public void start() throws Exception { HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient().setPort(8080).setHost("localhost"); final HttpClientRequest req = client.put( "/some-url", new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { public void handle(HttpClientResponse response) { System.out.println("File uploaded " + response.statusCode); } }); String filename = "upload/upload.txt"; // For a non-chunked upload you need to specify size of upload up-front req.headers().put("Content-Length", Files.size(Paths.get(filename))); // For a chunked upload you don't need to specify size, just do: // req.setChunked(true); vertx .fileSystem() .open( filename, new AsyncResultHandler<AsyncFile>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<AsyncFile> ar) { final AsyncFile file = ar.result; Pump pump = Pump.createPump(file.getReadStream(), req); pump.start(); file.getReadStream() .endHandler( new SimpleHandler() { public void handle() { file.close( new AsyncResultHandler<Void>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<Void> ar) { if (ar.exception == null) { req.end(); System.out.println("Sent request"); } else { ar.exception.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }); } }); } public void onException(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); }
private void send(Message<JsonObject> message, JsonObject notif, String apiKey) { logger.debug("Sending POST to: " + gcm_url + " port:" + gcm_port + " with body: " + notif); HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost(uri.getHost()).setPort(gcm_port); if (gcm_url.toLowerCase().startsWith("https")) { client = client.setSSL(true).setTrustAll(true); } ResponseHelper helper = new ResponseHelper(gcm_min_backoff_delay); submitGCM(helper, notif, apiKey, client, message, 0); }
private void listTagValues(final Message<JsonObject> message) { HttpClientRequest request = client.get( TAG_VALUES_URI, new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse response) { response.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer body) { int responseCode = response.statusCode(); if (responseCode == 200) { JsonObject responseObject = new JsonObject(body.toString()); sendOK(message, responseObject); } else { String errorMessage = "error listing tag values: " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.statusMessage(); container.logger().error(errorMessage); sendError(message, errorMessage); } } }); } }); request.end(); }
private void addDataPoints(final Message<JsonObject> message) { HttpClientRequest request = ADD_DATAPOINTS_URI, new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(HttpClientResponse response) { int responseCode = response.statusCode(); if (responseCode == 204) { sendOK(message); } else { String errorMessage = "error adding data points: " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.statusMessage(); container.logger().error(errorMessage); sendError(message, errorMessage); } } }); JsonObject dataPoints = message.body().getObject("datapoints"); if (dataPoints == null) { sendError(message, "data points object is not specified"); return; } JsonValidator validator = new JsonValidator(); if (!validator.validateDataPoints(dataPoints)) { sendError(message, "data points object was incorrectly formatted"); return; } writeObject(message, request, dataPoints); }
private void deleteMetric(final Message<JsonObject> message) { String metricName = message.body().getString("metric_name"); if (metricName == null) { sendError(message, "metric name must be specified"); return; } HttpClientRequest request = client.delete( String.format(DELETE_METRIC_URI, metricName), new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse response) { response.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer body) { int responseCode = response.statusCode(); if (responseCode == 204) { sendOK(message); } else { String errorMessage = "error deleting metric: " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.statusMessage(); container.logger().error(errorMessage); sendError(message, errorMessage); } } }); } }); request.end(); }
private void queryMetricTags(final Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject query = message.body().getObject("query"); if (query == null) { sendError(message, "metric query must be specified"); return; } HttpClientRequest request = QUERY_DATAPOINTS_TAGS_URI, new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse response) { response.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer body) { int responseCode = response.statusCode(); if (responseCode == 200) { JsonObject responseObject = new JsonObject(body.toString()); sendOK(message, responseObject); } else { String errorMessage = "error querying metric tags: " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.statusMessage(); container.logger().error(errorMessage); sendError(message, errorMessage); } } }); } }); writeObject(message, request, query); }
