/** * Encodes this entry using the V3 encoding. * * @param buffer The buffer to encode into. * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting to encode the entry. */ private void encodeV1(Entry entry, ByteStringBuilder buffer) throws DirectoryException { // The version number will be one byte. buffer.appendByte(0x01); // TODO: Can we encode the DN directly into buffer? byte[] dnBytes = getBytes(entry.getName().toString()); buffer.appendBERLength(dnBytes.length); buffer.appendBytes(dnBytes); // Encode number of OCs and 0 terminated names. int i = 1; ByteStringBuilder bsb = new ByteStringBuilder(); for (String ocName : entry.getObjectClasses().values()) { bsb.appendUtf8(ocName); if (i < entry.getObjectClasses().values().size()) { bsb.appendByte(0x00); } i++; } buffer.appendBERLength(bsb.length()); buffer.appendBytes(bsb); // Encode the user attributes in the appropriate manner. encodeV1Attributes(buffer, entry.getUserAttributes()); // The operational attributes will be encoded in the same way as // the user attributes. encodeV1Attributes(buffer, entry.getOperationalAttributes()); }
/** Test for escaped characters in templates, check LDIF output. */ @Test( dataProvider = "templatesToTestLDIFOutput", dependsOnMethods = {"testParsingEscapeCharInTemplate"}) public void testLDIFOutputFromTemplate( String testName, String[] lines, String attrName, String expectedValue) throws Exception { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile(testName, "out.ldif"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); String outLdifFilePath = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(); LdifFileWriter.makeLdif(outLdifFilePath, resourcePath, lines); LDIFImportConfig ldifConfig = new LDIFImportConfig(outLdifFilePath); ldifConfig.setValidateSchema(false); LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(ldifConfig); Entry top = reader.readEntry(); Entry e = reader.readEntry(); reader.close(); assertNotNull(top); assertNotNull(e); List<Attribute> attrs = e.getAttribute(attrName); assertFalse(attrs.isEmpty()); Attribute a = attrs.get(0); Attribute expectedRes = Attributes.create(attrName, expectedValue); assertEquals(a, expectedRes); }
/** * Performs a successful LDAP bind using CRAM-MD5 using the dn: form of the authentication ID * using a long password (longer than 64 bytes). * * @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs. */ @Test() public void testLDAPBindSuccessWithDNAndLongPassword() throws Exception { TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); String password = "******"; Entry e = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( "dn: uid=test.user,o=test", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "objectClass: organizationalPerson", "objectClass: inetOrgPerson", "uid: test.user", "givenName: Test", "sn: User", "cn: Test User", "userPassword: "******"ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=Clear UserPassword Policy," + "cn=Password Policies,cn=config"); InternalClientConnection conn = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection(); AddOperation addOperation = conn.processAdd( e.getDN(), e.getObjectClasses(), e.getUserAttributes(), e.getOperationalAttributes()); assertEquals(addOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); String[] args = { "--noPropertiesFile", "-h", "", "-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()), "-o", "mech=CRAM-MD5", "-o", "authid=dn:uid=test.user,o=test", "-w", password, "-b", "", "-s", "base", "(objectClass=*)" }; assertEquals(LDAPSearch.mainSearch(args, false, null, System.err), 0); }
/** * Performs a failed LDAP bind using CRAM-MD5 using the dn: form of the authentication ID with the * DN of a user that doesn't exist. * * @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs. */ @Test() public void testLDAPBindFailNoSuchUser() throws Exception { TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); Entry e = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( "dn: uid=test.user,o=test", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "objectClass: organizationalPerson", "objectClass: inetOrgPerson", "uid: test.user", "givenName: Test", "sn: User", "cn: Test User", "userPassword: password"); InternalClientConnection conn = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection(); AddOperation addOperation = conn.processAdd( e.getDN(), e.getObjectClasses(), e.getUserAttributes(), e.getOperationalAttributes()); assertEquals(addOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); String[] args = { "--noPropertiesFile", "-h", "", "-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()), "-o", "mech=CRAM-MD5", "-o", "authid=dn:uid=doesntexist,o=test", "-w", "password", "-b", "", "-s", "base", "(objectClass=*)" }; assertFalse(LDAPSearch.mainSearch(args, false, null, null) == 0); }
