@Test( dataProvider = "DP_valid_login", dataProviderClass = DataProviderObjects.DP_LoginScenario.class, groups = {"SmokeTest"}) public void avalid_login(String TC_ID, String Order, String Uname, String Pwd, String expected) throws Exception { SoftAssert assert1 = new SoftAssert(); Initialize_browser(); POM_LoginScenario pom_valid = new POM_LoginScenario(driver); pom_valid.execute_common_methods_log(Uname, Pwd); if (!driver .getTitle() .equalsIgnoreCase( "Buy Books Online | Online Bookstore India | Online Book Shopping | Free Shipping Across India")) { log.error( "The user has failed to login, the page the user currently is " + driver.getTitle()); Assert.fail(); tear_down(); } String actual = pom_valid.get_valid_log_msg(); assert1.assertEquals( actual, expected, "The actual found is" + actual + " The expected is " + expected); if (actual.equalsIgnoreCase(expected)) { log.info("The validation has passed"); } else { log.error("THe validation has failed"); } pom_valid.click_signout(); tear_down(); assert1.assertAll(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------- // Click Method. public void click(By by) { try { getWebElement(by).click(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("cannot click by " + by, t); } }
// close all existing opened browser public void closeAllBr() { try { driver.close(); driver.quit(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("cannot close browser", t); } }
// This method can be used to navigate to specific url public void navigateTo(String url) { try { logger.info("navigating to url--" + url); driver.navigate().to(url); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("cannot navigate to url " + url, e); } }
public void clearAndSendKeys(By by, String toType) { try { getWebElement(by).clear(); getWebElement(by).sendKeys(toType); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("cannot type to " + by, t); } }
public String getTextValue(By by) { try { // String strTextValue= getWebElement(by).getText(); strTextValue = getWebElement(by).getText(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("cannot type to " + by, t); } return strTextValue; }
// selects by String value public void selectByValue(By by, String value) { try { new Select(getWebElement(by)).selectByValue(value); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("cannot select webelement by " + by, t); } }
// ***************************************************** // basic method-type, click, double click, drag and drop // GetWebElement public WebElement getWebElement(By by) { try { logger.info("finding webelement by " + by); return driver.findElement(by); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("could not find webElement by " + by, t); } return null; }
public Properties readPropertiesFile(String path) { try { logger.info("loading properties file " + path); Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path); prop.load(fis); return prop; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("File could not be loaded" + path, t); } return null; }
/** @param br purpose: set desiredCapanbilities */ public DesiredCapabilities setDesiredCapabilites(String browserCapability) { capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); switch (browserCapability) { case "firefox": capabilities.setBrowserName("firefox"); capabilities.setPlatform(Platform.ANY); break; default: try { throw new Throwable("no capalities matched"); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("no capabilites found", e); } } return capabilities; }
/** Creates summary of the run */ public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xml, List<ISuite> suites, String outdir) { try { m_out = createWriter(outdir); } catch (IOException e) { L.error("output file", e); return; } ConfigReader cr = ConfigReader.getInstance(); builder.setEncoding(cr.getSrouceCodeEncoding()); builder.addSourceTree(new File(cr.getSourceCodeDir())); startHtml(m_out); generateSuiteSummaryReport(suites); testIds.clear(); generateMethodSummaryReport(suites); testIds.clear(); generateMethodDetailReport(suites); testIds.clear(); endHtml(m_out); m_out.flush(); m_out.close(); }