public static StringBuffer openNamespaceDeclarationTag( String prefix, String header, Collection namespaces, Map prefixMap, Map attrs, StringBuffer target) { target = target == null ? new StringBuffer() : target; target.append("<"); if (prefix != null) { target.append(prefix); target.append(":"); } target.append(header); if (namespaces != null && !namespaces.isEmpty()) { Collection usedNamespaces = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = namespaces.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object item =; String currentNamespace = null; if (item instanceof DAVElement) { DAVElement currentElement = (DAVElement) item; currentNamespace = currentElement.getNamespace(); } else if (item instanceof String) { currentNamespace = (String) item; } if (currentNamespace != null && currentNamespace.length() > 0 && !usedNamespaces.contains(currentNamespace)) { usedNamespaces.add(currentNamespace); target.append(" xmlns"); if (prefixMap != null) { target.append(":"); target.append(prefixMap.get(currentNamespace)); } target.append("=\""); target.append(currentNamespace); target.append("\""); } } usedNamespaces.clear(); } if (attrs != null && !attrs.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iterator = attrs.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); target.append(" "); target.append(name); target.append("=\""); target.append(SVNEncodingUtil.xmlEncodeAttr(value)); target.append("\""); } } target.append(">\n"); return target; }
/** * @author TMate Software Ltd. * @version 1.3 */ public class DAVReplayHandler extends DAVEditorHandler { public static StringBuffer generateReplayRequest( long highRevision, long lowRevision, boolean sendDeltas) { StringBuffer xmlBuffer = new StringBuffer(); SVNXMLUtil.addXMLHeader(xmlBuffer); SVNXMLUtil.openNamespaceDeclarationTag( SVNXMLUtil.SVN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "replay-report", SVN_NAMESPACES_LIST, SVNXMLUtil.PREFIX_MAP, xmlBuffer); SVNXMLUtil.openCDataTag( SVNXMLUtil.SVN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "revision", String.valueOf(highRevision), xmlBuffer); SVNXMLUtil.openCDataTag( SVNXMLUtil.SVN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "low-water-mark", String.valueOf(lowRevision), xmlBuffer); SVNXMLUtil.openCDataTag( SVNXMLUtil.SVN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "send-deltas", sendDeltas ? "1" : "0", xmlBuffer); SVNXMLUtil.addXMLFooter(SVNXMLUtil.SVN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "replay-report", xmlBuffer); return xmlBuffer; } protected static final DAVElement EDITOR_REPORT = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "editor-report"); protected static final DAVElement OPEN_ROOT = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "open-root"); protected static final DAVElement APPLY_TEXT_DELTA = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "apply-textdelta"); protected static final DAVElement CLOSE_FILE = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "close-file"); protected static final DAVElement CLOSE_DIRECTORY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "close-directory"); protected static final DAVElement CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "change-file-prop"); protected static final DAVElement CHANGE_DIR_PROPERTY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "change-dir-prop"); protected static final String CHECKSUM_ATTR = "checksum"; protected static final String DEL_ATTR = "del"; public DAVReplayHandler(ISVNEditor editor, boolean fetchContent) { super(null, null, editor, null, fetchContent, false); } protected void startElement(DAVElement parent, DAVElement element, Attributes attrs) throws SVNException { if (element == TARGET_REVISION) { String rev = attrs.getValue(REVISION_ATTR); if (rev == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing revision attr in target-revision element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { try { myEditor.targetRevision(Long.parseLong(rev)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } } else if (element == OPEN_ROOT) { String rev = attrs.getValue(REVISION_ATTR); if (rev == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing revision attr in open-root element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { try { myEditor.openRoot(Long.parseLong(rev)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } myPath = ""; myIsDirectory = true; } } else if (element == DELETE_ENTRY) { String path = attrs.getValue(NAME_ATTR); String rev = attrs.getValue(REVISION_ATTR); if (path == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing name attr in delete-entry element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else if (rev == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing rev attr in delete-entry element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { try { myEditor.deleteEntry(path, Long.parseLong(rev)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } } else if (element == OPEN_DIRECTORY || element == ADD_DIRECTORY) { String path = attrs.getValue(NAME_ATTR); String rev = attrs.getValue(REVISION_ATTR); if (path == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing name attr in " + (element == OPEN_DIRECTORY ? "open-directory" : "add-directory") + " element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { long revision = -1; if (rev != null) { try { revision = Long.parseLong(rev); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } if (element == OPEN_DIRECTORY) { myEditor.openDir(path, revision); } else { String copyFromPath = attrs.getValue(COPYFROM_PATH_ATTR); String cfRevision = attrs.getValue(COPYFROM_REV_ATTR); long copyFromRevision = -1; if (cfRevision != null) { try { copyFromRevision = Long.parseLong(cfRevision); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } myEditor.addDir(path, copyFromPath, copyFromRevision); } } myPath = path; myIsDirectory = true; } else if (element == OPEN_FILE || element == ADD_FILE) { String path = attrs.getValue(NAME_ATTR); if (path == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing name attr in " + (element == OPEN_FILE ? "open-file" : "add-file") + " element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (element == ADD_FILE) { String copyFromPath = attrs.getValue(COPYFROM_PATH_ATTR); String cfRevision = attrs.getValue(COPYFROM_REV_ATTR); long copyFromRevision = -1; if (cfRevision != null) { try { copyFromRevision = Long.parseLong(cfRevision); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } myEditor.addFile(path, copyFromPath, copyFromRevision); } else { String rev = attrs.getValue(REVISION_ATTR); long revision = -1; if (rev != null) { try { revision = Long.parseLong(rev); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { SVNErrorManager.error( SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, nfe), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } myEditor.openFile(path, revision); } myIsDirectory = false; myPath = path; } else if (element == APPLY_TEXT_DELTA) { if (myIsDirectory) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Got apply-textdelta element without preceding add-file or open-file"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } String checksum = attrs.getValue(CHECKSUM_ATTR); try { myEditor.applyTextDelta(myPath, checksum); setDeltaProcessing(true); } catch (SVNException svne) { // } } else if (element == CLOSE_FILE) { if (myIsDirectory) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Got close-file element without preceding add-file or open-file"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { String checksum = attrs.getValue(CHECKSUM_ATTR); myEditor.closeFile(myPath, checksum); myIsDirectory = true; } } else if (element == CLOSE_DIRECTORY) { if (!myIsDirectory) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Got close-directory element without ever opening a directory"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { myEditor.closeDir(); } } else if (element == CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY || element == CHANGE_DIR_PROPERTY) { String name = attrs.getValue(NAME_ATTR); if (name == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Missing name attr in " + (element == CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY ? "change-file-prop" : "change-dir-prop") + " element"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { if (attrs.getValue(DEL_ATTR) != null) { if (element == CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY) { myEditor.changeFileProperty(myPath, name, null); } else { myEditor.changeDirProperty(name, null); } myPropertyName = null; } else { myPropertyName = name; } } } } protected void endElement(DAVElement parent, DAVElement element, StringBuffer cdata) throws SVNException { if (element == APPLY_TEXT_DELTA) { setDeltaProcessing(false); } else if (element == CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY || element == CHANGE_DIR_PROPERTY) { if (cdata != null && !"".equals(cdata.toString()) && myPropertyName == null) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create( SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, "Got cdata content for a prop delete"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (myPropertyName != null) { StringBuffer sb = SVNBase64.normalizeBase64(cdata); byte[] buffer = allocateBuffer(sb.length()); int length = SVNBase64.base64ToByteArray(sb, buffer); SVNPropertyValue property = SVNPropertyValue.create(myPropertyName, buffer, 0, length); if (element == CHANGE_FILE_PROPERTY) { myEditor.changeFileProperty(myPath, myPropertyName, property); } else { myEditor.changeDirProperty(myPropertyName, property); } } } } }
