public PdfWebTable getTable( boolean html, boolean color, ExamReportForm form, Collection<ExamInfo> exams) { if (exams == null || exams.isEmpty()) return null; boolean timeVertical = RequiredTimeTable.getTimeGridVertical(sessionContext.getUser()); boolean timeText = RequiredTimeTable.getTimeGridAsText(sessionContext.getUser()); String nl = (html ? "<br>" : "\n"); PdfWebTable table = new PdfWebTable( 9, "Not-assigned Examinations", "", new String[] { (form.getShowSections() ? "Classes / Courses" : "Examination"), "Length", "Seating" + nl + "Type", "Size", "Max" + nl + "Rooms", "Instructor", "Period" + nl + "Preferences", "Room" + nl + "Preferences", "Distribution" + nl + "Preferences" }, new String[] { "left", "right", "center", "right", "right", "left", "left", "left", "left" }, new boolean[] {true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true}); table.setRowStyle("white-space:nowrap"); try { for (ExamInfo exam : exams) { String perPref = "", roomPref = "", distPref = ""; if (html) { roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomPref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(BuildingPref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomFeaturePref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomGroupPref.class); if (roomPref.endsWith(nl)) roomPref = roomPref.substring(0, roomPref.length() - nl.length()); if (timeText) { perPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(ExamPeriodPref.class); } else { if (exam.getExam().getExamType().getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel( exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExam().getExamType()); epx.load(exam.getExam()); perPref += epx.toString(true); } else { PeriodPreferenceModel px = new PeriodPreferenceModel(exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamTypeId()); px.load(exam.getExam()); perPref = "<img border='0' src='pattern?v=" + (timeVertical ? 1 : 0) + "&x=" + exam.getExamId() + "' title='" + px.toString() + "'>"; } } distPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(DistributionPref.class); } else { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(BuildingPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomFeaturePref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomGroupPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } if (ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm == exam.getExamType().getType()) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamType()); epx.load(exam.getExam()); perPref += epx.toString(false, true); } else { if (timeText || !color) { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(ExamPeriodPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (perPref.length() > 0) perPref += nl; perPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } } else { PeriodPreferenceModel px = new PeriodPreferenceModel( exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamType().getUniqueId()); px.load(exam.getExam()); RequiredTimeTable rtt = new RequiredTimeTable(px); Image image = rtt.createBufferedImage(timeVertical); if (image != null) { table.addImage(exam.getExamId().toString(), image); perPref += "@@IMAGE " + exam.getExamId().toString() + " "; } else { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(ExamPeriodPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (perPref.length() > 0) perPref += nl; perPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color( pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } } } } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(DistributionPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref pref = (DistributionPref); if (distPref.length() > 0) distPref += nl; distPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(true, true, " (", ", ", ")") .replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">"); } } String instructors = exam.getInstructorName(", "); table.addLine( "onClick=\"showGwtDialog('Examination Assignment', '" + exam.getExamId() + "','900','90%');\"", new String[] { (html ? "<a name='" + exam.getExamId() + "'>" : "") + (form.getShowSections() ? exam.getSectionName(nl) : exam.getExamName()) + (html ? "</a>" : ""), String.valueOf(exam.getLength()), (Exam.sSeatingTypeNormal == exam.getSeatingType() ? "Normal" : "Exam"), String.valueOf(exam.getNrStudents()), String.valueOf(exam.getMaxRooms()), instructors, perPref, roomPref, distPref }, new Comparable[] { exam, exam.getLength(), exam.getSeatingType(), exam.getNrStudents(), exam.getMaxRooms(), instructors, perPref, roomPref, distPref }, exam.getExamId().toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); table.addLine(new String[] {"<font color='red'>ERROR:" + e.getMessage() + "</font>"}, null); } return table; }
