public String getSubjectGoreMessage(Living who, Attack attack, int hitLocation) {
    Living attacker = attack.attacker;

    Damage damage = attack.getMaxDamage();
    int maxHp = Math.max(who.getMaxHp(), 1);
    int percentage = (int) ((damage.damage * 100) / maxHp);
    String location = who.getRace().getHitLocation(hitLocation);
    return "You are an insect, and just suffered " + percentage + "% of damage. ";
    if(percentage < 1)
    	return "You hardly notice "+attacker.getPossessive()+"s "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+".";
    else if(percentage < 2)
    	return Print.capitalize(attacker.getPossessive())+"s "+attack.weapon.getName()+" bounces off your "+location+", causing minor damage.";
    else if(percentage < 3)
      return "The "+attack.weapon.getName()+" leaves a small bruise on your "+location+".";
    else if(percentage < 4)
    	return "A few scratches are left on your "+location+" by "+attacker.getPossessive()+"s "+attack.weapon.getHitNoun(damage.type)+".";
    else if(percentage < 5)
    	return "You flinch as "+attacker.getPossessive()+"s blow lands on your "+location+".";
    else if(percentage < 6)
      return "The "+attack.weapon.getHitNoun(damage.type)+" connects with your "+location+" causing a small flesh wound.";
    else if(percentage < 7)
       return "Your "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" at the "+who.getRace().getName()+"s "+location+" leaves a nasty bleeding wound.";
    else if(percentage < 9)
      return "You grunt as "+attacker.getPossessive()+" "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" slices through your skin.";
    else if(percentage < 12)
      return "Skin and muscle is torn apart by the "+attacker.getRace().getName()+"s powerful "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" to your "+location+".";
    else if(percentage < 15)
      return Print.capitalize(attacker.getName())+" drives "+attacker.getPossessive()+" "+attack.weapon.getName()+" to your "+location+", severing tendons and major blood vessels.";
    else if(percentage < 20)
      return "You cry out in pain as the "+attacker.getRace().getName()+"s swift "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" connects to your "+location+", penetrating to the bone.";
    else if(percentage < 40)
      return Print.capitalize(attacker.getPossessive())+" powerful "+attack.weapon.getName()+" "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" snaps several large bones and leaves your "+location+" bleeding.";
    else if(percentage < 60)
      return "A mass of your blood and internal organs fall out as the "+attacker.getRace().getName()+" connects a mighty "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" with "+attacker.getPossessive()+".";
    else if(percentage < 90)
      return "Your "+location+" is reduced into a bloody mess of organs and broken bones by the devastating "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+".";
      return Print.capitalize(attacker.getName())+"s incredible "+attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)+" turns your body into a broken mass of guts and blood.";
  public String getAttackerGoreMessage(Living who, Attack attack, int hitLocation) {
    Damage damage = attack.getMaxDamage();
    int maxHp = Math.max(who.getMaxHp(), 1);
    int percentage = (int) ((damage.damage * 100) / maxHp);
    String location = who.getRace().getHitLocation(hitLocation);

    if (percentage < 1)
      return "Your "
          + attack.weapon.getName()
          + " bounces off "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s tough shell, causing only minor scratches.";
    else if (percentage < 2)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + " scuttles nimbly, avoiding your "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " almost completely.";
    else if (percentage < 3)
      return "A few marks are left on "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s chitinous "
          + location
          + " by your "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + ".";
    else if (percentage < 4)
      return "The "
          + attack.weapon.getName()
          + " lands on "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s "
          + location
          + " with a loud crunch, but the exoskeleton seems to hold.";
    else if (percentage < 5)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + "'s numerous legs twitch in pain as your blow lands on "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " "
          + location
          + ".";
    else if (percentage < 6)
      return "The "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " connects with "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s "
          + location
          + " causing a crack to appear on "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " shell.";
    else if (percentage < 7)
      return "Your "
          + attack.weapon.getHitNoun(damage.type)
          + " at the "
          + who.getRace().getName()
          + ", leaving "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " "
          + location
          + " oozing green fluids.";
    else if (percentage < 9)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + " quivers in pain as the "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " rips through "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " exoskeleton at "
          + location
          + ".";
    else if (percentage < 12)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + " drops from "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " legs as your "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " easilly penetrates "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " tough carapace.";
    else if (percentage < 15)
      return "You drive the "
          + attack.weapon.getName()
          + " to "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s "
          + location
          + ", causing a major squirt of viscous fluids to fly trough the air.";
    else if (percentage < 20)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + " wraps "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " legs around "
          + who.getPronoun()
          + " in agony as the swift "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " crunches trough "
          + who.getPossessive()
          + " shell.";
    else if (percentage < 40)
      return "Chitinous exoskeleton at "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s "
          + location
          + " is ripped apart by the powerful "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + ".";
    else if (percentage < 60)
      return "The powerful "
          + attack.weapon.getName()
          + " "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " breaks "
          + who.getName()
          + "'s exoskeleton open, exposing the soft innards inside.";
    else if (percentage < 90)
      return Print.capitalize(who.getName())
          + "'s "
          + location
          + " is smashed into a mess of slime and chitin pieces by the ferocious "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + ".";
      return "Your devastating "
          + attack.weapon.getObjectHitVerb(damage.type)
          + " sends the crushed body of "
          + who.getName()
          + " flying trough the air, leaving a trail of sticky innards on the ground.";