private void handleJson(HttpServerRequest req) { String result = Json.encode(Collections.singletonMap("message", "Hello, world!")); int contentLength = result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length; req.response().putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); req.response().putHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(contentLength)); req.response().end(result); }
@Override public String getPathInfo() { try { return urlDecode(request.params().get("param0")); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return request.params().get("param0"); } }
@Override public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { Path p = Paths.get(assetRoot, req.path().substring(1)); if (fileSystem.existsSync(p.toString())) { super.handle(req); } else { req.response().end("File Not Found!"); } }
private void replyForError(JsonObject message) { if (message != null) { log.error(message.getString("message")); request.response().end("{}"); } else { log.error("Empty Request"); request.response().setStatusCode(400); } cleanup(requestId); }
@Override public void handle(HttpServerRequest request) { request.response().setStatusCode(200); request.response().putHeader(WebStrings.CONTENT_TYPE, WebStrings.APP_JSON);"Put Object Request"); String reqId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); UploadEncObjectReplyHandler replyHandler = new UploadEncObjectReplyHandler(reqId, request); UploadEncObjectBodyHandler bodyHanlder = new UploadEncObjectBodyHandler(reqId, replyHandler); replyHandlers.put(reqId, replyHandler); bodyHandlers.put(reqId, bodyHanlder); request.bodyHandler(bodyHanlder); }
private void isUserOrAdmin( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { final String userId = request.params().get("userId"); if (user.getUserId().equals(userId)) { handler.handle(true); return; } final UserInfos.Function adminLocal = getFunction(user, handler); if (adminLocal == null) return; String query = "MATCH (s:Structure)<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User {id : {userId}}) " + "WHERE IN {structures} " + "RETURN count(*) > 0 as exists "; JsonObject params = new JsonObject() .putArray("structures", new JsonArray(adminLocal.getScope().toArray())) .putString("userId", userId); Neo4j.getInstance() .execute( query, params, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray res = message.body().getArray("result"); handler.handle( "ok".equals(message.body().getString("status")) && res != null && res.size() == 1 && res.<JsonObject>get(0).getBoolean("exists", false)); } }); }
private boolean basicAuth(HttpServerRequest request, String encodedAuth) { byte[] authBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(encodedAuth); String decodedString = new String(authBytes); String[] splitAuth = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.trim(decodedString), ":"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (splitAuth.length != 2) return false; if (fileBasicAuthData.containsKey(splitAuth[0])) { String storedHash = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(fileBasicAuthData.get(splitAuth[0]))); MessageDigest digest; try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); // $NON-NLS-1$ digest.update(splitAuth[1].getBytes()); String receivedHash = new String(digest.digest()); if (storedHash.equals(receivedHash)) { return true; } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } request .response() .headers() .add( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + config.getRealm() + "\""); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ return false; }
@Override public void handle(HttpServerRequest request) { if (!config.isAuthenticationEnabled() || authenticate(request)) { super.handle(request); } else { notAuthorised(request.response()); } }
static void setCORS(HttpServerRequest req) { String origin = req.getHeader("Origin"); if (origin == null) { origin = "*"; } req.response.putHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin); req.response.putHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); }
@Override public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { String path = req.path(); switch (path.charAt(1)) { case 'p': handlePlainText(req); break; case 'j': handleJson(req); break; case 'd': handleDbMongo(req); break; default: req.response().setStatusCode(404); req.response().end(); } }
private void authorizeOwner( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, Handler<Boolean> handler) { String id = request.params().get("id"); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { String query = "{ \"_id\": \"" + id + "\", \"owner\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\" }"; executeCountQuery( request, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(query), 1, handler); } else { handler.handle(false); } }
@Override public void handle(JsonObject message) { if (message.containsField("error")) { replyForError(message); } message.removeField(MessageUtils.FROM); message.removeField(MessageUtils.TO); message.removeField(MessageUtils.COMTYPE); message.removeField(MessageUtils.MSGID); message.removeField(MessageUtils.MSGTYPE); request.response().end(message.toString()); cleanup(requestId); }
private boolean authenticate(HttpServerRequest request) { String authString = request.headers().get(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION); if (authString == null) return false; String[] basicAuth = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(authString, "Basic "); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (basicAuth.length == 1) { return basicAuth(request, basicAuth[0]); } return false; }
/** * Does something with a session id. It will use the session id provided by the client inside the * http server request. If it cannot find it, it will create a new session. * * @param req The http server request. * @param handler The handler to call with the created or found session id. */ public void withSessionId(final HttpServerRequest req, final Handler<String> handler) { String value = req.headers().get("Cookie"); if (value != null) { Set<Cookie> cookies = new CookieDecoder().decode(value); for (final Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (cookieField.equals(cookie.getName())) { handler.handle(cookie.getValue()); return; } } } startSession(req, handler); }
