapHttpDynamicInfosetProcessor {
  private static final MLogger logger = MLogger.getLogger();
  private static final XmlInfosetBuilder builder = XmlConstants.BUILDER;

  static final String MESSAGE_URI = "http://example.com/AddOne";
  private static final XmlNamespace MESSAGE_URI_NS = builder.newNamespace(MESSAGE_URI);

  public static void main(String[] args) {}

  public AddOneService() {}

  public XmlDocument processSoapEnvelope(XmlElement envelope, final SoapUtil soapFragrance) {
    // concert envelope to String
    //                System.err.println(getClass().getName()+" received envelope="
    //                                       +builder.serializeToString(envelope));
    logger.finest("received envelope=" + builder.serializeToString(envelope));
    // this XML string could be convertedto DOM ot whatever API one preferes (like JDOM, DOM4J, ...)

    //        XmlElement soapHeader = envelope.element(null, XmlConstants.S_HEADER_EL);
    //        if(soapHeader == null) {
    //            throw new XsulException("SOAP message must have headers");
    //        }
    final WsaMessageInformationHeaders wsah = new WsaMessageInformationHeaders(envelope);
    // System.err.println(getClass().getName()+" message destinaiton="+wsah.getTo());
    String location = getServer().getLocation();
    // assertEquals(location, wsah.getTo().toString());
    if (!location.equals(wsah.getTo().toString())) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    final XmlElement message = soapFragrance.requiredBodyContent(envelope);

    final XmlElement responseMessage = processMessage(message);

    // TODO: fire new thread to send response if replyTo is to not use current HTTP connection
    if (wsah.getReplyTo() != null) {
      // if(wsah.getReplyTo().getAddress().equals(WsAddressing.URI_ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) {
      if (false == WsaUtil.isAsyncReplyRequired(envelope)) {
        // to send back response wrapped in SOAP envelope
        return soapFragrance.wrapBodyContent(responseMessage);
      } else {
        Runnable r =
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                try {
                  XmlDocument responseEnvelope = soapFragrance.wrapBodyContent(responseMessage);
                  // now we need to add all WSA headers etc ...
                  WsaMessageInformationHeaders responseHeaders =
                      new WsaMessageInformationHeaders(responseEnvelope);
                  URI messageId = wsah.getMessageId();
                  if (messageId != null) {
                    responseHeaders.addRelatesTo(new WsaRelatesTo(wsah.getMessageId()));
                  WsaInvoker invoker = new WsaInvoker();
                  invoker.setDefaultAction(URI.create(MESSAGE_URI + "Response"));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  logger.finest("could not send response to " + wsah.getReplyTo(), e);
        // LATER: use Executor
        new Thread(r).start();
        // no response sent - actual response will be sent later over new connection
        return null;
    } else {
      // no response needed
      return null;

  public XmlElement processMessage(XmlElement message) {
    // System.err.println(getClass().getName()+
    logger.finest("received message " + builder.serializeToString(message));
    final XmlElement response; // send no repsonse - one way
    try {
      response = (XmlElement) message.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      throw new XsulException("internal error", e);
    int value = Integer.parseInt(message.requiredTextContent());
    response.setName(message.getName() + "Response");
    response.replaceChildrenWithText(Integer.toString(value + 1));
    return response;
Exemple #3
 * SOAP 1.1 envelope manipulations utility methods.
 * @version $Revision: 1.14 $
 * @author <a href="http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/~aslom/">Aleksander Slominski</a>
public class Soap11Util extends SoapUtil {
  private static final XmlInfosetBuilder builder = XmlConstants.BUILDER;

  public static final String SOAP11_ENC_PREFIX = "SOAP-ENC";

  public static final String NS_URI_SOAP11 = XmlConstants.NS_URI_SOAP11;
  public static final String SOAP11_NEXT_ACTOR = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next";

  public static final XmlNamespace SOAP11_NS = XmlConstants.SOAP11_NS;
  public static final XmlNamespace SOAP11_ENC_NS =
      builder.newNamespace(SOAP11_ENC_PREFIX, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/");

  public static final String ELEM_ENVELOPE = XmlConstants.S_ENVELOPE;
  public static final String ELEM_HEADER = XmlConstants.S_HEADER;
  public static final String ELEM_BODY = XmlConstants.S_BODY;

  public static final String ATTR_MUST_UNDERSTAND = "mustUnderstand";
  public static final String ATTR_ACTOR = "actor";
  public static final String ATTR_ROLE = "role";

  private static final Soap11Util instance = new Soap11Util();

