public void fillView(int id) { switch (id) { case PlaylistsFragment.CREATE_PLAYLIST_BUTTON_ID: View v = mRootView.findViewById(; if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = mRootView.findViewById(; if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = mRootView.findViewById(; if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } TomahawkUtils.ensureInflation( mRootView,,; findViewById(; TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView1.setText( TomahawkApp.getContext().getString(R.string.create_playlist).toUpperCase()); TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView2.setVisibility(View.GONE); TextView textView3 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView3.setVisibility(View.GONE); break; } }
/** * Load a {@link} asynchronously * * @param context the context needed for fetching resources * @param imageView the {@link android.widget.ImageView}, which will be used to show the {@link *} * @param image the path to load the image from * @param width the width in pixels to scale the image down to */ public static void loadImageIntoImageView( Context context, ImageView imageView, Image image, int width, boolean fit, boolean isArtistImage) { int placeHolder = isArtistImage ? R.drawable.artist_placeholder_grid : R.drawable.album_placeholder_grid; if (image != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(image.getImagePath())) { String imagePath = buildImagePath(image, width); RequestCreator creator = Picasso.with(context) .load(TomahawkUtils.preparePathForPicasso(imagePath)) .placeholder(placeHolder) .error(placeHolder); if (fit) { creator.resize(width, width); } creator.into(imageView); } else { RequestCreator creator = Picasso.with(context).load(placeHolder).placeholder(placeHolder).error(placeHolder); if (fit) { creator.resize(width, width); } creator.into(imageView); } }
public void fillView(final Album album, Collection collection) { if (collection == null) { collection = CollectionManager.getInstance().getCollection(TomahawkApp.PLUGINNAME_HATCHET); } TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView1.setText(album.getPrettyName()); TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView2.setText(album.getArtist().getPrettyName()); ImageView imageView1 = (ImageView) findViewById(; TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), imageView1, album.getImage(), Image.getSmallImageSize(), false); final TextView textView3 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView3.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); collection .getAlbumTracks(album) .done( new DoneCallback<CollectionCursor<Query>>() { @Override public void onDone(CollectionCursor<Query> cursor) { int size = 0; if (cursor != null) { size = cursor.size(); cursor.close(); } textView3.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textView3.setText( TomahawkApp.getContext() .getResources() .getQuantityString(R.plurals.songs_with_count, size, size)); } }); }
public void fillView(Artist artist) { TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView1.setText(artist.getPrettyName()); ImageView imageView1 = (ImageView) findViewById(; TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), imageView1, artist.getImage(), Image.getSmallImageSize(), true); }
/** * Returns the {@link Artist} with the given id. If none exists in our static {@link * ConcurrentHashMap} yet, construct and add it. * * @return {@link Artist} with the given id */ public static Artist get(String artistName) { Artist artist = new Artist(artistName); String key = TomahawkUtils.getCacheKey(artist); if (!sArtists.containsKey(key)) { sArtists.put(key, artist); } return sArtists.get(key); }
/** * Add an {@link Album} to this object * * @param album the {@link Album} to be added */ public void addAlbum(Album album, boolean isLocalAlbum) { String key = TomahawkUtils.getCacheKey(album); synchronized (this) { if (!mAlbums.containsKey(key)) { mAlbums.put(key, album); if (isLocalAlbum) { mLocalAlbums.put(key, album); } } } }
/** * Load a {@link} asynchronously * * @param context the context needed for fetching resources * @param image the path to load the image from * @param target the Target which the loaded image will be pushed to * @param width the width in pixels to scale the image down to */ public static void loadImageIntoBitmap( Context context, Image image, Target target, int width, boolean isArtistImage) { int placeHolder = isArtistImage ? R.drawable.artist_placeholder_grid : R.drawable.album_placeholder_grid; if (image != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(image.getImagePath())) { String imagePath = buildImagePath(image, width); Picasso.with(context) .load(TomahawkUtils.preparePathForPicasso(imagePath)) .resize(width, width) .into(target); } else { Picasso.with(context).load(placeHolder).resize(width, width).into(target); } }
/** @param query the {@link org.tomahawk.libtomahawk.resolver.Query} to be added */ public void addQuery(Query query) { String key = TomahawkUtils.getCacheKey(query); synchronized (this) { if (!mQueries.containsKey(key)) { mQueries.put(key, query); boolean isLocalQuery = query.getPreferredTrackResult() != null && query.getPreferredTrackResult().getResolvedBy() instanceof DataBaseResolver; if (isLocalQuery) { mLocalQueries.put(key, query); } } } }
