/* * public HashMap getLeafElements() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Object[] * elts = dataElements.values().toArray(); for (int j=0; j<elts.length; j++) * { PDMDataElement data = (PDMDataElement) elts[j]; * map.put(data.getID(),data); } Object[] ops = * operations.values().toArray(); for (int i=0; i<ops.length; i++){ * PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; if * (!(op.getInputElements().isEmpty())){ HashMap outs = * op.getOutputElements(); Object[] outArray = outs.values().toArray(); for * (int j=0; j<outArray.length; j++) { PDMDataElement d = (PDMDataElement) * outArray[j]; map.remove(d.getID()); } } } return map; } */ public HashMap getLeafElements() { HashMap result = new HashMap(); HashSet leafOps = getLeafOperations(); if (!(leafOps.isEmpty())) { Iterator it = leafOps.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) it.next(); PDMDataElement data = op.getOutputElement(); result.put(data.getID(), data); } } else { Object[] elts = dataElements.values().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < elts.length; j++) { PDMDataElement data = (PDMDataElement) elts[j]; result.put(data.getID(), data); } Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; HashMap outs = op.getOutputElements(); Object[] outArray = outs.values().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < outArray.length; j++) { PDMDataElement d = (PDMDataElement) outArray[j]; result.remove(d.getID()); } } } return result; }
void setTileContent(TileEntity entity, int level, boolean undo) { if (!isFlat()) { return; } if (entity instanceof Roof) { for (TileEntity e : entities.values()) { if (e instanceof Roof) { return; } } } final EntityData entityData = new EntityData(level, EntityType.FLOORROOF); if (entity != entities.get(entityData)) { Tile oldTile = new Tile(this); if (entity != null) { entities.put(entityData, entity); } else { entities.remove(entityData); } if (undo) { map.addUndo(this, oldTile); } } }
public Materials getMaterials(boolean withRight, boolean withTop) { Materials materials = new Materials(); entities .values() .stream() .forEach( (entity) -> { materials.put(entity.getMaterials()); }); if (withRight) { for (int i = 0; i < Constants.FLOORS_LIMIT; i++) { Wall wall = map.getTile(this, 1, 0).getVerticalWall(i); Wall fence = map.getTile(this, 1, 0).getVerticalFence(i); if (wall != null) { materials.put(wall.getMaterials()); } if (fence != null) { materials.put(fence.getMaterials()); } } } if (withTop) { for (int i = 0; i < Constants.FLOORS_LIMIT; i++) { Wall wall = map.getTile(this, 0, 1).getHorizontalWall(i); Wall fence = map.getTile(this, 0, 1).getHorizontalFence(i); if (wall != null) { materials.put(wall.getMaterials()); } if (fence != null) { materials.put(fence.getMaterials()); } } } return materials; }
/** * Writes the model to DOT. * * @param bw The writer * @throws IOException If writing fails */ public void writeToDot(Writer bw) throws IOException { // super.writeToDot(bw); // Preamble of dot file bw.write( "digraph G {ranksep=\".3\"; fontsize=\"8\"; remincross=true; margin=\"0.0,0.0\"; rankdir=TB; "); bw.write("fontname=\"Arial\"; \n"); bw.write("edge [arrowsize=\"0.5\"];\n"); bw.write("node [fontname=\"Arial\",fontsize=\"8\"];\n"); // Add the Data Element nodes Iterator it = getVerticeList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object object = it.next(); if (object instanceof PDMDataElement) { ((PDMDataElement) object).writeToDot(bw, this); } } // Add all edges it = operations.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object object = it.next(); if (object instanceof PDMOperation) { ((PDMOperation) object).writeToDot(bw, this); } } bw.write("\n}\n"); }
/** * Returns a HashMap with the preceeding data elements of data element 'data' * * @param data PDMDataElement * @return HashMap */ public HashMap getPrecedingElements(PDMDataElement data) { HashMap precs = new HashMap(); Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; if (op.getOutputElements().containsValue(data)) { HashMap ins = op.getInputElements(); Object[] inputs = ins.values().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) { PDMDataElement el = (PDMDataElement) inputs[j]; precs.put(el.getID(), el); } } } return precs; }
public HashSet getLeafOperations() { HashSet result = new HashSet(); Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; if ((op.getInputElements().isEmpty())) { result.add(op); } } return result; }
