public synchronized TemplateModel executeQuery(Object context, String xpathQuery) throws TemplateModelException { if (!(context instanceof Node)) { if (context != null) { if (isNodeList(context)) { int cnt = ((List) context).size(); if (cnt != 0) { throw new TemplateModelException( "Cannot perform an XPath query against a node set of " + cnt + " nodes. Expecting a single node." + ERRMSG_RECOMMEND_JAXEN); } else { throw new TemplateModelException(ERRMSG_EMPTY_NODE_SET); } } else { throw new TemplateModelException( "Cannot perform an XPath query against a " + context.getClass().getName() + ". Expecting a single org.w3c.dom.Node."); } } else { throw new TemplateModelException(ERRMSG_EMPTY_NODE_SET); } } Node node = (Node) context; try { XPath xpath = new XPath(xpathQuery, null, customPrefixResolver, XPath.SELECT, null); int ctxtNode = xpathContext.getDTMHandleFromNode(node); XObject xresult = xpath.execute(xpathContext, ctxtNode, customPrefixResolver); if (xresult instanceof XNodeSet) { NodeListModel result = new NodeListModel(node); result.xpathSupport = this; NodeIterator nodeIterator = xresult.nodeset(); Node n; do { n = nodeIterator.nextNode(); if (n != null) { result.add(n); } } while (n != null); return result.size() == 1 ? result.get(0) : result; } if (xresult instanceof XBoolean) { return ((XBoolean) xresult).bool() ? TemplateBooleanModel.TRUE : TemplateBooleanModel.FALSE; } if (xresult instanceof XNull) { return null; } if (xresult instanceof XString) { return new SimpleScalar(xresult.toString()); } if (xresult instanceof XNumber) { return new SimpleNumber(new Double(((XNumber) xresult).num())); } throw new TemplateModelException("Cannot deal with type: " + xresult.getClass().getName()); } catch (TransformerException te) { throw new TemplateModelException(te); } }
public MaryData process(MaryData d) throws Exception { Document doc = d.getDocument(); NodeIterator it = MaryDomUtils.createNodeIterator(doc, doc, MaryXML.TOKEN); Element t = null; while ((t = (Element) it.nextNode()) != null) { String text; // Do not touch tokens for which a transcription is already // given (exception: transcription contains a '*' character: if (t.hasAttribute("ph") && !t.getAttribute("ph").contains("*")) { continue; } if (t.hasAttribute("sounds_like")) text = t.getAttribute("sounds_like"); else text = MaryDomUtils.tokenText(t); String pos = null; // use part-of-speech if available if (t.hasAttribute("pos")) { pos = t.getAttribute("pos"); } if (text != null && !text.equals("") && (pos == null || !pos.startsWith("$") /*punctuation*/)) { // If text consists of several parts (e.g., because that was // inserted into the sounds_like attribute), each part // is transcribed separately. StringBuilder ph = new StringBuilder(); String g2pMethod = null; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text, " -"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String graph = st.nextToken(); StringBuilder helper = new StringBuilder(); String phon = phonemise(graph, pos, helper); if (ph.length() == 0) { // first part // The g2pMethod of the combined beast is // the g2pMethod of the first constituant. g2pMethod = helper.toString(); ph.append(phon); } else { // following parts ph.append(" - "); // Reduce primary to secondary stress: ph.append(phon.replace('\'', ',')); } } if (ph != null && ph.length() > 0) { setPh(t, ph.toString()); t.setAttribute("g2p_method", g2pMethod); } } } MaryData result = new MaryData(outputType(), d.getLocale()); result.setDocument(doc); return result; }
/** * Use an XPath string to select a single node. XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the * namespaceNode. * * @param contextNode The node to start searching from. * @param xpathnode * @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces. * @return The first node found that matches the XPath, or null. * @throws TransformerException */ public Node selectSingleNode(Node contextNode, Node xpathnode, Node namespaceNode) throws TransformerException { // Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM. NodeIterator nl = selectNodeIterator(contextNode, xpathnode, namespaceNode); // Return the first node, or null return nl.nextNode(); }