public void fillView(User user) { TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView1.setText(user.getName()); if (mLayoutId == R.layout.list_item_user) { TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView2.setText( TomahawkApp.getContext() .getString( R.string.followers_count, user.getFollowersCount(), user.getFollowCount())); } TextView userTextView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; ImageView userImageView1 = (ImageView) findViewById(; TomahawkUtils.loadUserImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), userImageView1, user, Image.getSmallImageSize(), userTextView1); }
public void fillHeaderView(SocialAction socialAction, int segmentSize) { ImageView userImageView1 = (ImageView) findViewById(; TextView userTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; TomahawkUtils.loadUserImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), userImageView1, socialAction.getUser(), Image.getSmallImageSize(), userTextView); Object targetObject = socialAction.getTargetObject(); Resources resources = TomahawkApp.getContext().getResources(); String userName = socialAction.getUser().getName(); String phrase = "!FIXME! type: " + socialAction.getType() + ", action: " + socialAction.getAction() + ", user: "******":"); }
/** * Load a {@link} asynchronously * * @param context the context needed for fetching resources * @param imageView the {@link android.widget.ImageView}, which will be used to show the {@link *} * @param image the path to load the image from * @param width the width in density independent pixels to scale the image down to */ public static void loadBlurredImageIntoImageView( Context context, ImageView imageView, Image image, int width, int placeHolderResId) { if (image != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(image.getImagePath())) { String imagePath = buildImagePath(image, width); RequestCreator creator = Picasso.with(context) .load(TomahawkUtils.preparePathForPicasso(imagePath)) .resize(width, width); if (placeHolderResId > 0) { creator.placeholder(placeHolderResId); creator.error(placeHolderResId); } creator.transform(new BlurTransformation()); creator.into(imageView); } else { RequestCreator creator = Picasso.with(context) .load(placeHolderResId) .placeholder(placeHolderResId) .error(placeHolderResId); creator.into(imageView); } }
/** * Load a {@link} asynchronously * * @param context the context needed for fetching resources * @param image the path to load the image from * @param width the width in pixels to scale the image down to */ public static void loadImageIntoNotification( Context context, Image image, RemoteViews remoteViews, int viewId, int notificationId, Notification notification, int width, boolean isArtistImage) { int placeHolder = isArtistImage ? R.drawable.artist_placeholder_grid : R.drawable.album_placeholder_grid; if (image != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(image.getImagePath())) { String imagePath = buildImagePath(image, width); Picasso.with(context) .load(TomahawkUtils.preparePathForPicasso(imagePath)) .resize(width, width) .into(remoteViews, viewId, notificationId, notification); } else { Picasso.with(context) .load(placeHolder) .resize(width, width) .into(remoteViews, viewId, notificationId, notification); } }
/** * Load a circle-shaped {@link} asynchronously * * @param context the context needed for fetching resources * @param imageView the {@link android.widget.ImageView}, which will be used to show the {@link *} * @param user the user of which to load the data into the views * @param width the width in pixels to scale the image down to * @param textView the textview which is being used to display the first letter of the user's name * in the placeholder image */ public static void loadUserImageIntoImageView( Context context, ImageView imageView, User user, int width, TextView textView) { int placeHolder = R.drawable.circle_black; if (user.getImage() != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(user.getImage().getImagePath())) { textView.setVisibility(View.GONE); String imagePath = buildImagePath(user.getImage(), width); Picasso.with(context) .load(TomahawkUtils.preparePathForPicasso(imagePath)) .transform(new CircularImageTransformation()) .placeholder(placeHolder) .error(placeHolder) .fit() .into(imageView); } else { textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textView.setText(user.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); Picasso.with(context) .load(placeHolder) .placeholder(placeHolder) .error(placeHolder) .fit() .into(imageView); } }
