private JsonObject updateStatus( JsonObject notif, HashMap<String, JsonObject> response, JsonObject multicastResult) { JsonArray returned = multicastResult.getArray("results"); JsonArray regIds = notif.getArray("registration_ids"); // should never happen, unless there is a flaw in gcm algorithm if (returned.size() != regIds.size()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal error: sizes do not match. regIds: " + regIds.size() + "; returned: " + returned.size()); } JsonArray reTryRegIds = new JsonArray(); for (int i = returned.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { response.put((String) regIds.get(i), (JsonObject) returned.get(i)); boolean resend = doResubmit((JsonObject) returned.get(i)); if (resend) { reTryRegIds.addString((String) regIds.get(i)); } } notif.putArray("registration_ids", reTryRegIds); return notif; }
private JsonObject setDefaults(JsonObject config) { config = config.copy(); // Set the defaults if (config.getNumber("session_timeout") == null) { config.putNumber("session_timeout", 5l * 1000); } if (config.getBoolean("insert_JSESSIONID") == null) { config.putBoolean("insert_JSESSIONID", true); } if (config.getNumber("heartbeat_period") == null) { config.putNumber("heartbeat_period", 25l * 1000); } if (config.getNumber("max_bytes_streaming") == null) { config.putNumber("max_bytes_streaming", 128 * 1024); } if (config.getString("prefix") == null) { config.putString("prefix", "/"); } if (config.getString("library_url") == null) { config.putString("library_url", ""); } if (config.getArray("disabled_transports") == null) { config.putArray("disabled_transports", new JsonArray()); } return config; }
@Override public void get(String sid, final Handler<JsonObject> callback) { sid = this.prefix + sid; JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "get"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(sid)); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) { if ("ok".equals(reply.body().getString("status"))) { String value = reply.body().getString("value"); if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { callback.handle(null); return; } callback.handle(new JsonObject(value)); } else { callback.handle(null); } } }); }
private JsonObject calculateSummary( JsonArray regIds, HashMap<String, JsonObject> response, long multicastId) { int success = 0; int failure = 0; int canonicalIds = 0; JsonArray deliveries = new JsonArray(); for (Object regId : regIds) { JsonObject result = response.get(regId); if (!voidNull(result.getString("message_id")).isEmpty()) { success++; if (!voidNull(result.getString("registration_id")).isEmpty()) { canonicalIds++; } } else { failure++; } // add results, in the same order as the input deliveries.add(result); } // build a new object with the overall result JsonObject reply = new JsonObject(); reply.putNumber("multicast_id", multicastId); reply.putNumber("success", success); reply.putNumber("failure", failure); reply.putNumber("canonical_ids", canonicalIds); reply.putArray("results", deliveries); return reply; }
public static String getLogList(String userID) { DBCursor cursor = collLog .find( (DBObject) JSON.parse( "{ $or : [ { userID : \"" + userID + "\"}, {users: \"" + userID + "\" }]}"), (DBObject) JSON.parse("{ _id : 0, nodeID : 0, users : 0 }")) .sort((DBObject) JSON.parse("{ time : -1 }")); JsonArray logArray = new JsonArray(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { String data =; JsonObject jsonObj = new JsonObject(data); System.out.println(data); logArray.addObject(jsonObj); } } finally { cursor.close(); } JsonObject logList = new JsonObject(); logList.putArray("log", logArray); return logList.encode(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private void getKeys(final Handler<JsonArray> next) { JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "keys"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(prefix + "*")); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (!"ok".equals(message.body().getString("status"))) { next.handle(new JsonArray()); } else { JsonArray keys = message.body().getArray("value"); JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); int len = prefix.length(); for (Object o : keys) { String key = (String) o; result.add(key.substring(len)); } next.handle(result); } } }); }
@Override public void all(final Handler<JsonArray> next) { JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "keys"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(prefix + "*")); final JsonArray results = new JsonArray(); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (!"ok".equals(message.body().getString("status"))) { next.handle(null); } else { JsonArray keys = message.body().getArray("value"); new AsyncIterator<Object>(keys.iterator()) { @Override public void handle(Object key) { if (hasNext()) { JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "get"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(key)); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (!"ok".equals(message.body().getString("status"))) { next.handle(null); } else { String value = message.body().getString("value"); if (value != null) { results.add(new JsonObject(value)); } next(); } } }); } else { next.handle(results); } } }; } } }); }