/* all private methods */ private void readEntries( final ZipInputStream zis, final ExtractedMetadata metadata, final Asset asset) throws Exception { ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { final String name = entry.getName(); if (name.equals(ENTRY_CORE) || name.equals(ENTRY_APP)) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(zis, out); // build xml document to extract meta info DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); Document document = documentBuilderFactory .newDocumentBuilder() .parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); DocumentTraversal dt = (DocumentTraversal) document; NodeIterator nit = dt.createNodeIterator(document, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, true); nit.nextNode(); // skip first node Element next; while ((next = (Element) nit.nextNode()) != null) { metadata.setMetaDataProperty(next.getLocalName(), next.getTextContent()); } } else if (name.equals(ENTRY_THUMBNAIL)) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { IOUtils.copy(zis, out); metadata.setProperty(META_KEY_THUMBNAIL, out.toByteArray()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } else if (name.equals(ENTRY_THUMBNAIL_EMF)) { String mimeType = mimeTypeService.getMimeType(name); AssetHandler handler = store.getAssetHandler(mimeType); Rendition rend = asset.addRendition("thumbnail.emf", zis, mimeType); BufferedImage img = handler.getImage(rend); if (img != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ImageIO.write(img, JPEG_FORMAT, baos); baos.flush(); metadata.setProperty(META_KEY_THUMBNAIL, baos.toByteArray()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(baos); } } else {"Cannot extract image from EMF format"); } } } }
/** * Gets a List of nodes found by traversing the context node * * @param context Node containing child nodes * @return List of nodes found by traversing the context node */ public static List getNodes(Node context) { Document doc = context.getOwnerDocument(); // create node iterators to traverse the subtrees allowing only element // nodes NodeIterator source = ((DocumentTraversal) doc).createNodeIterator(context, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false); List nodes = getNodes(source); source.detach(); return nodes; }
public static DocumentFragment shapeToSVG(SvgConversionContext context, NodeIterator shapeIt) { DocumentFragment docfrag = null; Document d = null; try { Object shape = null; if (shapeIt != null) { Node n = shapeIt.nextNode(); if (n == null) { d = makeErr("[null node?!]"); } else { log.debug("Handling " + n.getNodeName()); if (n.getNodeName().equals("p:cxnSp")) { shape = nodeToObjectModel(n, CxnSp.class); d = CxnSpToSVG((CxnSp) shape); } else {"** TODO " + n.getNodeName()); d = makeErr("[" + n.getNodeName() + "]"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); d = makeErr(e.getMessage()); } // Machinery docfrag = d.createDocumentFragment(); docfrag.appendChild(d.getDocumentElement()); return docfrag; }
public void updateState(NodeIterator fldCharNodeIt) { org.docx4j.wml.FldChar field = null; Node node = fldCharNodeIt.nextNode(); try { field = (org.docx4j.wml.FldChar) XmlUtils.unmarshal(node, Context.jc, org.docx4j.wml.FldChar.class); } catch (JAXBException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } STFldCharType fieldCharType = field.getFldCharType(); if (fieldCharType == null) { log.debug("Ignoring unrecognised: " + XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(node)); } else { if (fieldCharType == STFldCharType.BEGIN) { inField = true; } else if (fieldCharType == STFldCharType.END) { inField = false; } // else ignore STFldCharType.SEPARATE } }
public static void copyGraphicFiles( String baseFilename, String currentDirectory, String fileSeparator, NodeIterator graphicsElements) { Node currentNode = graphicsElements.nextNode(); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytes_read; while (currentNode != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; File fileToCopy = null; File copiedFile = null; // We should make sure the node is a DOM Element. Our stylesheet // only passes Elements in, but that might change.... if (currentNode instanceof Element) { String nextGraphicsFile = ((Element) currentNode).getAttribute("img"); if (nextGraphicsFile == null || nextGraphicsFile.length() == 0) nextGraphicsFile = ((Element) currentNode).getAttribute("src"); if (nextGraphicsFile != null && !nextGraphicsFile.substring(0, 4).equalsIgnoreCase("HTTP")) { try { fileToCopy = new File(nextGraphicsFile); copiedFile = new File(currentDirectory + fileSeparator + nextGraphicsFile); fis = new FileInputStream(fileToCopy); fos = new FileOutputStream(copiedFile); while ((bytes_read = != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read); } // end while fos.flush(); fos.close(); } // end try catch ( ioe) { System.err.println("An error has occurred while copying graphic file:\n" + ioe); return; } } // end if not HTTP } // end if an element currentNode = graphicsElements.nextNode(); } }