public void toPdfTable( OutputStream out, HttpServletRequest request, SessionContext context, Collection distPrefs, Long examTypeId) throws Exception { WebTable.setOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord", request.getParameter("order"), 4); PdfWebTable tbl = new PdfWebTable( 4, ExamTypeDAO.getInstance().get(examTypeId).getLabel() + " Examination Distribution Preferences", null, new String[] {" Preference ", " Type ", " Exam ", " Class/Course "}, new String[] {"left", "left", "left", "left"}, new boolean[] {true, true, true, true}); int nrPrefs = 0; for (Iterator i1 = distPrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref dp = (DistributionPref); if (!context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail)) continue; nrPrefs++; String examStr = ""; String objStr = ""; for (Iterator i2 = dp.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) { DistributionObject dO = (DistributionObject); Exam exam = (Exam) dO.getPrefGroup(); examStr += dO.preferenceText(); for (Iterator i3 = exam.getOwners().iterator(); i3.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner owner = (ExamOwner); objStr += owner.getLabel(); if (i3.hasNext()) { examStr += "\n"; objStr += "\n"; } } if (i2.hasNext()) { examStr += "\n"; objStr += "\n"; } } String distType = dp.getDistributionType().getLabel(); String prefLevel = dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefName(); tbl.addLine( null, new String[] {prefLevel, distType, examStr, objStr}, new Comparable[] {null, distType, examStr, objStr}); } if (nrPrefs == 0) tbl.addLine(null, new String[] {"No preferences found", "", "", ""}, null); int ord = WebTable.getOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord"); ord = (ord > 0 ? 1 : -1) * (1 + Math.abs(ord)); PdfPTable table = tbl.printPdfTable(ord); float width = tbl.getWidth(); Document doc = new Document(new Rectangle(60f + width, 60f + 1.30f * width), 30, 30, 30, 30); PdfWriter iWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, out); iWriter.setPageEvent(new PdfEventHandler());; if (tbl.getName() != null) doc.add(new Paragraph(tbl.getName(), PdfFont.getBigFont(true))); doc.add(table); doc.close(); }
public void reloadOffering( final OnlineSectioningServer server, OnlineSectioningHelper helper, Long offeringId) { // Load new students Map<Long, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student> newStudents = new HashMap<Long, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student>(); /* for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student : (List<org.unitime.timetable.model.Student>)helper.getHibSession().createQuery( "select s from Student s " + "left join fetch s.courseDemands as cd " + "left join fetch cd.courseRequests as cr " + "left join fetch cr.courseOffering as co " + "left join fetch cr.classWaitLists as cwl " + "left join fetch s.classEnrollments as e " + "left join fetch s.academicAreaClassifications as a " + "left join fetch s.posMajors as mj " + "left join fetch s.waitlists as w " + "left join fetch s.groups as g " + "where s.uniqueId in (select xe.student.uniqueId from StudentClassEnrollment xe where xe.courseOffering.instructionalOffering.uniqueId = :offeringId) " + "or s.uniqueId in (select xr.courseDemand.student.uniqueId from CourseRequest xr where xr.courseOffering.instructionalOffering.uniqueId = :offeringId)" ).setLong("offeringId", offeringId).list()) { newStudents.put(student.getUniqueId(), student); } */ for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student : (List<org.unitime.timetable.model.Student>) helper .getHibSession() .createQuery( "select distinct s from Student s " + "left join s.courseDemands as cd " + "left join cd.courseRequests as cr " + "left join fetch s.classEnrollments as e " + "left join fetch s.academicAreaClassifications as a " + "left join fetch s.posMajors as mj " + "left join fetch s.waitlists as w " + "left join fetch s.groups as g " + "where cr.courseOffering.instructionalOffering.uniqueId = :offeringId") .setLong("offeringId", offeringId) .list()) { newStudents.put(student.getUniqueId(), student); } for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student : (List<org.unitime.timetable.model.Student>) helper .getHibSession() .createQuery( "select distinct s from Student s " + "left join fetch s.courseDemands as cd " + "left join fetch cd.courseRequests as cr " + "left join fetch cr.courseOffering as co " + "left join fetch cr.classWaitLists as cwl " + "left join fetch s.classEnrollments as e " + "left join fetch s.academicAreaClassifications as a " + "left join fetch s.posMajors as mj " + "left join fetch s.waitlists as w " + "left join fetch s.groups as g " + "where e.courseOffering.instructionalOffering.uniqueId = :offeringId and e.courseRequest is null") .setLong("offeringId", offeringId) .list()) { newStudents.put(student.getUniqueId(), student); } // Persist expected spaces if needed if (server.needPersistExpectedSpaces(offeringId)) PersistExpectedSpacesAction.persistExpectedSpaces(offeringId, false, server, helper); // Existing offering XOffering oldOffering = server.getOffering(offeringId); XEnrollments oldEnrollments = server.getEnrollments(offeringId); // New offering XOffering newOffering = null; InstructionalOffering io = InstructionalOfferingDAO.getInstance().get(offeringId, helper.getHibSession()); List<XDistribution> distributions = new ArrayList<XDistribution>(); if (io != null) { // Load linked sections and ignore student conflict constraints List<DistributionPref> distPrefs = helper .getHibSession() .createQuery( "select distinct p from DistributionPref p inner join p.distributionObjects o, Department d, " + "Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering io " + "where p.distributionType.reference in (:ref1, :ref2) and d.session.uniqueId = :sessionId " + "and io.uniqueId = :offeringId and (o.prefGroup = c or o.prefGroup = c.schedulingSubpart) " + "and p.owner = d and p.prefLevel.prefProlog = :pref") .setString("ref1", GroupConstraint.ConstraintType.LINKED_SECTIONS.reference()) .setString("ref2", IgnoreStudentConflictsConstraint.REFERENCE) .setString("pref", PreferenceLevel.sRequired) .setLong("sessionId", server.getAcademicSession().getUniqueId()) .setLong("offeringId", offeringId) .list(); if (!distPrefs.isEmpty()) { for (DistributionPref pref : distPrefs) { int variant = 0; for (Collection<Class_> sections : ReloadAllData.getSections(pref)) { XDistributionType type = XDistributionType.IngoreConflicts; if (GroupConstraint.ConstraintType.LINKED_SECTIONS .reference() .equals(pref.getDistributionType().getReference())) type = XDistributionType.LinkedSections; XDistribution distribution = new XDistribution(type, pref.getUniqueId(), variant++, sections); distributions.add(distribution); } } } newOffering = ReloadAllData.loadOffering(io, distributions, server, helper); if (newOffering != null) server.update(newOffering); else if (oldOffering != null) server.remove(oldOffering); // Load sectioning info List<Object[]> infos = helper .getHibSession() .createQuery( "select i.clazz.uniqueId, i.nbrExpectedStudents from SectioningInfo i where i.clazz.schedulingSubpart.