@Test public void testJsonArrayToClone() { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); array.add("test"); JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); object.putArray("array", array); // want to clone JsonObject object2 = new JsonObject(object.toMap()); // this shouldn't throw an exception, it does before patch JsonArray array2 = object2.getArray("array"); }
public static void logSANodeValue(String nodeID, String nodeName, String nodeValue) { JsonObject jsonObj = new JsonObject(); Long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); jsonObj.putNumber("time", timestamp); jsonObj.putString("type", "SANode"); jsonObj.putString("nodeID", nodeID); jsonObj.putString("nodeName", nodeName); jsonObj.putObject("data", new JsonObject(nodeValue)); jsonObj.putArray("users", AccountManager.getRegisteredUserIDList(nodeID)); collLog.insert(jsonToDBObject(jsonObj)); }
public synchronized Object[] addJointure(String externalId) { if (struct != null) { JsonArray joinKey = struct.getArray("joinKey"); if (joinKey == null) { joinKey = new JsonArray(); struct.putArray("joinKey", joinKey); } joinKey.add(externalId); String query = "MATCH (s:Structure {externalId: {externalId}}) " + "SET s.joinKey = {joinKey} "; JsonObject params = new JsonObject().putArray("joinKey", joinKey).putString("externalId", getExternalId()); getTransaction().add(query, params); return joinKey.toArray(); } return null; }
public void act(HashMap<String, Object> cmd) { if (cmd == null) return; JsonObject notif = new JsonObject(); for (String key : cmd.keySet()) { Object value = cmd.get(key); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof byte[]) notif.putBinary(key, (byte[]) value); else if (value instanceof Boolean) notif.putBoolean(key, (Boolean) value); else if (value instanceof Number) notif.putNumber(key, (Number) value); else if (value instanceof String) notif.putString(key, (String) value); else if (value instanceof JsonArray) notif.putArray(key, (JsonArray) value); } } System.out.println("sent: \n" + notif.encode()); push(notif); }
@Override public void length(final Handler<Integer> next) { JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "keys"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(prefix + "*")); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (!"ok".equals(message.body().getString("status"))) { next.handle(0); } else { JsonArray keys = message.body().getArray("value"); next.handle(keys.size()); } } }); }
@Override public void destroy(String sid, final Handler<Object> callback) { sid = this.prefix + sid; JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "del"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(sid)); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) { if ("ok".equals(reply.body().getString("status"))) { callback.handle(null); } else { callback.handle(reply.body().getString("message")); } } }); }
@Override public void set(String sid, JsonObject sess, final Handler<Object> callback) { sid = prefix + sid; Integer maxAge = null; JsonObject obj = sess.getObject("cookie"); if (obj != null) { maxAge = obj.getInteger("maxAge"); } String session = sess.encode(); int ttl; if (maxAge != null) { ttl = maxAge / 1000; } else { ttl = this.ttl; } JsonObject redis = new JsonObject(); redis.putString("command", "setex"); redis.putArray("args", new JsonArray().add(sid).add(ttl).add(session)); eventBus.send( redisAddress, redis, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) { if ("ok".equals(reply.body().getString("status"))) { callback.handle(null); } else { callback.handle(reply.body().getString("message")); } } }); }
public void addAttachment() { JsonArray functionalAttachment = struct.getArray("functionalAttachment"); if (functionalAttachment != null && functionalAttachment.size() > 0 && !externalId.equals(functionalAttachment.get(0))) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject().putString("externalId", externalId); String query; if (functionalAttachment.size() == 1) { query = "MATCH (s:Structure { externalId : {externalId}}), " + "(ps:Structure { externalId : {functionalAttachment}}) " + "CREATE UNIQUE s-[:HAS_ATTACHMENT]->ps"; params.putString("functionalAttachment", (String) functionalAttachment.get(0)); } else { query = "MATCH (s:Structure { externalId : {externalId}}), (ps:Structure) " + "WHERE ps.externalId IN {functionalAttachment} " + "CREATE UNIQUE s-[:HAS_ATTACHMENT]->ps"; params.putArray("functionalAttachment", functionalAttachment); } getTransaction().add(query, params); } }