/** * Returns a HashSet with the operations that have data element 'data' as output element. * * @param data PDMDataElement * @return HashSet */ public HashSet getOperationsWithOutputElement(PDMDataElement data) { HashSet opso = new HashSet(); Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; HashMap outputs = op.getOutputElements(); if (outputs.containsValue(data)) { opso.add(op); } } return opso; }
/** * Export to PDM file. * * @param bw Writer * @throws IOException If writing fails */ public void writeToPDM(Writer bw) throws IOException { bw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); bw.write("<PDM\n"); bw.write("\txmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n"); bw.write( "\txsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:/Documents and Settings/ivdfeest/My Documents/Implementatie/PDM.xsd\"\n"); bw.write(">\n"); Iterator it = dataElements.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PDMDataElement dataElement = (PDMDataElement) it.next(); dataElement.writeToPDM(bw); } Iterator it2 = resources.values().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { PDMResource resource = (PDMResource) it.next(); resource.writeToPDM(bw); } Iterator it3 = operations.values().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { PDMOperation operation = (PDMOperation) it.next(); operation.writeToPDM(bw); } bw.write("</PDM>\n"); }
/** extracts attachments from PDF File */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Map extractAttachments(PdfReader reader) throws IOException { Map fileMap = new HashMap(); PdfDictionary catalog = reader.getCatalog(); PdfDictionary names = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObject(catalog.get(PdfName.NAMES)); if (names != null) { PdfDictionary embFiles = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObject(names.get(new PdfName("EmbeddedFiles"))); if (embFiles != null) { HashMap embMap = PdfNameTree.readTree(embFiles); for (Iterator i = embMap.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { PdfDictionary filespec = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject) i.next()); Object fileInfo[] = unpackFile(reader, filespec); if (fileMap.containsKey(fileInfo[0])) { throw new RuntimeException(DUPLICATE_FILE_NAMES); } fileMap.put(fileInfo[0], fileInfo[1]); } } } for (int k = 1; k <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); ++k) { PdfArray annots = (PdfArray) PdfReader.getPdfObject(reader.getPageN(k).get(PdfName.ANNOTS)); if (annots == null) { continue; } for (Iterator i = annots.getArrayList().listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { PdfDictionary annot = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject) i.next()); PdfName subType = (PdfName) PdfReader.getPdfObject(annot.get(PdfName.SUBTYPE)); if (!PdfName.FILEATTACHMENT.equals(subType)) { continue; } PdfDictionary filespec = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.getPdfObject(annot.get(PdfName.FS)); Object fileInfo[] = unpackFile(reader, filespec); if (fileMap.containsKey(fileInfo[0])) { throw new RuntimeException(DUPLICATE_FILE_NAMES); } fileMap.put(fileInfo[0], fileInfo[1]); } } return fileMap; }
public static PetriNet convert(ConfigurableEPC baseEPC) { HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition> functionActivityMapping; HashMap<EPCConnector, Place> xorconnectorChoiceMapping; // HV: Initialize the mappings. functionActivityMapping = new HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition>(); xorconnectorChoiceMapping = new HashMap<EPCConnector, Place>(); // Check to use the weights if necessary // HV: Add both mappings. On completion, these will be filledd. PetriNet petrinet = EPCToPetriNetConverter.convert( baseEPC, new HashMap(), functionActivityMapping, xorconnectorChoiceMapping); HashSet visible = new HashSet(); // HV: The next block is taken care of by the functionActivityMapping // below. /* * Iterator it = petrinet.getTransitions().iterator(); while * (it.hasNext()) { Transition t = (Transition) it.next(); if (t.object * instanceof EPCFunction) { // if (t.getLogEvent() != null) { // Add * transitions with LogEvent (i.e. referring to functions) * visible.add(t); } } */ // HV: Prevent the places mapped onto from being reduced. visible.addAll(functionActivityMapping.values()); visible.addAll(xorconnectorChoiceMapping.values()); Message.add(visible.toString(), Message.DEBUG); Iterator it = petrinet.getPlaces().