  Soap11Util() {}

  public static Soap11Util getInstance() {
    return instance;

  public String getSoapVersion() {
    return "1.1";

  public boolean isSoapEnvelopeSupported(XmlElement root) {
    if (NS_URI_SOAP11.equals(root.getNamespace().getNamespaceName())
        && ELEM_ENVELOPE.equals(root.getName())) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  public XmlDocument wrapBodyContent(XmlElement bodyContent) throws XsulException {
    if (bodyContent == null) {
      return null;
    if (bodyContent.getParent() != null) {
      XmlContainer top = bodyContent.getRoot();
      if (top instanceof XmlDocument) {
        return (XmlDocument) top;
    XmlDocument doc = builder.newDocument();

    final XmlNamespace soapNs = builder.newNamespace("S", NS_URI_SOAP11);
    XmlElement envelope = doc.addDocumentElement(soapNs, ELEM_ENVELOPE);
    // declare prefixes for some common namespaces

    XmlElement body = envelope.addElement(soapNs, "Body");

    return doc;

  public XmlElement generateSoapFault(
      XmlNamespace faultCodeValueNs,
      String faultCodeValueName,
      String reasonTextEnglish,
      Throwable ex)
      throws XsulException {
    XmlElement faultEl = builder.newFragment(SOAP11_NS, "Fault");
    if (!NS_URI_SOAP11.equals(faultCodeValueNs.getNamespaceName())) {
      faultEl.declareNamespace("n", faultCodeValueNs.getNamespaceName());

    XmlElement faultCodeEl = faultEl.addElement("faultcode");
        new QNameElText(faultCodeEl, faultCodeValueNs.getNamespaceName(), faultCodeValueName));
    if (reasonTextEnglish == null) reasonTextEnglish = "{null}";

    XmlElement detail = faultEl.addElement("detail");
    if (ex != null) {
      final XmlNamespace axisNs = faultEl.newNamespace("n", "http://xml.apache.org/axis/");

      String msg = ex.getMessage();
      if (msg != null) {
        XmlElement exName = detail.addElement(axisNs, "exceptionName");
      XmlElement stackTrace = detail.addElement(axisNs, "stackTrace");
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));

    return faultEl;
    // XmlDocument envelope = wrapBodyContent(faultEl);

    //        // resolve prefix to use in fault code (it MUST be done after SOAP:Envelope is
    // constructed!
    //        XmlNamespace ns = faultCodeEl.lookupNamespaceByName(faultCodeNs);
    //        if(ns == null || ns.getPrefix() == null) {
    //            // declare prefix if does nto exist
    //            final XmlNamespace faultNs = builder.newNamespace("ns", faultCodeNs);
    //            ns = faultCodeEl.declareNamespace(faultNs);
    //        }
    //        String faultcode = ns.getPrefix() + ':' + faultCodeName;
    //        faultCodeEl.addChild(faultcode);