public static String getCssForTableCells(HTMLConversionContext context, NodeIterator tables) { // The only way we seem to be able to make rules which // apply to all the cells in a particular table Tbl tbl; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // DTMNodeProxy n = (DTMNodeProxy)tables.nextNode(); Element n = (Element) tables.nextNode(); if (n == null) { // No tables in this document return ""; } int idx = 0; do { if (n.getNodeName().equals("w:tbl")) { // n.getLocalName() -> tbl // n.getNodeName() -> w:tbl Object jaxb; try { Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller(); u.setEventHandler(new org.docx4j.jaxb.JaxbValidationEventHandler()); jaxb = u.unmarshal(n); tbl = (Tbl) jaxb; result.append(getCssForTableCells(context, tbl, idx)); } catch (JAXBException e1) { log.error("JAXB error", e1); } catch (ClassCastException e) { log.error("Couldn't cast to Tbl!"); } } else { log.warn("Expected table but encountered: " + n.getNodeName()); } // next idx++; n = (Element) tables.nextNode(); } while (n != null); return result.toString(); }
public static DocumentFragment createBlockForR( SvgConversionContext context, NodeIterator rPrNodeIt, NodeIterator childResults) { DocumentFragment docfrag = null; Document d = null; Element span = null; try { // Create a DOM builder and parse the fragment d = XmlUtils.getNewDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); span = d.createElement("span"); d.appendChild(span); CTTextCharacterProperties textCharProps = (CTTextCharacterProperties) nodeToObjectModel(rPrNodeIt.nextNode(), CTTextCharacterProperties.class); RPr rPr = TextStyles.getWmlRPr(textCharProps); // Does our rPr contain anything else? StringBuilder inlineStyle = new StringBuilder(); HtmlCssHelper.createCss(context.getPmlPackage(), rPr, inlineStyle); if (!inlineStyle.toString().equals("")) { span.setAttribute("style", inlineStyle.toString()); } Node n = childResults.nextNode(); XmlUtils.treeCopy(n, span); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // If something went wrong with the formatting, // still try to display the text! Node n = childResults.nextNode(); XmlUtils.treeCopy(n, span); } // Machinery docfrag = d.createDocumentFragment(); docfrag.appendChild(d.getDocumentElement()); return docfrag; }
/** * Create a NodeSetDTM, and copy the members of the given DTMIterator into it. * * @param iterator Iterator which yields Nodes to be made members of the new set. */ public NodeSetDTM(NodeIterator iterator, XPathContext xctxt) { super(); Node node; m_manager = xctxt.getDTMManager(); while (null != (node = iterator.nextNode())) { int handle = xctxt.getDTMHandleFromNode(node); addNodeInDocOrder(handle, xctxt); } }
/** * Gets a List of nodes found by traversing the node iterator * * @param source NodeIterator * @return List of nodes found by traversing the node iterator */ public static List getNodes(NodeIterator source) { List nodes = new ArrayList(); Node sourceNode = null; // iterate over the source nodes and add them to the map while ((sourceNode = source.nextNode()) != null) { // add the node to the list nodes.add(sourceNode); } return nodes; }
private static CTTextParagraphProperties unmarshalFormatting(NodeIterator lvlNpPr) { // Get the pPr node as a JAXB object, // so we can read it using our standard // methods. Its a bit sad that we // can't just adorn our DOM tree with the // original JAXB objects? try { // CTTextListStyle lstStyle = null; CTTextParagraphProperties pPr = null; if (lvlNpPr != null) { Node n = lvlNpPr.nextNode(); log.debug(n.getClass().getName()); String str = XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(n); // log.debug("'" + str + "'"); // Convert to String first ... // unmarshalling the node directly doesn't work as expected // (see comment in XmlUtils) // if (n!