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Place p = (Place) it.next(); if (p.inDegree() * p.outDegree() == 0) { // Add Initial and final places to visible, i.e. places that // refer to in and output events visible.add(p); } } // Reduce the PetriNet with Murata rules, while keeping the visible ones PetriNetReduction pnred = new PetriNetReduction(); pnred.setNonReducableNodes(visible); HashMap pnMap = new HashMap(); // Used to map pre-reduction nodes to // post-reduction nodes. PetriNet reduced = pnred.reduce(petrinet, pnMap); if (reduced != petrinet) { // Update both mappings from pre-reduction nodes to post-reduction // nodes. HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition> newFunctionActivityMapping = new HashMap<EPCFunction, Transition>(); for (EPCFunction function : functionActivityMapping.keySet()) { Transition transition = (Transition) functionActivityMapping.get(function); if (pnMap.keySet().contains(transition)) { newFunctionActivityMapping.put(function, (Transition) pnMap.get(transition)); } } functionActivityMapping = newFunctionActivityMapping; HashMap<EPCConnector, Place> newXorconnectorChoiceMapping = new HashMap<EPCConnector, Place>(); for (EPCConnector connector : xorconnectorChoiceMapping.keySet()) { Place place = (Place) xorconnectorChoiceMapping.get(connector); if (pnMap.keySet().contains(place)) { newXorconnectorChoiceMapping.put(connector, (Place) pnMap.get(place)); } } xorconnectorChoiceMapping = newXorconnectorChoiceMapping; } reduced.makeClusters(); // filter the \nunknown:normal ArrayList<Transition> alTrans = reduced.getVisibleTasks(); for (int i = 0; i < alTrans.size(); i++) { Transition t = alTrans.get(i); String id = t.getIdentifier(); int idx = id.indexOf("\\nunknown:normal"); if (idx > 0) { id = id.substring(0, idx); } // �˴������ֵ��ѯ�滻���е�label String mappedId = htDict.get(id); if (mappedId != null) { t.setIdentifier(mappedId); } else { t.setIdentifier(id); } } return reduced; }
/** * Export PDM model to Declare process model. * * @param bw Writer * @throws IOException If writing fails */ public void writePDMToDeclare(Writer bw) throws IOException { // write the preamble of the XML file bw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"); bw.write("<model>\n"); bw.write("<assignment language=\"ConDec\" name=\"" + name + "\">\n"); // write the activity definitions, i.e. each operation in the PDM is an // activity definition in Declare bw.write("<activitydefinitions>\n"); // start with an initial activity that puts the values for the leaf // elements of the PDM bw.write("<activity id=\"Initial\" name=\"Initial\">\n"); bw.write("<authorization/>\n"); bw.write("<datamodel>\n"); // all leaf elements HashMap leafs = getLeafElements(); Object[] leafElts = leafs.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < leafElts.length; i++) { PDMDataElement data = (PDMDataElement) leafElts[i]; data.writePDMToDeclare(bw, "output"); } bw.write("</datamodel>\n"); bw.write("<attributes/>\n"); bw.write("</activity>\n"); // first remove input operations from the set of operations and then // write all real operations HashMap realOps = (HashMap) operations.clone(); HashSet inputOps = getLeafOperations(); Iterator it7 = inputOps.iterator(); while (it7.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) it7.next(); realOps.remove(op.getID()); } Iterator it4 = realOps.values().iterator(); while (it4.hasNext()) { PDMOperation operation = (PDMOperation) it4.next(); operation.writePDMToDeclare(bw); } bw.write("\n"); // write all input operations (i.e. producing input data elements) Iterator it8 = inputOps.iterator(); while (it8.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) it8.next(); op.writePDMToDeclare(bw); } bw.write("</activitydefinitions>\n"); // write the constraint definition, for now we do not have any // constraints in the PDM that are translated to Declare bw.write("<constraintdefinitions>\n"); bw.write("</constraintdefinitions>\n"); // write all dataelements bw.write("<data>\n"); Iterator it5 = dataElements.values().iterator(); while (it5.hasNext()) { PDMDataElement dataElement = (PDMDataElement) it5.next(); dataElement.writePDMToDeclare(bw); } bw.write("</data>\n"); // write the organizational information bw.write("<team/>\n"); // TODO: improve graphical positioning of activities. Now they are // presented in one long line. // write the graphical positioning information of the Declare model, // first the initial operation, then the real operations and then the // input operations. bw.write("<graphical>\n"); bw.write("<cells>\n"); Iterator