    // return envelope;

  public XmlElement generateSoapClientFault(String reasonTextEnglish, Throwable ex)
      throws XsulException {
    return generateSoapFault(SOAP11_NS, "Client", reasonTextEnglish, ex);

  public XmlElement generateSoapServerFault(String reasonTextEnglish, Throwable ex)
      throws XsulException {
    return generateSoapFault(SOAP11_NS, "Server", reasonTextEnglish, ex);

  public XmlElement requiredBodyContent(XmlDocument respDoc) throws XsulException {
    // check if response has Envelope/Body
    XmlElement root = respDoc.getDocumentElement();
    return requiredBodyContent(root);

  public XmlElement requiredBodyContent(XmlElement root) throws XsulException {
    if (!NS_URI_SOAP11.equals(root.getNamespaceName())) {
      throw new XsulException("expected SOAP 1.1 Envelope not " + root);
    if (!ELEM_ENVELOPE.equals(root.getName())) {
      throw new XsulException(
          "expected top level SOAP 1.1 element name to be Envelope not " + root);
    XmlElement body = root.findElementByName(NS_URI_SOAP11, "Body");
    if (body == null) {
      throw new XsulException("missing required Body element in SOAP 1.1 Envelope" + root);
    // TODO get first non ignorable child element
    // add  XPath to make it easier
    if (!body.hasChildren()) {
      throw new XsulException(
          "SOAP message must have body " // FIXME //TODO //ALEK throw new SoapClientFault
              + "- got "
              + XsulUtil.safeXmlToString(root));
    XmlElement content = (XmlElement) body.requiredElementContent().iterator().next();
    return content;

  //    public XmlElement findBodyContent(XmlElement message, boolean rpc) {
  //        Util.removeIgnorableSpace(message);
  //        if (NS_URI_SOAP11.equals(message.getNamespace().getNamespaceName())) {
  //            if ("Envelope".equals(message.getName())) {
  //                XmlElement envelope = message;
  //                XmlElement body = envelope.findElementByName(NS_URI_SOAP11, "Body");
  //                if (body != null) {
  //                    XmlElement payload = (XmlElement) body.children().next();
  //                    if (rpc) {
  //                        return (XmlElement) payload.children().next();
  //                    }
  //                    return payload;
  //                } else
  //                    //todo: process faults nicely
  //                    return envelope;
  //            }
  //        }
  //        return message;
  //    }

  //    /**
  //     * Wrap XML message (this should be XmlElement correspondingto WSDL 1.1 message with parts)
  //     * inside SOAP 1.1 Body and return whole SOAP 1.1 Envelope as XML document.
  //     * If operation name is not null RPC style is assumend and message is element
  //     * name is changed to operationName (and provided namespace if notn null).
  //     * If operation name is null the first message child is extracted and put directly
  //     * into SOAP Bpody elment. In this case if message must have exactly onechild
  //     * or exception is thrown.
  //     */
  //    public XmlDocument wrapMessageContent(XmlElement message,
  //                                        String operationNamespace,
  //                                        String operationName)
  //        throws XsulException
  //    {
  //        try {
  //          if (operationName != null) {
  //              //logger.info("adding rpc style operation name and namespace");
  //              message.setName(operationName); //operation.getLocalPart());
  //              //String operationNamespace = operation.getNamespaceURI();
  //              //XmlNamespace ns = null;
  //              //if (!("".equals(operationNamespace))) {
  //              //    ns = message.lookupNamespaceByName(operationNamespace);
  //              //    ns = message.declareNamespace("ns0", operationNamespace);
  //              //}
  //              //deep-set of ns
  //              //setNs(message, null);
  //              if(operationNamespace != null) {
  //                  message.setNamespace(message.newNamespace(operationNamespace));
  //              }
  //              //result = message;
  //          } else {
  //              // extract the ony one parameter as described in doc/lit binding
  //              Iterator c = message.children();
  //              Object child = c.next();
  //              if(c.hasNext()) {
  //                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected only one part in message for
  // doc/lit");
  //              }
  //              if(child instanceof XmlElement) {
  //                  message = (XmlElement) child;
  //                  message.setParent(null);
  //              } else {
  //                  throw new IllegalArgumentException(
  //                      "illegal state: message part expected to be element not "+child);
  //              }
  //          }
  //          XmlDocument envelope = wrapBodyContent(message);
  //          return envelope;
  //          //return wrapBodyContent(message);
  //        } catch(XmlBuilderException e) {
  //          throw new XsulException("could not create SOAP 1.1 envelope", e);
  //        }
  //    }