=null) { // return (CTTextParagraphProperties)XmlUtils.unmarshal(n, Context.jcPML, // CTTextParagraphProperties.class); // } if (!str.equals("")) { return (CTTextParagraphProperties) XmlUtils.unmarshalString(str, Context.jcPML, CTTextParagraphProperties.class); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static DocumentFragment createBlockForP( SvgConversionContext context, String lvl, String cNvPrName, String phType, NodeIterator childResults, NodeIterator lvlNpPr) { StyleTree styleTree = null; try { styleTree = context.getPmlPackage().getStyleTree(); } catch (InvalidFormatException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } log.debug("lvl:" + lvl); int level; if (lvl.equals("NaN")) { level = 1; } else { level = Integer.parseInt(lvl); } String pStyleVal; System.out.println("cNvPrName: " + cNvPrName + "; " + "phType: " + phType); if (cNvPrName.toLowerCase().indexOf("subtitle") > -1 || phType.toLowerCase().indexOf("subtitle") > -1) { // Subtitle on first page in default layout is styled as a Body. pStyleVal = "Lvl" + level + "Master" + context.getResolvedLayout().getMasterNumber() + "Body"; } else if (cNvPrName.toLowerCase().indexOf("title") > -1 || phType.toLowerCase().indexOf("title") > -1) { pStyleVal = "Lvl" + level + "Master" + context.getResolvedLayout().getMasterNumber() + "Title"; } else { // eg cNvPrName: TextBox 2; phType: pStyleVal = "Lvl" + level + "Master" + context.getResolvedLayout().getMasterNumber() + "Other"; } System.out.println("--> " + pStyleVal); try { // Create a DOM builder and parse the fragment Document document = XmlUtils.getNewDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); //"Document: " + document.getClass().getName() ); Node xhtmlP = document.createElement("p"); document.appendChild(xhtmlP); // Set @class log.debug(pStyleVal); Tree<AugmentedStyle> pTree = styleTree.getParagraphStylesTree(); org.docx4j.model.styles.Node<AugmentedStyle> asn = pTree.get(pStyleVal); ((Element) xhtmlP).setAttribute("class", StyleTree.getHtmlClassAttributeValue(pTree, asn)); StringBuilder inlineStyle = new StringBuilder(); // Do we have CTTextParagraphProperties // <a:lvl?pPr> // Convert it to a WordML pPr CTTextParagraphProperties lvlPPr = unmarshalFormatting(lvlNpPr); if (lvlPPr != null) { log.debug("We have lvlPPr"); log.debug( XmlUtils.marshaltoString( lvlPPr, true, true, Context.jcPML, "FIXME", "lvl1pPr", CTTextParagraphProperties.class)); PPr pPr = TextStyles.getWmlPPr(lvlPPr); if (pPr != null) { HtmlCssHelper.createCss(context.getPmlPackage(), pPr, inlineStyle, false, false); } // TODO RPR } // Without this, top-margin is too large in Webkit (Midor). // Not tested elsewhere... inlineStyle.append("margin-left:3px; margin-top:3px;"); if (!inlineStyle.toString().equals("")) { ((Element) xhtmlP).setAttribute("style", inlineStyle.toString()); } // Our fo:block wraps whatever result tree fragment // our style sheet produced when it applied-templates // to the child nodes // init Node n = childResults.nextNode(); do { // getNumberXmlNode creates a span node, which is empty // if there is no numbering. // Let's get rid of any such <span/>. // What we actually get is a document node if (n.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { log.debug("handling DOCUMENT_NODE"); // Do just enough of the handling here NodeList nodes = n.getChildNodes(); if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { if (((Node) nodes.item(i)).getLocalName().equals("span") && !((Node) nodes.item(i)).hasChildNodes()) { // ignore log.debug(".. ignoring <span/> "); } else { XmlUtils.treeCopy((Node) nodes.item(i), xhtmlP); } } } } else { //"Node we are importing: " + n.getClass().getName() ); // foBlockElement.appendChild( // document.importNode(n, true) ); /* * Node we'd like to import is of type org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy * which causes * org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: The implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation. * * See * * So instead of importNode, use */ XmlUtils.treeCopy(n, xhtmlP); } // next n = childResults.nextNode(); } while (n != null); DocumentFragment docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); docfrag.appendChild(document.getDocumentElement()); return docfrag; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; }
