/** Map publicid to a resource accessible by a classloader. */ public void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId, String resourceName, ClassLoader loader) { if (id2resource == null) id2resource = new Hashtable(17); id2resource.put(publicId, resourceName); if (loader != null) { if (id2loader == null) id2loader = new Hashtable(17); id2loader.put(publicId, loader); } }
public static Hashtable getNodes(Model m) throws ModelException { Hashtable t = new Hashtable(); for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement s = (Statement) en.nextElement(); t.put(s.subject(), s.subject()); t.put(s.object(), s.object()); } return t; }
// return the resource as a stream private InputStream mapResource(String publicId) { if (publicId == null || id2resource == null) return null; String resourceName = (String) id2resource.get(publicId); ClassLoader loader = null; if (resourceName == null) return null; if (id2loader != null) loader = (ClassLoader) id2loader.get(publicId); if (loader == null) return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(resourceName); return loader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName); }
protected void finished() { logger.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Here is OcdHandler():finished()"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!_isParsedDataValid) return; if (_ad_vector.size() == 0) { // Schema defines at least one AD is required. _isParsedDataValid = false; logger.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, NLS.bind( MetaTypeMsg.MISSING_ELEMENT, new Object[] { AD, OCD, elementId, _dp_url, _dp_bundle.getBundleId(), _dp_bundle.getSymbolicName() })); return; } // OCD gets all parsed ADs. Enumeration<AttributeDefinitionImpl> adKey = _ad_vector.elements(); while (adKey.hasMoreElements()) { AttributeDefinitionImpl ad = adKey.nextElement(); _ocd.addAttributeDefinition(ad, ad._isRequired); } _ocd.setIcons(icons); _parent_OCDs_hashtable.put(_refID, _ocd); }
public void remove(Track track) { synchronized (this) { docElt.removeChild(track.getElement()); tracks.remove(track); hash.remove(track.getKey()); } }
public Track add(Track track) { synchronized (this) { Track copy; if ((copy = getTrack(track)) == null) { copy = new Track((Element) doc.importNode(track.getElement(), false)); docElt.appendChild(copy.getElement()); tracks.add(copy); hash.put(copy.getKey(), copy); } return copy; } }
/** * Reads the children of an XML element and matches them to properties of a bean. * * @param ob The bean to receive the values * @param element The element the corresponds to the bean * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document */ public void readObject(Object ob, Element element) throws IOException { // If the object is null, skip the element if (ob == null) { return; } try { BeanInfo info = (BeanInfo) beanCache.get(ob.getClass()); if (info == null) { // Get the bean info for the object info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(ob.getClass(), Object.class); beanCache.put(ob.getClass(), info); } // Get the object's properties PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors(); // Get the attributes of the node NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes(); // Get the children of the XML element NodeList nodes = element.getChildNodes(); int numNodes = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { // Treat indexed properties a little differently if (props[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { readIndexedProperty(ob, (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) props[i], nodes, attrs); } else { readProperty(ob, props[i], nodes, attrs); } } } catch (IntrospectionException exc) { throw new IOException( "Error getting bean info for " + ob.getClass().getName() + ": " + exc.toString()); } }
public void load(InputStream is) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { doc = db.parse(is); docElt = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (docElt.getTagName().equals(docElementName)) { NodeList nl = docElt.getElementsByTagName(trackElementName); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element elt = (Element) nl.item(i); Track track = new Track(elt); tracks.add(track); hash.put(track.getKey(), track); } } }
public static void loadDict(String strDict) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(strDict)); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { int idx = line.indexOf(','); if (idx > 0) { htDict.put(line.substring(0, idx), line.substring(idx + 1)); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { fnfe.printStackTrace(System.out); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(System.out); } }