private void deleteDataPoints(final Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject query = message.body().getObject("query"); if (query == null) { sendError(message, "metric query must be specified"); return; } HttpClientRequest request = DELETE_DATAPOINTS_URI, new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse response) { response.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer body) { int responseCode = response.statusCode(); if (responseCode == 204) { sendOK(message); } else { String errorMessage = "error deleting data points: " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.statusMessage(); container.logger().error(errorMessage); sendError(message, errorMessage); } } }); } }); writeObject(message, request, query); }
private void makeRequest() { if (start == 0) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } while (requestCredits > 0) { startTimeMs.add(System.currentTimeMillis()); client.getNow("/", this); requestCredits--; } }
public static HttpClient client(Vertx vertx) { HttpClient client = vertx .createHttpClient() .setHost(remoteHost()) .setPort(remotePort()) // .setKeepAlive(false) .setConnectTimeout(10000); if (remotePort() == 443) { client.setSSL(true).setTrustAll(true).setVerifyHost(false); } client.exceptionHandler( new Handler<Exception>() { public void handle(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); return client; }
private void connect() { if (!connecting) { // We defer actual connection until the first part of body is written or end is called // This gives the user an opportunity to set an exception handler before connecting so // they can capture any exceptions on connection client.getConnection( new Handler<ClientConnection>() { public void handle(ClientConnection conn) { connected(conn); } }, context); connecting = true; } }
public void start() { client = new HttpClient(); client .setPort(8080) .setHost("localhost") .getNow( "/", new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { public void handle(HttpClientResponse response) { response.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer data) { System.out.println(data); } }); } }); }
private void hecPost(String bodyContent) throws Exception { Buffer buff = new Buffer(); buff.appendString(bodyContent); HttpClientRequest request = "/services/collector", new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { public void handle(HttpClientResponse resp) { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) logger.error("Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()); } }); request.headers().set("Authorization", "Splunk " + token); request.headers().set("Content-Length", String.valueOf(bodyContent.length())); request.write(buff); request.end(); }
public void start() { client = new HttpClient(); client .setSSL(true) .setTrustAll(true) .setPort(4443) .setHost("localhost") .getNow( "/", new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { public void handle(HttpClientResponse response) { response.dataHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer data) { System.out.println(data); } }); } }); }
public Buffer getModule(final String moduleName) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<Buffer> mod = new AtomicReference<>(); HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(); if (proxyHost != null) { client.setHost(proxyHost); if (proxyPort != 80) { client.setPort(proxyPort); } else { client.setPort(80); } } else { client.setHost(repoHost); client.setPort(repoPort); } client.exceptionHandler( new Handler<Exception>() { public void handle(Exception e) { log.error("Unable to connect to repository"); latch.countDown(); } }); String uri = getRepoURI(moduleName); if (proxyHost != null) { // We use an absolute URI uri = new StringBuilder("http://").append(repoHost).append(uri).toString(); } final String theURI = uri; HttpClientRequest req = client.get( uri, new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { public void handle(HttpClientResponse resp) { if (resp.statusCode == 200) { String msg = "Downloading module " + moduleName + " from http://" + repoHost + ":" + repoPort + theURI; if (proxyHost != null) { msg += " Using proxy host " + proxyHost + ":" + proxyPort; }; resp.bodyHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { public void handle(Buffer buffer) { mod.set(buffer); latch.countDown(); } }); } else if (resp.statusCode == 404) { latch.countDown(); } else { log.error("Failed to query repository: " + resp.statusCode); latch.countDown(); } } }); if (proxyHost != null) { req.putHeader("host", proxyHost); } else { req.putHeader("host", repoHost); } req.putHeader("user-agent", "Vert.x Module Installer"); req.end(); while (true) { try { if (!latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Timed out waiting to download module"); } break; } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } return mod.get(); }