public void computeFeaturesFor(String basename) throws IOException, Exception { String text; Locale localVoice; localVoice = MaryUtils.string2locale(locale); // First, test if there is a corresponding .rawmaryxml file in textdir: File rawmaryxmlFile = new File(db.getProp(db.MARYXMLDIR) + basename + db.getProp(db.MARYXMLEXT)); if (rawmaryxmlFile.exists()) { text = FileUtils.getFileAsString(rawmaryxmlFile, "UTF-8"); } else { text = getMaryXMLHeaderWithInitialBoundary(locale) + FileUtils.getFileAsString( new File(db.getProp(db.TEXTDIR) + basename + db.getProp(db.TEXTEXT)), "UTF-8") + "</maryxml>"; } File pfeatFile = new File(unitfeatureDir, basename + featsExt); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pfeatFile)); MaryClient maryClient = getMaryClient(); /*Vector voices = maryClient.getVoices(localVoice); MaryClient.Voice defaultVoice = (MaryClient.Voice) voices.firstElement(); String voiceName =;*/ // maryClient.process(text, maryInputType, maryOutputType, null, null, os); maryClient.process(text, maryInputType, maryOutputType, locale, null, "slt-arctic", os); // maryClient.process(text, maryInputType, maryOutputType, null, "slt-arctic", os, timeout); // maryClient.getOutputDataTypes().size() // MaryData result = new MaryData(os); os.flush(); os.close(); // System.out.println(" TO STRING: "+new FileReader(pfeatFile).toString()); // BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pfeatFile)); String line; MaryData d = new MaryData(MaryDataType.get("PHONEMISED_EN"), Locale.US); // d.readFrom(new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray())); d.readFrom(new FileReader(pfeatFile)); // MaryData d = new MaryData(pfeatFile); Document doc = d.getDocument(); // Document acoustparams = d.getDocument(); // NodeIterator it = ((DocumentTraversal)acoustparams).createNodeIterator(acoustparams, // NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,new NameNodeFilter(new String[]{MaryXML.TOKEN, // MaryXML.BOUNDARY}),false); NodeIterator it = ((DocumentTraversal) doc) .createNodeIterator( doc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, new NameNodeFilter(MaryXML.TOKEN), false); Element t = null; while ((t = (Element) it.nextNode()) != null) { if (t.hasAttribute("g2p_method")) { String g2p = t.getAttribute("g2p_method"); String nodeText = t.getTextContent().trim(); if (g2p.equals("rules")) { // && nodeText.equals("!")){ System.out.print(basename + " ----> " + nodeText); if (bnl.contains(basename)) bnl.remove(basename); System.out.println(" SO removing basename: " + basename); } // System.out.println("G2P:"+t.getAttribute("g2p_method")); // System.out.println("Text:"+t.getTextContent()); } } /*while((line =bfr.readLine()) != null){ //boolean b = m.matches(); if(Pattern.matches("rules", line)) System.out.println(basename + " LINE ---> " + line); }*/ // System.out.println(" TO STRING: "+line); }
/** * Adjust column widths in an HTML table. * * <p>The specification of column widths in CALS (a relative width plus an optional absolute * width) are incompatible with HTML column widths. This method adjusts CALS column width * specifiers in an attempt to produce equivalent HTML specifiers. * * <p>In order for this method to work, the CALS width specifications should be placed in the * "width" attribute of the <col>s within a <colgroup>. Then the colgroup result tree * fragment is passed to this method. * * <p>This method makes use of two parameters from the XSL stylesheet that calls it: <code> * nominal.table.width</code> and <code>table.width</code>. The value of <code>nominal.table.width * </code> must be an absolute distance. The value of <code>table.width</code> can be either * absolute or relative. * * <p>Presented with a mixture of relative and absolute lengths, the table width is used to * calculate appropriate values. If the <code>table.width</code> is relative, the nominal width is * used for this calculation. * * <p>There are three possible combinations of values: * * <ol> * <li>There are no relative widths; in this case the absolute widths are used in the HTML * table. * <li>There are no absolute widths; in this case the relative widths are used in the HTML * table. * <li>There are a mixture of absolute and relative widths: * <ol> * <li>If the table width is absolute, all widths become absolute. * <li>If the table width is relative, make all the widths absolute relative to the * nominal table width then turn them all back into relative widths. * </ol> * </ol> * * @param context The stylesheet context; supplied automatically by Xalan * @param xalanNI * @return The result tree fragment containing the adjusted colgroup. */ public DocumentFragment adjustColumnWidths(ExpressionContext context, NodeIterator xalanNI) { int nominalWidth = convertLength(Params.getString(context, "nominal.table.width")); String tableWidth = Params.getString(context, "table.width"); String styleType = Params.getString(context, "stylesheet.result.type"); boolean foStylesheet = styleType.equals("fo"); DocumentFragment xalanRTF = (DocumentFragment) xalanNI.nextNode(); Element