public static void reset() { unicornPropertiesFiles = new Hashtable<String, UCNProperties>(); languageContexts = new Hashtable<ULocale, VelocityContext>(); languageProperties = new Hashtable<ULocale, UCNProperties>(); metadataProperties = new Hashtable<ULocale, UCNProperties>(); mapOfObserver = new LinkedHashMap<String, Observer>(); responseImpl = new LinkedHashMap<String, Class<Response>>(); Language.reset(); }
public static void initLanguages() throws InitializationFailedException { // Loading language files logger.debug("-------------------------------------------------------"); logger.debug( "Loading language files from language directory: " + Property.get("PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILES")); ULocale defaultLocale = null; for (ULocale locale : ULocale.getAvailableLocales()) { if (locale.getName().equals(Property.get("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE"))) { defaultLocale = locale; break; } } if (defaultLocale == null) throw new InitializationFailedException( "Locale not found for default language in " + Property.get("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE")); Language.reset(); Language.initLocaleMatcher(defaultLocale); File defaultLanguageFile = new File(Property.get("PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILES", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE") + ".properties"); UCNProperties defaultProps = new UCNProperties(); try { defaultProps = Language.load(defaultLanguageFile); logger.debug( "> Found language (default): " + defaultLocale.getName() + " - " + defaultLocale.getDisplayName(defaultLocale)); Language.addUiLocale(defaultLocale); LanguageAction.addLanguageProperties(defaultLocale, defaultProps); defaultProps.parse(); defaultProps.put("complete", "true"); languageProperties.put(defaultLocale, defaultProps); UCNProperties metaProps = new UCNProperties(); LanguageAction.addMetadatasProperties(defaultLocale, metaProps); metadataProperties.put(defaultLocale, metaProps); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new InitializationFailedException( "Default language file does not exist: " + defaultLanguageFile.getPath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InitializationFailedException( "Unable to read default language file " + defaultLanguageFile.getPath()); } File[] languageFiles = ListFiles.listFiles(Property.get("PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILES"), "\\.properties$"); for (File langFile : languageFiles) { if (langFile.equals(defaultLanguageFile)) continue; try { ULocale fileLocale = Language.getLocaleFromFileName(langFile.getName()); if (fileLocale == Language.getDefaultLocale()) continue; UCNProperties props = Language.load(langFile); logger.debug( "> Found language: " + fileLocale.getName() + " - " + fileLocale.getDisplayName(Language.getDefaultLocale())); Language.addUiLocale(fileLocale); Language.clean(props, defaultProps, langFile.getName()); LanguageAction.addLanguageProperties(fileLocale, props); Language.complete(props, defaultProps, langFile.getName()); props.parse(); languageProperties.put(fileLocale, props); UCNProperties metaProps = new UCNProperties(); LanguageAction.addMetadatasProperties(fileLocale, metaProps); metadataProperties.put(fileLocale, metaProps); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Should not happen logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to read language file " + langFile + ". This file will be skiped."); } } Language.initUILocaleMatcher(); if (languageProperties.size() == 0) { throw new InitializationFailedException( "No language have been loaded. Check language files in: " + Property.get("PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILES")); } else { String s = "Language properties:"; for (ULocale localeKey : languageProperties.keySet()) { Properties props = languageProperties.get(localeKey); s += "\n\n\t" + localeKey.getDisplayName(Language.getDefaultLocale()) + ":"; for (Object langKey : props.keySet()) { s += "\n\t\t" + langKey + " => " + props.getProperty((String) langKey); } } logger.debug(s);"OK - " + languageProperties.size() + " language(s) successfully loaded."); } }