// 응용프로그램에서 이미지 출력을 하기 위한 메소드 public void showImage() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < vUnparsedEntityDecl.size(); i++) { UnparsedEntityDecl ued = (UnparsedEntityDecl) vUnparsedEntityDecl.elementAt(i); URL urlImageFile = new URL(ued.systemId); String imageFile = URLDecoder.decode(urlImageFile.getFile(), "euc-kr"); imageFile = imageFile.replaceAll("/C:", "C:"); NotationDecl nd = (NotationDecl) hNotationDecl.get(ued.notationName); URL urlHelperProgram = new URL(nd.systemId); String helperProgram = URLDecoder.decode(urlHelperProgram.getFile(), "euc-kr"); helperProgram = helperProgram.replaceAll("/C:", "C:"); String command = helperProgram + " " + imageFile; System.out.println(command); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } }
/** SAX entity resolver */ public InputSource resolveEntity(String name, String uri) throws IOException, SAXException { InputSource retval; String mappedURI = name2uri(name); InputStream stream = mapResource(name); // prefer explicit URI mappings, then bundled resources... if (mappedURI != null) { retval = new InputSource(mappedURI); retval.setPublicId(name); return retval; } else if (stream != null) { uri = "java:resource:" + (String) id2resource.get(name); // NOI18N retval = new InputSource(stream); retval.setPublicId(name); return retval; } else { return null; } }
public Track getTrack(String key) { return (Track) hash.get(key); }
// Notation 선언을 만났을 때 발생하는 이벤트를 처리하는 메소드 public void notationDecl(String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException { NotationDecl nd = new NotationDecl(name, publicId, systemId); hNotationDecl.put(name, nd); }
public static PetriNet convert(ConfigurableEPC baseEPC) { HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition> functionActivityMapping; HashMap<EPCConnector, Place> xorconnectorChoiceMapping; // HV: Initialize the mappings. functionActivityMapping = new HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition>(); xorconnectorChoiceMapping = new HashMap<EPCConnector, Place>(); // Check to use the weights if necessary // HV: Add both mappings. On completion, these will be filledd. PetriNet petrinet = EPCToPetriNetConverter.convert( baseEPC, new HashMap(), functionActivityMapping, xorconnectorChoiceMapping); HashSet visible = new HashSet(); // HV: The next block is taken care of by the functionActivityMapping // below. /* * Iterator it = petrinet.getTransitions().iterator(); while * (it.hasNext()) { Transition t = (Transition) it.next(); if (t.object * instanceof EPCFunction) { // if (t.getLogEvent() != null) { // Add * transitions with LogEvent (i.e. referring to functions) * visible.add(t); } } */ // HV: Prevent the places mapped onto from being reduced. visible.addAll(functionActivityMapping.values()); visible.addAll(xorconnectorChoiceMapping.values()); Message.add(visible.toString(), Message.DEBUG); Iterator it = petrinet.getPlaces().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Place p = (Place) it.next(); if (p.inDegree() * p.outDegree() == 0) { // Add Initial and final places to visible, i.e. places that // refer to in and output events visible.add(p); } } // Reduce the PetriNet with Murata rules, while keeping the visible ones PetriNetReduction pnred = new PetriNetReduction(); pnred.setNonReducableNodes(visible); HashMap pnMap = new HashMap(); // Used to map pre-reduction nodes to // post-reduction nodes. PetriNet reduced = pnred.reduce(petrinet, pnMap); if (reduced != petrinet) { // Update both mappings from pre-reduction nodes to post-reduction // nodes. HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition> newFunctionActivityMapping = new HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition>(); for (EPCFunction function : functionActivityMapping.keySet()) { Transition transition = (Transition) functionActivityMapping.get(function); if (pnMap.keySet().contains(transition)) { newFunctionActivityMapping.put(function, (Transition) pnMap.get(transition)); } } functionActivityMapping = newFunctionActivityMapping; HashMap<EPCConnector, Place> newXorconnectorChoiceMapping = new HashMap<EPCConnector, Place>(); for (EPCConnector connector : xorconnectorChoiceMapping.keySet()) { Place place = (Place) xorconnectorChoiceMapping.get(connector); if (pnMap.keySet().contains(place)) { newXorconnectorChoiceMapping.put(connector, (Place) pnMap.get(place)); } } xorconnectorChoiceMapping = newXorconnectorChoiceMapping; } reduced.makeClusters(); // filter the \nunknown:normal ArrayList<Transition> alTrans = reduced.getVisibleTasks(); for (int i = 0; i < alTrans.size(); i++) { Transition t = alTrans.get(i); String id = t.getIdentifier(); int idx = id.indexOf("\\nunknown:normal"); if (idx > 0) { id = id.substring(0, idx); } // �˴������ֵ��ѯ�滻���е�label String mappedId = htDict.get(id); if (mappedId != null) { t.setIdentifier(mappedId); } else { t.setIdentifier(id); } } return reduced; }
// maps the public ID to an alternate URI, if one is registered private String name2uri(String publicId) { if (publicId == null || id2uri == null) return null; return (String) id2uri.get(publicId); }
public void registerCatalogEntry(String publicId, String uri) { if (id2uri == null) id2uri = new Hashtable(17); id2uri.put(publicId, uri); }