colgroup = (Element) xalanRTF.getFirstChild(); // N.B. ...stree.ElementImpl doesn't implement getElementsByTagName() Node firstCol = null; // If this is an FO tree, there might be no colgroup... if (colgroup.getLocalName().equals("colgroup")) { firstCol = colgroup.getFirstChild(); } else { firstCol = colgroup; } // Count the number of columns... Node child = firstCol; int numColumns = 0; while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (child.getNodeName().equals("col") || (child.getNamespaceURI().equals(foURI) && child.getLocalName().equals("table-column")))) { numColumns++; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } String widths[] = new String[numColumns]; Element columns[] = new Element[numColumns]; int colnum = 0; child = firstCol; while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (child.getNodeName().equals("col") || (child.getNamespaceURI().equals(foURI) && child.getLocalName().equals("table-column")))) { Element col = (Element) child; columns[colnum] = col; if (foStylesheet) { if ("".equals(col.getAttribute("column-width"))) { widths[colnum] = "1*"; } else { widths[colnum] = col.getAttribute("column-width"); } } else { if ("".equals(col.getAttribute("width"))) { widths[colnum] = "1*"; } else { widths[colnum] = col.getAttribute("width"); } } colnum++; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } float relTotal = 0; float relParts[] = new float[numColumns]; float absTotal = 0; float absParts[] = new float[numColumns]; for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { String width = widths[count]; int pos = width.indexOf("*"); if (pos >= 0) { String relPart = width.substring(0, pos); String absPart = width.substring(pos + 1); try { float rel = Float.parseFloat(relPart); relTotal += rel; relParts[count] = rel; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(relPart + " is not a valid relative unit."); } int pixels = 0; if (absPart != null && !absPart.equals("")) { pixels = convertLength(absPart); } absTotal += pixels; absParts[count] = pixels; } else { relParts[count] = 0; int pixels = 0; if (width != null && !width.equals("")) { pixels = convertLength(width); } absTotal += pixels; absParts[count] = pixels; } } // Ok, now we have the relative widths and absolute widths in // two parallel arrays. // // - If there are no relative widths, output the absolute widths // - If there are no absolute widths, output the relative widths // - If there are a mixture of relative and absolute widths, // - If the table width is absolute, turn these all into absolute // widths. // - If the table width is relative, turn these all into absolute // widths in the nominalWidth and then turn them back into // percentages. if (relTotal == 0) { for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { Float f = new Float(absParts[count]); if (foStylesheet) { int pixels = f.intValue(); float inches = (float) pixels / pixelsPerInch; widths[count] = inches + "in"; } else { widths[count] = Integer.toString(f.intValue()); } } } else if (absTotal == 0) { for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { float rel = relParts[count] / relTotal * 100; Float f = new Float(rel); widths[count] = Integer.toString(f.intValue()); } widths = correctRoundingError(widths); } else { int pixelWidth = nominalWidth; if (tableWidth.indexOf("%") <= 0) { pixelWidth = convertLength(tableWidth); } if (pixelWidth <= absTotal) { System.out.println("Table is wider than table width."); } else { pixelWidth -= absTotal; } absTotal = 0; for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { float rel = relParts[count] / relTotal * pixelWidth; relParts[count] = rel + absParts[count]; absTotal += rel + absParts[count]; } if (tableWidth.indexOf("%") <= 0) { for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { Float f = new Float(relParts[count]); if (foStylesheet) { int pixels = f.intValue(); float inches = (float) pixels / pixelsPerInch; widths[count] = inches + "in"; } else { widths[count] = Integer.toString(f.intValue()); } } } else { for (int count = 0; count < numColumns; count++) { float rel = relParts[count] / absTotal * 100; Float f = new Float(rel); widths[count] = Integer.toString(f.intValue()); } widths = correctRoundingError(widths); } } // Now rebuild the colgroup with the right widths DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; try { docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { System.out.println("PCE!"); return