/** * @version 1.1.0 * @author TMate Software Ltd. */ public class DAVFileRevisionHandler extends BasicDAVDeltaHandler { public static StringBuffer generateFileRevisionsRequest( StringBuffer buffer, long startRevision, long endRevision, String path) { buffer = buffer == null ? new StringBuffer() : buffer; buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); buffer.append("<S:file-revs-report xmlns:S=\"svn:\">"); if (startRevision >= 0) { buffer.append("<S:start-revision>" + startRevision + "</S:start-revision>"); } if (endRevision >= 0) { buffer.append("<S:end-revision>" + endRevision + "</S:end-revision>"); } buffer.append("<S:path>" + SVNEncodingUtil.xmlEncodeCDATA(path) + "</S:path>"); buffer.append("</S:file-revs-report>"); return buffer; } private static final DAVElement REVISION_PROPERTY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "rev-prop"); private static final DAVElement FILE_REVISION = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "file-rev"); private static final DAVElement SET_PROPERTY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "set-prop"); private static final DAVElement DELETE_PROPERTY = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "remove-prop"); private ISVNFileRevisionHandler myFileRevisionsHandler; private String myPath; private long myRevision; private Map myProperties; private Map myPropertiesDelta; private String myPropertyName; private String myPropertyEncoding; private int myCount; public DAVFileRevisionHandler(ISVNFileRevisionHandler handler) { myFileRevisionsHandler = handler; myCount = 0; init(); } protected void startElement(DAVElement parent, DAVElement element, Attributes attrs) throws SVNException { if (element == FILE_REVISION) { myPath = attrs.getValue("path"); myRevision = Long.parseLong(attrs.getValue("rev")); } else if (element == REVISION_PROPERTY || element == SET_PROPERTY || element == DELETE_PROPERTY) { myPropertyName = attrs.getValue("name"); myPropertyEncoding = attrs.getValue("encoding"); } if (element == TX_DELTA) { // handle file revision with props. if (myPath != null && myFileRevisionsHandler != null) { if (myProperties == null) { myProperties = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } if (myPropertiesDelta == null) { myPropertiesDelta = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } SVNFileRevision revision = new SVNFileRevision(myPath, myRevision, myProperties, myPropertiesDelta); myFileRevisionsHandler.openRevision(revision); myProperties = null; myPropertiesDelta = null; myPath = null; myFileRevisionsHandler.applyTextDelta(myPath, null); } setDeltaProcessing(true); } } protected void endElement(DAVElement parent, DAVElement element, StringBuffer cdata) throws SVNException { if (element == FILE_REVISION) { if (myPath != null && myFileRevisionsHandler != null) { // handle file revision if was not handled yet (no tx delta). if (myProperties == null) { myProperties = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } if (myPropertiesDelta == null) { myPropertiesDelta = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } SVNFileRevision revision = new SVNFileRevision(myPath, myRevision, myProperties, myPropertiesDelta); myFileRevisionsHandler.openRevision(revision); } // handle close revision with props? if (myFileRevisionsHandler != null) { myFileRevisionsHandler.closeRevision(myPath); } myPath = null; myProperties = null; myPropertiesDelta = null; myPropertyEncoding = null; myPropertyName = null; } else if (element == TX_DELTA) { setDeltaProcessing(false); myCount++; } else if (element == REVISION_PROPERTY) { if (myProperties == null) { myProperties = new HashMap(); } myProperties.put(myPropertyName, cdata != null ? cdata.toString() : ""); myPropertyName = null; } else if (element == SET_PROPERTY) { if (myPropertiesDelta == null) { myPropertiesDelta = new HashMap(); } if (myPropertyName != null) { String value; if ("base64".equals(myPropertyEncoding)) { byte[] bytes = allocateBuffer(cdata.length()); int length = SVNBase64.base64ToByteArray(new StringBuffer(cdata.toString().trim()), bytes); try { value = new String(bytes, 0, length, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { value = new String(bytes, 0, length); } } else { value = cdata.toString(); } myPropertiesDelta.put(myPropertyName, value); } myPropertyName = null; myPropertyEncoding = null; } else if (element == DELETE_PROPERTY) { if (myPropertiesDelta == null) { myPropertiesDelta = new HashMap(); } if (myPropertyName != null) { myPropertiesDelta.put(myPropertyName, null); } myPropertyEncoding = null; myPropertyName = null; } } public int getEntriesCount() { return myCount; } protected ISVNDeltaConsumer getDeltaConsumer() { return myFileRevisionsHandler; } protected String getCurrentPath() { return myPath; } }
/** * @version 1.3 * @author TMate Software Ltd. */ public class DAVElement { private static Map ourProperties = new SVNHashMap(); public static DAVElement getElement(String namespace, String name) { if (namespace == null) { namespace = ""; } Map properties = (Map) ourProperties.get(namespace); if (properties == null) { properties = new SVNHashMap(); ourProperties.put(namespace, properties); } name = name.replace(XMLReader.COLON_REPLACEMENT, ':'); DAVElement property = (DAVElement) properties.get(name); if (property == null) { property = new DAVElement(namespace, name); properties.put(name, property); } return property; } public static final String SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE = ""; public static final String SVN_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE = ""; public static final String SVN_SVN_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE = ""; public static final String SVN_APACHE_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE = ""; public static final String SVN_DAV_ERROR_NAMESPACE = "svn:"; public static final String DAV_NAMESPACE = "DAV:"; public static final String SVN_NAMESPACE = "svn:"; public static final