it6 = realOps.values().iterator(); Double pos = 10.0; while (it6.hasNext()) { PDMOperation operation = (PDMOperation) it6.next(); bw.write( "<cell activitydefinition=\"" + operation.getOperationNR() + "\" height=\"40.0\" width=\"80.0\" x=\"" + pos + "\" y=\"90.0\" />\n"); pos = pos + 85.0; } Iterator it9 = inputOps.iterator(); pos = 10.0; while (it9.hasNext()) { PDMOperation operation = (PDMOperation) it9.next(); bw.write( "<cell activitydefinition=\"" + operation.getOperationNR() + "\" height=\"40.0\" width=\"80.0\" x=\"" + pos + "\" y=\"180.0\" />\n"); pos = pos + 85.0; } bw.write("</cells>\n"); // write the connectors bw.write("<connectors/>\n"); // close the XML file in the right way bw.write("</graphical>\n"); bw.write("</assignment>\n"); bw.write("</model>\n"); }
public PDMStateSpace calculateSimpleStateSpace( boolean root, boolean failure, boolean input, boolean colored, int numStates, int breadth) { PDMStateSpace result = new PDMStateSpace(this, colored); HashSet states = new HashSet(); int j = (operations.size() + 1); if (!input) { HashSet empty = new HashSet(); PDMState st = new PDMState(result, "state" + i, empty, empty, empty); result.addState(st); states.add(st); i++; } else { // Start with the complete set of input data elements available HashSet empty = new HashSet(); String name = new String("state" + i); HashSet ins = new HashSet(); // this hashSet contains the input // elements to the process (input // elements of PDM) HashSet execOps = new HashSet(); // Fill the hashSet with the leaf elements HashMap leafs = getLeafElements(); Object[] leafElts = leafs.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < leafElts.length; i++) { PDMDataElement d = (PDMDataElement) leafElts[i]; ins.add(d); } HashSet leafOps = getLeafOperations(); Iterator it = leafOps.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) it.next(); execOps.add(op); } PDMState start = new PDMState(result, name, ins, execOps, empty); // start // state // of // the // statespace result.addState(start); i++; states.add(start); } while (!states.isEmpty()) { HashSet states2 = (HashSet) states.clone(); Iterator it = states2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PDMState state = (PDMState) it.next(); HashSet nextStates = calculateNextStates(state, result, root, failure, numStates, breadth); Iterator it2 = nextStates.iterator(); // Add the new states to iterator while (it2.hasNext()) { PDMState st = (PDMState) it2.next(); states.add(st); } states.remove(state); } } i = 0; j = 0; Message.add("<PDMMDPStateSpace>", Message.TEST); Message.add("<NumberOfStates = " + result.getNumberOfStates() + " >", Message.TEST); Message.add("</PDMMDPStateSpace>", Message.TEST); return result; }
public HashSet calculateExecutableOperations( HashSet dataElts, HashSet executed, HashSet failed, boolean root) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); HashSet enabledOperations = new HashSet(); if (root) { // Calculate the enabled operations (i.e. those operation of which // all input elements are in the set of available elements) Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; HashMap inputs = op.getInputElements(); Object[] ins = inputs.values().toArray(); boolean enabled = true; int k = 0; while (enabled && k < ins.length) { PDMDataElement d = (PDMDataElement) ins[k]; if (!(dataElts.contains(d))) { enabled = false; } k++; } if (enabled) { enabledOperations.add(op); // System.out.println("Enabled operation: "+ op.getID()); } } } else if (!(dataElts.contains(this.getRootElement()))) { // Calculate the enabled operations (i.e. those operation of which // all input elements are in the set of available elements) Object[] ops = operations.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) ops[i]; HashMap inputs = op.getInputElements(); Object[] ins = inputs.values().toArray(); boolean enabled = true; int k = 0; while (enabled && k < ins.length) { PDMDataElement d = (PDMDataElement) ins[k]; if (!(dataElts.contains(d))) { enabled = false; } k++; } if (enabled) { enabledOperations.add(op); } } } // remove already executed operations Iterator exIt = executed.iterator(); while (exIt.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) exIt.next(); enabledOperations.remove(op); } // remove already failed operations Iterator fIt = failed.iterator(); while (fIt.hasNext()) { PDMOperation op = (PDMOperation) fIt.next(); enabledOperations.remove(op); } result = enabledOperations; return result; }