xalanRTF; } Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); DocumentFragment df = doc.createDocumentFragment(); DOMBuilder rtf = new DOMBuilder(doc, df); try { String ns = colgroup.getNamespaceURI(); String localName = colgroup.getLocalName(); String name = colgroup.getTagName(); if (colgroup.getLocalName().equals("colgroup")) { rtf.startElement(ns, localName, name, copyAttributes(colgroup)); } for (colnum = 0; colnum < numColumns; colnum++) { Element col = columns[colnum]; NamedNodeMap domAttr = col.getAttributes(); AttributesImpl attr = new AttributesImpl(); for (int acount = 0; acount < domAttr.getLength(); acount++) { Node a = domAttr.item(acount); String a_ns = a.getNamespaceURI(); String a_localName = a.getLocalName(); if ((foStylesheet && !a_localName.equals("column-width")) || !a_localName.equalsIgnoreCase("width")) { attr.addAttribute( a.getNamespaceURI(), a.getLocalName(), a.getNodeName(), "CDATA", a.getNodeValue()); } } if (foStylesheet) { attr.addAttribute("", "column-width", "column-width", "CDATA", widths[colnum]); } else { attr.addAttribute("", "width", "width", "CDATA", widths[colnum]); } rtf.startElement(col.getNamespaceURI(), col.getLocalName(), col.getTagName(), attr); rtf.endElement(col.getNamespaceURI(), col.getLocalName(), col.getTagName()); } if (colgroup.getLocalName().equals("colgroup")) { rtf.endElement(ns, localName, name); } } catch (SAXException se) { System.out.println("SE!"); return xalanRTF; } return df; }
// En la aplicación se encuentra guardado un fichero, "FixedHolidays.xml", este fichero tiene // almacenado todos los días festivos definidos por // el usuario. Esta función leera el fichero y almacenará en una lista todos los días del fichero. // Si se produce algun error almacenará el error. public ActionForward fixedHolydays( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionAPI session) throws Exception { // Comprobar si el usuario tiene asignadas las funciones adecuadas FunctionHelper.checkFunctions( request, session.getClientContext(), new int[] {ISecurityAPI.FUNC_COMP_CALENDARS_READ, ISecurityAPI.FUNC_COMP_CALENDARS_EDIT}); // Se utilizan dos listas por si se produce un error de sintaxis en el fichero cuando ya se han // almacenado valores en la lista. List fixedHolidays = new ArrayList(); List allFixedHolidays = new ArrayList(); String language = request.getLocale().getLanguage(); File xmlFixedHolidaysFile = new File(getISPACPath(PATH_FILE_FIXED_HOLIDAYS)); if (!xmlFixedHolidaysFile.exists()) { ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); errors.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.calendar.xmlNoExist", new String[] {PATH_FILE_FIXED_HOLIDAYS})); addErrors(request, errors); } else { try { XmlFacade xmlFacade = new XmlFacade(new FileInputStream(xmlFixedHolidaysFile)); Node holydaysNode = xmlFacade.getSingleNode(TAG_HOLYDAYS); NodeIterator itrHolydays = XmlFacade.getNodeIterator(holydaysNode, TAG_HOLYDAY); for (Node nodeHolyday = itrHolydays.nextNode(); nodeHolyday != null; nodeHolyday = itrHolydays.nextNode()) { String date = XmlFacade.get(nodeHolyday, TAG_DATE); Node labelsNode = XmlFacade.getSingleNode(nodeHolyday, TAG_LABELS); NodeIterator itrLabels = XmlFacade.getNodeIterator(labelsNode, TAG_LABEL); for (Node nodeLabel = itrLabels.nextNode(); nodeLabel != null; nodeLabel = itrLabels.nextNode()) { String xmlLanguage = XmlFacade.getAttributeValue(nodeLabel, ATR_LANG); if (language.equalsIgnoreCase(xmlLanguage)) { String name = XmlFacade.getNodeValue(nodeLabel); if (!date.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !name.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { HolydayDef holydayDef = new HolydayDef(); holydayDef.setName(name); holydayDef.setDate(date); fixedHolidays.add(holydayDef); } } } } allFixedHolidays.addAll(fixedHolidays); } catch (Exception e) { ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); errors.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage( "error.calendar.xmlBadFormat", new String[] {PATH_FILE_FIXED_HOLIDAYS})); addErrors(request, errors); } } request.setAttribute(DAYS_LIST, allFixedHolidays); return mapping.findForward("addFixedHolidays"); }