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.uniqueId = :offeringId") .setLong("offeringId", offeringId) .list(); XExpectations expectations = new XExpectations(offeringId); for (Object[] info : infos) { Long sectionId = (Long) info[0]; Double expected = (Double) info[1]; expectations.setExpectedSpace(sectionId, expected); } server.update(expectations); } else if (oldOffering != null) { server.remove(oldOffering); } List<XStudent[]> students = new ArrayList<XStudent[]>(); if (oldEnrollments != null) { Set<Long> checked = new HashSet<Long>(); for (XRequest old : oldEnrollments.getRequests()) { if (!checked.add(old.getStudentId())) continue; XStudent oldStudent = server.getStudent(old.getStudentId()); org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student = newStudents.get(oldStudent.getStudentId()); if (student == null) student = StudentDAO.getInstance().get(oldStudent.getStudentId(), helper.getHibSession()); XStudent newStudent = (student == null ? null : ReloadAllData.loadStudent(student, null, server, helper)); if (newStudent != null) server.update(newStudent, true); else server.remove(oldStudent); students.add(new XStudent[] {oldStudent, newStudent}); newStudents.remove(oldStudent.getStudentId()); } } for (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student : newStudents.values()) { XStudent oldStudent = server.getStudent(student.getUniqueId()); XStudent newStudent = ReloadAllData.loadStudent(student, null, server, helper); if (newStudent != null) server.update(newStudent, true); else if (oldStudent != null) server.remove(oldStudent); students.add(new XStudent[] {oldStudent, newStudent}); } if (!server.getAcademicSession().isSectioningEnabled()) return; if (!CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.isAllowWaitListing()) return; if (newOffering == null && oldOffering == null) return; Set<SectioningRequest> queue = new TreeSet<SectioningRequest>(); Set<XCourseId> courseIds = new HashSet<XCourseId>(); if (newOffering != null) courseIds.addAll(newOffering.getCourses()); if (oldOffering != null) courseIds.addAll(oldOffering.getCourses()); for (XCourseId course : courseIds) { for (XStudent[] student : students) { if (student[0] == null && student[1] == null) continue; XEnrollment oldEnrollment = null; XCourseRequest oldRequest = null; if (student[0] != null) { for (XRequest r : student[0].getRequests()) if (r instanceof XCourseRequest) { XCourseRequest cr = (XCourseRequest) r; for (XCourseId c : cr.getCourseIds()) { if (c.equals(course)) { oldRequest = cr; if (cr.getEnrollment() != null && offeringId.equals(cr.getEnrollment().getOfferingId())) oldEnrollment = cr.getEnrollment(); break; } } } } XCourseRequest newRequest = null; XEnrollment newEnrollment = null; if (student[1] != null) { for (XRequest r : student[1].getRequests()) if (r instanceof XCourseRequest) { XCourseRequest cr = (XCourseRequest) r; for (XCourseId c : cr.getCourseIds()) if (c.equals(course)) { newRequest = cr; if (cr.getEnrollment() != null && offeringId.equals(cr.getEnrollment().getOfferingId())) newEnrollment = cr.getEnrollment(); break; } } } if (oldRequest == null && newRequest == null) continue; OnlineSectioningLog.Action.Builder action = helper.addAction(this, server.getAcademicSession()); action.setStudent( OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.newBuilder() .setUniqueId( student[0] == null ? student[1].getStudentId() : student[0].getStudentId()) .setExternalId( student[0] == null ? student[1].getExternalId() : student[0].getExternalId())); action.addOther( OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.newBuilder() .setUniqueId(offeringId) .setName(newOffering == null ? oldOffering.getName() : newOffering.getName()) .setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.EntityType.OFFERING)); action.addOther( OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.newBuilder() .setUniqueId(course.getCourseId()) .setName(course.getCourseName()) .setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Entity.EntityType.COURSE)); if (oldEnrollment != null) { OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.Builder enrollment = OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.newBuilder(); enrollment.setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.EnrollmentType.PREVIOUS); for (Long sectionId : oldEnrollment.getSectionIds()) enrollment.addSection( OnlineSectioningHelper.toProto(oldOffering.getSection(sectionId), oldEnrollment)); action.addEnrollment(enrollment); if (newRequest == null) action.addRequest(OnlineSectioningHelper.toProto(oldRequest)); } if (newRequest == null) { // nothing to re-assign if (oldEnrollment != null && CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.hasProvider()) { // there was a drop try { CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.getProvider() .resection( server, helper, new SectioningRequest(newOffering, newRequest, student[1], action) .setOldOffering(oldOffering) .setOldStudent(student[0]) .setOldRequest(oldRequest) .setLastEnrollment(oldEnrollment), null); } catch (Exception ex) { action.setResult(OnlineSectioningLog.Action.ResultType.FAILURE); action.addMessage( OnlineSectioningLog.Message.newBuilder() .setLevel(OnlineSectioningLog.Message.Level.FATAL) .setText(ex.getMessage() == null ? "null" : ex.getMessage())); helper.error("Unable to resection student: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } action.setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); server.execute( server .createAction(NotifyStudentAction.class) .forStudent( student[0] == null ? student[1].getStudentId() : student[0].getStudentId()) .oldEnrollment(oldOffering, course, oldEnrollment), helper.getUser()); continue; } else { action.addRequest(OnlineSectioningHelper.toProto(newRequest)); } if (oldEnrollment == null && newEnrollment == null) { if (student[1].canAssign(newRequest) && isWaitListed(student[1], newRequest, server, helper)) queue.add( new SectioningRequest(newOffering, newRequest, student[1], action) .setOldOffering(oldOffering) .setOldRequest(oldRequest) .setOldStudent(student[0])); continue; } if (newEnrollment != null) { // new enrollment is valid and / or has all the same times if (check( newOffering, course, distributions, student[1], newEnrollment, server)) { // || isSame(oldEnrollment, newEnrollment)) { OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.Builder enrollment = OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.newBuilder(); enrollment.setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.EnrollmentType.STORED); for (XSection assignment : newOffering.getSections(newEnrollment)) enrollment.addSection(OnlineSectioningHelper.toProto(assignment, newEnrollment)); action.addEnrollment(enrollment); // there may have been a change if (CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.hasProvider()) { try { CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.getProvider() .resection( server, helper, new SectioningRequest(newOffering, newRequest, student[1], action) .setOldOffering(oldOffering) .setOldStudent(student[0]) .setOldRequest(oldRequest) .setLastEnrollment(oldEnrollment), newEnrollment); } catch (Exception ex) { action.setResult(OnlineSectioningLog.Action.ResultType.FAILURE); action.addMessage( OnlineSectioningLog.Message.newBuilder() .setLevel(OnlineSectioningLog.Message.Level.FATAL) .setText(ex.getMessage() == null ? "null" : ex.getMessage())); helper.error("Unable to resection student: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } action.setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!isVerySame( newEnrollment.getCourseId(), newOffering.getSections(newEnrollment), oldOffering.getSections(oldEnrollment))) server.execute( server .createAction(NotifyStudentAction.class) .forStudent( student[0] == null ? student[1].getStudentId() : student[0].getStudentId()) .oldEnrollment(oldOffering, course, oldEnrollment), helper.getUser()); continue; } } newRequest = server.assign(newRequest, null); queue.add( new SectioningRequest(newOffering, newRequest, student[1], action) .setOldOffering(oldOffering) .setOldRequest(oldRequest) .setOldStudent(student[0]) .setLastEnrollment(oldEnrollment) .setNewEnrollment(newEnrollment)); } } if (!queue.isEmpty()) { DataProperties properties = new DataProperties(); ResectioningWeights w = new ResectioningWeights(properties); DistanceConflict dc = new DistanceConflict(server.getDistanceMetric(), properties); TimeOverlapsCounter toc = new TimeOverlapsCounter(null, properties); Date ts = new Date(); for (SectioningRequest r : queue) { helper.debug( "Resectioning " + r.getRequest() + " (was " + (r.getLastEnrollment() == null ? "not assigned" : r.getLastEnrollment().getSectionIds()) + ")"); long