private void authorizeCommentOwner( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { final String id = request.params().get("id"); final String commentId = request.params().get("commentId"); JsonObject query = new JsonObject( "{ \"_id\": \"" + id + "\", \"\": \"" + commentId + "\", \"\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\" }"); if (commentId != null && !commentId.trim().isEmpty()) { executeCountQuery(request, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, query, 1, handler); } else { handler.handle(false); } }
@Post("/function/:profile") @SecuredAction("profile.create.function") public void createFunction(final HttpServerRequest request) { final String profile = request.params().get("profile"); bodyToJson( request, pathPrefix + "createFunction", new Handler<JsonObject>() { @Override public void handle(JsonObject event) { profileService.createFunction( profile, event, notEmptyResponseHandler(request, 201, 409)); } }); }
private void authorizeRevisionOwner( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { final String revisionId = request.params().get("revisionId"); JsonObject query = new JsonObject( "{ \"_id\": \"" + revisionId + "\", \"userId\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\" }"); if (revisionId != null && !revisionId.trim().isEmpty()) { executeCountQuery(request, Workspace.REVISIONS_COLLECTION, query, 1, handler); } else { handler.handle(false); } }
private void authorizeGetDocument( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, Handler<Boolean> handler) { String id = request.params().get("id"); if (id != null && !id.trim().isEmpty()) { String query = "{ \"_id\": \"" + id + "\", \"$or\" : [{ \"owner\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\"}, { \"protected\" : true}, { \"public\" : true}, {\"shared\" : { \"$elemMatch\" : " + orSharedElementMatch(user, serviceMethod) + "}}]}"; executeCountQuery( request, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(query), 1, handler); } else { handler.handle(false); } }
private void executeCountQuery( final HttpServerRequest request, String collection, JsonObject query, final int expectedCountResult, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { request.pause(); mongo.count( collection, query, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { request.resume(); JsonObject res = event.body(); handler.handle( res != null && "ok".equals(res.getString("status")) && expectedCountResult == res.getInteger("count")); } }); }
private void handleDbMongo(final HttpServerRequest req) { int queriesParam = 1; try { queriesParam = Integer.parseInt(req.params().get("queries")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // do nothing } final MongoHandler dbh = new MongoHandler(req, queriesParam); final Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i = 0; i < queriesParam; i++) { vertx .eventBus() .send( "hello.persistor", new JsonObject() .putString("action", "findone") .putString("collection", "world") .putObject( "matcher", new JsonObject().putNumber("id", (random.nextInt(10000) + 1))), dbh); } }
private void authorizeDocuments( HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, Handler<Boolean> handler) { String ids = request.params().get("ids"); if (ids != null && !ids.trim().isEmpty()) { JsonArray idsArray = new JsonArray(ids.split(",")); String query = "{ \"_id\": { \"$in\" : " + idsArray.encode() + "}, " + "\"$or\" : [{ \"owner\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\"}, {\"shared\" : { \"$elemMatch\" : " + orSharedElementMatch(user, serviceMethod) + "}}]}"; executeCountQuery( request, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(query), idsArray.size(), handler); } else { handler.handle(false); } }
static void setJSESSIONID(AppConfig config, HttpServerRequest req) { String cookies = req.getHeader("Cookie"); if (config.isInsertJSESSIONID()) { // Preserve existing JSESSIONID, if any if (cookies != null) { String[] parts; if (cookies.contains(";")) { parts = cookies.split(";"); } else { parts = new String[] {cookies}; } for (String part : parts) { if (part.startsWith("JSESSIONID")) { cookies = part + "; path=/"; break; } } } if (cookies == null) { cookies = "JSESSIONID=dummy; path=/"; } req.response.putHeader("Set-Cookie", cookies); } }
@Override public String getRequestURI() { return request.uri(); }
private void processRequest(String targetID, HttpServerRequest req) { String result = retrieveDetails(targetID); if (result != null) req.response().end(result); else req.response().end("No response received"); }
public VertxHttpRequestWrapper(HttpServerRequest request) { this.request = request; this.response = request.response(); }
@Override public String getMethod() { return request.method(); }
private void isAdmin(HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, Handler<Boolean> handler) { UserInfos.Function adminLocal = getFunction(user, handler); if (adminLocal == null) return; String structureId = request.params().get("structureId"); handler.handle(adminLocal.getScope().contains(structureId)); }
@Override public String getQueryString() { return request.query(); }
@Override public void setContentType(String contentType) { request.response().putHeader("Content-Type", contentType); }
/** text/javascript text/css text/html; charset=GBK */ @Override public void handle(final HttpServerRequest req) { final HttpServerResponse res = req.response(); String uri = req.path().substring(1); if (uri.startsWith("web")) { uri = uri.substring(4); } if (uri.isEmpty()) { uri = indexPage; } String ext = Utils.getFileExtWithDot(uri); if (".js".equals(ext) || ".css".equals(ext) || ".html".equals(ext)) { int i = 0; if (".css".equals(ext)) { i = 1; } else { i = 2; } res.headers().set("content-type", ctary[i]); String finalFile = webRootPath.resolve(uri).toString(); // if(fileSystem.existsSync(finalFile)){ // fileSystem.readFile(finalFile, new AsyncResultHandler<Buffer>() { // public void handle(AsyncResult<Buffer> ar) { // if (ar.succeeded()) { // res.headers().set("content-length", ar.result().length() + ""); // res.end(ar.result()); // } else { // logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()); // res.end("File Read Error!"); // } // } // }); // } else { // res.end("File Not Found!"); // } finalFile, new AsyncResultHandler<AsyncFile>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<AsyncFile> ar) { if (ar.succeeded()) { AsyncFile asyncFile = ar.result(); res.setChunked(true); Pump.createPump(asyncFile, res).start(); asyncFile.endHandler( new VoidHandler() { public void handle() { res.end(); } }); } else { logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()); res.end("File Not Found!"); } } }); } else { res.sendFile(webRootPath.resolve(uri).toString()); } }