public MaryData process(MaryData d) throws Exception { // prevUnitIndex; // numberOfConsecutiveUnits; // basenameDuration; // phoneTier; // PraatIntervalTier unitTier; // PraatIntervalTier sourceTier; // sourceInterval; Document doc = d.getDocument(); // initialize various variables: Double duration = 0.0; String phone = null; // initialize some class variables: PraatIntervalTier phoneTier = new PraatIntervalTier("phones"); Double basenameDuration = 0.0; int prevUnitIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int numberOfConsecutiveUnits = 0; // counter to track consecutive units PraatInterval sourceInterval = new PraatInterval(basenameDuration); // until we have a robust way of checking the voice type, just initialize unit and source tiers // anyway: PraatIntervalTier unitTier = new PraatIntervalTier("units"); PraatIntervalTier sourceTier = new PraatIntervalTier("sources"); // prepare to iterate only over the PHONE, SENTENCE, and BOUNDARY nodes in the MaryXML: NodeIterator ni = DomUtils.createNodeIterator(doc, PHONE, BOUNDARY); Element element; // now iterate over these nodes: while ((element = (Element) ni.nextNode()) != null) { switch (element.getTagName()) { // <s>, <ph>, or <boundary> as specified above case PHONE: phone = element.getAttribute("p"); duration = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("d")) / 1000.0; // duration is always in ms break; case BOUNDARY: phone = "_"; // TODO: perhaps we should access TargetFeatureComputer.getPauseSymbol() instead if (element.hasAttribute("duration")) { duration = Double.parseDouble(element.getAttribute("duration")) / 1000.0; // duration is always in ms } else { duration = 0.0; // HMM voices can have duration-less <boundary/> tags } break; default: logger.error( "NodeIterator should not find an element of type " + element.getTagName() + " here!"); break; } PraatInterval phoneInterval = new PraatInterval(duration, phone); // TODO: crude way of checking for unit selection voice; also, name of attribute could change! if (element.hasAttribute("units")) { // unitselectionProcessing(element, unitTier, prevUnitIndex, numberOfConsecutiveUnits, // basenameDuration, // sourceInterval, sourceTier); String units = element.getAttribute("units"); String[] unitStrings = units.split("; "); // boundaries have only one unit string boolean differentSource = false; String basename = null; String unitRange = null; for (String unitString : unitStrings) { // TODO verify that unit string matches "UNITNAME BASENAME UNITINDEX UNITDURATION" String[] unitFields = unitString.split(" "); String unitName = unitFields[0]; basename = unitFields[1]; int unitIndex = Integer.parseInt(unitFields[2]); Double unitDuration = Double.parseDouble(unitFields[3]); // units are straightforward, just like phones: unitTier.appendInterval(new PraatInterval(unitDuration, unitString)); // unit source processing is a little more elaborate: /* * Note: the following assumes that consecutive selected units are ALWAYS from the same basename! That could * change if basename boundaries are no longer marked by null units in the timeline. */ differentSource = unitIndex != prevUnitIndex + 1; // is source unit from a different part of the timeline?; if (differentSource) { // reset primary variables: numberOfConsecutiveUnits = 0; basenameDuration = 0.0; } // increment/increase primary variables: numberOfConsecutiveUnits++; basenameDuration += unitDuration; // construct unit index range string: unitRange = Integer.toString(unitIndex - numberOfConsecutiveUnits + 1); if (numberOfConsecutiveUnits > 1) { unitRange = unitRange + "-" + unitIndex; } // append source intervals to source tier: if (differentSource) { sourceInterval = new PraatInterval(basenameDuration, basename + ": " + unitRange); sourceTier.appendInterval(sourceInterval); } else { sourceInterval.setDuration(basenameDuration); sourceInterval.setText(basename + ": " + unitRange); } prevUnitIndex = unitIndex; } // HACK: arbitrary threshold to detect end points in ms (in the case of diphone voice or // boundary segment) } else if (duration > 10) { // TODO: there is still a bug somewhere regarding boundary durations with mbrola... phoneInterval.setDuration(duration / 1000.0); } phoneTier.appendInterval(phoneInterval); } PraatTextGrid textGrid = new PraatTextGrid(); phoneTier.updateBoundaries(); // force full specification of timings textGrid.appendTier(phoneTier); // fragile way of checking whether this is a unit selection voice: if (unitTier.getNumberOfIntervals() > 0) { // complete and append unit and source tiers: unitTier.updateBoundaries(); textGrid.appendTier(unitTier); sourceTier.updateBoundaries(); textGrid.appendTier(sourceTier); } // return raw TextGrid as result: MaryData result = new MaryData(getOutputType(), d.getLocale()); result.setPlainText(textGrid.toString()); return result; }