String DEPTH_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/depth"; public static final String MERGE_INFO_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/mergeinfo"; public static final String LOG_REVPROPS_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/log-revprops"; public static final String PARTIAL_REPLAY_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/partial-replay"; public static final String ATOMIC_REVPROPS_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/atomic-revprops"; public static final String INHERITED_PROPS_OPTION = SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE + "svn/inherited-props"; public static final DAVElement ACTIVITY = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "activity"); public static final DAVElement VERSION_HISTORY = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "version-history"); public static final DAVElement DISPLAY_NAME = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "displayname"); public static final DAVElement SUPPORTED_LIVE_PROPERTY = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "supported-live-property"); public static final DAVElement MERGE_RESPONSE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "merge-response"); public static final DAVElement UPDATE_SET = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "updated-set"); public static final DAVElement NO_AUTO_MERGE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "no-auto-merge"); public static final DAVElement NO_CHECKOUT = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "no-checkout"); public static final DAVElement SOURCE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "source"); public static final DAVElement MULTISTATUS = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "multistatus"); public static final DAVElement RESPONSE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "response"); public static final DAVElement RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "responsedescription"); public static final DAVElement HREF = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "href"); public static final DAVElement PROPSTAT = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "propstat"); public static final DAVElement PROP = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "prop"); public static final DAVElement STATUS = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "status"); public static final DAVElement BASELINE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "baseline"); public static final DAVElement BASELINE_COLLECTION = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "baseline-collection"); public static final DAVElement CHECKED_IN = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "checked-in"); public static final DAVElement COLLECTION = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "collection"); public static final DAVElement RESOURCE_TYPE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "resourcetype"); public static final DAVElement VERSION_CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "version-controlled-configuration"); public static final DAVElement VERSION_NAME = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "version-name"); public static final DAVElement GET_CONTENT_LENGTH = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "getcontentlength"); public static final DAVElement CREATION_DATE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "creationdate"); public static final DAVElement CREATOR_DISPLAY_NAME = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "creator-displayname"); public static final DAVElement COMMENT = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "comment"); public static final DAVElement DATE = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "date"); public static final DAVElement POST_COMMIT_ERROR = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "post-commit-err"); public static final DAVElement PROPFIND = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "propfind"); public static final DAVElement ALLPROP = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "allprop"); public static final DAVElement PROPNAME = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "propname"); public static final DAVElement ACTIVE_LOCK = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "activelock"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_TYPE = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "locktype"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_SCOPE = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "lockscope"); public static final DAVElement WRITE = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "write"); public static final DAVElement EXCLUSIVE = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "exclusive"); public static final DAVElement SHARED = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "shared"); public static final DAVElement DEPTH = DAVElement.getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "depth"); public static final DAVElement SUPPORTED_LOCK = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "supportedlock"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_DISCOVERY = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "lockdiscovery"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_OWNER = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "owner"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_TIMEOUT = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "timeout"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_TOKEN = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "locktoken"); public static final DAVElement LOCK_ENTRY = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "lockentry"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_TOKEN_LIST = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "lock-token-list"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "lock"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_PATH = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "path"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_TOKEN = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "token"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_COMMENT = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "comment"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_OWNER = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "owner"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_CREATION_DATE = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "creationdate"); public static final DAVElement SVN_LOCK_EXPIRATION_DATE = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "expirationdate"); // servlet defined svn namespace properties public static final DAVElement PATH = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "path"); public static final DAVElement REVISION = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "revision"); public static final DAVElement START_REVISION = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "start-revision"); public static final DAVElement END_REVISION = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "end-revision"); public static final DAVElement PEG_REVISION = DAVElement.getElement(DAVElement.SVN_NAMESPACE, "peg-revision"); public static final DAVElement INCLUDE_MERGED_REVISIONS = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "include-merged-revisions"); public static final DAVElement BASELINE_RELATIVE_PATH = getElement(SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, "baseline-relative-path"); public static final DAVElement REPOSITORY_UUID = getElement(SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, "repository-uuid"); public static final DAVElement MD5_CHECKSUM = getElement(SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, "md5-checksum"); public static final DAVElement DEADPROP_COUNT = getElement(SVN_DAV_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, "deadprop-count"); public static final DAVElement AUTO_VERSION = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "auto-version"); public static final DAVElement MERGE_INFO_ITEM = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "mergeinfo-item"); public static final DAVElement MERGE_INFO_PATH = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "mergeinfo-path"); public static final DAVElement MERGE_INFO_INFO = getElement(SVN_NAMESPACE, "mergeinfo-info"); // Supported live properties public static final DAVElement GET_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "getcontentlanguage"); public static final DAVElement GET_CONTENT_TYPE = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "getcontenttype"); public static final DAVElement GET_ETAG = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "getetag"); public static final DAVElement GET_LAST_MODIFIED = getElement(DAV_NAMESPACE, "getlastmodified"); public static final DAVElement[] STARTING_PROPERTIES = { VERSION_CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION, RESOURCE_TYPE, BASELINE_RELATIVE_PATH, REPOSITORY_UUID }; public static final DAVElement[] BASELINE_PROPERTIES = {BASELINE_COLLECTION, VERSION_NAME}; private String myPropertyName; private String myNamespace; public static final DAVElement LOG = getElement(SVN_SVN_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, "log"); private DAVElement(String namespace, String propertyName) { myNamespace = namespace; myPropertyName = propertyName; } public String getNamespace() { return myNamespace; } public String getName() { return myPropertyName; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getNamespace()); if (!getNamespace().endsWith(":")) { sb.append(":"); } sb.append(getName()); return sb.toString(); } public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((myNamespace == null) ? 0 : myNamespace.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((myPropertyName == null) ? 0 : myPropertyName.hashCode()); return result; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } DAVElement other = (DAVElement) obj; if (myNamespace == null) { if (other.myNamespace != null) { return false; } } else if (!myNamespace.equals(other.myNamespace)) { return false; } if (myPropertyName == null) { if (other.myPropertyName != null) { return false; } } else if (!myPropertyName.equals(other.myPropertyName)) { return false; } return true; } }