/** * Tests the entry encoding and decoding process the version 1 encoding. * * @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "encodeConfigs") public void testEntryToAndFromDatabaseV2(EntryEncodeConfig config) throws Exception { ensureServerIsUpAndRunning(); // Convert the test LDIF string to a byte array byte[] originalLDIFBytes = StaticUtils.getBytes(ldifString); try (final LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(new LDIFImportConfig(new ByteArrayInputStream(originalLDIFBytes)))) { Entry entryBefore, entryAfterV2; while ((entryBefore = reader.readEntry(false)) != null) { ByteStringBuilder bsb = new ByteStringBuilder(); encodeV2(entryBefore, bsb, config); entryAfterV2 = Entry.decode(bsb.asReader()); if (config.excludeDN()) { entryAfterV2.setDN(entryBefore.getName()); } assertEquals(entryBefore, entryAfterV2); } } }
/** * Test for escaped characters in templates, check LDIF output when the templates combines escaped * characters and variables. */ @Test(dependsOnMethods = {"testParsingEscapeCharInTemplate"}) public void testOutputCombineEscapeCharInTemplate() throws Exception { String[] lines = { "branch: dc=test", "subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1", "", "template: templateWithEscape", "rdnAttr: uid", "objectclass: inetOrgPerson", "uid: testEntry", "sn: Bar", // The value below combines variable, randoms and escaped chars. // The resulting value is "Foo <?>{1}Bar" where ? is a letter from [A-Z]. "cn: Foo \\<<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>\\>\\{1\\}{sn}", "", }; File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("combineEscapeChar", "out.ldif"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); String outLdifFilePath = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(); LdifFileWriter.makeLdif(outLdifFilePath, resourcePath, lines); LDIFImportConfig ldifConfig = new LDIFImportConfig(outLdifFilePath); ldifConfig.setValidateSchema(false); LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(ldifConfig); Entry top = reader.readEntry(); Entry e = reader.readEntry(); reader.close(); assertNotNull(top); assertNotNull(e); List<Attribute> attrs = e.getAttribute("cn"); assertFalse(attrs.isEmpty()); Attribute a = attrs.get(0); assertTrue( a.iterator().next().toString().matches("Foo <[A-Z]>\\{1\\}Bar"), "cn value doesn't match the expected value"); }
/** * Tests the entry encoding and decoding process the version 1 encoding. * * @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testEntryToAndFromDatabaseV1() throws Exception { ensureServerIsUpAndRunning(); // Convert the test LDIF string to a byte array byte[] originalLDIFBytes = StaticUtils.getBytes(ldifString); try (final LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(new LDIFImportConfig(new ByteArrayInputStream(originalLDIFBytes)))) { Entry entryBefore, entryAfterV1; while ((entryBefore = reader.readEntry(false)) != null) { ByteStringBuilder bsb = new ByteStringBuilder(); encodeV1(entryBefore, bsb); entryAfterV1 = Entry.decode(bsb.asReader()); assertEquals(entryBefore, entryAfterV1); } } }
/** * Encodes this entry using the V3 encoding. * * @param buffer The buffer to encode into. * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting to encode the entry. */ private void encodeV2(Entry entry, ByteStringBuilder buffer, EntryEncodeConfig config) throws DirectoryException { // The version number will be one byte. buffer.appendByte(0x02); // Get the encoded respresentation of the config. config.encode(buffer); // If we should include the DN, then it will be encoded as a // one-to-five byte length followed by the UTF-8 byte // representation. if (!config.excludeDN()) { // TODO: Can we encode the DN directly into buffer? byte[] dnBytes = getBytes(entry.getName().toString()); buffer.appendBERLength(dnBytes.length); buffer.appendBytes(dnBytes); } // Encode the object classes in the appropriate manner. if (config.compressObjectClassSets()) { config.getCompressedSchema().encodeObjectClasses(buffer, entry.getObjectClasses()); } else { // Encode number of OCs and 0 terminated names. int i = 1; ByteStringBuilder bsb = new ByteStringBuilder(); for (String ocName : entry.getObjectClasses().values()) { bsb.appendUtf8(ocName); if (i < entry.getObjectClasses().values().size()) { bsb.appendByte(0x00); } i++; } buffer.appendBERLength(bsb.length()); buffer.appendBytes(bsb); } // Encode the user attributes in the appropriate manner. encodeV2Attributes(buffer, entry.getUserAttributes(), config); // The operational attributes will be encoded in the same way as // the user attributes. encodeV2Attributes(buffer, entry.getOperationalAttributes(), config); }