public void start() { // handler config JSON JsonObject config = container.config(); int port = config.getNumber("hec_port").intValue(); int poolsize = config.getNumber("hec_poolsize").intValue(); this.token = config.getString("hec_token"); this.index = config.getString("index"); this.source = config.getString("source"); this.sourcetype = config.getString("sourcetype"); boolean useHTTPs = config.getBoolean("hec_https"); this.hecBatchMode = config.getBoolean("hec_batch_mode"); this.hecMaxBatchSizeBytes = config.getNumber("hec_max_batch_size_bytes").longValue(); this.hecMaxBatchSizeEvents = config.getNumber("hec_max_batch_size_events").longValue(); this.hecMaxInactiveTimeBeforeBatchFlush = config.getNumber("hec_max_inactive_time_before_batch_flush").longValue(); this.batchBuffer = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<String>()); this.lastEventReceivedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Event Bus (so we can receive the data) String eventBusAddress = config.getString("output_address"); EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); client = vertx.createHttpClient().setPort(port).setHost("localhost").setMaxPoolSize(poolsize); if (useHTTPs) { client.setSSLContext(getSSLContext()); client.setVerifyHost(false); client.setSSL(true); client.setTrustAll(true); } // data handler that will process our received data Handler<Message<String>> myHandler = new Handler<Message<String>>() { public void handle(Message<String> message) { try { String messageContent = escapeMessageIfNeeded(message.body()); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); json.append("{\"").append("event\":").append(messageContent).append(",\""); if (!index.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) json.append("index\":\"").append(index).append("\",\""); json.append("source\":\"") .append(source) .append("\",\"") .append("sourcetype\":\"") .append(sourcetype) .append("\"") .append("}"); String bodyContent = json.toString(); if (hecBatchMode) { lastEventReceivedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); currentBatchSizeBytes += bodyContent.length(); batchBuffer.add(bodyContent); if (flushBuffer()) { bodyContent = rollOutBatchBuffer(); batchBuffer.clear(); currentBatchSizeBytes = 0; hecPost(bodyContent); } } else { hecPost(bodyContent); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error writing received data: " + ModularInput.getStackTrace(e)); } } /** * from Tivo * * @param message * @return */ private String escapeMessageIfNeeded(String message) { String trimmedMessage = message.trim(); if (trimmedMessage.startsWith("{") && trimmedMessage.endsWith("}")) { // this is *probably* JSON. return trimmedMessage; } else if (trimmedMessage.startsWith("\"") && trimmedMessage.endsWith("\"") && !message.substring(1, message.length() - 1).contains("\"")) { // this appears to be a quoted string with no internal // quotes return trimmedMessage; } else { // don't know what this thing is, so need to escape all // quotes, and // then wrap the result in quotes return "\"" + message.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; } } }; if (hecBatchMode) { new BatchBufferActivityCheckerThread().start(); } // start listening for data eb.registerHandler(eventBusAddress, myHandler); }
public void stop() { client.close(); }
private void submitGCM( final ResponseHelper helper, final JsonObject notif, final String apiKey, final HttpClient client, final Message<JsonObject> message, final int attempt) { final Buffer toSend; try { toSend = new Buffer(notif.encode().getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return; } logger.debug( "Attempt #" + (attempt + 1) + " to send notification to regIds " + notif.getArray("registration_ids").encode()); HttpClientRequest request = client .post( uri.getPath(), new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse resp) { final Buffer body = new Buffer(0); resp.dataHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { @Override public void handle(Buffer data) { body.appendBuffer(data); } }); resp.endHandler( new VoidHandler() { @Override public void handle() { boolean tryAgain = false; JsonObject[] reply = {null}; JsonObject newNotif = new JsonObject(); int status = resp.statusCode(); if (status == 200) { logger.debug("GCM response: " + body); reply[0] = new JsonObject(new String(body.getBytes())); } else { logger.error("GCM error response: " + body); } if (reply[0] != null) { helper.setMulticastId( reply[0].getLong("multicast_id") == null ? 0 : reply[0].getLong("multicast_id")); newNotif = updateStatus(notif, helper.getResponse(), reply[0]); tryAgain = newNotif.getArray("registration_ids").size() != 0 && attempt < gcm_backoff_retries; } else { tryAgain = attempt < gcm_backoff_retries; } if (tryAgain) { int sleepTime = helper.getBackoff() / 2 + helper.getRandom().nextInt(helper.getBackoff()); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } if (2 * helper.getBackoff() < gcm_max_backoff_delay) { helper.setBackoff(helper.getBackoff() * 2); } submitGCM(helper, newNotif, apiKey, client, message, attempt + 1); } else { if (helper.getResponse().isEmpty()) { // all JSON posts failed due to GCM unavailability sendError(message, "GCM is unavailable"); } else { // JsonObject sendBack = // calculateSummary( message.body().getObject( "notification" // ).getArray( "registration_ids" ), helper.getResponse(), // helper.getMulticastId() ); JsonObject sendBack = calculateSummary( notif.getArray("registration_ids"), helper.getResponse(), helper.getMulticastId()); sendOK(message, sendBack); } } } }); } }) .putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .putHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(toSend.length())) .putHeader("Authorization", "key=" + apiKey) .write(toSend); request.end(); }
@Override public void stop() { if (client != null) { client.close(); } }