public void fillView( Query query, String numerationString, boolean showAsPlaying, View.OnClickListener swipeMenuButton1Listener, boolean showAsQueued) { TextView trackNameTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; trackNameTextView.setText(query.getPrettyName()); setTextViewEnabled(trackNameTextView, query.isPlayable(), false); ImageView resolverImageView = (ImageView) ensureInflation(,; TextView numerationTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; if (showAsQueued) { if (numerationTextView != null) { numerationTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (resolverImageView != null) { resolverImageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); TomahawkUtils.loadDrawableIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), resolverImageView, R.drawable.ic_action_queue_red); } } else if (showAsPlaying) { if (numerationTextView != null) { numerationTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (resolverImageView != null) { resolverImageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (query.getPreferredTrackResult() != null) { Resolver resolver = query.getPreferredTrackResult().getResolvedBy(); resolver.loadIcon(resolverImageView, false); } } } else if (numerationString != null) { if (resolverImageView != null) { resolverImageView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (numerationTextView != null) { numerationTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); numerationTextView.setText(numerationString); setTextViewEnabled(numerationTextView, query.isPlayable(), false); } } if (mLayoutId == R.layout.list_item_numeration_track_artist || mLayoutId == R.layout.list_item_track_artist) { TextView artistNameTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; artistNameTextView.setText(query.getArtist().getPrettyName()); setTextViewEnabled(artistNameTextView, query.isPlayable(), false); } if (mLayoutId == R.layout.list_item_numeration_track_duration) { TextView durationTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; if (query.getPreferredTrack().getDuration() > 0) { durationTextView.setText( TomahawkUtils.durationToString((query.getPreferredTrack().getDuration()))); } else { durationTextView.setText(PlaybackPanel.COMPLETION_STRING_DEFAULT); } setTextViewEnabled(durationTextView, query.isPlayable(), false); } ImageView swipeMenuButton; if (showAsQueued) { swipeMenuButton = (ImageView) ensureInflation(,; swipeMenuButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); swipeMenuButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_player_exit_light); TomahawkUtils.setTint(swipeMenuButton.getDrawable(), R.color.tomahawk_red); ImageView swipeMenuButtonEnqueue = (ImageView) findViewById(; if (swipeMenuButtonEnqueue != null) { swipeMenuButtonEnqueue.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } else { swipeMenuButton = (ImageView) ensureInflation(,; swipeMenuButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ImageView swipeMenuButtonDequeue = (ImageView) findViewById(; if (swipeMenuButtonDequeue != null) { swipeMenuButtonDequeue.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } swipeMenuButton.setOnClickListener(swipeMenuButton1Listener); }
public View ensureInflation(int stubResId, int inflatedId) { return TomahawkUtils.ensureInflation(mRootView, stubResId, inflatedId); }
private static void fillView( View view, List<Image> artistImages, int height, boolean isPagerFragment) { View v; int gridOneResId = isPagerFragment ? :; int gridTwoResId = isPagerFragment ? :; int gridThreeResId = isPagerFragment ? :; int gridOneStubId = isPagerFragment ? :; int gridTwoStubId = isPagerFragment ? :; int gridThreeStubId = isPagerFragment ? :; if (artistImages.size() > 2) { v = view.findViewById(gridOneResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = view.findViewById(gridTwoResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = TomahawkUtils.ensureInflation(view, gridThreeStubId, gridThreeResId); v.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(0), Image.getLargeImageSize(), false); TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(1), Image.getSmallImageSize(), false); TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(2), Image.getSmallImageSize(), false); } else if (artistImages.size() > 1) { v = view.findViewById(gridOneResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = view.findViewById(gridThreeResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = TomahawkUtils.ensureInflation(view, gridTwoStubId, gridTwoResId); v.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(0), Image.getLargeImageSize(), false); TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(1), Image.getSmallImageSize(), false); } else { v = view.findViewById(gridTwoResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = view.findViewById(gridThreeResId); if (v != null) { v.setVisibility(View.GONE); } v = TomahawkUtils.ensureInflation(view, gridOneStubId, gridOneResId); v.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (artistImages.size() > 0) { TomahawkUtils.loadImageIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, artistImages.get(0), Image.getLargeImageSize(), false); } else { TomahawkUtils.loadDrawableIntoImageView( TomahawkApp.getContext(), (ImageView) v.findViewById(, R.drawable.album_placeholder_grid); } } if (height > 0) { v.getLayoutParams().height = height; } }