@Test(enabled = true) public void testValidRequest() throws Exception { final CryptoManagerImpl cm = DirectoryServer.getCryptoManager(); final String secretMessage = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"; final String cipherTransformationName = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"; final int cipherKeyLength = 128; CryptoManagerImpl.publishInstanceKeyEntryInADS(); // Initial encryption ensures a cipher key entry is in ADS. cm.encrypt(cipherTransformationName, cipherKeyLength, secretMessage.getBytes()); // Retrieve all uncompromised cipher key entries corresponding to the // specified transformation and key length. final String baseDNStr // TODO: is this DN defined elsewhere as a constant? = "cn=secret keys," + ADSContext.getAdministrationSuffixDN(); final DN baseDN = DN.decode(baseDNStr); final String FILTER_OC_INSTANCE_KEY = new StringBuilder("(objectclass=") .append(ConfigConstants.OC_CRYPTO_CIPHER_KEY) .append(")") .toString(); final String FILTER_NOT_COMPROMISED = new StringBuilder("(!(") .append(ConfigConstants.ATTR_CRYPTO_KEY_COMPROMISED_TIME) .append("=*))") .toString(); final String FILTER_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION_NAME = new StringBuilder("(") .append(ConfigConstants.ATTR_CRYPTO_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION_NAME) .append("=") .append(cipherTransformationName) .append(")") .toString(); final String FILTER_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH = new StringBuilder("(") .append(ConfigConstants.ATTR_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH_BITS) .append("=") .append(String.valueOf(cipherKeyLength)) .append(")") .toString(); final String searchFilter = new StringBuilder("(&") .append(FILTER_OC_INSTANCE_KEY) .append(FILTER_NOT_COMPROMISED) .append(FILTER_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION_NAME) .append(FILTER_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH) .append(")") .toString(); final LinkedHashSet<String> requestedAttributes = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); requestedAttributes.add(ConfigConstants.ATTR_CRYPTO_SYMMETRIC_KEY); final InternalClientConnection icc = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection(); InternalSearchOperation searchOp = icc.processSearch( baseDN, SearchScope.SINGLE_LEVEL, DereferencePolicy.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES, /* size limit */ 0, /* time limit */ 0, /* types only */ false, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString(searchFilter), requestedAttributes); assertTrue(0 < searchOp.getSearchEntries().size()); final InternalClientConnection internalConnection = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection(); final String instanceKeyID = cm.getInstanceKeyID(); final AttributeType attrSymmetricKey = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ConfigConstants.ATTR_CRYPTO_SYMMETRIC_KEY); for (Entry e : searchOp.getSearchEntries()) { final String symmetricKeyAttributeValue = e.getAttributeValue(attrSymmetricKey, DirectoryStringSyntax.DECODER); final ByteString requestValue = GetSymmetricKeyExtendedOperation.encodeRequestValue( symmetricKeyAttributeValue, instanceKeyID); final ExtendedOperation extendedOperation = internalConnection.processExtendedOperation( ServerConstants.OID_GET_SYMMETRIC_KEY_EXTENDED_OP, requestValue); assertEquals(extendedOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); // The key should be re-wrapped, and hence have a different binary // representation.... final String responseValue = extendedOperation.getResponseValue().toString(); assertFalse(symmetricKeyAttributeValue.equals(responseValue)); // ... but the keyIDs should be equal (ideally, the validity of // the returned value would be checked by decoding the // returned ds-cfg-symmetric-key attribute value; however, there // is no non-private method to call. assertEquals(responseValue.split(":")[0], symmetricKeyAttributeValue.split(":")[0]); } }
/** * Test entry. * * @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testEntryToAndFromDatabase() throws Exception { ensureServerIsUpAndRunning(); // Convert the test LDIF string to a byte array byte[] originalLDIFBytes = StaticUtils.getBytes(ldifString); try (final LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(new LDIFImportConfig(new ByteArrayInputStream(originalLDIFBytes)))) { Entry entryBefore, entryAfter; while ((entryBefore = reader.readEntry(false)) != null) { ByteString bytes = ID2Entry.entryToDatabase(entryBefore, new DataConfig(false, false, null)); entryAfter = ID2Entry.entryFromDatabase(bytes, DirectoryServer.getDefaultCompressedSchema()); // check DN and number of attributes assertEquals(entryBefore.getAttributes().size(), entryAfter.getAttributes().size()); assertEquals(entryBefore.getName(), entryAfter.getName()); // check the object classes were not changed for (String ocBefore : entryBefore.getObjectClasses().values()) { ObjectClass objectClass = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(ocBefore.toLowerCase()); if (objectClass == null) { objectClass = DirectoryServer.getDefaultObjectClass(ocBefore); } String ocAfter = entryAfter.getObjectClasses().get(objectClass); assertEquals(ocBefore, ocAfter); } // check the user attributes were not changed for (AttributeType attrType : entryBefore.getUserAttributes().keySet()) { List<Attribute> listBefore = entryBefore.getAttribute(attrType); List<Attribute> listAfter = entryAfter.getAttribute(attrType); assertThat(listBefore).hasSameSizeAs(listAfter); for (Attribute attrBefore : listBefore) { boolean found = false; for (Attribute attrAfter : listAfter) { if (attrAfter.optionsEqual(attrBefore.getOptions())) { // Found the corresponding attribute assertEquals(attrBefore, attrAfter); found = true; } } assertTrue(found); } } } } }