c0 = OnlineSectioningHelper.getCpuTime(); XEnrollment e = r.resection(server, w, dc, toc); if (e != null) { e.setTimeStamp(ts); OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.Builder enrollment = OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.newBuilder(); enrollment.setType(OnlineSectioningLog.Enrollment.EnrollmentType.STORED); for (Long sectionId : e.getSectionIds()) enrollment.addSection( OnlineSectioningHelper.toProto(newOffering.getSection(sectionId), e)); r.getAction().addEnrollment(enrollment); } if (CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.hasProvider()) { try { e = CustomStudentEnrollmentHolder.getProvider().resection(server, helper, r, e); } catch (Exception ex) { r.getAction().setResult(OnlineSectioningLog.Action.ResultType.FAILURE); r.getAction() .addMessage( OnlineSectioningLog.Message.newBuilder() .setLevel(OnlineSectioningLog.Message.Level.FATAL) .setText(ex.getMessage() == null ? "null" : ex.getMessage())); helper.error("Unable to resection student: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); if (r.getNewEnrollment() != null) server.assign(r.getRequest(), r.getNewEnrollment()); continue; } } if (e == null && r.getLastEnrollment() == null) { // remained unassigned continue; } if (e != null) { r.setRequest(server.assign(r.getRequest(), e)); } helper.debug("New: " + (e == null ? "not assigned" : e.getSectionIds())); org.unitime.timetable.model.Student student = StudentDAO.getInstance().get(r.getRequest().getStudentId(), helper.getHibSession()); Map<Long, StudentClassEnrollment> enrollmentMap = new HashMap<Long, StudentClassEnrollment>(); String approvedBy = null; Date approvedDate = null; for (Iterator<StudentClassEnrollment> i = student.getClassEnrollments().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { StudentClassEnrollment enrl =; if ((enrl.getCourseRequest() != null && enrl.getCourseRequest() .getCourseDemand() .getUniqueId() .equals(r.getRequest().getRequestId())) || (enrl.getCourseOffering() != null && enrl.getCourseOffering() .getUniqueId() .equals(r.getCourseId().getCourseId()))) { helper.debug("Deleting " + enrl.getClazz().getClassLabel()); enrollmentMap.put(enrl.getClazz().getUniqueId(), enrl); if (approvedBy == null && enrl.getApprovedBy() != null) { approvedBy = enrl.getApprovedBy(); approvedDate = enrl.getApprovedDate(); } enrl.getClazz().getStudentEnrollments().remove(enrl); helper.getHibSession().delete(enrl); i.remove(); } } CourseDemand cd = null; demands: for (CourseDemand x : student.getCourseDemands()) for (org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest q : x.getCourseRequests()) if (q.getCourseOffering().getInstructionalOffering().getUniqueId().equals(offeringId)) { cd = x; break demands; } if (r.getRequest().getEnrollment() != null) { // save enrollment org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest cr = null; CourseOffering co = null; if (co == null) for (CourseOffering x : io.getCourseOfferings()) if (x.getUniqueId().equals(r.getRequest().getEnrollment().getCourseId())) co = x; for (Long sectionId : r.getRequest().getEnrollment().getSectionIds()) { Class_ clazz = Class_DAO.getInstance().get(sectionId, helper.getHibSession()); if (cd != null && cr == null) { for (org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest x : cd.getCourseRequests()) if (x.getCourseOffering() .getInstructionalOffering() .getUniqueId() .equals(offeringId)) { cr = x; break; } } if (co == null) co = clazz .getSchedulingSubpart() .getInstrOfferingConfig() .getInstructionalOffering() .getControllingCourseOffering(); StudentClassEnrollment enrl = new StudentClassEnrollment(); enrl.setClazz(clazz); clazz.getStudentEnrollments().add(enrl); enrl.setCourseOffering(co); enrl.setCourseRequest(cr); StudentClassEnrollment old = enrollmentMap.get(sectionId); enrl.setTimestamp(old != null ? old.getTimestamp() : ts); enrl.setChangedBy( old != null ? old.getChangedBy() : helper.getUser() == null ? StudentClassEnrollment.SystemChange.SYSTEM.toString() : helper.getUser().getExternalId()); enrl.setStudent(student); enrl.setApprovedBy(approvedBy); enrl.setApprovedDate(approvedDate); student.getClassEnrollments().add(enrl); /* if (cr != null) { if (cr.getClassEnrollments() == null) cr.setClassEnrollments(new HashSet<StudentClassEnrollment>()); cr.getClassEnrollments().add(enrl); } */ helper.debug("Adding " + enrl.getClazz().getClassLabel()); } } else if (!r.getRequest().isAlternative()) { // wait-list if (cd != null && !cd.isWaitlist()) { cd.setWaitlist(true); helper.getHibSession().saveOrUpdate(cd); } if (!r.getRequest().isWaitlist()) r.setRequest(server.waitlist(r.getRequest(), true)); } helper.getHibSession().save(student); EnrollStudent.updateSpace( server, r.getRequest().getEnrollment() == null ? null : SectioningRequest.convert( r.getStudent(), r.getRequest(), server, newOffering, r.getRequest().getEnrollment()), r.getLastEnrollment() == null ? null : SectioningRequest.convert( r.getOldStudent(), r.getOldRequest(), server, oldOffering, r.getLastEnrollment()), newOffering, oldOffering); server.persistExpectedSpaces(offeringId); server.execute( server .createAction(NotifyStudentAction.class) .forStudent(r.getRequest().getStudentId()) .oldEnrollment(oldOffering, r.getCourseId(), r.getLastEnrollment()), helper.getUser()); r.getAction() .setResult( e == null ? OnlineSectioningLog.Action.ResultType.NULL : OnlineSectioningLog.Action.ResultType.SUCCESS); r.getAction().setCpuTime(OnlineSectioningHelper.getCpuTime() - c0); r.getAction().setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } }
/** * Build a html table with the list representing distribution prefs * * @param distPrefs * @param ordCol * @param editable * @return */ public String toHtmlTable( HttpServletRequest request, SessionContext context, Collection distPrefs, String title) throws Exception { String backId = ("PreferenceGroup".equals(request.getParameter("backType")) ? request.getParameter("backId") : null); WebTable.setOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord", request.getParameter("order"), 4); WebTable tbl = new WebTable( 3, title, "", new String[] {" Type ", " Exam ", " Class/Course "}, new String[] {"left", "left", "left"}, new boolean[] {true, true, true}); int nrPrefs = 0; for (Iterator i1 = distPrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref dp = (DistributionPref); if (!context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail)) continue; boolean prefEditable = context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit); nrPrefs++; String examStr = ""; String objStr = ""; for (Iterator i2 = dp.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) { DistributionObject dO = (DistributionObject); Exam exam = (Exam) dO.getPrefGroup(); examStr += dO.preferenceText(); for (Iterator i3 = exam.getOwners().iterator(); i3.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner owner = (ExamOwner); objStr += owner.getLabel(); if (i3.hasNext()) { examStr += "<BR>"; objStr += "<BR>"; } } if (i2.hasNext()) { examStr += "<BR>"; objStr += "<BR>"; } } String distType = dp.getDistributionType().getLabel(); String prefLevel = dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefName(); String prefColor = dp.getPrefLevel().prefcolor(); if (PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) prefColor = "gray"; String onClick = null; boolean gray = false; if (prefEditable) { onClick = "onClick=\"document.location='" + "?dp=" + dp.getUniqueId().toString() + "&op=view'\""; } // else gray = true; boolean back = dp.getUniqueId().toString().equals(backId); tbl.addLine( onClick, new String[] { (back ? "<A name=\"back\"</A>" : "") + (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "<span style='color:" + prefColor + ";font-weight:bold;' title='" + prefLevel + " " + distType + "'>") + distType + "</span>", (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "") + examStr + (gray ? "</span>" : ""), (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "") + objStr + (gray ? "</span>" : "") }, new Comparable[] {distType, examStr, objStr}); } if (nrPrefs == 0) tbl.addLine(null, new String[] {"No preferences found", "", ""}, null); return tbl.printTable(WebTable.getOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord")); }